Pirouette [h.s.]

By _screamingcolor

273K 8.5K 11.4K

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. Dance was Phoebe's one true love. More than frozen grapes. More than lavender. More t... More

prologue & introductions
chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13*
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17*
chapter 18
chapter 19*
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23*
chapter 24
chapter 25*
chapter 26*
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31*
chapter 32
chapter 33
epilogue 1*
epilogue 2
thank you
extra- fruit salad
extra - here comes the sun*
extra - cat daddy
extra - lo mein
extra - kittea

extra - dinner date*

5.5K 159 153
By _screamingcolor

Harry's POV

6 Months Later


"Tate, I'm heading out!" I call out, hanging up my nametag in the break room and brushing off dog fur from my pants. Stitch is going to start hating me if I keep showing up smelling like other dogs.

"Have fun with the girls tonight, boss man." He appears in the doorway, fiddling with pieces of hair that fell out of the bun wrapped at the base of his neck. Tate started working at the vet's office a couple of months ago, just about the time that I came back after Aurora was born.

I'm taking my girls out for dinner to celebrate Bee's first full day back with Golden Gate. Joseph had been incredible since the baby, giving Phoeb free reign to work or stay home as she needed, or wanted. Of course, my Bee was itching to dive back into dance, but she couldn't bear to stay away from Ror, which resulted in lots of half-day rehearsals with the baby in tow.

Today, though, she went to hang out with Grandma and Uncle Nate while mama went back to the studio. And goddamn have I been itching to see them. I've been spoiled with pictures of my two angels throughout the day, so to not see flashes of beautiful sunlight radiating from my phone screen has only made the urge to see them that much stronger.

I don't remember the drive home, only the moment I pulled the car into the driveway and saw Stitch with his nose shoved against the glass of the front window.

"Did you hear Daddy come in, huh?" Phoebe's voice floats through the house like the warmest, gentle spring breeze across the ocean. I can hear Ror's incoherent babbles crafting the most beautiful symphony I've ever heard.

My girls.

"Hi, angels." I coo as they turn towards the front door. My heart flips in my chest, their pure luminosity burning into my retinas. Sunburn. A lingering vision of radiant light.

Rory, staring at me with her bright blue eyes, in her little diaper like she just got changed, fingers still stained blue from the pureed blueberries I know she had for lunch. Phoebe, having just gotten home from picking up our daughter, with a spit-up stain on the shoulder of the old t-shirt draped over her body, wet spots on the front from having leaked after feeding Ror, and her hair pulled safely out of the way of grabby baby hands. She's never looked more beautiful.

"Say, 'hi Daddy!'" Phoebe shifts Aurora on her hip, humming against my lips when I lean in to give her a kiss.

Pulling back slightly, I speak out against her skin, "How was work, pretty baby?"

"Good," she giggles as I interrupt her with another quick peck, "the older girls were excited that I was back." I hum in response, kissing her again, which erupts another giggle from her beautiful lips.

The sound causes a wave of goosebumps to wash over me. Just like home. I tickle my fingers against Rory's little belly, her laugh tying my stomach up in knots. I've never known a creature more perfect than my sweet baby, with the twin dimples on either side of her chubby baby cheeks, and the fine hairs decorating the top of her head. She looks just like her goddess of a mother, with those dimples that are all me.

"And how was spending all day with Uncle Nate, hmm?" I hoist Rory over my head, relishing in her giggles as I plant kisses across her little face, and a raspberry against her neck. "Was it good? I know, you had so much fun, didn't you, raspberry baby? Yeah, you got lovin' from Grandma all day long." Her fists grip tight to the collar of my scrubs, head nuzzling into the crook of my neck.

"Your mom said she cried once all day, little stinker." Phoebe's nails scratch at my back as she leans against my other shoulder. "Cries all day long for mama, but is an absolute angel for dad and grandma."

"That's 'cause mama's attention is the best." She traps my earlobe between her teeth in response, with a small hum. A shiver zaps down my spine like a lightning strike. "Hey, hey, hey, slow your roll, speed racer. We've gotta actually go on the date before you lure me to bed, you fuckin' temptress."

Phoebe smacks my ass with a laugh, stealing the baby from my arms. "Well, then, me and Rory will go get changed."

"Hurry up, I'm hungry." I pat the side of her hip and earn myself an eye roll in response. My fingers find her side to pinch at, unlodging a small squeal from her lips.

"You gotta clean up, too, Chewbacca."

