The (Very) Friendly Neighborh...

By hyunlixhell

42 2 1

Kenma leads a normal life, until a masked hero flies through his apartment window. Now, Kenma has a broken wi... More


42 2 1
By hyunlixhell

   The chat was bursting with interactions while Kenma Kozume played Genshin Impact live. He wasn't a big streamer yet, but this game always attracted lots of viewers and he loved the feeling of interacting with them, since doing it in real life was a pain for him.

albeby11: dude u play so well with albedo, u should be a pro

kaeluchoe: whaaat let's play together sometime!!!!

   Kenma answered them with an unknown excitement. It was so satisfactory to be able to act like himself, not the way people expected him to. 

    Kozume was finishing the quest when he heard the sound of a window breaking. He took his headset off and tried to pay attention to the noise coming from the living room of his apartment in Tokyo.

    "Sorry guys, I will continue the game in the next stream. Thanks for joining." Kenma smiled lightly to his camera, but he was truly scared inside. His father told him it wasn't a good idea living in downtown Tokyo alone. The 22-year-old felt like a fearful child, but took a deep breath and went offline before grabbing a broken joystick (the first thing he found) to defend himself against the trespasser, if there were any.

    Kenma walked out of his room slowly, hearing the clatter of glass against the floor and a groan of pain, "fuck, fuck, fuck.", he whispered, trying to convince himself that this was just one of the horror games he'd spent late nights playing.

    He continued walking down the small hallway that would take him to the living room/kitchen, pointing the joystick as if it were the most dangerous weapon in the world, before throwing it at the dark silhouette who was sitting amid shards of glass in his tiny living room.

     "What the fuck?!" shouted the shadow, now getting to his feet. And that's when Kenma almost freaked out and called the police. The person in front of him was not only tall but he was wearing some sort of costume which covered his face. And it was really dark. Like, really. All he could see was the slender but strong body forming a shadow against the streetlights.

    "I say the 'what the fuck' here! Are you going to rob me or are you just playing dress up? Trespassing is a crime." Kozume spoke at once, he had never heard so many words leave his mouth, even more so in front of a stranger and a potential killer.

    "I won't steal from you,if I were, what would you defend yourself with?" The shadow looked at the joystick lying on the floor and chuckled "A joystick?"

     "You break my window dressed in this freaky thing and you're still making fun of me?" Kenma crossed his arms, frowning, even if the other couldn't see it in the dark.

    "It was an accident, if you give me a chance to explain, maybe turn on the light–" The shadow tried to say before letting out another groan in pain. 

    Kenma's heart clenched in his chest, he didn't want to trust a stranger who had just broken into his apartment, but he seemed to be in a lot of pain. The smaller one then reached out for the switch on the hallway wall and turned on the light. 

    It took his eyes a while to adjust to the sudden brightness, but when he began to see the furniture in his house, his window panes shattered on the floor, some smeared with blood, he looked up to the "Shadow" and his mouth dropped as his eyes recognized the black and red uniform of the friendly neighborhood. Spider-Man.

    "Holy shit." Kenma murmured, holding the sleeves of his hoodie.

    "Holy shit, indeed." Spidey said with difficulty, pressing his hand on his left side. Kenma couldn't see the bloodstains on the black fabric of his uniform, but he assumed the blood drops on his floor belonged to Spider-Fucking-Man. "Listen, I know that I broke into your house, destroyed your window–"

      "And smeared my floor with blood."

   "And smeared your floor with blood…" Spidey repeated, kinda amused. "But, I think I also broke a rib and I don't think I can swing my way to the hospital anymore."

       "Get to the point." Kenma raised an eyebrow and leaned against the wall, waiting for fucking Spider-Man to ask him for a favour.

        "Can I borrow some clothes?" Spider-Man asked softly, Kenma almost could see puppy eyes through the mask.

       "Are you going to give it back to me?" 

