The boy who failed to die.

By AnastasiA-00731

107K 3.4K 445

Harry James potter brother of the famous Marcus Charlus potter (the boy who lived) and oldest son of lily and... More

Year 1 Chapter 1
Year 1 Chapter 3
Year 1 chapter 4
Year 1 Chapter 5
Year 1 Chapter 6
Year 1 Chapter 7
Year 1 chapter 8
Year 1 chapter 9
Year1 Chapter 10
Year 1 chapter 11
Year 1 chapter 12
Year 1 chapter 13

Year 1 chapter 2

8.8K 311 33
By AnastasiA-00731

The sharp blade in my hand is lifted and I bring it into my eyes view. Stainless steal with a clean and sharp blade.

My green eyes light up at the squeak that leaves the pigs mouth. He hides behind petunia, his head peeking out every now and then.

"Aww not so tough now huh little piggy?"

I lick my lips and smile, walking up to the horse necked lady I lift up the knife one again. I trace it along her face and make a few cuts here and there.

"No need to cry just yet Auntie, I haven't even started yet, but don't worry no one will hear your screams, no one will find out what a freak you have living in your house," at this point she looked dead and if it wasn't for her whimpering and crying then you'd think she was.

"Hmm who to start with? Who to start with? I know how bout the little piggy?" I ask like a child asking for a certain packet of sweets.

He shakes his head and hugs into Petunia tighter and she holds onto him just as fiercely.

"No please he's just a child he didn't know any different just me and Vernon played a part not Dudley leave him alone," oh such strong words from such a weak and pathetic woman. This may be fun.

"But Auntie, am I not also a child? That never did stop you did it? That never stopped Vernon or Dudley did it? I have the scars and the memories to prove it and soon you will have the same,"

I walk up to Dudley and use all of my strength into pulling him away from Petunia who I first stab in the arm. No need to kill her just yet, she'll miss all the fun.

Vernon who was passed out previously, is starting to wake up and groans most likely from the hard blow from the Butt of the knife.

Holding Dudley to the ground I get to work. No need to give them chance to stop me.

I carve letter after letter into his skin, I carve symbol after symbol as well.



Ungrateful Brat


And lastly a pentagon is drawn into his right arm.

Next I move onto Petunia, I look into her wretched brown eyes and sneer in disgust. From her eyes to her sickly pristine skin I relish in her screams as I carve out the words.


For her a Triskele is made, it says The beginning, the end, and the Revenge.

Last of all is Vernon I look down on him with hate, fat tears are running down his cheeks and looks at his precious family in sorrow and despair, a hopeless man was hopeless in saving his family.

On his chest I draw the Symbol of Erebus.

(I didn't know how to describe it so here the pic)

Under that symbol I draw a line with an x going through it half way down. The Celtic rune of the great serpent.

I look at My work and am happy with what I see, three shaking and bleeding messes all at my feet, all at my mercy. I concentrate in my mind and I imagine a great fire, one of blue and green colours, I imagine it washing through the house destroying everything in its path and not stopping until everything is but a memory of its former self.

I open my green eyes and I'm amazed to see exactly what I imagined and more. A crow the size of a person is flying around. It comes up to me and flys around me for a few moments before blowing its fire towards the door.

It wants me to leave, it- it's amazing. The raw power that comes from it is amazing. I can't believe it, I can't believe I'm capable of something so destructive, something so powerful and addictive, something so raw.

I bow my head a little and I leave the house without a look back. When I'm halfway up the road of privet drive I hear an explosion. I don't turn back but i know that my crow of fire has done what I commanded of it.

I think it's time I enter the Wizarding world. A few months ago I came across something rather peculiar. It was a snake and while yes that's not very unusual it spoke to me, told me I was different.

Obviously I already knew this but since then I begun trying to summon my magic, I begun training it to listen to what I say. At first I could only lift up my toys and that had me exhausted but after a while I begun to be able to do more.

Changing my clothes, doing my chores, hurting people if I do wanted it. I accidentally hurt Piers, Dudley's friend, I got punished of course but it was so definitely worth it.

I stole 100 pounds from Petunias bag that should be enough to get me into London.

1 year later.

For a year now I've been training in secret, reading and learning about this world. I've took residency in a smallish Alley called Knockturn Alley East of Diagon Alley.

It's quiet and secluded, not many people come here which is exactly what I need.

I've been meeting with a man who's been giving me some books and gave me a wand without a ministry trace on it so I would be able to learn.

Not long after I entered the wizarding world I learned of my 'dead' family who're very much alive and happy.

My god forsaken parents have another son, My twin his name is Charlus Potter after our Great-uncle.

He is famous for killing off a supposed dark lord and is known as the boy who lived. I learned of them through papers and conversations that spoke very proudly of their saviour and his family and I hate it, I hate them.

I hated them before for leaving me with Petunia and Vernon but now, now I really hate them like never before.

I'm sitting in my semi-decent room eating my now cold breakfast, Omelette and Bacon with some orange juice, when an owl come flying through the gap in the window.

I take the letter that is tied to its foot and open it carefully and mindful of anything potentially dangerous.

Mr Harry J Potter

Knockturn Alley

Second Floor

Third bedroom to the left.

Signed Hogwarts school of witchcraft and Wizardry.

Smirking at the letter I hand the brown owl a piece of my bacon and a few galleons before it flies off.

Dear Mr Potter,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted into Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

Term starts on 1st of September, we await your owl no later that 31st of July.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva Mcgnagall
Deputy Headmistress.

Another piece of parchment has the requirements and everything I'll need.

31 of July, that's cutting it short that's today.

Grabbing a piece of paper from under my draw, I write a letter back.

Dear Miss Minerva McGonagall,

I'm writing to inform you that I would be delighted to attend Hogwarts school of Witchraft and wizardry, I look forward to seeing you all soon,

Yours sincerely,

Harry J Potter

I use the barmaids owl with her permission and watch as my letter is taken to the Deputy Headmistress of Hogwarts.

I will see you all so very soon indeed, you won't know what's hit you.

Smiling to myself I look again at my list and sigh, looks like a trip to Diagon Alley is in order.

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