After changing, I busy myself playing with Wonton while Stitch guards his girls like the finest jewels as they get ready. It seems like she hasn't stopped growing, but her favorite spot is still perched on top of my shoulders where she can successfully shed all over me. Stitch emerges from the bedroom, signaling me that the girls are about to follow. He hops onto the couch beside me, curling up, content with his work as protector and ready to pass off the job.

Rory's babbles precede her, a sweet pink dress matching the bow on her head. I know the outfit will last approximately two hours before she spits up, or has a blowout, or spills, but she looks precious nevertheless. Her sandaled feet kick excitedly against Bee's side as she rambles on like she's preaching a monologue to a full stadium of devoted listeners.

Behind my babygirl, Phoebe sucks all of the air from my lungs. She looks...stunning. My fingers reach out on their own accord to fiddle with the ends of her hair. Ever since Aurora was born, Bee's been in ratty t-shirts and, occasionally, sweatpants, and, while I've drooled over her every single day, seeing her put together for date night is enough to have me wanting to call off plans entirely to roll around in bed with her.

"Hi, pretty baby." I murmur, eyes fixated on her bottom lip.

As I lean in for a kiss, she shoves Rory into my arms. "No time, remember? We've gotta get going so poor baby won't be so hungry." She pouts condescendingly, a smirk on her face while she fishes out the car seat.

Despite Bee's insistence on knowing where we were going, I managed to keep it a secret. Besides, there's no way she would agree to date night if she knew where we were going. Bee sat in the back of the car with the baby mumbling about how we were 'definitely going to see Meili.' I simply met her eyes in the rearview mirror and smiled.

We, in fact, are not seeing Meili.

I pull into the parking lot of the fancy-as-fuck steakhouse, feeling immensely satisfied at the gentle gasp that permeates through the song on the radio. A hand makes contact with my shoulder as Phoebe sits forward. "Harry!"

"What, sweet thing?" I shut off the car and turn to meet her gorgeous eyes.

"This place is so expensive." She hisses in a whisper, as if she's afraid of someone else hearing.

I join her whispers, "How long have you been saying you wanted steak, honeybee?"

She groans, but knows better than to protest. Instead, opening the door and pulling the carrier alongside her. Rory's fast asleep, none the wiser to anything going on around her after a full belly and a lulling car ride.

"Reservation for Aurora, please." I tell the hostess, smiling at the snort Phoebe breathes out. I take the carrier from her grip as we're directed to a table, holding it up against my side. "She's a very harsh critic." The hostess smiles at me in pity, leaving us at the table with menus in hand.

Bee settles in the booth across from me while I settle my little raspberry beside me. She's still sound asleep, angelic fucking face near impossible to rip my gaze from. But, across from me sits a goddess in the flesh, just as enticing and addictive. A beautiful, gentle soul radiating my favorite color, singing my favorite song. The candle in the middle of the table casts a soft glow across the bottom of Bee's face; a dim spotlight brightening her beaming smile. She always finds it. Spotlight baby.

"So, work was good today?" I ask, resting my chin against my palm after we order.

Phoebe nods, mirroring my position and reaching across the table to fiddle with my fingers. "Yeah, it was nice to actually be back. Missed my girl, though."

I hum in understanding. "That's the worst part. Always miss my girls while I'm gone." Bee's cheeks glow faint red and she tries to hide it behind her hand.

"How was work for you?" A diversion, but I let it slide.

"It was good, Tate wouldn't shut up about Wallaby, that Australian Shepherd I was telling you about."

She laughs, smooth like peanut butter overtop of her toast in the mornings. "Sounds like Tate. Anyone else noteworthy?" Bee mindlessly plays with her lip as she awaits a response.

I pretend to think about it but all that's rolling through my mind is that fucking lip. My jaw opens and closes a few times in an attempt to speak, but all that comes out is, "Please kiss me."

My sweet honeybee laughs like the blossom of daisies at the end of spring. She stretches her neck out for a kiss as I prop myself up to meet her lips across the table. I can't help but to smile. Smiling at the softness of Phoebe, at the way the world around us gets quiet, at the way I can feel her own smile against my own. Smiling at the reality that this is my life - kissing my stunning wife across an obnoxiously fancy table while our baby rests in her carrier. Knowing that I'm going to take them both home safe and sound and love the fuck out of the two of them infinitely.

I'm able to coax a few more kisses from Bee before she pushes at my shoulder lightly. As I fall back into the booth, my arm roughly collides with the baby carrier and my eyes pinch shut momentarily in fear of the retaliation. The waitress drops off our dinners at precisely the same time that Rory is jolted awake, big eyes meeting mine in fear before they slowly well up with tears.