       "I–" Spidey started before hissing in pain, "yes, I'll return it to you, okay? Can you please?"

       "Right, follow me." Kenma sighed and stretched his back while going back to his bedroom/game room and being followed by Spidey. Yes Spider-Man was at his house, asking for way too small clothes for him. This wasn't another one of his weird dreams. It was fucking real.

      Kozume entered the tiny and messy room, mostly occupied by his game set-up and started searching for his biggest hoodie.

      "So, you're a gamer." Spidey said quietly.

      "Am I?"

   "And I thought I was the secretive one." He chuckled, pressing his hand on his side again.


     "And speaking of being secretive… You can change your clothes in the bathroom, the door is at the end of the hall. When you're done, let me know and I'll order an Uber for you. I guess you don't have a cell phone with you right now, do you?" Kenma asked, throwing at him his biggest hoodie with a stamped Triforce on it and sweatpants that he was sure would fit short and tight on Spider-Man's thighs.

     "Tough day." He grabbed it quickly and turned slightly to head towards the bathroom before suddenly stopping and looking at Kenma. "Won't you ask me to reveal my identity?" 

       "If you wanted your identity revealed, you wouldn't be going out in this ridiculous costume." Kozume smiled and sat in the gaming chair, waiting for Spidey to go to the bathroom.

      Spider-Man snorted and followed to the bathroom, closing the door silently behind him. Kenma then got up and closed the door to his room. 

    It would be a lie to say that he wasn't curious about the identity of the friendly neighborhood. He wanted to know if his face was as beautiful as his deep voice, how toned that body that saved lives every day really was, but he knew his curiosity was a small thing to what this man had to go through, so he just waited until he heard a knock on his door.

    "Hey." Spidey mumbled through the door. The silence around making his voice so loud and clear Kenma couldn't miss it for anything.

     "Yeah?" Kozume replied, leaning his head against the wooden door.

     "Thanks for this." Spider-Man sighed and the sound made Kenma close his eyes. How can a sigh be so fucking beautiful?

         "Black Toyota Yaris. The driver is going to ask for Kenma." He said quickly before he let his curiosity get the best of him.

           " Thanks, Kenma." The hero spoke Kenma's name slowly, as if savoring it. Kenma felt a shiver run down his spine. He wasn't a virgin anymore, what the fuck? How could he be so affected by a fucking voice?

          "Don't forget to return my hoodie. It's really comfortable." Kenma deadpanned and listened to Spidey's light chuckles, before hearing footsteps to the front door and the sound of it closing.

          Kenma sighed, and if that night he dreamt about a guy wearing a black and red skintight outfit, fucking him senseless and calling his name with a familiar deep voice, he wouldn't tell anyone about it.


    The week passed as usual; Kenma went to university, to his part time job, got home, streamed, masturbated thinking about Spider-Man saying his name, slept for about four hours and repeated it the next day.

        His hopes of seeing the man outside from the news lessened considerably when he didn't hear any more sounds coming from the broken window in his living room since last week. He didn't have the money to replace it yet, and he lived on the eleventh floor, so the only person that could actually get in was Spider-Man.

      Kenma started playing Breath of the Wild, one of his favourite games, not bothering to stream that night, he just wanted to play it quietly. He was lost in thoughts about the masked hero and about his hoodie. Yes. It was his favourite one and he probably wouldn't have it back.

      Kenma stretched his back and tied his hair in a half bun, sighing. He took off his headset and went to his dark kitchen/living room to grab an energy drink. He really had a caffeine problem, but no one could scold him about that now that he lived alone.

       "You shouldn't consume caffeine this late," A deep voice said from behind him. Kozume almost threw the whole 500ml can at the owner of the voice before realising it was the friendly neighborhood.

        "You shouldn't show up unannounced if you don't want me to hurt you." Kenma warned, trying to hide the way he felt when he heard his voice.

