Guardians undercover(Katekyo...

By ju7393

216K 5.9K 3.4K

#COWAwards2018 Gianini makes a new modified version of the Ten-Year bazooka, a new version that will allow th... More

Chapter 1: Failed Experiment.
Chapter 2. First Meeting
Chapter 3. Vongola Meeting
Chapter 4. Adoption
Chapter 5. Talbot
Chapter 6. Temporary Family
Chapter 7. School?
Chapter 8. How Long
Chapter 9. First Day
Chapter 10. Surprise
Chapter 11. Valentine's Day
Chapter 12: Family Weekend
Chapter 13: Invitation And Arrival
Chapter 14: A Butler And His Lord
Chapter 15: Party, Lurking Fear
Chapter 16: Disappearance
Chapter 17: Blood Moon
Chapter 18: Explaining To Them, Aftermath
Chapter 19: Sacrifices, And Resolve
Chapter 20: Short Lived Relief
Chapter 21: Daemon And Samuel, Beginning Recovery
Chapter 22: Hope
Chapter 23: Unknown Grounds
Chapter 24: Hellish Nightmares
Chapter 25: Only They Can
Chapter 26: A Place We Call Home
Chapter 27: Greedy Vulture
Chapter 28: It Has Begun
Chapter 29: New Memories
Chapter 30: Play, Rumors
Chapter 31: Proposal, Working
Chapter 32: Decision
Chapter 33: Reminiscing

Chapter 34: Memories of The Past I

667 22 17
By ju7393


Here's the next chapter.  Yay!

The coming chapters, I feel are going to be a bit harder for me to handle.  Not in the "I can't keep up with it" but a little hint, the next stages of their "trials" will be starting.... soon, maybe.  Not sure when though.

I've been thinking, that once I finish this story completely that I'm going to re-write it as a new story, and fix anything from any spelling, grammar problems.  And even take out or add things.  There were some parts I noticed that I didn't quite like or didn't have enough detail to them.  So, I want to fix that.  So, in a way it will seem like a totally different story in some parts.

And then the fact that I've been typing up some new JJK fanfics doesn't help that I'm lagging behind on this.

Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes.



Hearing Asari recount his memories with his wife, the children had gotten even more curious of the stories of the others.

Even though they knew some of their stories from hearing it from their mothers, they wanted to hear it from the point of their family.

"Papa, how did you meet mama?" Tsuna asked as he held a pillow in his lap looking over at Giotto who was sitting on the ground near them, unlike two other individuals who were leaning against the wall.

The children were eager to hear what they had to say, even if it was the smallest of things.  But the adults knew that the smallest of things said wouldn't be enough to quench their curiosity to know how their "parents'" met, how their childhood with their "family" was.

He wasn't sure what exactly to say, but before he could say anything his mind filled with images, conversations and feelings about his wife and son.

With a sigh and one last glance at everyone in the room, Giotto began his story of his "wife" in their first meeting and relationship.

"Nana and I were able to meet through Asari.  If it weren't for him, we probably wouldn't have met.  And if we did, maybe much later in life.  Asari had already been married for a while at this point."


The couple pulled Giotto along with them, to show the small town to him.  To introduce him to their closest friends.  Friends that Asari knew were trustworthy.

"And lastly, I want you to meet my friend." Hana smiled as she walked in between the two males, "Aside from Asari, Nana was my closest friend."

The three continued their walk, following each turn Hana took.

"I have a relative living near here, now that I look around the town." Giotto said as he gazed around, seeing every sign.  From what he remembered, he had a distant cousin, a third cousin (three times removed).  They weren't particularly close family considering that they each lived in different countries, but their families had kept contact with letters.  Letters that would take weeks at most almost two months to reach each other, "I should take this chance to find and meet with him." He mused.

"Who's your cousin?" Asari asked, "Maybe I may know him."

"His name is Sawada Iemitsu."

Asari nodded, "I've heard of him, never really met him."


"Hana-chan!" The small brunette exclaimed as soon as she opened the door to her small home.  She quickly hugged Hana.

Hana pats her back gently, "It's good to see you again Nana." She lightly laughed at her friend's overreaction.  After all, it had only been a week since they had last seen each other.

Nana pulled away as she noticed the two other people with her friend.  One all too familiar, being Asari.  Considering that she had always seen Asari and Hana together.

"Who might this be?" Nana asked as she now stood beside Hana, looking at the unknown man.

Bowing his head slightly the man introduced himself, "Good afternoon, I'm Giotto.  I'm a friend of Asari's.  Nice to meet you."

