By achemicalmess

17.1K 814 1.9K

Just a bunch of different one-shots... mainly fluff, some smut so WARNING in case you don't like that. More

Field Trip to the Museum
The Biggest Fan
The Prettiest Girl at the Party, And She Can Prove It with a Solid Right Hook
Oh Take Me From The Hospital Bed
I Will Look For You in Every Life
I'm Yours
You're A Heart Attack in Black Hair Dye
Political Statements
So Fucking Romantic
Parades of Passion
Cook Needed
Viva Indifference
At the End of the Word
Wedding Bells
Poetry 101
Pink Feather Boas and Cigarettes
We'll Be A Dream
Going for a Walk in the Woods
The Punk Princess
Straight White Men
The Influence of Art in Our Lives
S-I-N, I S-I-N
Your Propaganda Bullshit Makes Me Sick
Happy Together
Are You A Vampire?
Lover I Don't Have to Love
Girls' Clothes
If I Fall Down
Birthday Boy
You Like D&D
TUA: School for Misfits
Quarantine Boyfriends
The Pansy Twins
You Wanna Bet?
Holy Chicken
The Intern
Punk Rock Princess
Boyfriends in Pajamas
These Nights
The Wayfinder
Let's Go Back to the Middle of the Day That Starts It All
Not a Date
Haunted House
Your Propaganda Bullshit - PART 2
Looking for some fun?
Puppy for Adoption
Puppy for Adoption - PART 2
Marching Band Nerds
Happiest Season
Christmas Date
He Came Out as a Homosexual
Jet Black New Year
They Had Football Practice Before
The Portal
The Nurse's Office
The Hero
The Hero, Part 2
The Frog Prince
Dad I'd Like to Fuck
The Paramour
The Ghosts of Christmas
Our Sweet Baby, pt. 2
Don't Get Excited
Don't Get Excited, pt. 2
Party Dad and the Clown
Party Dad and the Clown - Part 2
You've Got Mail
You've Got Mail, pt. 2
Someone Call the Nurse
Someone Call the Nurse, pt. 2
Robot Fight
Robot Fight, Pt. 2
The Muse, Part 2

Our Sweet Baby

151 6 2
By achemicalmess

The guy pulled up his pants as Frank got back up. 'I could give you another twenty if you come home with me tonight,' he said.

Frank couldn't help laughing. 'Are you fucking kidding me? For twenty?'

Frank wasn't a hooker. He just liked dick.

And money.

And sometimes he needed extra money for college, or something. So why not using his talents, doing something he liked, to get cash? Or maybe that was what he told himself as an excuse to go around giving blowjobs and getting fucked.

There was nothing wrong with that. He was young, and having fun.

'Fifty bucks,' Frank told the guy. He wasn't sure what was his name, or where he found out about what Frank did, but he was cute. Not that it mattered. And he just approached him while he was helping his friends set up for their show at the local VFW hall, and gave him a twenty.

'I'm sorry, man – this is all I have.'

'Maybe next time, then. I have to go practice, anyway.' He grabbed his backpack and headed out. He wasn't planning on staying longer either way. Shaun and Hambone were probably waiting for him, and it'd take him at least twenty minutes to drive there, so he ran to his car, and headed to their rehearsing space.

'Sorry I'm late.' He knew his friends would want an explanation, or worse, they already knew what he was doing. So he went straight to get his guitar, and started tuning. 'Okay, let's do this.'


It'd been a great show.

Frank crushed it, and he saw some girls singing to their songs. So, in his book, it was a great show. And the best part was that he had fun with his friends, which was the whole point. If this was going to be his life, he'd be happy.

Tired and accomplished, he headed outside for a cigarette. He just needed a moment to let it all in. Sometimes his dream felt too big, and it was hard to believe that his band was doing well and that they were going on tour, and he was doing what he loved.

He wasn't even twenty-one and he was already considering dropping out of college to follow his dreams and go on tour. After such a great night, everything was possible.

'Care if I join you?' The voice caught him off guard. When he turned around, he saw Tucker, Thursday's drummer, stepping out of the venue and getting out his cigarettes from his pocket. Frank didn't answer. He didn't mind, really.

'It was a nice show, wasn't it?' Tucker asked.

Frank smiled, and he just hoped he didn't look like an idiot who had a crush on this hot drummer, because the last thing he needed was to make things awkward. Because Tucker was a nice guy, and the Thursday guys had been nice to them, and he didn't want to make things awkward. But he did have a crush on him. 'It was the best show we've played so far,' he said.