      "What is your weapon this time?" Spidey chuckled, reaching for the switch and turning on the lights. "Also, why is it always dark here?"

     "You're kinda nosy for someone who's breaking in for the second time already." Kenma replied, opening his can and sipping on the sour and sweet drink.

    "Came here to give you this." Spider-Man then approached Kenma and took out the borrowed clothes from inside a black backpack that was slung on his back and Kenma hadn't noticed before.

      Kozume walked up to the masked hero and took the garments from his hand, their fingers brushed slightly and even if Kenma couldn't feel his skin, he couldn't help but shiver. He cleared his throat and placed the clothes above his small counter, turning to look at the lack of expression in the mask that looked at him.

    "Really, Kenma. Thank you for last time." Spidey said low and Kenma felt his insides twist with the sound. What the fuck was wrong with him?

     "It was nothing, really." Kenma replied softly, lowering his head and placing his energy drink can next to the clothes on the counter. "Thanks for returning my hoodie." They were silent for a while, the tension between the two was palpable. Kenma felt so attracted to this stranger and he really wasn't a Spidey Fanboy, but now he understood why so many girls and boys were so drawn to him.

       "I washed it."


      "Want something to drink?" They spoke in unison, laughing it off right after. 

      "Yeah. Water would be good." Spidey accepted, sighing.

      "Sit down for a bit." The apartment owner said before going to the fridge and grabbing the sealed water bottle and turning to give it to the man who was sitting on the stool close to the counter.

      "Thanks." Thanked Spider-Man, opening the bottle.

     "Want me to turn?"

    "No need." Spidey then lifted the red mask up to his nose, licking his lips before gulping the water down. 

   Kenma felt his blood go south. The sharp, strong jaw, the contoured lips and tanned skin took his breath away. He had no doubt now that yes, Spider-Man was as handsome as his voice. Kozume stood there, gaping at the Adam's apple bobbing in that long neck. He wanted to lick it. Suck on it. God. He was a pervert. 

   The half blonde then averted his eyes to his own hands and kept quiet until he heard a low chuckle. He looked up again to see the prettiest smile he had even seen. A bit mischievous, but fucking perfect. 

    "What?" Kenma inquired, sounding upset.

   "You look cute when you're blushing." Oh, so he was a flirty, thought Kenma.

  "I'm not blushing."

   "You totally are." Spidey smirked.

   "Am not." Kenma frowned.

   "Are too." 

   "Am not!" Kenma raised his voice, causing the other to laugh a little before getting up and approaching Kozume.

    Spider-Man was suddenly very close to Kenma. His breath caught and when he looked up the difference in size between them was so stark that he was speechless. What could that man do to him? Manhandle him? He was sure Spidey could fuck him against the wall, holding him in his arms and he wouldn't touch the ground once.

   Kenma startled when he felt clothed fingers lightly touching his cheek. What was Spider-Man doing? He thought he was the only one feeling something towards the hero and now this? Was his face dirty? Something wasn't right.

   Kenma's fingers reached for Spidey's stomach, There was nothing soft there. He was thin, but his abs were extremely defined and he could feel the packs under his fingers.

   "You're so fucking beautiful." Spider-Man mumbled before leaning in and pressing his lips over Kenma's. It was soft and chaste, really different from what Kenma would've expected from a flirty, hot dude.

   Kenma then reacted and kissed him back, bringing his right hand to the back of Spider-Man's neck, slipping his skinny fingers inside the mask and touching the hero's hair. Oh, soft, he thought, caressing his scalp and deepening the kiss. He felt long fingers touching his hips and guiding him backwards until his lower back reached the kitchen sink. Spider-Man then pressed his hips against Kenma's and made him gulp. Fucking big. Kozume pressed back and Spidey sighed.

   "Fuck, Kenma–" The hero started saying before something beeped incessantly. The taller man groaned and put their foreheads together, as if he was really disappointed, "I need to go." 