"I'm Ichico Nana*.  Nice to meet you." She introduced herself, "Oh, where are my manners.  Please come in." She quickly stepped aside and ushered the three people in before entering herself.

They didn't spend much time in Nana's house, though Hana decided to stay behind with her when Giotto and Asari decided to leave.

"Nana-san lives by herself." Asari told Giotto after they had left the house, "Hana often stays with her since Nana lives alone.  The neighbors watch over her."

"Seems like the neighbors are very nice." Giotto replied as he squinted against the breeze the brought up a few leaves and dust up to them.

Asari hummed, "Yes.  From what Hana mentioned, the neighbors were on really good terms with Nana-sans's parents, and since Nana is barely nineteen this year, and hasn't married yet.  They take watching over her very seriously.  Now that there are many young girls taken as brides from other towns." He confided in Giotto.  He knew Giotto was a good man, one that he could trust with such things.


He had spent close to three months in Japan, much longer than he intended.  In that time he was able to meet and get to know his cousin much better, and was even able to get him to agree to watch over Nana for him.

In just these short months that he had got to meet Nana, she had managed to make her way into his heart.

He, at first thought that they could be considered as friends with how he felt.  He cared for her, in what he thought he would as his friend, as an acquaintance.  But he was wrong, he had realized that he had different feelings for her when he met a man, obviously older than Nana, asking her to marry him.

Rather than asking her, it seemed like he were demanding her to.

"Leave her alone.  She's still too young for that." One of the neighbors said as she pulled Nana behind her.

The man scoffed, "Young?  She's already at an age where she should have already been married or engaged.  But she still has no one.  And shouldn't she be married now that she has no family." He countered back.

The neighbor, a few years older than Nana frowned, "I'm her family.  I've known her since she was younger.  If I and all of the others .... " She tilted her head towards the houses of the other neighbors, "don't agree to this, then she won't get married.  We'll decided a good marriage partner for her.  And you're not it."

There was no doubt in their mind that man was anything but a good man.  One shouldn't judge a person by their appearance, but the man, the way he spoke and acted and demanded for Nana to marry him were enough for the neighbors to intervene.  And it seemed like he wasn't the only one.

"Then I'll marry her." A voice came out of nowhere making all turn towards the incoming person, "Is that alright with you?" He asked as he looked at Nana and the neighbors.

'What on earth am I saying?!' He thought to himself.  He had no intention of saying such things, but the thought of her marrying such a man made his skin crawl.


She didn't want to marry that man, it wasn't the first time that he had come to her and wanted her to marry him.  She wasn't someone to dislike someone, but he was a man that she did not like at all.

And just when she thought that she wouldn't be able to find a way to get him to leave, an all to familiar voice rung out making her heart jump in her heart.

"Then I'll marry her." Her eyes widened in surprise, "Is that alright with you?" She heard him ask.


He noticed the looks that everyone was giving him, and he expected as much.  After all who would want to marry some man from an unknown background and a foreigner at that too.  But ....

"Nana-chan, is he someone you can trust?  Someone you know will treat you well?" One of the neighbors asked her.

Nana furrowed her brows and slowly nodded, "He is."

.... he was not expecting the answer he received.


It didn't take long for news of Nana being engaged to spread, especially since it was to someone who hadn't been there for long.

But for those who had seen the two of them, they knew that their relationship was one that was honest and true.

He held her hand, "Before we get married, I would like to go back home and invite my close friends.  Is that alright with you?"

Nana nodded, "Yes.  I'll wait here for you."

~Time Skip~

The weeks and months that it took to go back to Italy and back to Japan were long.  And only were his friends coming, also their partners.  Some, who he had met before, and some he had yet to meet.

Their ceremony was small and simple enough for just them alone, and for the friends of Nana.  Even though it was simple, it was enough and beautiful for them all.

Nana, in the span of four months was with child, and she wasn't the only one at that.  Hana had already given birth to her son.  G's wife was pregnant, their second child at that, as was Cozarto's.  Now the only one left was Lampo.  Considering that all the others either had a child, or were expecting one, aside from Knuckles who as a priest didn't have a wife nor child.  Though his younger sister had a son, and was expecting another child.

In the months that followed, Giotto hardly ever left her side.  But when he did, his cousin, Iemitsu was to watch over her.


He had never thought that he would experience as much happiness as he did when their got married.  But the fact that he was now holding his newborn son in his arm, hearing his crying, brought tears of joy to his eyes.

That someone like him, someone who had taken so many lives, was able to help create such a small and beautiful life.  The life of his son, the sky of both his and Nana's lives.

