Fire and Shadows (DarklingxOC...

بواسطة TonijnPonijn

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What would happen if Alina Starkov had a sister. Would they fight over Mal? Would she also be a Grisha? Wo... المزيد

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 8

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بواسطة TonijnPonijn

Chapter 8

"Ow!" I moan in pain while placing a hand on my side.

"Sorry." Mila starts apologizing while coming to stand next to me.

"Are you okay?" She asks concerned, placing her hands on my shoulders.

"I'm fine." I say, straightening up and placing my hands on top off hers. "That's the point of fighting. I'm not mad, Mila, I promise." I reassure her, seeing as she's annoyed with herself.

"That's it for today, same time tomorrow." Botkin yells, making Mila drop her hands.

Everyone slowly starts leaving. I start walking towards my room and Mila accompanies me.

"So did you talk to the General last night?" Mila asks eagerly. She almost seems more excited about this than I am.

"I did." I say, matching my walking speed to hers.

"And?" She asks, dragging out the vowel.

"He said he would help me. My first lesson is today." I respond, a grin breaking out on my face.

"I'm so happy for you, Anya." She says, giving me a side hug.

"Thank you, Mila."

We arrive at the spot where are paths split.

"I'll see you at dinner, okay?"

"Like always." She says with a grin before turning around and walking to her room.


When I arrive in my room, I go to my vanity to redo my hair. I undo my ponytail and instead attached my hair in a braid, draping it over my shoulder. I looked in the mirror to be sure I looked presentable.

I'm nervous. I'm going to be in a room with Aleksander for two hours. If I can't access my powers, he'll be mad. And I have no idea what the whole 'call me Aleksander' thing is supposed to mean. How should I act around him now? Does it mean that our relationship has changed?

A knock on the door pulls me out of my thoughts. After one last glance in he mirror, I walk over to my door.

I brush the non-existing dust off of my Kefta, before opening it.

"Hello, Anya." Aleksander greets, leaning against the door frame.

"Hi... Aleksander." I greet, still not used not calling him Aleksander.

"Is it possible that you have lost something in the last 24 hours?" He asks with a smirk, as if he knows something that I don't.

I don't think I lost anything. I have everything...

"My shawl! I didn't have it on when I returned to my room." I explain to him.

"Correct." He says, grabbing something inside his Kefta. "Thank the Saints you have me."

He hands me my folded shawl.

"Thank you." I say with a genuine smile. I quickly run back into my room and place it on my bed before returning to the door.

"We will go to my office to train. We won't be disturbed there." He explains.

I step into the hallway and close my bedroom door behind me. He starts walking in the direction of his office and I walk next to him.

"I was right to give you and Alina black Kefta's. It's suits you perfectly." He compliments after a moment.

I blush and look towards my feet.

"Genya told me you designed them." He nods. "It's truly beautiful."

"Yours was a bit harder to design, with all the different abilities you have." He says, looking at me from the corner of his eye. "Who knows, maybe you'll discover even more


"Oh no, I'm quite pleased with the amount I have now, I wouldn't want more." I explain.

"You wouldn't?" He asks, confused.

"I can't even control the ones I have now, I don't want to have to learn how to control even more powers."

"Don't worry, you'll be able to control them in no time." He reassures me.

A moment later, we arrive in front of the familiar set of black doors.

He pushes them open and walks in. I follow closely behind.

The doors close behind us, while Aleksander takes a seat behind his desk.

"Sit." He orders nicely, nodding to the chair opposite him. I oblige and sit down.

"So," He start, placing his hands on the desk, "do you understand the term 'small science'?"

"Kind off." I answer, in an uncertain tone.

I know the basics of it. I learned about it a bit in the orphanage and Aleksander explained it quickly to me and Alina before we went to meet the king. But if you asked me to explain it, I don't think I could.

"Okay. So, all matter in the world can be broken down to the same essential parts. Grisha have the ability to manipulate matter at this fundamental level, giving the appearance of magic to what is actually a precise, deliberate science that abides by physical laws, as must anything else in nature." He explains. I nod.

Okay, that makes sense.

"As an example," He continues,"an Inferni does not create fire from nothing, but rather summons combustible elements from the air. They can summon existing matter, but still requires a catalyst, in this example heat, to start the chain reaction that will produce a flame. That's why Inferni carry flint with them."

I nod again. The teachers in the orphanage must have not understood it well, because there explanations were a lot more complicated and confusing.