  "Yeah. Right." Kenma let out the breath he didn't know he was holding and pushed Spider-Man away slightly, stepping out from under the man's presence.

    "Duty calls, you know." He smirked before lowering his mask, covering his face completely again.

    "Yes. Don't worry." Kenma smiled softly and looked up at Spidey, sighing. "Will you… you know. Come back?"

   "Of course I'm. Need to grab my backpack back, after all." The man answered endearingly, looking at the black backpack that rested on Kenma's counter.

   "Okay. Try to knock next time before I end up killing you."

  "Killing me is not that easy, Kitten." Spidey said before jumping out of the window and swinging far from Kenma's apartment.

   Kenma's face burned with embarrassment. What the fuck? Kitten? This shouldn't affect him. This fucking man shouldn't affect him that much.

   Kenma didn't know much about him, except from the fact that he was a good kisser, well endowed and a fucking flirt, but not knowing the man's name or face didn't stop him from placing the hem of his hoodie between his lips and pulling down his sweatpants, touching his small dick quickly and tightly, moaning to the wind and asking for more. Asking to be fucked. He smeared his pre-cum over his length and fastened his movements, climaxing embarrassingly fast, cum dripping down his belly. He panted and looked to his ceiling. He was completely fucked.


   Four months passed and if you told Kenma he'd be hanging out with Spider-Man every week he'd call you delusional. It wasn't even a thing he wanted before the window incident.

    Spidey visited his apartment at least once a week. He would knock at his bedroom's window and Kenma would let him in. Sometimes they just played Mario Kart (Spidey was awful at it), sometimes Spidey would talk about his day, about the bad guys he stopped, other times they would make out until Spidey came inside his suit and Kenma inside his sweatpants.

   The thing is, they get along really well and yet Kenma knew nothing about him. He knew he was funny in a dad way, that he really liked grilled salted mackerel pike, that he was awful at playing games, but still liked watching Kenma doing it and tried to play with him even though he would lose. Kenma also knew Spidey was a science nerd and this was so endearing it made his heart hurt. Not that he was in love with him. He couldn't. He didn't even know the hero's name nor his face.

   It was a Friday night and Kenma was sitting on his sofa playing Animal Cross, Spidey's head on his lap, the mask just above his nose (an usual thing by now). The hero was rambling about his day and Kenma was humming in recognition, sometimes letting his thoughts out.

   "Kitten." Spider-Man called his attention by starting stroking his clothed dick. Kenma sighed and hummed again, waiting for the other man to say whatever he wanted. He felt Spidey move some more in his lap and then started to kiss his belly. The wet kisses made Kenma's dick rise in interest.

   "What." Kenma sighed, pretending to be annoyed and tried to push Spidey's head away from his belly, but when he did it he felt… hair? Kenma's heart was racing inside his chest. Did Spidey take his mask off? Why?

    Kenma paused his game and looked down at the whole face staring at him. Not only the half face he's been dreaming about and kissing for the past four months. 

    "Spidey, what–" he started, but couldn't find any words. He was shocked by this action but also by his beauty. His raven hair was so messy, he didn't even believe it was the same soft hair he only touched so many times. His eyes… the most beautiful amber Kenma had ever seen. His face was so strong but so young at the same time and all he wanted to do now was to kiss it everywhere.

    "It's Tetsurou Kuroo, kitten." Spidey–, no, Kuroo, smiled up at him and Kenma couldn't resist it, he grabbed his face and kissed his lips deeply. Kuroo moaned into the kiss, lifting slightly to lay Kenma down and lie on top of him, between his legs. 

   "Kuroo. Why?" Kozume was still in shock, but so fucking horny by this bastard's handsome face, he didn't even know how to act.

    "Isn't it that obvious? I come here every week, we make out, we play games, I talk to you about everything. Damn, you know more about me than my friends do. You're the only person who knows Kuroo and Spider-Man and I'm… I really like you, kitten. That's why." Kuroo raised one of his hands to touch Kenma's cheek.