Their life revolved around the small child, watching him grow, watching him crawl, and even speak his first words.  Though at one point Giotto had to leave, and it wasn't until two years later that he had come back, but with other children and a man named Reborn.


"There were a lot of .... bad .... people here, so we decided to send all of you to where Nana and Hana were along with Reborn to keep you safe." Giotto said with a sigh.  The memories of his wife so vivid that it felt like it were his own.  The feelings he felt in his heart felt like they were his own.  He won't deny that he hold great affection for Tsuna as his descendant, but the feelings he felt were different.  If he were to have a child of his own, this is what it would have felt like.

The children nodded, "Is mama ever going to come here?" Tsuna asked.

After all, his "father" was here, Tsuna was here, so why wasn't Nana here with them?  All the others have their family here, expect for Ryohei whose parents and sister are still and Japan, and Gokudera's sister is in Japan looking after Nana.

His eyebrow twitched, "She can't right now.  But maybe someday she'll be able to come here, or we can all go visit her someday too."

Tsuna nodded, "Okay." His "father" was always right, so he could only trust his words.

There was no waiting in the eyes of the children, they wanted to know more about their stories.  Such they waited with bated breaths to hear the memories of the past.


G rubbed his forehead in exasperation, was it his turn now that they were looking at him.  Did they want to go in the order that they were sitting.

He sighed, "I met Lavina in the gardens of Trivoli." He paused for a few seconds as it seemed he was lost in those memories he had of her, "I'll never be able to forget that day, I was sixteen years old, and she was fifteen.  Amidst the roses in the garden, her silver hair alone was enough to make anyone look at her.  It seemed as if the moon itself had been in the garden that evening." G, couldn't believe the words that were coming from his mouth.  And he wasn't the only one who thought that as well.*

The rest of the first generation were left flabbergasted, never would they have imagined to hear G say such things.


He often traveled to various placed, with and without Giotto.  The two were as thick as thieves, always seen together.

And it was one of those days where G was alone.  His mother liked flowers a lot, and as such he would often see flowers with her, and now without her.  He had heard of a garden in Trivoli, known as the capital of flowers.

He wanted to see that for himself and engrave such a sight into his mind.  If his mother couldn't see it, then he'll see it for himself and in her stead.

He walked on the uneven cobblestone lane surrounded by a wall of bushes and trees.  Light flowers growing in between the bushes.

As he walked the wall of trimmed bushes cleared, and he walked into a clearing of roses of various colors, flowers that were obviously from different regions and countries.  A statue of an angel in the center with flowers ranging in various colors.

As he looked around each and every flower, from the corner of his eye he saw a flash of silver.  Turned his head, he was meat with a young girl kneeling near a bundle of roses.  Her silver hair falling in smooth waves across her shoulder and back.

As if noticing his gaze, she turned towards him as she stood up patting her green dress.

"May I help you with something?" She asked him as he continued to look at her.

G blinked in shock that he was found staring at her, "No." He shook his head.

He could see doubt flash in her green eyes, "I was just admiring the flowers there." He quickly pointed out.

"Oh." She slowly nodded, "They're beautiful aren't they."

"They are." He agreed.


It was odd that someone would have such an impact on him.  Giotto had teased him that maybe she was his soulmate and were meant to be.

Of course, G refuted such claims.  After all he had just met her for barely even five minutes, and those five minutes were talking about flowers alone.

Even though it had been two weeks since he had last seen her, he wished to see her again.  She was someone he felt he could get along with.  She didn't seem interested in him in the way some girls were with the obvious gazes thrown his way.

And it seemed as if his wish was granted a few days later.

He once again found himself in Trovili, walking a different path than where he was last time.  And just like the other part of the garden, this place had various flowers and there was even what seemed to be a temple.  A Romen temple he deduced.

"Ah." A faint gasp was heard behind him, "It seems we meet again." A small laughed followed as G turned around.

"It seems so." His lips twitched holding back a smile.  He had wanted to see that silver hair and green eyes for so long.  If there were such a thing as a garden fairy or a muse a muse of the garden, he would believe it.  This young girl seemed to belong in this garden, "Have you been here often?" He asked.

She nodded, "I have.  I enjoy coming here whenever I can, it's relaxing and quiet." She smiled, "And so beautiful." She placed her hand on her cheek as her eyes widened, "I haven't introduced myself, given that this is our second meeting.  I'm Lavina."

"G." He responded with a nod.