"So then, how do Tidemakers work?" I ask.

"Well, a Tidemaker takes the moisture from the air or from a nearby source, that's there catalyst. They can also control currents. And Squallers are able to manipulate air pressure and create acoustic anomalies. Which means they can make sound travel faster and more distinctly, or mask sounds altogether. They can also summon lighting, but I don't permit them to use this ability. It's just too unpredictable and dangerous." He explains.

Okay, I think I get it. I just have to use what already exist. If Baghra had explained this, I'm sure I would have been able to do it.

"And lastly, Durast can manipulate glass, steel, wood, plants, stone, or anything solid on a molecular level. This includes changing a solid's shape, texture, or composition. They can make flowers bloom, remove an object's pigment, move objects without touching them, and even absorb harmful matter from another person's body into their own." He finishes.

"Do you understand?" He asks.

"Yes, I think I do."

"Are you ready to give it a try?"

"Sure." I answer, a bit nervous. Now that I understand what I'm supposed to do, It should be easier, right?

"Today we'll do air summoning."

He opens one of his desk drawers and takes out a compass. He places it in the middle of the desk.

"All I want you to do, is to move the compass using wind." He instructs.

I nod and turn my attention to the compass. I place my hands as if I was warming them by a fire and imagine the air molecules gathering in my hands. After about 20 seconds of

to compass sitting perfectly still, I sigh and let my hands fall in my lap.

"Don't give up so quickly." He reprimands me. "You have to move your hands. If you just have the wind in you hands, but don't send it towards anything, it won't do much."

I place my hands back into the same position and concentrate on the compass.

I imagine the air gathering in my hands and creating a small ball of wind. I push my hands forward and the compass flies off of the desk and into Aleksander's lap.

He picks it up and places it back on the table.

"That was good. Do it again."

And that's how the next hour went. I made it fall off of every side of the desk. Off of every corner. At the end of the hour the compass was ruined. It had fallen on the floor so many times, it had multiple cracks in it and the mechanism on the inside was completely broken.

"That was really good. You're a quick learner, Anya." He compliments.

"Sorry about your compass."

"That's going to be tomorrow lesson."

I raise my eyebrows, confused.

"You're a Durast, you could fix all the cracks in it." He explains.

My mouth forms a small 'o'. I keep forgetting I have so many abilities.

"Can you find your way back to your room or should I accompany you?"

"No it's fine, I know the way." I say, standing up. I hadn't realized how tired I was until now. I guess using your powers tires you out.

"I'll see you at dinner," I lower my voice, "hopefully."

He tips his invisible hat. I chuckle and curtsy back, before heading to the door.


On my way to the dinning room, I walk into Dimitri.

"Hey Dimitri." I greet.

"Hi Anya."

Dimitri and I don't really talk much. He's older than Mila and I, so we don't really see each other during training and during dinner, it's mostly Mila that speaks.

We walk the rest of the way to the dining room in silence. When we arrive, Mila is already there, spread over three chairs.

"What are you doing?" I laugh once we reach her.

"I am keeping these seats open for the two of you." She says, moving so she's just sitting on one chair. Dimitri takes a seat on Mila's left and I take a seat on her right. Since I came here we always sit in the same chairs at the end of the table.

"So," Mila starts, dragging out the vowel, "how was your first lesson with the General."

"It was good. I am now able to move objects using wind." I say proudly while we get our food served.

"That's so good Anya." Mila exclaims, giving me a side hug.

"You're progressing quickly. It's only your first lesson with him and you can already control one of your powers." Dimitri says.

"Well, Alek-" Dammit. "He" I correct myself, "is a really good teacher.

"I'm sure he is." Mila says with a smirk after noticing the color that rose to my face, because of my mistake.

I cover my face with one of my hands and start eating. Mila laughs, but then suddenly quiets down. So does all of the conversation in the room.

I look up, confused why everyone is suddenly quiet. I turn to look at Mila and Dimitri and follow there line of sight to see Aleksander standing in the doorway. He walks to the head of the table and sits down. Every pair of eyes follows him. He looks around the room and catches my eye. He holds my gaze for a moment before breaking it and turning to his food. He starts eating and everyone slowly start talking again.

"That's so weird." Mila mumbles to herself.

"What is?" I ask confused.

"In all the years I've been at the Little Palace, I've only seen the General come to dinner a handful of times. He almost always eats in his office, and when he does come to dinner it's because there's an event or something." Dimitri explains.

