Mr. Clarke - COMPLETE

By Lblackwell123

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I just wanted to have the best eighteenth birthday ever...I didn't know that I was gonna be going home with m... More

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31.9K 905 530
By Lblackwell123

Mature Content


"Ugh!" Mila screams slamming her history book closed with force. "This is too fucking hard!"

I laugh when she throws herself on her bed with her face in the pillow, screaming into it.

"It's really not." I tell her, flipping the page of my book and writing down important events with their dates.

We have a history test tomorrow and Mila is currently flipping her shit because she has no idea what's going on. I can't really blame her though considering she has dyslexia so that's why I offered to come over and study with her.

Mila's head pops up and then glares at me which only makes me laugh more.

"Easy for you to say. You don't get numbers and letters mixed up!" She throws hers hands up in exasperation before shoving her face back into her pillow.

I roll my eyes.

"That's why I'm here to help you, Mila. I know that you struggle more than others and I want to make sure that you don't fail this test." I close my book and then pull my new braids—that I got done recently—to the side before laying my head down on the pillow next to her.

We're already two months into the school year and this test will either make you or break you in the class. Our school only allows two major tests in each class with one being taken each semester. If we fail then we either have to take it again in the summer or redo the school year.

Mila is slowly losing it because she doesn't want to have to ruin her summer by retaking the class or even retake her senior year like her idiot boyfriend. Jax is a year older than us but had to retake his senior year because he spent last year partying and rarely going to school because he was always hungover.

"We should take a break." She finally says after five minutes of moping.

I laugh and nudge her with my elbow before sitting back up.

"We literally just started studying thirty minutes ago."

She rolls her eyes and gets up from the bed.

"Yeah, well my brain can't take anymore of this shit." And then she's walking downstairs. She comes back two minutes later with a bowl of popcorn and two cans of Dr. Pepper. She hands me one and places the bowl on my lap before sitting down next to me.

"Come on, Mila. I promised that I'll help you and you're not even trying!" I exclaim with a small laugh.

I try to open my book up again but she just kicks it on the floor. I glare at her and she winks at me before turning on the TV.

"Can't I just copy off of you? You literally are so smart and I'm the dumb friend who can never get anything right." She takes a handful of popcorn and shoves it in her mouth.

"And how will you learn?" I arch my brow at her and she rolls her eyes.

"Whatever. Oh by the way, Jax is on his way." She tells me.

Are you fucking kidding me right now?

As she scrolls through Netflix, I start packing up my things to leave. There is no way that I'm staying here with that asshole.

"Where are you going?" Mila asks me as I get off her bed and throw my bag over my shoulder.

I close my eyes with a sigh before turning around to face her. "I've told you numerous times about your jackass of a boyfriend but you never listen to me!" I walk to her bedroom and open it. "So, I'm leaving."

"Nina, what the fuck!" I hear her scream out but I'm already walking out of her room and down the stairs to leave.

God must really hate me because when I open the front door, Jax is walking up to it. He sees me then smirks and I roll my eyes.

"Nina darling." Jax drawls out and I mentally gag at the pet name he's given me.

"Fuck off, Jax." I go to walk past him but he shoots an arm out to stop me.

"What's the rush?" He grins down at me and I look up with a glare on my face.

"You're a shit person and an even shittier boyfriend and I don't want to be around you. So excuse me." I try to move his arm but he won't budge.

Jax is a big guy with dirty blonde hair and brown, hazel eyes. He moved here from Texas when he was fifteen after an altercation with someone from his football team. And by alteration, I mean he nearly beat the kid to death because he was going to report to their coach about Jax doing drugs. He has a slight country accent that has girls swooning but I find it repulsive because I find him repulsive.

"Jax. Get the fuck out of my way." I tuck a braid behind my ear that got in my face and look at him to see that same ugly ass smirk on that ugly ass face.

"You hurt me, darling. I just want us to be friends." He takes a step closer to me but I take one back.

I laugh and then start pulling my hair up in a scrunchie because I'm not about to risk my hair if I have to beat his ass.

"Friends? Okay, if you want to be friends then stop fucking flirting with me and trying to touch me and be a good boyfriend to my best friend who is too blind to see the little shit that you are!" I yell and then I'm pushing him hard so I can pass and start heading to my car.

"Feisty woman!" He laughs but I ignore him and get into my car and drive off.

I make it home and see that my mother's car isn't in the driveway so I assume that she's still at work. I get inside and slam the door shut before marching upstairs and throwing my bag on the bed before plopping down on it.

Looking to my desk, I eye the box that Vincent gave me yesterday and I get up and grab it.

Opening it, I see a note on top of red tissue paper and pick it up to read it.

Where these tomorrow. And good luck on your test, Nina.

- Vincent

I place the note on my bed and remove the tissue paper to see a black pair of lace panties. I pick it up and observe the thing and it looks like it could barely cover my ass.

Grabbing my dirty hamper, I place the underwear in the bin and bring it downstairs to the laundry room to wash everything before school tomorrow.

I go back upstairs and take out my history book from my bag and open it to where I was originally and continue studying.


"Okay class! You have fifty minutes to complete this test and hand it to me before the class period ends."

Mr. Clarke starts handing out the test.

"If you fail to complete the test in time then that will be on you. I do not offer retests or extra credit so best of luck." He goes to his desk and sits down and I see that he looks up to glance at me.

I smirk and widen my legs so he can see that I'm wearing the present he gave me.

My teacher looks down at my legs and smirks before going to start typing away at his computer.

Picking up my pencil, I start answering the questions.

A good twenty minutes go by when I feel a sudden vibration in my nether regions and jump up in shock.

