One last time πŸ”žπŸ”ž

By forever_1_girl

436 17 1

"I want you to show me how much you love me for one last time. I am ready to die for you my love just be safe... More

Lies just lies

Forced marriage

92 3 0
By forever_1_girl

Stephanie's pov

Loving someone is the best feeling in the world.

In highschool I used to date the love of my life,the whole school saw us as the best couple of the school except for one guy and the guy's name was Jeremy a.k.a. my boyfriend's enemy,just because he wants to date me for the money that my parents left for me not because he loves me or anything.


One day,I was in the classroom alone,suddenly that Jeremy person entered and stood Infront of me shoving his hands in his pants pockets making me take a deep sigh.I looked up and saw him smirking at me.

S:What now?
J:Come on darling stop playing hard to get and break up with your boyfriend already,that asshole doesn't deserve you.You need someone my level.
S:*hits the table hard and stood up*I really don't have time to waste on a piece of shit like you.And I really like dating someone my level not a lower level like you.Carl is a diamond Infront of a trash like you.

I smirked at him and went out of the classroom and went to the library not knowing that something was following me.Before I even go in that fucking Jeremy held my hand and pinned me to the wall hard enough making me scream in pain.

S:Aaaa....what the Fuck,let me go.
J:What do you see in him he's a fucking dare you?

I couldn't take it anymore so I slapped him tight.And pushed him on the floor.

S:Shut the fuck up and stop talking bad about my man.If I heard you say something like that again I swear to God I won't spare you.
J:Okay okay let go of my hair it hurts.

I let go of his hair and went in the library I was searching for a book until I found it up high.I took the lader and got the book but when I came down my foot stumbled I closed my eyes ready to feel the pain but the pain never came.I opened my eyes and saw my man he cought me on time.He then let me down and I hugged him from his neck as he wrapped his hands around my waist.

S:Oh Carl,where were you?You had me worried.
C:Sorry my love.Why are you crying?
S: I was worried about you,you came late really late you even missed the first class.
C:I'm sorry the bus was late.Why are you crying did someone hurt you?
S:No no I.....
C:Don't try to hide anything from me,besides I saw everything and I'm proud of you my love.
S:I just can't stand that asshole talking bad about you,not just him but everyone who talks bad about you.
C:*smile*I love you so much.
S:I love you more*Peck his lips*shall we go back to class?

Flashback ends

Stephanie's Pov

S:Aaaaa,let me go you're hurting me.Stop....
C:Stay here and stop resisting.

Carl was dragging me in the church as he was forcing me to marry him.Well I was always down for him and to marry him and to even be his but he was hurting me.I cried harder and did as he indicated me to do.

C:Father you may begin.

We got married and than he took us to his house,he lift me up in bridal style as I was still crying.He entered in the house and to his room then threw me on the bed and hovered over me.He placed his hand on my hair.

C:*mad,angry,dark eyes*Why are you crying?Wasn't that your dream to marry me?Or you just loved my enemy and got engaged to him cause he was rich?I just can't believe how I fell for your stupid act back in highschool,lying to me and trying to convince me that you love me.

S:What do you mean?I always loved you,you were my only love.
C:Oh yes than how do you explain you being my fucking enemy's fiance?
S:I...umm..*looking away*I have no explanation.

C:I thought so.
Now listen to me very well.You have 3 rules to follow or else....
1,you are not allowed to invite anyone to this house without my permission.
2,you can't go out of the house without my permission
3,you can't talk to any guy you see.If you do I will punish you so hard.
S:*place her hand on his cheek*What happened to you my love?Why are you this hard on me?
C:Man,you have guts to talk back to me.YOU LEFT ME BECAUSE I WAS POOR AMD MARRIED MY ENEMY JEREMY.*yell out of his lungs*

He was so mad that his veins popped out of his neck and muscles.

S:I never loved Jeremy and it wasn't even my choice to ma....
C:Enough I don't wanna hear it.Now follow theses 3 simple rules unless you want to give me your virginity.