"So him coming here on a basic weekday is very strange." Mila adds.

I turn my head to look at Aleksander. That is weird. Why would he come today of all days?

"Did you ask him to come?" She suddenly asks.

"What? What makes you think that?" I ask bewilderd.

"Well, you did just spend two hours with him."

"I didn't ask him to come. I just said I would see him at dinner. I didn't know his attendance was that rare, otherwise I wouldn't have said anything." I explain.

"Saints! He came to make you happy! He likes you!" Mila exclaims with a grin.

I sigh. "No Mila, he doesn't." I say, not believing her.

"I'm not blind to these things."

"Are you sure?" Dimitri mumbles. Mila slaps his arm.

"No really! I'm sure he likes." Mila tries to convince us.

"Whatever you want to believe Mila." I say, continuing to eat.


After dinner, I'm walking back to my room when Alina catches up with me.

"Hey Anya." She greets, making me stop in my tracks.

"Oh, hi Alina." I say giving her a quick hug, before we both continue walking.

"How are you?" I ask, genuinely interested. We usually only see each other during combat training, but even then she trains with Nadia or Marie and I train with Mila.

"I'm good." There's a moment of silence before she continues.

"I overheard you talking with the Darkling after combat training this morning." She says, side eyeing me.

"First of all, you know I don't like it when you call him the Darkling. And second of all, yes, I did talk with the General. He is going to teach me how to control my powers."

"Why don't you just continue with Baghra?" She asks genuinely confused.

"Alina, I was balling my eyes out last time I had a lesson with her. I'm not going to continue putting myself through that." I explain, not understanding how she doesn't get me wanting to change teacher.

"I told you, it's just that bad because it's the beginning. If you would have waited a couple of days, it would have been just fine."

"Well, I asked Mila and Dimitri what they thought and they both said to just talk to the General and see if I could get another teacher."

"And the Darkling just agreed to help you?" She asks puzzled.

"Alina!" I reprimand her.

"The General." She corrects herself annoyed.

"Yes he did. He said that he would just teach me."

"And you agreed?" Alina asks bewilderd.

"Of course I agreed. Why shouldn't I?" I ask, starting to get annoyed. Why is she grilling me like this?

"It's crazy how fast you got used to everything." She says, shaking her head in disbelief.

I look at her confused, not understanding what she means.

"Just the whole being Grisha thing, staying at the Little Palace, being in the second instead of the first army,..."She lists.

"Well, that's our lives now Alina. And all the things you listed really aren't that bad."

"We became the thing we hated, Anya." She exclaims.

"You mean the thing you and Mal hated." I correct her. "I never had anything against Grisha. Yeah, some Grisha are bad, but most of the children in the orphanage were bad and they weren't Grisha." I reason. "I don't understand why you're grilling me like this. All I did was remove a toxic person from my life. You should be happy that I'm not sad anymore."

"Toxic is a bit extreme don't you think?" She comments.

"Did you see me after my second lesson with her?"

"I did. You were just overreacting." She says, having started to calm down a bit.

I sigh frustrated. "You know what? Let's just drop it, okay?" I ask, not wanting to yell at each other again.

"Fine." She sighs, while we arrive in our hallway.

We both walk into our rooms without saying a word to each other.


I can't sleep. I've been turning in my bed since 11 PM and it's now 1 AM. I think I drifted off for maybe 10-15 minutes, but I spend the rest of the time wide awake. I really dislike that Alina and I parted ways so badly last night. Yes, the things she said to me weren't nice, but she's still my sister.

Getting out of bed, I decide that I'm going to take a walk around the Palace.

I braid my hair, put on my heeled slippers and my black shawl and walk into the hallway.

I start walking towards the combat training area. I'm not actually going to go outside, it's way too cold for that, but once I arrive in front of the doors to go outside, I'll just turn back.

On my way, I pass in front of the library. I did want to check it out and when I went with Alina I didn't really get the chance to. I take a couple of steps back and walk into the library. Walking to the back of the room, I decide that I'll start there and make my way to the front.

I slowly walk through the aisles, reading book titles here and there. Most of them are informative books, but there are a couple of fiction books. While walking I find a book called 'The Saints and Their Stories'. I pick it up and walk to the big table that sits in between the two bookshelves. I open the book and start leafing through it. The title of a page makes me stop: 'The Elemental'.

Curious, I read the stories.

