Father and Son

By tcher1993

2.9K 64 11

A shocking murder and horrific torture of two beloved members of Beacon Hills rock the small town, now all mu... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11

Part 6

206 3 0
By tcher1993

Welcome to Chapter 6 of this story - thank you everyone who has voted, read and commented so far - have you any suspicions yet on who the suspect is?? Hopefully this chapter may provide a few more clues - enjoy!!!

Scott POV

Today has been such a weird day; first with Jackson and Coach appearing both of them advising they believe they are responsible for Stiles's death, then them explaining together to me and Lydia what Stiles was helping Coach with and how Jackson fitted into the equation and now with Noah been awake sooner then predicted, advising he knows Lydia and Stiles are having a son.

I quickly unwrap myself from Mum's arm and head out of the room, right now I need some alone time. Without thinking I ended up on the roof of the Hospital, I hadn't been up here since the night Stiles had vanished when he was becoming Void.

I slowly walk over to the edge and sit down with my legs dangling over the side, I look out at all the lights and close my eyes and just listen closely to all the sounds coming from the town, everything from a mother telling her child off for breaking the window to someone mowing their lawn.

"How did I know I would find you up here?" Derek's voice states from behind me, I was so focused on calming my breathing down and taking in the sounds of the town I didn't even hear him arriving. I turn to look at him and he just smiles and comes and sits down next to me.

"Lucky guess! What are you doing here?" I ask him as by the way Dr Geyer was acting, only certain people knew that Noah was awake.

"Parrish called me, he told me that Noah had woken up and you had vanished. So wanna tell me why you are hiding on the roof instead of with everyone else?" Derek asks sitting down next to me on the roof ledge as much as I tried to hide my emotions, he is one person I am unable too.

"Noah just revealed to Lydia that is having a son even though Lydia didn't even know, he said that Stiles told him." I start explaining before I break down and he pulls me into a tight hug as I let all my tears out, I feel small drops hit my head and know he is also crying even though he will hide it from me.

"I'm sorry, just part of me hoped that he was still alive somehow but that just makes it more real for me." I advise wiping away my tears taking a few deep breathes and sitting up away from him as he reaches up to wipe away his own tears.

"I'm the same, I can't seem to accept that I will never get the chance to threaten to kill him anymore." Derek states before quickly hiding his hands in his face as he quickly worked out what he has just said.

"He would be laughing right now if he could see the pair of us crying over him; I keep calling his phone expecting him answer but it just rings until it hits voicemail. I guess at least I still can here his voice." I advise letting out a joking laugh, I know how daft that may sound but it provides me some comfort.

"Oh, I bet the Forensic team loves you right now, especially if you are calling everyday." Derek states giving me a gently shove as the door to the roof closes behind us, we both turn and see Dad standing there with a slightly relaxed but concerned look on his face.

"Hey Dad, is everything okay?" I ask him as he makes his way over to us and takes a perch on the ledge on the opposite side to where Derek is currently getting up from. Derek quickly exits the roof mumbling something about going to go check on Noah before leaving me and Dad alone.

"Scott, I owe you an apology. With everything that has been going on and trying to hunt down the person responsible, I haven't checked to see how you are coping with it all." Dad asks me while reaching out to hold my hand as I keep my eyes on the shining lights over Beacon Hills, I knew if I looked at him I would start crying.

"Honestly, I have no idea! I just kinda keep expecting him to walk back through that door with a crazy plan on how we are going to fix all of this. I want to be strong for Lydia as she just lost her Husband and Father to her child in the most horrible circumstances possible and Noah has just arrived back in a world where he has lost his entire family and now having to live with the memories of what happened." I state glad to finally be able to let it all go with my Dad, for so much of my life I held this anger and resentment towards him but since he learnt about everything, he has come on so much.

"Noah and Lydia are not alone in this and nor are you, you all have the biggest family in the world waiting with open arms to provide comfort, support and protection. Lydia may have lost her Husband, her child may have lost his Father, Noah may have lost his Son but you also lost your Brother. You have the right to breakdown, scream or be so incredibly angry; just don't hide it away." Dad advises squeezing my hand tighter and I get the courage to look at him before cuddling tightly into him, the emotions of grief show me how he is feeling without needing to say any words.

"Thanks Dad. How are you holding up? I know you need to be the big FBI boss, but you and Stiles had worked so closely recently and seemed to be growing close." I ask him as I sit back up and wipe away the fresh batch of tears escaping my eyes, I seriously underestimated my bodies capacity to create tears.

"Same as you really, I feel like right now I have a lot of feelings about his death but need to bottle them down and do my job. Once justice has been brought then I can finally accept and deal with the lingering emotions; it will sound daft I miss his annoying voice when he corrects me on any little mistakes I have made." Dad advises letting out a wet chuckle as he seems to think about the times he was on about, it gives me a quick idea of how I can help him.

"I know something that may help." I advise him pressing Stiles's number and I am surprised by the ringing, I expected the battery to have died by now. I guess someone charged it up so they can collect any evidence.

Hey, this is Stiles and you missed me. Leave a message!

Dad looks at my phone in shock before taking it out of my hands, his hand seems to shake as he cancels the call and redials again listening to the ringing that will never be answered.

Hey, this is Stiles and you missed me. Leave a message!

"Dad, are you okay?" I ask wondering what is happening as Dad reaches for his radio and asks Parrish to join us on the room. He swings his legs around and stands up, I stand up and move towards him as he is yet to answer my question.

Parrish rushes out the roof door with Derek a few moments later, obviously both expecting an attack as Parrish has his gun drawn and Derek has his nails present. Once seeing it is just the two of us, they both put their respective weapons away.

"Raf, what's going on?" Parrish asks but Dad just holds up his hand and presses the redial button once again and the familiar ringing sound echoes around the quite roof.

Hey, this is Stiles and you missed me. Leave a message!

"But that's not possible, his phone wasn't on him or at the house. It has been days since his death and his phone would have died by now. So why is it still ringing?" Parrish states as soon as Dad clicks my phone to end the call, once again leaving me feeling really confused and by the look of Derek's face he is feeling the same way.

"Exactly, so what if he had a feeling about something. You know how paranoid Stiles could be, so what if he thought something was going to go down and hid the phone and any other evidence somewhere." Dad explains and now I understand better what is happening, Stiles's phone isn't at the Station; so the question is where would he hide something?

"Hang on, you said this was connected to someone Coach and Jackson asked Stiles to look into right. Think what connects our suspect, Coach, Jackson and Stiles; where Stiles could hide something if needed?" Derek states placing the dots together and I can only think of one place that connects everyone together.

"The Locker Room at Beacon Hills High School, Coach's office is in there so could have hid it there or in one of the main empty lockers." I advise and the three men nod their head in agreement as Dad hands me my phone back, before we all quickly head down the stairs; we only advise Lydia, Noah and Mum we will be back soon as don't want to get there hopes up just yet.

I can't resist dialling Stiles's number one more time as we stand in the lift heading down, after a few rings his voice echoes around the quiet lift.

Hey, this is Stiles and you missed me. Leave a message!

Thank you for reading - new chapter will arrive soon!!!!

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