𝕭𝖎𝖙𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕾𝖜𝖊𝖊𝖙 ☠︎ 𝕾...

De Lex41ife

386 10 14

I'm brand new to the WWE franchise, I came from AEW and it seems it was a little more different than I though... Mais

Big Win!

Saying Goodbye

86 2 2
De Lex41ife

Walking out to the ring with a sad expression on my face, sad enough that not even the crowds cheering could bring a smile to my face. As I raise my hand and bring it down to quite the crowd I look up at the crowd in front of me with tears in my eyes. "How's everyone doing?" Everyone starts cheering again and it causes my lips to tug upwards a little bit but no avail. Speaking up with them quieting again "So I have bad news everyone." My voice cracks as I take a pause "As it's been known my 10 year contract has ended yesterday and I've bet all of y'all have been expecting me to pop back into the ring to grab another title again but.." I pause again as the whole sentence was full of cracks and sniffles. I wipe away the tears that have fallen before continuing "I turned down the opportunity to resign it." Everyone starts to boo and I look at the crowd in front of me I saw a little girl wearing my merch with tear filled eyes and it hurt me more than anything.

I shook my head trying to continue "Please don't be angry, don't be sad, and please don't cry." I look at the little girl in front of me and smile at her with a small wink "Cause I'm not going away forever, I will always be apart of wrestling and I just wanted to try something new so you will still see me!" I say trying to make the crowd happier and it worked! Then I heard loud foot steps at the ramp and I look over, it was everyone backstage. The camera crew, interviewers, wrestlers, everyone and the one that stuck out the most was...the CEO? "Mrs.Wrecker." He starts to speak "Your a great friend to us all, a great rival, and great co-worker." I laugh a little at the praise "You've busted your ass so much, dominated this whole entire brand, women's and men's." Everyone Cheers, Laughs, and claps while he paused "So..so we have all decided that you The Wrecker, The Queen of our Hearts, and the hitman to them as well." I wait impatiently trying to find out what my long time friend was trying to say "That you deserve to be in our hall..." "Hall of Fame!" I almost fall at this news. Yes, I've spent a good time here and yes I dominated this whole place but still... Hall of Fame? Me? "No, no there's no way!" "Oh yes there is, the ceremony is next week don't you forget it!" Im bawling harder than I thought I would. Everything was going so slow, the crowds cheers were silent and I did indeed fall on the ground in shock.

I didn't realize the people around me hugging and congratulating me. I was stuck in my head, I never thought I could make it to the hall of fame let alone I never thought it was possible. Officially being snapped out of thought by someone yanking me up and talking to the crowd "Let's give a round to the beautiful Wrecker shall we!" Tony raises my hand in the air and the crowd goes more wild then ever. Everyone was screaming yelling and more while I just looked down at the little kid that was crying earlier, she looked..happy. The most excitement I've ever seen in a kid ever. I can't control myself, I break out of Tony's grip and run over to the little kid, watching her cry was the most heart breaking thing ever. So why not make it better for her? When I was in front of her I smiled proudly and gave her one of my chains that I wore ever match, it wasn't much to me so I know that it will be everything to her. I gave her a hug and told her something "Never ever let someone break your spirt ok? Keep this close to you and keep your head up!" I tilted my head up in a playful manor making the kid laugh as I walk away and watch as everyone gets out of the ring and we all walk back to the stage waving goodbye to everyone as I was the last appearance for the night.

Officially when we are all back stage everyone is giving me a pat on the back and congratulated me but then I got a call. I excused myself to a much more quiet place, I look at my phone and see that it's my friend Stephanie McMahon. I haven't heard from her in so long so I pick up the call as soon as I can and before I know it I hear a scream in my ear. "CONGRATULATIONS!!!" I screech on the other side "Oh my god i'm so sorry." I hear her chuckle in the other end and I forgive her "Hey Stephanie! Thank you so much it's great to hear from you!" "And you! How have you been?" "Now? I'm doing fantastic more than ever!" We both laugh before I continue "How are you?" "I'm actually excited which brings me to the main reason I called you!" "Oh?" I can hear her mischievous giggle on the other end "So there's this big event coming up and I wanted to see if you could come! it's tomorrow and it's in a total different state from you and I know it's sudden but I really need to see you girl!" I make a noise of surprise but at the same time wasn't to surprised, she would always do something like this but I could never say no to her. "For you? I would love to go! you better be lucky I packed so good looking clothes." We both start laughing before I hear her voice again "There's also another thing." "Ohhh another catch?" "Mhm, that woman you've obsessed over for years is gonna be there." As she said that my face lit up with a hot pink.