   Kenma locked his arms around Kuroo's shoulders and pressed him closer before kissing him, touching his scalp, his face, his nose.

   "How did you keep all that hair inside the mask? It's a fucking mess." He joked lightly, watching Kuroo's lips turn into a pout.

  "Damn, my kitten is so mean. You wounded me." Kuroo said in false sadness.

    "Did I? That's too sad, Kuroo… can I make it up to you, though?" He asked teasingly, touching Kuroo's dick between them and pressing his hand on it.

    "Huh? How do you intend to do it?" Tetsurou smirked down at him. Damn. His smirk without the fucking mask was a curse. Now he wanted this man to fuck him until he can't walk anymore. 

      "Maybe I'll show you when you take off this stupid superhero outfit, Kuroo…" And Kuroo moaned at the sound of Kenma's voice.

      Kuroo assented and got up to take off his uniform, struggling a bit with how tight it was and wanting to get rid of it as soon as possible.

     "Kuroo. Can you bring the lube as well? It's under my pillow." Kenma asked, stroking his cock through his pants, all open and beautiful for Kuroo. The hero groaned and looked at him like he was the most beautiful thing that stepped on earth and Kenma blushed under his gaze.

        "You're gonna be the death of me, kitten."

    "Should I become one of the villains you fight against, then?" Kenma joked, moaning low and feeling the pre-cum wetting his sweatpants. He could cum with Kuroo just looking at him, that's how affected he was by this stupid superhero.

       "We'll have to stop that from happening then." Kuroo finally took his suit off and stood in front of Kenma wearing just a black boxer that marked his big dick half hard already. Kenma's mouth watered and before he could say anything Kuroo ran to his bedroom to grab the lube.

    Kenma took advantage of Kuroo's brief absence to take off his clothes and throw them next to the couch in a disorganized pile. He stroked his own cock, making it look flush and wet all over with his own pre-cum. When he looked at the hall that led to his bedroom Kuroo was there with his mouth agape. He went straight to Kenma and placed himself between his legs, grabbing him by the back of his thick thighs and pulling him closer.

    "Kenma, you're so fucking beautiful." Kuroo said before he started to kiss Kenma's calf slowly, reaching his inner thigh, making Kenma whimper on the sofa. 

      "Kuroo…" Kenma breathed as a form of plead. 

     Kuroo crouched down on the couch and placed Kenma's legs on the top of his shoulders, biting and licking the skin he could reach before he came to his ass cheeks and did the same there. Kenma squirmed and moaned, every touch making his skin flutter, he wasn't a virgin, but fuck, Kuroo really affected him.

    "I want to eat you out, kitten." He said, his deep voice lower than usual and Kenma only nodded fast. He wanted everything Kuroo could give him.

     Kozume felt Kuroo's cold tongue circling his rim and moaned so loud it was alien to his own ears. The tongue there knew what to do, it poked inside him and it alternated with sucks on his ring. 

    "Fuck, Kuro!" Kenma whimpered, feeling his pre-cum dripping on his stomach.

      Kuroo then opened the small bottle of lube and warmed the cold liquid in his hands before entering Kenma's hole with his index finger. Kenma let out a loud groan and tries to bury Kuroo's finger deeper inside himself.

     "Eager, are we?" He curled his finger up, searching for Kenma's sweet spot and when he clenched around him he knew he had found it. Kuroo abused his prostate and brought his mouth to Kenma's small dick and sucked it at once, swallowing it whole, feeling his salty pre-cum on his tongue. Kuroo hummed around him and kept sucking his length until Kenma grabbed his hair and raised his head.

    "Stop, Kuroo." 

    "Not good?"

     "Really good, but I don't want to come like this." Kenma looked down at Kuroo's face, his mouth glistening with saliva and Kenma's pre-cum, his cat-like eyes turning black with excitement.