Long ago, it was said that a powerful being known only as 'The Elemental' will rise amongst the people and use their tremendous power for evil. United with their beloved, they shall betray the Sun Summoner and bring destruction to the land.

'Betray the Sun Summoner' I would never do that to Alina. I love her, she's my sister.

'use their tremendous power for evil', 'bring destruction to the land' Who do these people think I am?

According to legend, it is believed that the Elemental, a being of great power, will be born from the people. The legend also states that they are destined to betray the light princess.

Some untrustworthy sources claim that the Elemental is stronger than the Shadow and Sun Summoner. Only a fool would believe these stories.

Yeah, this is clearly an untrustworthy source. I could never be stronger than Alina or Aleksander.

On the day the bringer of light will destroy the Fold, the Elemental together with the bringer of darkness will stop them. Using the dark powers of the Fold to take leadership over the people.

Why do they all think I'm going to do something evil?

A legend in the east claims that the Elemental will marry the prince of darkness. Together they will rule over the people. They will be fair and just rulers, beloved by said people.

At least this one is positive.

The Elemental is a dangerous being. It's powers are far too great for one man to hold. If it were to be born, the power will surely kill the host. -some old witch

The Elemental is destined to unite with a man of darkness. Through this act, unavoidable is the betrayal of a friend.

Destined to betray it's loved ones and to work with dark forces, is the Elemental, a being who is all forms of Grisha in one.

On the day of the sixth crow, the Elemental will be born. This great power will rule over the people. However as just and beloved as this being may be, it is destined to betray the one closest to their heart.

So basically, I'm going to marry this evil guy and become evil in the process. Oh, and I'm going to betray someone. Great! My future is just filled with darkness.

Sighing, I close the book.

"Is something wrong?" A voice says behind me.

I turn around in my chair and see Aleksander standing behind me. I didn't even hear him come in.

"I'm just reading this book, 'The Saints and Their Stories'," I start, turning back towards the book, "and all the stories about the Elemental are just me becoming evil and betraying people." I explain, hurt.

"Those are just stories. We have no proof that they will even happen." He reasons.

Sighing, I stand up, taking the book with me.

"I know." I say, walking to the bookshelf from which I took the book. "It's just annoying. They don't even know me. How could they know if I'm going to do those things."

After I slid the book back into it's place, I turn around and come face to face with Aleksander.

I didn't even hear him come closer. Surprised, I take a step back and hit the bookshelf. He takes a step closer and all I can do is just stare. I feel like I'm under his spell. I couldn't break away from his gaze even if I wanted to.

"You should hear the things they say about me." He says in a low voice, leaning closer and placing a hand next to my head.

I could so easily kiss him right now. I wonder how that would feel...

Him taking a book out off of the shelf, breaks me out of my thoughts.

"Maybe you should read something a bit more pleasant." He says handing me a book.

I take the book suspiciously and read the title: "Alice in wonderland"

My eyes light up with excitement and a smile spreads itself across my lips. How did I not see it earlier?

"I take it you like the book." He says, with a smirk on his face.

I suddenly feel a bit self-conscious.

"I know it's a bit childish, but-"

"It's not childish." He interrupts me. "I understand why you like it so much, it's one of my favorites too."

"Really?" I ask, raising one of my eyebrows with a smirk.

"Is it that unbelievable that I would like "Alice in Wonderland"?" He asks, amusement dancing in his eyes.

"Kind off. I mean who would have guessed that the big bad General Kirigan would like a book like that." I say, starting to feel a lot more comfortable.

"Am I that scary?" He asks, leaning closer to me, his smirk still in place.

"Don't lie, you know that everyone scared of you." I chuckle.

"Are you scared of me?" He asks, suddenly serious.

I tilt my head slightly to the side, thinking.

"In the beginning, yes. But now, I'm a lot less scared." I say, not making any effort to move away from him.

He looks at me intently.

There it is again, that feeling like I'm under his spell. I stare into his eyes and slowly start drowning in them. They are really beautiful. It looks like you put a thunderstorm in his eyes. I'm sure that if I stare long enough I could see lighting.

The candle flame suddenly spurts up, breaking us both out of our spells.

He clears his throat.

"It's getting pretty late, I should head back." I say looking towards the floor.

"Yes, you want to be well rested for tomorrow. Goodnight, Anya."

"Goodnight Aleksander." I say, before leaving the library.

A/N: Sorry for not posting. As and apology I bring you a long chapter and tension.  I hope you enjoyed

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