You know you love me || Ranbo...

By billyandbop

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'You know you love me' .. 'I know I love you, but I don't know if you feel the same' More



1.5K 24 429
By billyandbop



I cried reading the youtube comments for the song 'fourth of july' by sufjan stevens i just thought everyone should know

I have no idea when this chapter will come out [gae] but you guys obviously know hopefully its sunday or monday lmao i've been trying for more frequent updates

Have a chapter

Ranboo POV

'When will you two be back from your little date?'

My mouth drops open and I look at Y/n, who was avoiding eye contact.

She looks up and sighs. "I-I didn't say anything like that, you know how the others are, they like to assume thing a-"

"I'm not mad, Y/n, I'm just surprised"


"Yes, I would never be mad at you for something like that"

She hugs me and I rest my chin on her head.

After a few moments we pull away.

"We should probably go home then, huh"

"Probably, but I don't want to leave," she says, looking at the sunset peeking through the trees.

"We don't have to go just yet"

We sit at the base of a tree and just watch the sunset.

"I want to see the stars," she says.

"It's San Francisco"

"I still want to see the stars"

"Maybe someday"


Reluctantly, we stand up and begin our walk back home.

Opening the door, we're greeted by Tommy.

"Amber, they're back," he yells, and Amber appears next to him.

"Took you long enough, it's been like- 2 hours"

"Just be glad we came back"


We go upstairs, Y/n going to take a shower, and me just going to my room, when Amber gets my attention.

"Ranboo, can I talk to you?"

Is she just talking to everyone?


We go to my room and they face me.

"Look, I know you like Y/n a-" I try and interrupt. "Shut up." I close my mouth. "I know you like Y/n because man you are awful at hiding your feelings, and I just wanted to tell you that I'm pretty positive she likes you back. She rarely trusts people even those that she's known for a long time, and she hates when people touch her, it makes her anxious..But not with you. She likes being around you."

I'm at a loss for words, and I just stare at her. "Huh"

She smiles at me. "I'm sure you'll figure it out, uh also," they lean closer to my ear, "her favorite ice cream flavor is [pick smth], it's supposed to be really warm tomorrow, use your brain."

"Uh, okay, thank you?"

"You're welcome"

She stands up and leaves my room, leaving me with my thoughts.

Does she actually like me cause if so-

There's a knock at the door and Y/n's voice comes through. "You can take a shower now if you want."

"Okay, thank you"

I hear her footsteps retreat and I go to the bathroom to take my shower.


I'm not tired since I took a nap at 3pm and my sleep schedule has never been good.

Seeing my guitar in the corner, I realized I haven't played for a while. I pick up the guitar and strum random chords, humming as I tune it.

I play random songs in my head, trying to figure out a Lovejoy one by guessing notes when I hear the shower stop.

Continuing playing random songs, I finally settle on one to complete.

Fourth of July - Sufjan Stevens

[i had to it's been in my head all day]

Reminding myself of the chords, I hum the song while working out the ones I'm not sure of.

There's a knock on my door.

"Come in"

Ranboo enters, and looks at the guitar. "You couldn't sleep either?"

"No, but it's not that late, right?"

"Its almost 2am"


He sits across from me and gestures at the guitar. "What're you playing?"

"Just some random songs"

"Can I hear one, it's okay if you don't want to but"

"Yeah sure, I was just remembering the chords for this one"

I play the chords and begin to sing along.


The evil it spread like a fever ahead

It was night when you died, my firefly

What could I have said to raise you from the dead?

Oh could I be the sky on the Fourth of July?

Ranboo POV

She hums as she plays the beginning, and starts to sing.

Her voice is soft and almost fragile, making the words sound like they're floating.

As she nears the end of the song, I start focusing on the lyrics.


Or the Fourth of July?

We're all gonna die

We're all gonna die

We're all gonna die

We're all gonna die

We're all gonna die

We're all gonna die

We're all gonna die

We're all gonna die


She finishes the song and looks up at me.

"That- was amazing, but Jesus Christ that song is sad"


"Are you okay?"

She looks at the floor. "Yeah, just tired I guess"

"You should sleep, you haven't gotten a lot recently"

"I don't want to"

"Please? I'll let you have your favorite blanket from my room"

She smiles at the idea and I get up to grab the blanket. Her blanket.

I return with the blanket in my hands and she reaches for it, but I hold it up out of her reach.

She doesn't even try and grab it, instead she wraps her arms around me and buries her head in my hoodie.