Shayna Baszler. She has been my crush for so long now, I've watched her since her time in UCF and the fact I might have a time to meet her makes it better. This woman was the most good looking person I've ever laid my eyes on and I've always wondered what she was like. Before I get to get further into my mind I reply.

"Oh then I'm most definitely going." I chuckle threw the phone "Well then that's all that I needed I'm glad your coming!" "Yeah yeah I'll see you soon I'll text you when I land!" "Ok love ya bye bye!" "Love ya!" I hear the call end and I rush to buy the next coming plane to New York. It was currently almost 11pm and there was a flight leaving at 11:30 so I bought a ticket and rushed out into the main room. People try to to talk to me and I just say that I really gotta go and it's a urgent meeting and I'll text them later.

The hotel wasn't far and was only a 10 minute walk but was a 30 minute drive to the airport. Walking out of the exit I start heading to the hotel with my hoodie and mask on hoping no one stops me and recognizes me.
Thank god no one stopped me while I was walking to the hotel but I finally made it. Walking into the building I go to the elevators and click up.

When the elevator arrive I click the 5 floor and wait for the doors to close. Not to short after they do end up closing and going up to the third floor of the building. It was a painful wait but when the elevator doors opened with a ding I bolted right out of it and went straight to my room. Unlocking the door and dashing in I start to grab all my stuff and pack it all up into my bag.

Double checking the room and bathroom to make sure I didn't miss anything. I look in the mirror of a vanity and smile "I get to see fucking Shayna Baszler." I jump up and down before leaving and locking the room this time using the stairs I grab my phone and text a gc with friends from the WWE in it. It was Rhea, Riddle, and Damian Priest. I met them all at another WWE event that I was invited to and we kinda just clicked together like puzzle pieces.

"Hey I just got invited to the evolution event. Are y'all gonna be there?"

I don't expect a immediate answer so I shut off my phone and walk down the stairs to the lobby. Once in the lobby I walk up to the front desk and check out. Walking out of the building I say goodbye and see you later to a few wrestlers who were going to the hotel to get some rest. Going over to my rental car and unlock it. I get inside to start driving to the airport.
Jumping out of the car and locking it with bags in hand I bolt to the airport. The traffic was worse than I thought it would so it's officially 11:20 and the plane takes off in 10 minutes.

Running into the building I check in and go threw security. I was shaking with fear cause I didn't wanna miss my plane cause I didn't know anything about the event and when it would be.

Finally making it past security I look around for where my plane was and set it as a target when I saw it. Speed walking to it I try to not run into people and shove them. As I get up to the stand I had just made it in time and give her my ticket to board the plane and step threw the hallway.

Rushing over to my seat I put away my bag and scoot into the window seat. Not very long after I feel the plane start up and begin to move. I lean back into my seat and keep looking out the window more excited than ever, I finally have a chance to meet my celebrity crush after all this time. I would see small glimpses of her at other events but never had the courage to speak to her.
After a long flight and a good sleep I was awaken by a ding of the plane and seeing everyone get up to get their bags. I patently wait as the people ahead of me get their bags before I get my own. I grab my phone and look down to see my phone full of notifications like usual and I go over to call  Stephanie. The gc has replied but I decided to look at it later and I begin to call Stephanie. It was about 5am so I would assume she was up planning for the event.

After two rings I hear her voice on the other side "Hey! did you land?" "Yup I'm just now getting off the plane." I can hear the excitement in her voice as she replies "I'll come and pick you up! Let me get ready." "Yeah of course see you soon!" "Cya!" It was a short call as she hangs up and I put my phone away.
Getting past the security I walk outside to the cars and lean against a pillar as I wait for Stephanie to show up and it didn't take long till I heard a familiar voice of a long time best friend. Looking up I see a more than happy Stephanie waving me over and yelling at me. "Come on!! I wanna take you to this cute coffee shop!" I smile at the sound of coffee and open up the back seat to throw in my bags then get in threw the front.

