my slytherin Prince

By KaitlinHulme

2.1K 55 4

Hogwarts starts again after the big Wizarding war. Harry, Ron, Hermione, Draco and those that survived all r... More

The beginning of a new year
The sorting
What does he mean by that?
Funny story actually

Shit Harry!

189 6 0
By KaitlinHulme

Draco's POV

I slowly come around to find my self dripping in sweat. Great another nightmare that left me sopping. Well at least I don't share a ro- shit Harry. I turn around to see no one in the bed but a note. Why would he leave a note? I walk over and pick it up. "I know who you are. What's that supposed to mean." Is he a murderer or something. I hope not. I quickly run the shower and jump in. Singing a song that I heard Harry play last night. It was a muggle song but I liked it. "The death of a bachelor oh oh seems so fitting for. Happy ever after ooooo. How could I ask for more. Night time of laughter at the expensive of the death of a bachelor." I finish up and climb out f the shower running my hair dry with a towel. I start to wrap it around my waist when I realise the time. I have 15 minutes before first class and I need to eat something now. I reach for my clothes and start to get dressed as I walk. I mean everyone should be in the great hall right?

I finally make it with 6 minutes to spare when I see a crowd of people near the Slytherin table. Right where Harry normally sits. I run through the crowd to see pansy firing hexes at a slightly unconscious Potter. He looks up at me a mimes the words "get help" I look at him blankly. There would be no time he would be near enough dead by then. I grab my wand out of my robes and scream "confundus" Pansy's body fell to the floor as I grab Harry's hand. A hufflepuff gives him a swift kick in the ribs before everyone goes back to eating their breakfast.
"Harry are you okay?" I ask. I mean I know he isn't but it's better to ask. Right?
"I'm good. Can we go back to our dorm please. I need something from my room." I nod and we walk back. His every breath becoming stronger and stronger as we take a step. He holds him self up though with the walks and every so often grabs hold of me. I open our dorm room door and he walks in.
"I'll go tell Professor Slughorn that you won't be coming to his lesson." I say as he shakes his head.
"I told you I'm okay. I'm going to class."
"Okay but if you need me come and find me. I didn't chose potions this year so I won't be with you." He looks up and smiles.
"Thank you." He whispers and then walks out. He will be okay I tell myself.

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