      "Okay kitten, I'm your friendly neighborhood after all, I'm here for you." He winked and proceeded with opening Kenma up. Two fingers, then three fingers had Kenma twitching and begging for his cock.

      Kuroo spread the lube on his hard and big length and aligned himself in Kenma's entrance, pressing the tip of his dick there and feeling the tight pressure around him.

     He laid his upper body over Kenma, almost bending him in half, before kissing him deeply and slowly, asking for permission to enter his mouth with his tongue, which was granted instantly. Kenma let Kuroo into his mouth, sucked his tongue masterfully and intertwined them, as if they were dancing in tune to a song only they knew how to dance.

        Kenma touched his scalp and looked at Kuroo's eyes, kissing his nose and smiling lightly.

     "I'm so glad I broke your window, Kenma." Tetsurou kissed Kenma's chin and inserted his length deeper into Kenma's tight hole.

         "Fuck!" They hissed in unison, Kenma feeling the burn of Kuroo's dick opening him but he felt so full, so complete, the pain was irrelevant.

           Kuroo finally bottomed out, trying to control his desire to stock without stopping inside Kenma, but scared to hurt him, but then Kenma started moving his hips, arms locked around Kuroo's shoulders along with his legs. Kuroo was so fucking deep that he swore he could feel his length making volume in his belly.

        "So deep, Kuro…" Kenma mumbled, lost in all kinds of feelings. Pain, pleasure, desire, love.

      "Gonna fuck you now, my kitten." Kuroo whispered close to his mouth and then started to fuck into him slowly and kissing his mouth at the same time.

      A symphony of moans, sighs and meaningless words filled the small living room in Tokyo, Kenma felt like he could cum any time now, every brush of Kuroo's cock scraping his prostate and making him lost with pleasure. Kuroo wasn't different. He started to fuck Kenma faster and harder, going deeper than ever and feeling like it wasn't enough. He wanted to be close to Kenma, he never wanted to let him go.

      "Kuro, 'm close…" Kenma whimpered, feeling a warmth in his belly and his senses starting to fade into white. Kuroo kissed him, biting his lower lip as he kept fucking into his hole, feeling the same as Kenma.

        "Me too, kitten. Cum for me? Let me watch you?" He breathed into Kenma's mouth, licking his lips as he felt the tight hole clenching around his dick and Kenma's body stir, it almost threw him to the edge, but he couldn't miss Kenma's expressions, he dreamt of seeing it for the whole four months, since Kenma threw that broken joystick at him, he fell hard and could use his webs to save himself from that, he would just keep falling for Kenma and would accept his destiny gladly.

     Kenma came and his face was the cutest thing Kuroo had ever seen. His face red, hair wet with sweat, he could see it every day and never get tired of this view. The sticky liquid spread on their skin as Kuroo continued to fucking him, searching for his release, he was about to take his dick off of Kenma when the boy whispered to him "cum inside of me, Kuro, please," that's when he lost it and came, filling Kenma with his seed.


   The two were catching their breath, their sweaty and hot bodies were now starting to get cold from the wind that came in through the still broken window. Kenma stroked Kuroo's hair, feeling his body make a comfortable weight over him. He didn't want this to be over now. He knew the consequences of this, but he couldn't let it go.

    "Are you going to stay?" Kenma asked almost inaudible, feeling hesitant. 

    "I want to, kitten… but it is dangerous for you. I don't want you to get hurt." Kuroo breathed as if his fantasy had just been shattered and he had returned to the real world where he had to arrest villains and save lives.

   "You know I can defend myself, right?" 

   "Of course, you can always throw a joystick at the bad guys' heads." Kuroo joked and kissed Kenma's neck. Kenma poked under his arm and Kuroo laughed lightly. This was heavenly, "I'll stay for as long as you take me, kitten."

   "So you're going to stay for a long time, Kuro."

– fin –

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