I bring the blanket down, putting it on her shoulders and wrapping my arms around her waist.

"You can let go, I won't take the blanket back"

"I don't want to"

"Why not"


I laugh and look down at her, half asleep.

"Time to go to bed"

"No, I want to stay with you"

"You can still stay with me"

"Mm ok"

She looks up at me. "Hi"


"I like your hair," she says, reaching up to try and pat my damp hair.

"Thank you, but you're going to bed now"

[sleep deprivation is something special]

She climbs into her bed and wraps the blanket around herself, and half drags me in with her.

She pats my hair, apparently her goal the whole time, and puts her face against my neck, wrapping her arms around me once again.

In just a few minutes, I hear her breathing deepen, and feel her arms relax around me. She looks peaceful.

I fall asleep soon after her.

Amber POV

I wake up early. Well- early for everyone living in this house. 8:30.

Ranboo's door is open, but he's not there so I do the most logical thing.

Or the one that I'm hoping is true.

I quietly open Y/n's door, and I see them cuddling, one of Ranboo's blankets around Y/n.

Let's gooo

I take out my phone and open the camera, making sure the flash is off, taking a picture.

Exiting Y/n's room, I make my way downstairs, starting to make food.

The stairs creak and I see Tommy.

"Look who's up early"

He grumbles in response.

"But look what I saw," I say, holding out my phone.

He reluctantly walks over, looking at the picture.

"They look cute together," he says with a small smile.

"They do"

"Do you think they're going to realize they like each other soon?"

"They better, I've told both of them separately"

"And you told me and Tubbo we weren't allowed"

"Well you aren't"

"Rude," he says, rolling his eyes fake dramatically.

"Can you watch the food while I go somewhere real quick?" I ask Tommy.


Ranboo POV

I wake up to a loud noise.


The fire alarm.

[honestly what else did you guys expect]

I look at Y/n, who's starting to wake up.

"Y/n! Y/n!"

She opens her eyes and they widen as soon as she realizes what the sound is.

We both run to the door which is slightly ajar, not seeing any fire or smoke, and run downstairs, hearing Tubbo shouting.



Entering the kitchen, we find the source of the smoke. Tommy got distracted while food was cooking.

The fire alarm is still ringing, and I see Y/n wince and cover her ears.

"Tubbo, FIX IT," I shout over the fire alarm, and I take Y/n's hand and lead her outside.

We sit on the porch together.

"Too loud?" I ask, looking down at her.

"Yeah, thank you"

We sit in comfortable silence for a few minutes until Amber's car pulls up.

"What are you guys doing outside?"

"Oh, Tommy set the fire alarm off and it was really loud"

"Fuck." They open the door and we hear her start to yell at Tommy.

Y/n's eyes widen. "They like never swear"

"It's probably safe to go inside now, I don't hear the fire alarm"


We walk inside, Y/n clinging to my hand, and I don't mind.

And it's the greatest sight ever. Tommy is leaning against the the counter next to burnt food, looking like he's shrinking away from Amber, Amber is still yelling at him, and Tubbo's pressed himself against the opposite wall, trying not to laugh.

Amber finishes her discussion with Tommy, and luckily the food isn't that burnt, just a few pieces. They shoo everyone (Tommy) out and finish making the food, bringing it to the living room a few minutes later.

"Oh, Tubbo, I almost forgot to show you the picture I took this morning"

"Aww, that's adorable"

Y/n gets up from her spot beside me and tries to look at the picture. "I wanna see!"

"Sit back down then"

Y/n sits back down and Amber passes her the phone, I lean over to look and very nearly choke on my breakfast.

It's us.

Tommy loses it and starts dying laughing at our expressions.

"It's very cute Tommy, don't you agree?" Amber says with a smile on their face.

"Oh yes, very sweet"

All three of them leave us in the living room, still half in shock.

I turn to Y/n, and half of her face is covered by her hands and her knees are drawn up to her chest.

"When did she take that?" She whispers between her fingers.

"Uhh no idea, I was asleep"

"Fuck them"

"I don't think they'd particularly enjoy that"

She swats at my face with her sleeve.

"Hey- what was that for?!"

"Being an asshole"

"Mhmm sure"

Y/n tries to switch the topic. "Is it warm again today?"

"Yeah it's," I check the weather, "78°(F)." I suddenly remember [that's a rarity] what Amber had told me yesterday. "Do you want to go get ice cream? I heard they have [ice cream flavor] there."

"That's my favorite!"