"No, no, no, baby, shhhh." I try to settle her, but the moment her mouth opens I know it's a lost cause. A loud cry breaks from her chest, effectively cracking my heart. I fish her out of the carrier, rubbing my hand along her back in sympathy. "Rory, babygirl, you're okay, Daddy didn't mean to scare you."

I bounce her as best I can in my lap while she wails into my shoulder. Phoebe picks at a piece of broccoli while I try to quiet our daughter, but eventually she meets my pleading eyes and I watch the pain cross through her gaze. If there's one thing Bee can't do, it's listen to Rory cry. Every vaccination has made Bee break down herself, begging a screaming Ror to forgive her for the pain, insisting that it was to keep her safe. Every wake-up call Phoebe bolts out of bed for, no matter my offer to take care of it. It's why she sits in the back of the car - to make sure she's accessible if our daughter needs her. Best mama in the whole world.

She takes Aurora and cuddles her close to her chest, cooing so softly I can't make out what she's saying. But, just like magic, it slowly settles our crying baby. Rory's face is bright red as she takes heavy breaths to calm down and I can see Bee's mouth moving ever so slightly through it all, "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8." Even though she doesn't understand, Aurora hangs on to every last word that leaves her mother's lips.

She's a Daddy's girl through and through, but Mama can solve all the world's problems.

With Rory calm, Phoebe starts to eat her dinner, without a single complaint about the fact that it's definitely cold by now. In fact, she does quite the opposite, raving about how good it is as she grins at me and wiggles in her spot. Rory earns herself a few bites of mashed potato from the coveted seat on her mother's lap, happily patting against the tabletop and babbling away.

We finish dinner like that, with Aurora content to participate in the conversation incomprehensibly, giggling each time I respond to her with soft, "wow"s and "that's a good story"s. She clings tight to the A around Phoebe's neck while Bee holds her upright, balancing unsteadily on her thighs.

"Look at my big girl!" I excitedly coo until Rory turns to look at me. Her eyes shine against the candlelight, reflecting the same endless oceans I love to dive into. She giggles loudly, pushing off of Bee's thighs to bounce.

Phoebe kisses her head a few times. "Do you wanna go see Daddy? You're sick of Mom now, huh? Just wanted to steal my potatoes and now you wanna play with Daddy."

Ror is, yet again, passed over, this time with a big smile on her face. I sit her on my thigh, bouncing her around as quickly as I can with an arm securely spread along the edge of the table. Her laughter is so loud that, eventually, Bee shushes the both of us with a smile on her face that tells me she'd much rather disturb everyone than stop Rory's giggles. So, instead, I perch my sweet girl on my hip and shuffle out of the booth, dragging the carrier with me.

The entire drive home, my angels in the back whisper and giggle as if they're telling each other secrets, or making fun of me. I'd let them make fun of me anyday.

Phoebe sits Rory on the living room floor, our happy baby still telling wondrous stories of fairies and dragons. Of honeybees and bluebirds. Of blueberries and dancers. A literary masterpiece of whimsical normalities. Magic heightening tenfold at the starlit gleam in her big, blue eyes.

Wonton pads over, curling up beside Rory, who happily traps the cat's fur between her fingers. Stitch already lays protectively behind her, propping her up to make sure she doesn't tumble backwards. He only let that happen one time, rushing over quickly to lick away her tears the moment they started. "Gentle, baby." I run my thumb along her soft cheek.

Bee takes a seat beside me on the couch, covering the tips of her toes with a blanket and resting her head against my thigh. "We've got a good one."

My fingers find her hair, tangling in the strands as if they were made for this sole purpose. "We've got the best one." My eyes are fixed on our daughter, smiley as ever wrapped up with her animals. "She's such a sweet baby. Happy little raspberry girl."

Phoebs nods against my pant leg, her gaze also trapped on Rory. "I don't want her to ever not be this happy. Like, I just want to protect it forever. I know it's irrational, but I'd do anything to make sure she's always so...bright. Bright and sunny and captivating. Y'know what I mean?"

I hum, biting the inside of my lip. "Yeah, I really do." My neck cranes as I lean down to press a kiss to my wife's bright and sunny and captivating cheek. "You're the best mama she could ever ask for."

Bee shrugs, at a loss for what to say next. But, like she knew her mother wanted to change the subject, Rory starts to get fussy. Phoebe is quick to scoop her up, shuffling back to sit on the couch beside me.

"You're hungry before bed, huh? Say, 'Mama, those potatoes didn't fill me up. I am a growing baby, I need more food!"