'You guys will go far, I'm telling you.'

Frank blushed. He didn't know how to take compliments, especially from someone who'd already made it, and who happened to be hot as fuck. 'I hope so.' They kept talking, joking around about Geoff forgetting the lyrics, when someone called Frank's name.

It was Dave – or Dean – he couldn't remember his name. But they hooked up a couple times at house parties, and this guy kept asking him out every time they ran into each other. 'Hey,' was all Frank could said, trying to be polite. He didn't want to cause a scene or have to explain Tucker what he did.

'You were amazing,' Dave said, already getting too close.


There was a long, awkward pause, and Frank avoided eye contact, praying he'd just leave him alone. But instead, he offered him a twenty. 'You wanna go somewhere?'

Frank was a little shocked. His face felt warm and he just wanted to die in that moment. He never thought Dave would out him like that. 'I'm – not right now.'

'I see you're already booked for the night,' Dave said, and he just left.

It wasn't until he was far enough that Frank could finally breathe away. 'What the fuck was that?' Tucker said, almost laughing. Frank knew he wasn't judging him, and that he had no idea, but it was still weird.

'It was nothing.'

But Frank was the worst liar and his face was red and he couldn't help laughing. 'Are you –' Tucker started, almost whispering. 'Like a dealer?'

Frank laughed his head off. 'What?! No!' It wasn't the first time people thought that, with the dreads and all, and it got him in trouble with the cops a couple times.

'Then what is it?' Frank didn't say anything, and just then, Tucker seemed to have a moment of revelation. 'Wait – did he think you're like a hooker or something? And that I –'

Shit. Frank went red and stiff and his brain was blank. What was he supposed to say? He didn't even know how to lie.

'Wait – are you?'

Frank didn't answer. He just took a long drag of his cigarette, and let Tucker figure it out for himself. He wasn't ready to just say it out loud.

What he didn't expect was Tucker looking straight at him with that smile, his cigarette pursed between his lips. Or the silence that followed, as they stood next to each other, leaning against the wall of the back alley, and then Tucker checking his wallet to see if he had any cash. 'How much for –'

Frank didn't even let him finish. He pushed him against the wall, their lips crashing together. Hands exploring under shirts and pulling hair. It was urgent, and even a little violent, neither of them knowing where to go.

Frank's brain was going on autopilot, just going with the flow. He'd imagined this a couple times, but never in a million years thought it'd come true, so he was letting himself enjoy it. He let Tucker drag him back inside and into the bathroom backstage. It was dark and smelled like puke, but it didn't matter because Tucker's tongue was down his throat and it was amazing. And Tucker's hands on the side of his stomach, his cock getting harder inside his jeans.

That voice in his head that kept wondering if this was just a casual thing, or whether he was getting paid for this, shut up for a minute. He pulled him closer, grinding his erection against Tucker's, and before he knew it, Tucker's hand was already in his pants, jerking him off.

Whatever this was, it was good.

Without saying a word, Frank got on his knees, and unzipped Tucker's pants, and then freed his gorgeous dick. Fuck, why hadn't he figure out he liked Tucker? They could had done this a lot sooner. Tucker pulled his dreadlocks, fucking his mouth hard, while Frank moaned around his cock, the heavy weight on his tongue. He was enjoying every minute.

He enjoyed the taste of his cum, and the warmth of Tucker's thighs when he let his head rest on them afterwards. He was almost floating away, so Tucker pulling him up from the floor and holding him felt nice, steading him as he kissed his lips.

'Consider this a free trial,' Frank joked as they were putting their pants back on.

'You asshole.'

Before walking out of the bathroom, he turned to Tucker and winked. 'Come back soon!'


Tucker did come back again.

Inside Frank. Just a week after, at a house party. And then again, at a show.

Frank didn't charge him either time. 'I don't charge my friends,' he told him later, when they were smoking outside. Which was true, because he actually hadn't hooked up with his friends before.

And he knew it wasn't a good idea, and it could end up really bad, but they were just having fun. So sometimes they'd hang out after shows, or Tucker would invite him to his apartment to get a beer, and maybe a blowjob. And sometimes Frank would drop him off at Geoff's place for practice. 'Hey, Frankie!' Geoff greeted him as they pulled up outside his house. 'What are you doing here?'

'Uh –,' Tucker mumbled, trying to come up with something. 'He gave me a ride. We ran into each other at the mall.'

'The mall?'

