๐–๐ž ๐‚๐จ๐ฎ๐ฅ๐ ๐‡๐š๐ฉ๐ฉ๐ž๐ง...

By Akxnaa

160 9 0

[โŒจ๏ธŽ] - "๐–๐ž ๐๐จ๐ง'๐ญ ๐ญ๐š๐ฅ๐ค ๐š๐›๐จ๐ฎ๐ญ ๐›๐ซ๐ฎ๐ง๐จ" [โŒจ๏ธŽ] - "๐–๐ก๐จ ๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐Ÿ๐ฎ๐œ๐ค ๐ข๐ฌ ๐›๐ซ๐ฎ๐ง๐จ" ... More

๐”๐๐Ž - We don't talk about bruno
๐ƒ๐Ž๐’ - Daisy?
๐“๐‘๐„๐’ - Favorite Flower?
๐‚๐ˆ๐๐‚๐Ž - Hero Costume

๐‚๐”๐€๐“๐‘๐Ž - Bakusquad

22 1 0
By Akxnaa

☁︎𝐌𝐘 𝐏𝐇𝐎𝐍𝐄 has been blowing up with notifications nonstop since morning as i was continuing on putting some final touches on this big looking grenade gauntlets i'm making for someone explosive, hmmm you know Bakugo but that's besides the point. Since it's our free time before doing a quirk assessment for me since i'm new and Mr. Aizawa thought that it would be a good idea to show everyone what i can do




As a busy person i chose to ignore the sound of knocking as i was focused on fixing and adding some extra features to Bakugo's gauntlets

What extra features?

I added a button where he can send his location via text to our classmates and teachers including the principal just in case he's in danger but of course i didn't just add this to his equipment but also to other costumes as well

And after the incident on the combat training i decided to add another button that minimizes the damage or the amount of explosions that comes out from the gauntlet to avoid serious damage or injury but the function is still the same except it can be minimize

I heard the door slid open as i screwed some final touches on the gauntlet before moving my attention towards the door and there i saw all my classmates looking at me

"May i help you guys?" I asked as i turned my attention back to the gauntlet in front of me before taking a small grenade which stores nitroglycerin from Bakugo's sweat and placed it inside the gauntlet's storage to which i made a while ago because you can never have too many bombs

"Mr. Aizawa said it's time for your weak ass to change into fucking pe and head to the fields" Bakugo said as he glared at me before shifting his gaze to the gauntlets i'm holding

"Oh okay, i'll be there let me just put these away" I said as i closed the mini storage on the gauntlets that has at least 3 small grenades before gently putting the gauntlet away on the corner along with the other support items that was requested to be made

"Hurry the fuck up nerd" Bakugo said as the class began to leave, well except Bakugo, Mina, Kaminari, Sero, and Kirishima



"SHUT UP PINKY" I yelled back before closing the door and walking away with the five trailing behind me

"Oooooh~ some juicy tea, you like Bakugo or something?" Mina asked as she wiggled her eyebrows, i rolled my eyes as playfully pushed her

"He's right there ya know, plus his equipments are fun to upgrade. Like imagine, i can make his gauntlets release big ass explosions that can blow up not just the school but the city itself"

"OI ADD THAT FEATURE TO MY GAUNTLETS IVY!" Bakugo yelled from behind as i turned around and stuck my tongue at him



His yells were muffled as i entered the girl's locker to see almost everyone getting dressed in pe clothes

"Oh you're here Amajiki and Mina, we were just waiting for you two" Yaoyorozu said as she zipped her pe top, i began to change my clothes before heading out with the rest of the girls to the fields and we saw all the boys dressed in their pe

"Good, you're all here now let's get started. Amajiki what was the furthest throw you did with a softball in junior high?" Mr. Aizawa asked as he handed me the ball

"Uhhh, 23 meters-? Hehe..."


"Shut it Bakugo, now Amajiki go inside the circle and throw the ball as far as you can using your quirk. You can do anything as long as you're inside the circle" Mr. Aizawa said as i nodded before going inside the circle, taking a deep breath as f/c electricity emits from my body. Vines slowly coming out of my palms as it wraps around the softball

Soon the vines were covered in orange peonies and f/c electricity making it look like it was powering up, my eyes glowed a bright f/c as i positioned myself to throw the ball

'Fly high butterfly, lmao im so funny'

I threw the ball as far as i could, the ball flew with orange peony petals and electric vines trailing behind it as moments later it exploded in the sky creating a boost as f/c electricity exploded everywhere but of course Mr. Aizawa and my classmates managed to avoid it

It was quiet, my classmates staring at me with wide eyes and jaws open. The sound of a machine beeping caught all of our attention as it showed the results


"Malay- what?"