I can't help but smile as I watch the two of them. Sometimes I feel useless, in moments like these. Moments where I'm stuck just...watching. In shock and awe and amazement. So goddamn in love with the angelic sunlight in front of my eyes. Frozen, almost, waiting to be thawed out. Waiting to be rejuvenated back to life. Brought back to earth on a golden chariot surrounded by the distinct harpsichord harmony of their laughter.

Bee fiddles with the top of her dress, pulling it down for Rory to latch onto her nipple. Her thumb traces Ror's cheek gently as she quietly hums incomprehensible song while our baby nurses. I am completely immobilized, with my head resting against Phoebe's shoulder, fingers intertwined between the ones resting on my baby's back. As if the world paused to allow me the time to soak up this moment. The rest of the universe, silent, aside from the quiet sounds of Rory swallowing gulps of milk.

My nose traces the curve of Phoeb's neck, lips lightly pressing into her skin like toes skimming over water in a creek. She hums contentedly, leaning her cheek against my forehead. I can nearly hear her eyelids peacefully flutter closed, the gentle lull of flapping butterfly wings before landing on a branch of lavender.

Wordlessly, I take Aurora and burp her while Phoebe resituates herself. My sweet baby drifts to sleep almost immediately on my shoulder. Bee kisses the top of her head, murmuring a quiet, "sweet dreams, my little one, I love you" before I put her to bed.

Phoebe sits in exactly the same position that I left her in, happily curling underneath my arm the moment I'm beside her. Her fingertips dance across my stomach, scratching lightly at the sliver of skin peeking through the buttons of the shirt.

"I love you so much." She hums, pecking at the spot on my chest her head has claimed as home.

"I love you too, pretty Bee. You looked unreal tonight." I swear I can feel the heat rising to paint her cheeks rose and it pulls a smile onto my face.

She groans into my shirt. "Stop that."

"Why, cause it'll get you all worked up until you can't take it and you beg and beg for me to touch you?"

A syrupy laugh seeps from her lips. "No, I'm getting fucked tonight regardless of how sweet you try to talk. You just don't need to say that kind of stuff, cause...y'know."

'Cause it's not true is what she wants to say. My fingers pinch at the skin of her shoulder. "Phoebe, don't you dare. I about came in my fucking underwear when you walked out earlier."

"How romantic." Her sarcasm is softened with a sweet laugh. One that I immediately reciprocate.

"I mean it, though, you're so fucking beautiful." I nudge into her neck, nibbling at her earlobe and reveling in the sound of her breaths becoming shallow. "And so goddamn sexy."

She goes to respond but the only noise that comes out is a soft whimper as I suck at the skin underneath her ear.

"C'mon, mama, let me make you feel good. You do so much, let me treat ya." I trail my fingers up her thigh, pulling at the fabric of her dress until I can sneak underneath it. The heat radiating from her core prickles the tips of my fingers, magnetizing them to cup against her.

Bee's body jolts ever-so-slightly at the first bit of contact. I haven't gotten to feel her in what could very well be an eternity. We'd fucked nearly the moment the doctor gave us the okay after Ror was born, but Phoebe had put on a brave face for it, convincing me she wasn't in pain only to tear up when I buried in deep and finished inside of her. I felt like shit for weeks despite her insistence that everything was okay, avoiding all of her advances no matter how much it pained me until, finally, a few nights ago, she demanded I fuck her by the end of the month or I would be banished to the couch.

Rude, really, considering how much attention my mouth has been giving her.

With my hand trapped between Phoebe's legs, I can feel the wetness seeping through her underwear. "I'll make you feel incredible, just tell me what to do."

She groans quietly, rocking her hips up against my hand. "Harry."

"Missed hearing my name on those gorgeous lips like that." I mutter, adding pressure to her entrance teasingly.

"If you don't fuck me-" she starts to threaten, gasping as I hook a finger into her underwear and tear it away from her.

I dive straight into her neck, sucking at her collarbone. "I know, I'll be sleeping on the couch. And we can't have that, now can we?" I reach out and yank Phoebe's leg across my body so that she's straddling me, tits pushed right up in my face where I can properly worship heaven on earth.

She whines at the lightest brush of her core against my clothed cock and I feel myself twitch in response. Her hands fumble to find my shoulders, nails piercing into them. Our lips lock together, slotting easily into place while Phoebe swivels her hips in a small circle against me. Bee breaks the kiss with a breathless moan and I take the opportunity to lick into her mouth, gripping tight to her hips with the fabric of her dress partially bunched up in my grip.

