The Burning Frost ~Stashi~

By laheyluvr_number14

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"Let's get something straight." Nashi spoke loudly to all the other demons. She turned and walked towards Miy... More

Fairy Tail Children: The Next Generation
Chapter One: A New Day
Chapter Two: Magnolia Madness
Chapter Three: The Team
Chapter Four: The Danger
Chapter Five: The Exchange
Chapter Six: The Battle For The Town
Chapter Seven: The Fire
Chapter Eight: Storm The Castle
Chapter Nine: The Demon Seed
Chapter Ten: The Takeover
Chapter Eleven: To Make A Move
Chapter Twelve: To Love A Demon
Chapter Thirteen: A Love That Burns
Chapter Fourteen: The Clashing Tides
Chapter Fifteen: Diverging Mind
Chapter Sixteen: The Versions
Chapter Seventeen: The She Beast
Chapter Eighteen: Rampaging Girl
Chapter Nineteen: The Lovers' Battle
Chapter Twenty: A Nightmare Never Told
Chapter Twenty-One: My One Wish
Chapter Twenty-Two: The Big Confrontation
Chapter Twenty-Three: Demon Revival
Chapter Twenty-Four: Plans In Motion
Chapter Twenty-Five: Battle Approaches
Chapter Twenty-Six: Fullbusters United
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Burn With The Flames of My Passion
Chapter Twenty-Nine: We Are Fairy Tail
Author's Note

Chapter Twenty-Seven: Tipped Chances

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By laheyluvr_number14

~Nashi P.O.V~

I need a plan and fast.

I can tell that E.N.D is losing control over the power. I could feel myself slipping back into the mindset of weeks ago when I destroyed the town.

The rock golems were much more than I thought I could handle. Jumping onto their shoulder, I have to dig my claws into the cracks of the rock to hold on. I grit my teeth, looking at the other golem as it swung its fist. I flipped off landing on a building roof. The fist that was aimed at me knocked the head off of the other. Miyoke didn't seem to mind; she was grinning at my partial transformation.

"So you're not as in control as you thought." She taunted as I panted, hoping to catch my breath. I could feel my mind clouding with rage and my control slipping in the face of the power.

I growl. "You don't know what I'm capable of." Instead of attacking the golem, I jump at their master instead, throwing the both of us into the roof across the street. While she collides with the concrete, I land on my feet, ready to hurt her. I growl, my lip pulling back in a snarl as fire envelops my hands. I run forward and punch her across the face, then aim to kick her side but she catches it. I gruntednthrough gritted teeth trying to pull away and keep my balance.

Miyoko throws me into the street below and I crash into the rubble, narrowly dodging the golem's attacks.

Just as I stand up, a shadow covers me. I look up, eyes widened a rock fist comes down.

Fear freezes me and I'm crushed.

It's like my lungs were pressed into a box then thrown about in my ribs. I couldn't feel it, but I know I was bleeding.

Get up Nashi. You need to get up.

Stand up! This battle isn't over!

How could I? This was more painful than my mind being torn apart from the time of my rampage.

Don't give in!

Nashi please! Your family needs you! We need you!

Their words give me the courage to stand. Using all my strength, I lift onto all fours then I stand fully, shaking and grunting holding up the golem fist. I look up, a mad glint in my eye as I glare at my enemy. I hear Gale ways away from me, shouting my name happily.

"You can't stop me," I said angrily. I force my nails inward, breaking dust over my head. With the one strong push, the golem stumbles away, steps thundering against the ground. Keeping our eyes locked, I punch into the leg, the whole thing cracking and then breaking apart.

I could feel my features change.

I was changing.

~Third Person P.O.V~

Heat seemed to grow around the Dragneel; her hair whipped in her face as her power grew and she grew stronger. Horns protruded from her skull and a tail lashed behind her. Just like at the Cathedral in what seemed like a lifetime ago. Her scales glistened and shined like stars themselves. Her eyes, they weren't red this time; they were a glowing burgundy.

Dragon and demon as one.

Nashi moved quickly, jumping to kick Miyoko in the head, sending her stumbling. Then, a fireball burned into her skin making the demon scream. Nashi grabbed her by the neck, and sent her into the air. At a bursting speed, Nashi flies up to follow, using her fire to propel her into the air and punch the demon once again forcing her down.

Coming to stand in front of the woman on her knees, Nashi grows angrier.

"Fight back!" Nashi boomed, yelling angrily. "You wanted the demon you got it, now fight back!"

Nashi swung her arm aiming for a hit but Miyoko caught it.

Nashi inhaled sharply.

"But Miyoko's range goes farther than just cloth,"  Makoto's words echo in Nashi's brain as she loses touch with her senses. Her arm and leg fall to Miyoko's mind like prey.

"Any inanimate object she touches she can bend to her will. I don't know if there's a limit or not."

Nashi knew that was a lie ad her mind clouded over and her limps wouldn't respond to her commands.

She couldn't even hear the voices she had just gotten used to in her head.

Nearby, she could hear Gale shouting in worry for her. She felt as if she were underwater as Miyoko stood from her position. She was bruised and cut but it was healing, with a dark smile.

"I assume Makoto has told you much of my power, Nashi. But he hasn't told you the best part."

Nashi tries to force a yell out her throat but she's like a dummy, unmoving without someone moving her.

"My power isn't about touching inanimate objects." Her voice was a cold realization washing over Nashi. "Anything that I can touch becomes my living puppet."

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