Carl's Pov

I smirked at her but what she did next made my eyes widen in Shok.
She flipped me and looked in my eyes.
Her eyes were red due to crying and her lips were trembling as her state was really painful for me to look at her so I shifted my eyes to the other side not wanting to get weak by her state.

S:Look at me and show me your beautiful eyes......Why don't you look?
C:I hate you.
S:*widen eyes*Let's say you do,then why did you marry me?
C:Because Jeremy is a bad guy.
S:If you hate me you should've let me stay with him.
C:*widen eyes and look at her*So you do love him.
S:*shook her head as no while tears rolled down her eyes* You are the only boy that has my heart.I love you more then my life or anything in this world and you'll know one day,when all this will be over you'll know what I'm talking about.

She suddenly smashed her lips on mine as I was trying to push her away she held my hands and pinned them over my head.I wasn't kissing her back until she said something making me boil in anger.

S:If you don't kiss me back I'll go back to Jeremy and sleep with him.

I flipped her and smashed my lips on hers roughly as she smirked between the kiss being the winner,she ran her fingers in my hair as I bit her lip not wanting her to enjoy the kiss infact wanting her to feel pain,the same pain I went threw all that time.I went down to her neck and bit harshly on her skin,I ripped her clothes off and attacked her breast licking and sucking on her sensitive skin.I was about to bite again on her sensitive skin when she said something making my heart ache.

S:I know you want me to feel pain and I'm ready for anything if it'll ease yours.But please don't leave me cause...this will be the most painful punishment ever,I can't live without you.
C:You know why I dated you back then?Because you always thought right and you were amazing but you cheated on me with my enemy,not just anyone the person I hate the most.
S:I swear to you,no one has my heart except for you.And I didn't marry him nor got engaged to him it was all a play and words on paper none of this is ever true.
C:Than why are you with him?
S:I swear to God if I was able to tell you I would but,not now.
C:What are you hiding from me? Didn't I tell you not to hide anything from me?
S:*smiles*Oh you still remember!You did but...I can't tell you.
C:Why not?
S:I can't lose you.

I looked at her totally confused.I smashed my lips on hers as I wanted to remember our beautiful moments.
I took off my jacket,shirt and necktie.
She kissed me back and placed her hand on my chest roaming it around my body,I held her hand and pinned them over her head as she whined.
I broke the kiss and looked at her she tried to free her hands but I tightened my grip on her hands.

S:I wanna touch you please let my hands go.
C:No,I get to do whatever I want with you but you can't touch me.I'm punishing you,I won't let you enjoy it.....
S:No no no Please not this punishment everything but this.I can't,this is too much.
C:*smirk*You deserve this.

I stood up to leave but she held my hand making me fall on her again.She flipped me and connected our foreheads together.

S:I love you so much my precious.Get that point already.
C:I hate you more than anything in this world.
S:*teary eyes*You just keep convincing yourself that.

She stood up and went to the bathroom.I went out and attend a call.

Few minutes later

Stephanie finished showering and got out and saw Carl on the bed laying down covered with a blanket,she thought he slept.
She sat next to him and ran her fingers in his silky black hair.

S:*chuckles*You still look like a kid while sleeping.*Peck his forehead*How I wish I could tell you the truth but there's no point of it if it will be the end.I have to write the last chapter and I want it to be a happy ending not a bad one.How can you be this cute while sleeping especially your pouty lips which I'm craving right now.

She got close to him and was about to kiss him when he opened his eyes and glared at her.

C:What are you...
S:Shhhh hold still.
C:What will you d...
S:I said hold still.

She kissed his lips softly and closed her eyes tasting his soft plumb lips,he remembered their moments together and closed his eyes in anticipation and kissed her back she hovered over him standing on her knees.

Her hands traveled from the mattress of the bed to his hands and intertwined them together.He let go of one of her hands and pulled her close to him by her waist as her body landed on his.She smiled threw the kiss and started licking his bottom lip,until he...

                                         To be continued.

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