"I know"

She looks surprised. "How would you know that, you didn't ask that yesterday"

"Just a guess," I said with a small smile.

"Can we go?"

"Of course, you think I'd just ask and we wouldn't go? Let's change first though, we might be hot in hoodies"

She agrees and we go to our rooms to change.

Soon enough, we're both ready.

"Oh wait, we always forget to tell them we're leaving," she says.

"Right, I'll go"

I run up the stairs and knock on Amber's door.


"Me and Y/n are going to the ice cream place"

"OoOo, have funn"

I run back to join Y/n and we begin our walk to the ice cream place.

"What are you getting?"

"Probably [pick a flavor for Ranboo too]"

"Oh, that one's good, I'm getting [fav ice cream flavor]"

We get in the line, which is surprisingly short.

"I'm paying for both of ours," Y/n says.

"No you're not"

"Yes I a-"

"Next!" The ice cream worker calls.

We order our ice creams, both getting them in a cup because we would probably drop the cones.

Y/n reaches to pay but I get there first, and she glares at me.

We grab our ice cream and thank the person, walking over to a bench covered by an umbrella.

"I said I was going to pay"

"I told you I wouldn't let you"

As a comeback, she digs her spoon into the side of my ice cream and takes out a chunk, putting the whole thing in her mouth.

I gasp dramatically. "ExCusE mE"

She laughs at me and takes another spoonful of my ice cream, but this time I try and grab it from her and she moves the spoon, hitting herself in the nose.

"You made me get ice cream everywhere noooo"

I take my spoon and steal some of her ice cream, and she puts ice cream on my nose.

"Now we match, payback"

I wipe the ice cream off my nose and she does the same, but misses a spot.

"You missed a spot"


"Riiight," I reach out and wipe the ice cream off the tip of her nose, "there."

She smiles and turns her face away, and we continue eating our ice cream, sometimes stealing each other's, until it's all gone.

[Ngl if I saw these two being all CuTe at an ice cream place I would want to throw them. Anywhere. Just gone.]

We throw away the empty ice cream cups and begin our walk back home.

"Ranboo look!"

I look down and see her with some dandelions, and two daisies.

She puts one dandelion in her hair and reaches up to try and put the other in mine.

She's too short.

"Gimme a piggyback ride"

I let her on my back and she puts the daisy behind my ear, and I hear her laughing.

"What did you do?"




"I will drop you on the sidewalk"

"No you won't, you like me too much"

It's true.

I walk the rest of the way with Y/n on my back since she refuses to get off.

"We're backkkk," Y/n yells to the empty living room.

"Okay," we hear Tubbo shout back from upstairs.

I set Y/n on the floor.

"Hey Ranboo," she whispers.


"There's dandelions in your hair"

She smiles up at me and I chase her up the stairs.

I finally corner her and pick her up, slinging her over my shoulder and she screams.





I set her down.

"Now I know how to get you to agree to things"

I roll my eyes at her and comb through my hair, finding six dandelions scattered throughout. I throw one at her.

"Get your mask and glasses"


She runs to her room, presumably to get her, and I grab mine from my room.

"Let's crash Tommy's stream"

We run into the room.

"Guys I'm streami- oh, hi"

"Hi chat! How are you?" We say in unison.

"I- stop saying things at the same time, I agree with Tubbo, it's creepy"

Chat thought this was interesting.







"Chat, we're not dating," Y/n says calmly.

"We're not, please don't ship us"

Chat returned to mostly normal, well, as normal as Tommy's chat got.

Y/n and I hung around the room and randomly joined in the stream.

"That's gonna be it for today boys! I hope you all enjoyed and thank you for all the subs and donos, I'm gonna go force Y/n and Ranboo's sleep schedule to be normal"


He ends the stream. "Now go to bed, pricks"

"Tommy- it's like 10"

"Yeah okay? I'm trying to half fix your sleep schedule, mine's bad but yours is even worse."

Knowing Tommy is going to tell ParentAmber™ on us if we don't sleep, we reluctantly head to our rooms.


I put on [sleeping clothes] and climb into my bed, but I can't sleep.

Opening Spotify, I put on background music in hopes it'll help me sleep, but it doesn't do much.

I almost fall asleep a few times, but wake up a few seconds later, until I finally fall asleep.

And I wake up two hours later. I'm cold.

I miss him.

Knowing I'm not going to sleep for a while I roll out of bed and walk to the stairs, stopping when I see light shining through the door to the streaming room.