She looks over at me at starts driving away and then it hit me "I didn't book a hotel." I look at her shocked and grab my phone swiftly "Hey hey! Don't worry about it, I have a extra bed in my room that you can use!" I smile at her and hug her free arm "Thank you so much!" "It's no problem!" Smiling I put away my phone and look out the window. "So where did you say you were taking me?" "It's a cute little coffee shop near the hotel and I really wanna show you!" Instead of replying I just smile at her and shake my head as I look back out the window.

The hotel was not far from the airport at all, we decided I would drop off my stuff and take a shower first before anything.

Getting out of the car, I grab my bags and she locks the car before we start to head into the building. Once in the building there was a few WWE wrestlers and they all wave at me and say a little hello. Stephanie brings me into the elevator and she presses a button to whatever floor. We talk a little bit before the elevator dings and the door opens to let us out.

Her room was close to the elevator so when she opens the door and we walk in I place my bags down on the ground. Opening up the bag I grab a pair of clothes to change into and I go to step into the bathroom for a shower. Turning on the water I get naked and step in, and the water definitely wasn't ready. I make a small noise and shiver at how cold it was and adjust the temperature to make it warmer.
Stepping out of the well needed shower I shut off the water and grab a towel to dry off with. I hear Stephanie and another voice in the other room and I just thought it was another official talking about the event so I just wrapped my hair and began to change. Slipping on some tight ripped jeans and my merch with the queen of hearts cards flying everywhere, my red figure holding my hand out as if I was throwing them, and a few of them have broken as a mention to my ring name "Wrecker" I thought it was so cool. Shaking my hair with the towel it had become particularly dry to the point my hair wasn't dripping everywhere.

I place the towel into a hamper in the room and put on some socks and chains. Walking over to the door I place my hand in the handle and open it causing the talking to discontinue. Once I stepped into the room and looked over I saw Stephanie and..Shayna? "Oh! Y/n!" She says with a awkward chuckle uhm uhh "Shayna, this is Y/n a former AEW wrestler and soon to be in the AEW hall of fame." I smile at that mention but I look over to Shayna who was wearing a black shirt and grey sweatpants and I could feel my cheeks burning up already, god she was hot in sweatpants. "And Y/n this is.." I cut her off with haste "Shayna Baszler!" I accidentally let out a little bit of excitement and I clear my throat "I know who she is, I've seen her wrestle from time to time." This made Shayna smirk a little and I felt like I was gonna lose my balance but I stayed strong. "Its wonderful to make your acquaintance." I stick my hand out with a small smile and she takes it making me almost fall..again.

"I'm sorry for interrupting! Stephanie we can meet at the shop right?" She jumps a little at the sound of her name but soon relaxes. She doesn't speak but instead just smiles and shakes her head yes. "Ok great! I'll see you two later. Again it was great meeting you." this time she speaks up "And you." I smile at the sound of her voice and feel my heart beat pick up with my face flushing more. I open up the door and close it as I walk out letting out a breath I had no idea I was holding. Swiftly move to the elevator, I hear a door click behind me but I don't pay it no mind and press the down button. It wasn't long till I heard a voice behind me "In a hurry are we?" I look over and see Shayna again. My heart stops for a moment as I see her walking over to me "Oh I just haven't got anything to eat or drink since yesterday." She looks at me with one raised eyebrow "You didn't eat on the plane?" "No, it makes me sick." "Oh well then I'm glad your getting food then." My cheeks flushed at the thought of her caring. I was gonna say something but the door of the elevator opened with a ding and I look over to it. I try to let her go first but she insisted that I go in first so I did.

When we are in the elevator I notice that Stephanie wasn't with us. "Hey where's Steph?" She looks over at me and looked a little startle at my sudden question "She said she will be down soon." I shake my head "Alright thanks." In response she just hums and my breath hitches. I don't know why but this woman does things to me that I can't explain.

I was lost in thought till the ding of the elevator pushed over my train of thought and I sat up from my leaning position. "I'll see you later hm?" I cant respond with words and instead just smile and shake my head yes. After that she waves me goodbye and again I let out a long breath I didn't know I was holding. My heart was racing and my cheeks were burning red. I don't think I will make it.

Word count 3028

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