Everlasting Bonds : Innocent...

By Oiltumpah2000

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Under the twilight stars, pair boy and girl running together to grab happiness. After losing many things, the... More

Prologue - First
Prologue - Second
Chapter 1 - A Changing Day
Chapter 3 - An Important Day
Chapter 3.5 - A Gift
Chapter 4 - Practice
Chapter 5 - Leisure Walk
Chapter 6 - Hookshot Trial
Chapter 7 - Trip to Capital
Chapter 8 - Little Family Talk
Chapter 9 - Monster Rush
Chapter 10 - Stranded in the Woods
Chapter 11 - Stranded in the woods 2
Chapter 12 - Little Shadow Assault

Chapter 2 - Visitor

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By Oiltumpah2000

After parted with Arc, Misha went to her room.

*Huff...* *Huff...*

"I hate stairs." (Misha)

Misha said with fed-up feeling.

Despite having great stamina, it's still tiring to going up and down the stairs. Misha wishing her room was moved to first floor.

Upon arrival, Misha greeted with messy room. Usually, Arc would have cleaned up the room, but he's very busy today since the morning, and didn't have chance to clean up. Caused some circumstances, no one can enter her room except Arc. Even her own family not dare to enter unless Misha in there. So, there will no maid come to clean her room.


Looks like I have to clean up myself.

After released a tired sigh, Misha begins to clean up her room.

Despite being wide, Misha's feel narrow with the things that packed inside. There're piles of books, paper, and some unusual things.

The books and papers were her recent magic study. Magic Introduction, Collective Zero and First Rank Magic, A Person Element Aptitude, Magist Introduction. So many books with various title piled up. There also stack of papers and parchments with unreadable scribes and runes. Across the room, various items with eerie looks stacked. They are magic items that she and Arc collected in her whim and curiosity. All of these are the result of Misha and Arc's effort to learn magic.

Every night, Arc and Misha would gaining magic knowledge from books, or trying to analyze the strange magic items they found. Though, their study couldn't get far, as all their books about basic or introduction knowledge. Also, most magic items found were broken, defect, or counterfeit ones. Rarely they found genuine magic items.

Misha tidying the scattered parchments, then paused as she grabbed one of Arc's works.

She studying the paper with some complicated feeling.

Despite not a Magist, Arc strangely proficient in magic field. He created and imagined more magic than her, albeit few that really functional as magic.

That somehow hurt Misha confidence as a Magist. Be defeated even though her opponent not a Magist and still a child.

Misha thought Arc was a real genius rather the fake her for being a cheater as reincarnator.

Even so, Misha not really envying Arc, rather glad as she is. There's no Magist other than her in Everyne territory, causing her feel isolated and lonely. For Arc can keeping up with her magic study, filling the gap in her heart.

Everyne is a knight bloodline noble family. For several generation, Everyne descendant always awakened as Warrior. Because of that, Everyne family viewing Warrior in high sight, rarely accept or inviting or acquainting with Magist to their territory.

Misha appearance is first appearance after Magist long absence in Everyne territory.

Since no Magist except Misha in Everyne territory, Misha didn't have teacher to guide her. Misha have it rough the first month she ascended as Magist. Fortunately, a traveling Magist visiting her home and giving her short guidance before leave.

After that, Misha managing her knowledge with self-taught.

Misha haven't stopped her hand to cleaning her room as she reminiscing.

When Misha picks up *Learn Basic Magic* titled book from the floor, knocks sounded from the door.

"Who?" (Misha)

"It's me, Arianne." (Arianne)

"Sis Ari? Come in." (Misha)

"Excuse me." (Arianne)

A well build and beautiful woman entering the room. She's Arianne Mist Everyne, Everyne first daughter and Misha's older sister. Having same blond hair like Misha and looked like Misha older version. Both of them truly resembling each other despite come from different mother.

Arianne stunned when she saw the room condition.

"Why are your room so messy?" (Arianne)

"A-ha-ha, sorry, Arc and I didn't have time to clean up this room." (Misha)

"I understand that. Why didn't let maid do it?" (Arianne)

"They can't! What would I do if they randomly displace or wrongly throw my thing in my room again? Just remember what happened half-year ago, Sis!" (Misha)

"Yeah, I'm no way forgetting that incident. Still, it's remarkable to think those pieces of papers could burn our house." (Arianne)

That was an incident that happened half-year ago.

When Arc too busy to clean up the room like this time, a clueless maid come in his place. The maid just randomly stacked the magic parchments and magic items as she cleaning up. Furthermore, the maid thrown out some magic items that looked like thrash to dump, and left without knowing the disaster she invited.

Then, the incident happened.

The magic runes on parchments unexpectedly absorbing mana inside magic items and activated. Next thing had been known, Misha's room and the dump exploded. The explosion quite big, almost burned the house. Luckily, no one's injured in that incident. The maid almost got fired, though.