The third time they met was when he was walking downtown in of Sicily.  Music, he had never heard before filtered around the street.  He had heard a piano played many times, but those could never be compared to what he was hearing at this time.

He followed the sound of the piano and came to a small store, looking at the name he realized it was a small piano shop.

Grabbing the knob of the door, he opened it and saw an all too familiar figure sitting at a piano.

He walked in further into the place and stayed still as he listened, waiting for the piece to end.

"That was beautiful." He said as he took steps towards the piano where she was at.

She looked up and smiled, "Oh.  G ....  thank you." She slightly turned her gaze away from her as a faint blush formed on her cheeks, "We've a third time now." She looked down at the piano keys, trying to avoid his gaze.  One that she was very sure were still on her.

He chuckled, "Third times the charm."

"Indeed." She pressed one key of the piano.


The weeks and months that followed, they met various times, sometimes alone and at other times G would bring Giotto along to meet her

It was when he was seventeen and she sixteen that they realized they wanted more than just a simple friendship.  Neither wanted to bring it up and seeing this frustrated Giotto and he took it upon himself to get the two of them together.

And what better way other than getting them together and him telling them both to confess to each other because he knew that G and Lavina obviously liked each other a lot.

It was at this moment that G wanted to strangle Giotto for what he had done.  Giotto had asked G to meet him in the Parco Dua di Cesar**.  Though unknown to G, Giotto had invited Lavina as well.

Once the two he was waiting for arrived, he immediately sat them down at a bench, G and Lavina thought that Giotto had something important to say to them.  It was important, but certainly not what they thought.

"G .... Lavina I know the truth." Giotto looked them in the eyes and said as serious as he could.

G frowned, "Know what truth?"

Giotto cleared his throat, "I know that the two of you love each other.  And it has been very annoying seeing the two of you walking on eggshells, and the small flirting glances to each other." He said with a sigh, "You both have such audacity to flirt in front of so many single people." He teased as he thought of his other friends who were still not in any relationship, not counting Cozart, Daemon, and Asari.

Lavina flushed red from the tips of her ears to her neck as she quickly covered her face.  G looked just about the same shade as his hair for a few seconds before standing up and grabbing Giotto by the collar of his dress shirt, "You ...."

"You know it's true." Giotto countered before G could say anything else.

That was not the way that either of them wanted to confess their feelings to each other.

Giotto having done what he intended excused himself and left claiming that he had some things to do.

G and Lavina sat in an awkward silence for a few seconds before each of them expressed how they really felt for each other. It was then that they were now officially a couple.


They dated for two years when they made the decision to marry.  It was too early if one were to say, he was nineteen and she was eighteen.  But they didn't care.  Or rather they feared that they wouldn't have time.

It was when she was seventeen that she had fallen ill, thinking it was a simple cold, she ignored it.  But soon enough her "cold" got worse as the days passed.

G was worried and had taken her to the doctor who said that what she had a chronic illness.  And that at the moment it didn't seem fatal, but that it was something she would live with just someone with chronic pain would.

G felt as if his world has shattered, it was at that moment that he had made his decision that when she got better, they would marry.  Even if their marriage lasted a few weeks or months, it didn't matter.

And indeed, she did get better and just as promised, they had gotten engaged and married soon after.

A few times after their marriage did her symptoms return for short moment, making it hard for her to breathe and her chest hurting.  But it was something she would deal with for no more than a few minutes.

It was after six months of marriage that they found of that Lavina was with child.  Wonderful news, but they were both worried.

Would Lavina or the child die, or would they both die?

"I don't care." Came Lavina's soft voice, "This child is from our love, this child will live." She rubbed her still flat belly, "Please G.  I know my request is cruel and selfish .... but please do not make me get rid of this child." She raised up her hands and caressed G's, her husband's, cheeks as he kneeled in front of her.

She knew he wasn't that kind of man, but still she wanted to voice what she thought.  After being told by the doctor that it would be better to terminate her pregnancy now that it's still in the beginning stages would be better for her.  But she couldn't and wouldn't do that.

G grabbed her hands and placed them against his lips, "I know." He whispered, "Let's leave."

Aside from the illness, G was risking Lavina's life too much now that Vongola was growing, and more and more people were trying to kill them all.

He had remembered that Lavina once mentioned that she had some relatives living in Japan, it was that moment that they had to take that chance.

G, Lavina, and Giotto and Asari all left Italy and headed to Japan in search for those relatives of hers.  And just as they had hoped, they were willing to help, though they were never told for what reason she was to stay with them.

"It's just that I wanted to stay in a place calmer than in Italy." She lied, hoping that they would believe such a lie.  And indeed, they did, or rather they choose to turn a blind eye.

