Angelic Intervention

By lokilaufeyson1990

1.3K 36 0

This is from superfluffysupernatural and a Gabriel x Original Character. Please enjoy. More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10

Part 3

155 5 0
By lokilaufeyson1990

"You were so great back there." Dean said. I smiled and looked into the rearview mirror, inspecting my looks. I knew what I looked like, but it always surprised me how young I looked for being so old.

"Thanks. But, you weren't. You left the poor woman in tears." I commented. Dean raised an eyebrow and looked at me.

"We didn't mean to. But then again we aren't really good at integrating human beings." Sam interjected.

"'Integrating'? Do you mean 'questioning'? Or better yet, 'talking to'? You two have a long ways to go if you're going to take down Lucifer." I echoed.


Dean and Sam swung by a restaurant for food. I stayed inside the car, as I don't eat that often because I'm an angel. I decided that I would wait outside and try to be alone with my thoughts for a while.

"How are the Winchesters?" Gabriel asked, causing me to jump out of my seat and clench my chest.

"You scared me half to death, if I could actually die." I said trying to stop my racing heart. It hadn't beat this fast since I saw the falling of the angels from Heaven, the first time.

"Sorry, but how are the Winchesters? Are they as bad as I said?" Gabriel asked.

"The Winchesters are fine and you never said how bad they were. Even if you did, I would say that they are great people. Sam is a little shy and Dean is really tough. I don't like Dean. Not yet at least." I explained, still holding my chest.

"Sam? You like Sam?" Gabriel asked. I nodded and looked out the window. The Winchesters were walking out.

"Sam is nice enough, but you should go. How are you even sitting here? Lady and Master..." I trailed off, realising the fact that Lady and Master were gone.

"Lady and Master are fine. They're on their own little mission. They're tracking the ghost of a lost dog. They'll be back within the hour." Gabriel didn't move and as the Winchesters entered the car, he quickly placed two whoopie cushions on either seat.

"What the-" Dean leaped up and looked into the back seat. Once he laid eyes on Gabriel, he sighed and pushed the cushions off the seat. Sam wasn't so lucky. He sat down and jumped up as soon as the sound hit the air.

"Gabriel! What are you doing here?" Dean asked. I smiled and looked at Gabriel.

"Yeah Gabriel, why are you here?" I asked looking directly into his whiskey colored eyes.

"I wanted to talk to Angel." Gabriel said.

"I never told you my name." I growled.

"You did, two weeks after we first met. I was drinking the peppermint hot chocolate and you were drinking coffee." Gabriel explained.

"I have never had a drop of coffee in my life, now tell me how you know my name." I demanded.

"I may have eavesdropped on your earlier conversation with Sam and Dean. I didn't know you killed a person." Gabriel whispered, his ears turning a bright tomato red.

"You what?" I screamed, reaching for Gabriel's throat. But a strong arm blocked my way. I kept reaching though.

"I didn't know you killed a person. But, I found out who you charge was and how you really died." Gabriel said and I paused, taking deep breaths.

"How? Who?" Even I didn't know what truly happened. I was and may be a child of lies and deceit.

"You were a crazed schizophrenic in the early seventeenth century. No one knew what to do with you because they didn't know what schizophrenia was. The townspeople were going to burn you at the stake because they thought you were a witch. That's when God decided to take away your suffering and did a mercy kill. He gave you a heart attack. That's when he changed you into an angel. A partial angel anyway. You have a dash of shape shifter blood in you. Your first charge was a serial killer because you could pick up on what he was feeling. Hurt, scared and angry were some of the feelings you picked up on. It's not your fault that you were put into this situation. But, your angel form has been messed with. Tinkered with. They've been running tests on you, changing your memory around." Gabriel explained.

"W-w-what?" I asked looking to Dean, then Sam and back at Gabriel.

"Here, I'll show you." Gabriel touched my hand.


All of a sudden, I wasn't in the Impala anymore, but in a horse drawn carriage. My clothes had changed from sweatpants and a t-shirt to a large lavender dress. Gabriel sat across from me in a black tux.

"Where are we?" I asked, looking around.

"Cardiff, Wales. Sixteen-oh-two." Gabriel said. I smiled, at least I was close to where I was born.

"But why?" I asked, confused.

"Because we are here to see you hauled off to the stake." I covered my mouth in shock. Gabriel nodded.

"It was to make sure you weren't faking your death." Gabriel explained.

"Some people watch/ Some people pray/ But even lights can fade away./ Some people hope/ Some people pay/ But why'd we have to stay?/ 'Cause even heroes/ Get the blues/ Or any misery you choose/ You like to watch/ We like to use/ And we were born to lose/ I choose defeat/ I walk away/ And leave this place/ The same today/ Some like to sleep/ We like to play/ Just look at all that pain." I sang softly.

"What?" Gabriel asked.

"What?" I answered and looked outside the carriage curtains and saw some people caring a human shape in a blanket.

"That's you." Gabriel said. I sighed and began tapping my fingers together.

"I'm not sure I want to go through with this. Please take me home." I said. Gabriel nodded.


"Where'd you two go?" Dean asked, still standing outside of the car.

"Cardiff, Wales. Sixteen-oh-two." I answered sadly.

"Bye, bye for now Winchesters." Gabriel waved and disappeared. Lady and Master appeared next to me, both looking happy.

"So, I see you've already met Gabriel." Dean said, placing a hand on Lady's head, feeling her wiry coat.

"Yes and I kind of like him. He's nice enough and he isn't that bad of a guy." I pondered the life I would have of I actually liked Gabriel. Not that I did, I had just met him a little over a month ago.

"Not a bad guy? He put whoopie cushions on both of our seats!" Dean argued, his eyes darting around as if he wasn't fully sure that Gabriel was gone.

"It was funny." I defended Gabriel's actions as if I was the one who put the cushions there in the first place.

"No, it's not. That douche has been messing with us ever since we met him. Even before that! Dude put us in TV Land for crying out loud and that was not funny. Okay, maybe it was a little funny, but it sure as hell wasn't cool." Dean said, finally sitting down in the car and starting the engine, driving off.

"Where's Sam?" I asked when we were halfway back to the gymnasium. I looked behind us and saw a sweaty Sam. I smiled and told Dean to stop the car.

"Why didn't you stop earlier?" Sam asked.

"I like watching you struggle." Dean said, a devilish smile on his face.

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