Bee's kisses are wild, untamed, searching for a sip of water in the midst of a desert storm. She trails her palms flat down the expanse of my chest until she finds my belt buckle. Phoebe tucks her hand inside and pulls my cock out, teeth grazing my tongue as she feels the slightest friction against her clit. Her movements are rushed, like she's worried we'll run out of time before we even begin, both of us still nearly fully clothed, kissing and grinding on the couch like horny teenagers.

She grips tight around my tip and I can't help but to buck my hips into her fist. "Shit, Bee, hold on. Let's go to bed and I'll take real good care of you. We can use the toy and get ya started. I'll tie up those pretty little wrists and make you cum on my tongue. What else do you want? I'll kiss all over this perfect fuckin' body, suck on your tits, sink a finger inside. I'll have you cumming all over the place and then let you climb on top, huh? Give my girl free reign over my body. Whatever you want to do to me - anything you want to do to me. I'll fuck you so good, let's go to bed and I'll take this gorgeous dress off nice and slow."

Phoebe whines and whimpers the more I talk, shamelessly, pathetically, beautifully, grinding herself against my cock and her own hand. "No time, I need you now."

I drag my thumb against the front of her dress until her breasts spill over the top, tongue immediately painting a path towards her sensitive nipple. "My girl's that desperate, huh?" I tease, grinning as she nods wildly. "What do you want, pretty baby?"

She groans in protest. "Stop teasing."

"Answer my question, you know the rules." I kiss a path up her jaw, being sure to scrape my teeth against the spot below her ear that I know drives her crazy.

"I want to fuck you, I want you to fuck me. I need it so bad I think I'll die." She hisses as I lightly slap the side of her tit, dipping her hips to meet mine.

"Let me feel you, Bee. I'm gonna make you feel so damn good."

I choke out a breath of air as Bee sinks down just past the tip, nipping at her shoulder in retaliation. She moans loudly against the feeling of me stretching her out.

"Fuck, Harry, you feel so- shit, I feel so full." She wriggles her hips downward, slowly taking more until I'm fully buried inside of her. The feeling of her walls cinching tight around me is enough to have me already warding off an orgasm, desperate to prolong this feeling for the rest of my life.

The world erupts into combative color; fighting vibrancy and dueling saturation. A commotion of brilliant spectral matter, twinkling and buzzing before my eyes, in my ears. Flowing from my mouth into Phoebe's back into mine. Each ebb and flow of carnal drive fueling the blazing paint splatter before my eyes. Brushstrokes of red and peach and indigo and maroon covering canvas of orange and chartreuse and lilac. Like our bodies are composed of nothing but color. A collection of prismatic cells building together to form a rainbow spectrum of existence.

With my thumb dutifully pressing delicate circles against her clit, Bee falls apart on top of me, squeezing around me and coaxing my own release. Her face buries itself into my neck, mirroring the way I silence my moans with the skin of her shoulder between my teeth.

Euphoria with my Phoebe feels strangely like every other day with her. As if her very presence is enough to produce an incomparable high. A rush of endorphins flooding through the room the moment she enters it. Like the blood speeding through her veins is spiked, exuding a secondary high that works itself underneath my own skin to set me up on those same clouds she so majestically walks over.

"I love you, angel girl." I murmur, tucking a piece of hair behind Bee's ear. "Why don't we actually get to bed, now. Our alarm clock will be calling bright and early."

She laughs tiredly. "I love you. I'll only move if you carry me; I could easily fall asleep right here."

"Yeah, and you'll blame me when your hips are tight." I mutter, pulling her legs to wrap around my back rather than stay scrunched underneath her.

She smacks my shoulder lightly, eyes closed and head heavy, light breaths tickling against my collarbone. "Because it'd be your fault," she speaks through a yawn.

My lips seek out the skin of Bee's forehead, planting a garden of kisses against it. "C'mon, sleepy Bee." I grab the baby monitor in my hand while shifting to stand with Phoebe wrapped around me like a koala. She reflexively clenches around me at the movement, unleashing a ragged breath from my lungs. "Shhh, relax, let's go get some sleep."

As Phoebe and I get situated in bed, Aurora's quiet sleep-babble sounds through the monitor, effectively warming my heart. She presses further against my chest at the sound of our daughter and my arm reflexively tightens around her waist.

A yawn shakes her body before she's whispering, "I love you two so much, I'm so lucky."

"We're the lucky ones, honeybee." I kiss her cheek, smiling against her warm skin. "Sweet dreams, we love you more than you will ever know."


Missed you guys! And missed them so much. Just a little update on the fruit fam. Thank you for all of the love you keep giving to my little story and my words. I'm in awe every single day.

Love you so big. Stay Gold. 

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.

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