"THE BALL WENT TO MALAYSIA?!" Almost all the class yelled as they stared at me again with wide eyes



"Did anyone notice the orange peony petals trailing behind the ball? Ribbit"

"Now that you mention it Asui, you're right"

"I told you to call me tsu"


Everyone began to quiet down as Mr. Aizawa uses his quirk to shut everyone up

"Moving on to the next test which is a fifty-meter dash and with this test you'll be racing Iida" Mr. Aizawa said as everyone followed him

"Oh! So we get to participate in this too?" Kaminari asked as Mr. Aizawa nodded

"Amajiki, you'll be racing everyone in this class"


"Bakugo, shut up"



Softball throw - Malaysia
50-meter dash - 3.16 seconds
Grip test - 150kg
And the list goes on cause i totally remember

"I still can't get over the fact that the ball went to Malaysia" Mina said as the other girls hums in agreement as they began to change out of their pe uniforms

"You're really strong Amajiki! And also amazing at making equipments, i can't believe you're in the support course before" Uraraka said as she buttons up her blouse

"Yeah, i wasn't planning on becoming a hero honestly" i said with a shrugged




"Chill guys, my friends from general studies and support course encourage me to become a hero leading me to where i am right now" i explained as they nodded in understandment

We were done changing and we began to walk back to class as everyone went back to their seats and conversing with each other

'I'm so bored'

"Yoooo! Amajiki, it's SHOCKING to see that we both have similar quirks" Kaminari said as he winked at me to which i sweatdropped

"Yeah but i don't turn stupid after i used it"


"But you know, maybe i can make a helmet or goggles to prevent you from short-circuiting"

"Woah really?"

"No, that's impossible"

Kaminari sulked as Sero patted his back while chuckling along with Kirishima and Mina while Bakugo smirked before looking down shifting his gaze to his phone

"Guys i have an idea" Mina started as the bakusquad plus me faced her to listen to her idea

"Why don't we hang out to the arcade later? I'm so gonna beat you guys on the arcade games" Mina said as everyone began to smirk at her idea

"Yeah um, i don't really go to the arcade" i said as i sweatdropped when they started to stare at me like i grew two heads


"Why am i here again?" I asked as they began to drag me around the arcade

"So you can try all the games duh! What else?" Mina said as she dragged me from game to game, it's like i'm being a ragdoll

"Uhh, to watch you guys play?"

"Dum-dum of course not! Come on i wanna do that" Mina said as she pointed at the claw machine that had a groot plushie

"Why that? I heard those are scams"

"Oh come on n/n! That groot plushie fits you, cause you know vines and flowers?" Mina said as she dragged me towards the claw machine. She inserted one coin and began to to aim for groot's head only for it to slip off of the claw

"AWW MAN I ALMOST HAD IT, DON'T WORRY N/N BABE I'L GET THAT GROOT PLUSHIE FOR YOU" Mina said loudly as she pouted before inserting another coin

"Uhh mina you don't have to do that, you're gonna run out of coins" i said as i saw the plushie fall again



"Oi raccoon eyes and ivy, you guys really screaming your asses out over a claw game" a voice said as we both turned around to see Bakugo, Kirishima, Kaminari, and Sero walking towards us with their hands full of tickets

"Shut up boom boom boy, i'm trying to win the groot plushie for n/n"

"Mina, like i said you're gonna waste your coins-"

"JUST SHUT UP YOU TWO, MOVE IVY AND RACCOON EYES" Bakugo yelled as he shove a coin down the coin hole and began moving the claw aiming it on groot's head, as the claw moved up Mina and i began sweating not wanting to die early and have the machine exploded

Surprisingly, Bakugo managed to get the groot plushie as he shoved it in my chest before putting both hands on his pocket and walking away



"You guys, how about we try some other games?" Kirishima suggested as we all agreed and move from game to another game. Soon we managed to get three thousand tickets all together, with me beating almost everyone's ass on mortal combat, Bakugo raging because he got second place on Mario kart, Kaminari accidentally hitting Sero on the head while playing whack a mole, Kirishima filming Mina and I while playing just dance, and many more

I must admit i had fun hanging out with the bakusquad but technically Mina said that i am now part of the bakusquad with Bakugo disagreeing and Kirishima telling me to ignore Bakugo

And now we're about to exchange our tickets from one of the prizes displayed on the prize bar and we all agreed to exchange our tickets for a Nintendo switch which costs two thousand and nine hundred tickets. Then we agreed on another thing of having Bakugo keep the nintendo switch and we can just come hang out on his house when we want to play on the switch to which he surprisingly agreed

We were now outside on the arcade and made our way to the train station, arriving their we slowly parted ways and said our goodbyes

I hugged the groot plushie close to me as i walked home, my mind recalling the fun events i've spent with the bakusquad to which i am now part in


I want a kermit doll

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