Since that time, Misha room became forbidden and dangerous zone, banned maids from entering.

Misha teared up recalling that incident. She lost many of her precious study material in fire. Redoing some of her study from beginning, also.

Apparently, Arianne was near her room when the incident happened. She little traumatized by that, and always in vigilance whenever she visits Misha's room.

"How come you here, Sis Ari? I recall you're out patrolling." (Misha)

"I just back today. There's something I want to take care. I already said hello to our parent. Now I want take look at you since there's nothing to do." (Arianne)

"Oh... you're welcome then, Sis." (Misha)

"Thanks... By the way, mind to point where safe place to sit?" (Arianne)

Arianne asked, as she inspecting Misha's room cautiously.

Misha giggled at her older sister's caution look. Somehow, she looked like small animal.

"There." (Misha)

Misha pointed her bed.

Arianne checking the safety of the bed several times before trusting Misha's word.

Misha helplessly shook her head toward her sister action, then resuming to clean up.

The room isn't difficult to tidy. Misha just needs to move her things as not get in way or causing another incident.

Arianne tensed whenever Misha picked up an item in the room. She felt uncertain and unsafe with the mysterious things in Misha's room.

"Hey, Misha, what is that?" (Arianne)

"This, I don't know." (Misha)

"You don't know!?" (Arianne)

"Yeah, I picked it since I felt mana seeping from this thing. By the way, I found this from market."

"Don't just picking some random thing carelessly! What do you think if it's dangerous or cursed!? Are you still not learning your lesson!?" (Arianne)

"Don't worry, Arc confirmed this is safe. So, there wouldn't be danger... maybe." (Misha)

"He is said? Okay then." (Arianne)

Arianne tiredly lowering her shoulder after the talk concluded. Occurred to her how reckless her little sister can be.

In her mind, she paid her gratitude to Arc for keeping Misha safe.

In the house, Arc's ability to smell danger is well known. His sensitivity to danger always protecting Misha from her careless nature. Although, Arc ended up taking the suffer from Misha's action.

As an older sister, Arianne glad Misha picked Arc to her side. Because of him, Misha still safe until now.

Their conservation continued as Misha tidying her room.

"...It's finished. Sis Ari, I want to read my book first." (Misha)

After her room tidied, Misha stops talking with Arianne and sit in front of desk. She picked a book, start reading it from the bookmark placed. Misha then took a paper and quill, scribbling some magic formula from book to paper.

Arianne watching her sister from side, taking a look what she scribbling up.

"What you're doing?" (Arianne)

"I'm writing a simple magic formula." (Misha)

"...Simple?" (Arianne)

Arianne glanced at that so called simple formula. After a glance, she didn't take another look, as she didn't understand anything Misha wrote. She didn't even know what language Misha was using is. Just looking that simple formula already hurting both of Arianne's eyes and head. Arianne can't read what being written in the paper.

"......Are you sure this just simple magic?" (Arianne)

"I'm sure. It was written in the book title." (Misha)

Misha stops her hand. Picked the book to show its title to Arianne.

*Simple Area Heal Magic Circle*

Arianne's feet almost gave out when she read the title. Misha doesn't seems realize her sister reaction, as she made a 'Right?' looks, then resume her hand.

Right? What right!? are you playing with me!? Area Heal is Third Rank magic! Are you saying you can already use it!?

A thundering premonition come to her. Arianne hurriedly asking her sister.

"Hey, can you use that?" (Arianne)

Arianne said while suppressing her agitated voice.

"Unfortunately, no. I don't have enough mana to active that magic." (Misha)

"...It's that so." (Arianne)

"Please don't disturb me for time being, Sis Ari." (Misha)

Arianne feels both relief and disappoint heard Misha denied her expectation. She wants to ask Misha more but stopped as she saw her sister studying seriously.

Arianne observing Misha for some time until she got bored. Then, she looking around Misha's room from her standing.

There're some things in the room that got her interest, as she never saw them. Arianne's gaze landed on some foreign language books.

Arianne giving complicate looks on Misha's back. She had asked her and known her sister have mastering three different languages at her age. Something that she couldn't do, even though she was the older one.

Sometimes, Arianne wondering if Misha truly a child. She felt she's too smart and wise for a child in. At times, Misha acted more mature than her.

Haven't realize Arianne impression to her, Misha continued her focus on table.

"Ah, the ink ran out." Misha exclaimed. As she got off the chair, Misha stumbled her leg. Misha produced 'Aaaa!' sound from her mouth and fell on piles of books. The others towering books then fell on her, made another pained 'Aaaa!' sounded from her mouth.

At the side, Arianne stiffened. Misha's behavior once again broke her previous impression. Arianne released a tired sigh, noting her previous impression just imagination.

Correcting her state: Most time, Misha acting childish befitting her age.

"Ow, that's hurt..." Misha said, as she rubbing her head. Not realizing the changing impression of her in Arianne's mind.

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