Slowly, I walk to the door and press my ear against it, hearing Ranboo's voice. I open it and walk in.

Ranboo looks up and hits a few buttons on his keyboard.


"Hi, I couldn't sleep"

"Me neither, and I figured I haven't streamed in a while and," he gestures at the PC, "yeah. Do you want to be on stream with me?"

"I think I'll just be in the background"

"Okay, I'll keep facecam off"

He unmutes the stream and I sit on the armrest of his unicorn chair.

"Okay chat, I'm back, Y/n's here now"

"Hi chatt!"

He continues with whatever he's been doing on stream and I start to get tired. For some reason I can only fall asleep next to him..

I lean against him, sitting on the armrest making us similar in height, but I don't close my eyes.

Ranboo POV

Y/n leans against me and I look at her, struggling to keep her eyes open.

I'll let her be.

But within a matter of minutes, she's fast asleep, and I don't want her to fall off of the chair.

"Just a second chat"

I carefully lift her up and set her on my lap. She opens her eyes slightly to look up at me. She turns herself around to face me and wraps her arms around me, burying her face in my shirt, letting out a contented sigh.

I smile at her and unmute my stream. "Okay, I'm back," I whisper, "I thought I woke Tubbo up and he's not very friendly when you wake him."

~timeskip~50 minutes~

"Welp *clap*, that'll be the stream for today! I'm not sure when the next stream will be, sorry there hasn't been much of a schedule, things are kinda busy with the meetup. See you soon!"

I end the stream and look at the sleeping Y/n on my lap.

Should I risk picking her up? I don't want to wake her- but it's really uncomfortable. But I want her to be comfortable.

I decide, and carefully pick her up and walk to her room, setting her gently on the bed and laying her favorite blanket on top of her.

I begin to walk away when her eyelashes flutter open. "Stay..please"

She grabs my hand lightly and I climb in next to her.

"Yay," she says sleepily, and clings to me, and I laugh at her tiredness.




I woke up to Tommy yelling.


I open my eyes slowly and see Ranboo next to me, still asleep, our arms wrapped around each other, and Tommy standing at the doorway, hands on his hips. [sassinnit]

Amber walks over to the door. "What?"

"I literally told them to go to bed last night night at like- 10? And then I wake up to see a Twitch notification from Ranboo going live at 11 and find this," he gestures at us.


"Clingy motherfuckers"

"Go away Tommy," I mumble, still half asleep.

I hear footsteps retreat and I close my eyes again.

"Just date already, my god" It's Tommy. I heard Amber's footsteps leave earlier. My heart speeds up but I pretend to be asleep.

Tommy's footsteps retreat now, and I open my eyes.

Ranboo begins to wake up, and he opens his eyes to look at me.

"Good morning"


I move the hair away from his face and out of his eyes and he lays his forehead on my shoulder.

"Time to get up"


I poke at his nose, but he rolls away, forgetting I'm still in his arms.

"Hey- hey! Get offf," I protest, my arm being crushed.

He reluctantly sighs and lets me go, and I pull him with me out of bed.

"Did you carry me here? I don't remember much after I found you streaming"

He moves the hair out of his face again and rubs his eyes. "Mhm, you fell asleep on the edge of my chair and I was worried you would fall off so I set you in my lap. Then after I ended stream the chair was too uncomfortable so I set you here, but you asked me to stay"

"I did?"


I turned away from him.

"It was nice"

I tried to stop the smile from showing on my face but I couldn't.


Suddenly, there was a thud outside the door, and we heard a whispered "fuck, run"

I ran to the door and opened it, revealing Tommy, Tubbo, and Amber all leaning against the door.

"Hiiiiiiiii Y/nnnnnnn," Tubbo says nervously.

Ranboo walks behind me, putting his hand on my shoulder.

"Hiiiiiii Tubbooooo," I say back, matching his tone. "What are all of you doingggg?"


"It was Tommy's idea"

"For fucks sake no it wasn't"

"Then whose was it???"

"Uh, well"

"Yeah, you see, we just kinda wanted to know-"

"What?" Ranboo asked, sounding slightly annoyed.


"Are you guys....together yet?"


Word count: 3,553


Also i did my eyeliner this morning and it was uneven but i didn't have to to fix it so i had to wear it like that all day and i was pissed and late to spanish- yes i felt the need to say this

Anywaysss I hope you enjoyed your extra long chapter so eat, sleep, brush your teeth, drink water, and do some homework

Have a good day/night!


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