"You okay?" Mila whispers from next to me with furrowed brows.

I shake my head and cross my legs. "Yeah, I'm okay."

I go back to my test but then the vibrations happen again and I yelp out loud. Several heads turn my way, including Mr. Clarke's and I see a grin on his face.

"Everything okay, Miss Adams?" He tilts his head and brings his hands under his chin and I notice something black in his hand.

"Yeah, I'm fi—" I gasp and grip my desk tightly when the stimulation increases.

I notice a smirk on his face and then I can see his thumb moving around the little black thing in his hand and I finally realize what he's doing.

"Please concentrate on your test, Miss Adams. You're disrupting the class." He goes back to typing away on his computer but the voltage hitting my clit is making it too hard to concentrate.

"May I—" I bite my lip to suppress the moan and cross my legs tightly together. "May I please use the bathroom, sir?"

Vincent looks up from his computer with a smirk.


Son of a bitch.

I go back to my test, trying my hardest to concentrate on the question I'm on but it's no use when the the change of vibration speeds up.

This motherfucker gave me fucking vibrating panties!

I bite my knuckles and close my eyes to hold in any noises that might spill out. I start bobbing my knee and then I try to secretly move my underwear to the side with my other hand.

I can feel his presence before I see him and when I look up, Vincent is looking at me with no emotion on his face but I can tell by his eyes that he finds this amusing.

"Everything okay?"

I glare at him and mouth a 'fuck you' before looking back down at my test.

Mr. Clarke goes back to his desk but I can feel his eyes on me. A small whimper leaves my lips when I feel my clit throbbing and my stomach churning.

"Shit." I moan under my breath and close my eyes tightly.

Suddenly, the vibrations stop and I let out a deep breath and look back up at Vincent to seem him smirking at his computer.

"Are you sure you're okay?" I hear Mila ask next to me.

I look up at her with a weak smile, my breath still coming out heavy.

"Just cramps, I guess."

For the remainder of the class period, Vincent would turn the vibrations back on and when I'm close to coming he'll stop. This happens for the last thirty minutes of class and I'm now conjuring up a plan to murder him. The bell rings and thankfully I completed the test but I know I guessed on some of them because I couldn't concentrate for shit.

I wait until everyone leaves before I'm marching over to his desk and slamming my test on it.

"If I failed, I'm blaming you." I glare at my teacher who slowly looks up from his computer with that same smirk on his face.

"What? Couldn't concentrate?" He tsk and my glare hardens.

"Hmm, I wonder why I couldn't concentrate." I huff out and fling my bag over my shoulder, ready to leave his class and take of these damn panties.

"Close and lock the door and come back over here." He demands.

I close my eyes but obey, closing the door then locking it before walking back over to his desk.

He stands up and motions for me to sit on his desk, which I do, and then he picks up my test.

"Let check and see if you did good, shall we?" He says, placing a hand in his pocket while the other one is holding my test.

I wait patiently for him to look over it but then jump slightly when I feel my underwear vibrating again.

"Vincent." I warn but then moan when the speed increases.

"I don't remember giving you permission to use my first name, Miss Adams." He looks up at me for a moment before going back to my test.

I grip the back of his desk for dear life as I bite my lip to keep from any sounds exiting.

"Oh look, it seems that you got this question wrong." I hear him say and then the vibrator goes up full blast and a quiet cry leaves my lips.

When he's at arms length from me, I grip the back of his neck with one hand to stabilize myself and then I'm quietly moaning into his neck.

"Vincent...oh god." I moan and dig my nails into his neck to the point of him grunting.

He tsks and right when I'm about to come, the vibrator stops.

"No! No, please. I'm sorry just don't stop." I beg, opening my eyes to see his humorous ones looking at me.

"My disobedient little slut." And then he's moving my underwear to the side and shoving two fingers inside me.

My eyes roll to the back of my head and I'm now riding his fingers that are going impossibly fast in and out of me.

"Please..." I beg again, hooking a leg around his waist so he wont move away.

Vincent leans down until his mouth is next to my ear and whispers, "Do you think you deserve to come?"

I grip his hair and press my forehead against his and look into his eyes. I know that I don't deserve to but I want to so bad.

I shake my head and then close my eyes.

"I'm sorry for disobeying you, sir. Please let me come. Please!" I cry out as quietly as possible.

"Open your eyes for me."

I listen. Opening my eyes to meet his dark blue ones that are staring into my soul.

He adds a third finger and starts curling them and that's what does it for me. My pussy clenches around his fingers like a vice grip and a shock wave shoots through my body when I come.

I'm about to scream but he silences me with his lips pressed against mine. His fingers continue curl inside me as I ride out my orgasm and I'm moaning into his mouth while his tongue dances with mine.

After I finally begin to come down to earth, he removes his fingers but his lips are still on mine. His mouth moves slowly as he tilts my head to side to get a better angle. I wrap my arms around his neck and he places his hands on my waist, pulling me closer to him.

He breaks the kiss and I open my eyes panting. I look up at him as he brings his fingers to his mouth and sucks my arousal off them. Savoring my taste with a groan.

"I thought you said we couldn't kiss anymore." I say, still out of breath from my orgasm and from him devouring my mouth with the passionate kiss he just gave me.

Vincent looks at him for a moment. Looking over my face as his eyes trace every feature on my face. His stare is intense, so dark and lustful but I also sense a battle flashing in his eyes. Like he seems to be thinking about something but he shocks me with the words that come out of his mouth.

"I changed my mind."


Well I'll be damned...GUCCIIIIIIIIII
Lol goodbye-

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