The most he could stay without arising suspicions was three months at most, "I'll visit you as much as I can, and write letters as well." G promised as he tightly held her smaller hands.


Just as promised G would visit when he could and write to her when he could.  Though when there was two months left until her due date, until the baby was to be born, G left Italy and went to Japan.

He was there for when the baby was born, he was beyond happy to see Lavina holding the now crying baby.  Seeing Lavina smiling after hours of pain in her labor, a labor that had G gritting his teeth in pain as Lavina squeezed his hand, gritting his teeth in watching his wife be in pain.

"Our baby girl." She smiled as she weakly touched her babies cheeks tenderly, "What should we name her?" Lavina looked over at G who was now sitting beside her.

He gazed down at the infant, with almost the same shade of hair as him, "Bianchi."

"Bianchi." She tested the name and smiled, "Our precious Bianchi."

He stayed for five months, watching over Lavina and Bianchi.  He was a doting husband and father.  He wanted to bring everything to his wife and child, it seems that they both have him wrapped around their finger.

On the times that Giotto visited to meet the child, he laughed at seeing how G was.  From the serious man, he was a man who looked ready to drop everything in his hands to check on his daughter.  But that was to be expected of him.

The days came and went until Bianchi was finally two years old, and Lavina was with child once again.

It was in her fifth month that her chronic illness took a turn for the worst.  She didn't want to worry G, so she refused to send a letter informing him of it.  But her family thought otherwise.

As the father, the husband, he had every right to know and be there.  Lavina merely believed that it would pass like a simple cold would, but from what they could see, it didn't seem as such.

G was pained at seeing how his wife suffered with pains, much worse than they were before.  She claimed she was well, but didn't believe as such.

He stayed until the birth of the child.  A boy.  A boy they named Hayato, Gokudera Hayato, Gokudera the name of her family.

G stayed with her for one year watching until she got better and was able to leave back to Italy before coming back again months later.  It lasted like that, and he was grateful that he had made such a decision to do so.

Holding the crying boy in his arms, G mournfully looked at the name engraved on the tomb in front of him with fresh dirt placed around it.

His heart ached, how he wished it was a nightmare.  G, wanted to take Bianchi and Hayato with him back to Italy, but with the way things were, they would be in danger.  But Bianchi was barely six while Hayato was four years old, how could he take them there.  He had no choice but to leave them with the people he trusted.

Her relatives were an option, but they had found out of his affiliation with the mafia and wanted nothing more to do with him.  If they had the children, would they be in danger too?  They won't ignore and deny their family, but they didn't want to put their own children and grandchildren in danger.  Even though he had people protecting them, they still were afraid.

G knew this, and as such Giotto offered him help.  His wife and child, his son Tsuna was the same age as Hayato as was Asari's child.  G could leave Hayato with them.

"G, you can be reassured that they'll be safe with Nana.  My cousin and Reborn are watching over them all.  And we have a few others watching over them." Giotto had told him.


"It hurt that I had to leave you two behind after Lavina passed away." G took a deep breath, "But that decision was able to keep you two safe.  And seeing that Bianchi decided to stay with Nana means that she's safe and comfortable there." G said with a sigh seeing his "son" look like he was about to cry.

He knew how much Hayato cried over seeing his mother sick, of seeing her wither away, though unlike Takeshi, he didn't run up to G.  He stayed where he was and slowly brought up his knees where he set his forehead for a few seconds before looking up at G.


This chapter was a bit weird, well that's how it felt to me.  Not sure about you all.  I ended up making this chapter longer than I intended it to be, so I had to cut this chapter in half, and the rest will be continued in the next chapter.  I'll try to get the next chapter up within this week, considering that most of it will be like this chapter with a bit extra at the end.

* G is such a romantic.  I smiled so much while typing up his part.

** If I remember well, it's translated as Park of Cesar.  Or something like that.

Trivoli garden, had that in mind since a friend of mine recently went to Italy and sent some photo of it, I liked it.  And now I want to see it.

I felt like I lacked a bit in Giotto's part.

Anyways, I'm sorry for taking such a long time in updating.  Been kind of stuck, but mostly because I've been getting a lot of ideas of what else to type.  Like I've typed up a few Jujutsu Kaisen fanfics, just yesterday I typed and finished one up.  It's called "Stay with Me" I thought it was pretty sweet, I guess since I wrote it with my friend in mind since the anniversary since her death is coming up in a few days.

So, that's it for now.  Hope you enjoyed it.

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