Geoff seemed more confused, and they weren't making any sense. 'Whatever. You should come and hang out with us.'

So Frank stayed. He jammed with them, and they shared a joint later, talking about nonsense all night until half of them fell asleep on the couch. Frank knew he had to go home, but the thought of driving was a lot to handle, and instead he got up and walked to the tiny corner of the basement where Geoff kept a coffee maker, and got himself a cup.

'I thought you were asleep,' Geoff said when he found him looking for the sugar, and handed him a blue tin can.

Frank shook his head. 'I think I'm heading home. But I need some coffee first.'

His friend nodded, and they just stood there without saying anything. Frank was aware of the uncomfortable silence, but he didn't know what to say. 'So – you and Tucker?' Geoff asked out of nowhere, and Frank almost chocked on his coffee.


'C'mon! I'm not stupid. You always disappear at the same time, and your face just earlier.' The blond man kept laughing at Frank's reaction. 'It's okay. You guys look cute.'

'We're not –'

'Frank – I literally heard you the other day.' Ugh. He had to remind himself not to get so loud next time.

'I mean –,' he struggled with the words, nervous. 'We're – but we're not together.'


He gave his friend a few minutes to figure out the arrangement. But seeing as he didn't say a word, and it was getting pretty uncomfortable, Frank felt the need to make a joke, just to lighten up the air. 'Don't be jealous,' he said. 'I'll let you fuck me, too.'

He was expecting Geoff to laugh it off and just move on. But he didn't.

He just gave him a look, as if he was actually considering it.


'Wait –,' Frank said. 'Are you serious?'

'Are you?'

And before any of them said anything else, Geoff pulled him by the arm, and took him upstairs to his room. They stopped halfway there, and the blond man pulled him for a kiss.

This wasn't how Frank had planned to end his day, but here he was anyway, so he might as well have some fun. They giggled at the clumsiness of the situation, how their bodies crashed against each other as they made it to the bed, and how excited Frank seemed to be. 'You fucking slut,' Geoff joked before pressing his lips against Frank's again. Geoff was gentle, Frank noted. He took his time to kiss him and make him feel good. His hands knew what to do, and his tongue knew exactly where to –

Oh, fuck. His tongue.

By the time his pants were off, Frank was moaning loud, and was glad the rest of the guys were in the basement and couldn't hear him. 'Just fuck me!' he yelled, his voice hoarse.

'Patience, Frankie.' And it was worth the wait. Because Geoff was even better with his fingers. He had Frank squirming and asking for more. His thrusts were tender, but he knew exactly were to hit to send Frank to heaven.

And the cuddles afterwards.

Both of them spent and tired in bed, with Geoff's arms around him, Frank mumbled, 'We should do this again.'


And they did.

Over the next few weeks, Frank would drive to his place after school, then a couple days later he'd meet up with Tucker at a show, or something. He was sure they both knew he was hooking up with both of them, but clearly, they didn't mind sharing him.

Then, while hanging out in the greenroom before a gig, he'd be sitting next to Tucker, just drinking and going over their setlist, when Geoff walked in and sat on the other side. 'Aww, look at him,' he said, making Frank blush. 'Our sweet baby!'

Motherfuckers, he thought. It was one thing sharing him, but joking about it in front of everyone, was a whole another level, and now Hambone was giving him a look, getting suspicious.

But that didn't stop them.

At parties, Geoff would offer Frank beers, and then, they'd go to the basement and Frank would let him do whatever he wanted. Then he'd meet up with Tucker for drinks and blowjobs.

'You're a fucking whore, man,' Hambone told him. They were driving to a house party after their show, after his friend had literally seen him walk out of the restroom with Tucker. So Frank couldn't deny it anymore, and he just laughed.

'Shut up,' he said, laughing. 'I bet if I was sleeping with girls, it'd be a very different story, and you'd be congratulating me.' Hambone doesn't reply, but that just meant he was right. 'See?'

'I'm not judging you, dude. I'm just –'

Frank knew what he meant. 'I'm being careful, okay? And I'm honest with everyone, so –'


And that was that. Frank knew that his friends respected his decisions, and trusted him. He knew they were just looking out for him, and they wanted something better than him sleeping around with everyone.

And he wanted it, too.

He wanted to settle down, find his prince charming. Deep inside, he was still a hopeless romantic who wanted to get married and start a family. But he wasn't sure if that was real.

'There he is!' he heard Geoff yell when they walked through the door. He was with the rest of the guys, as well as other people he didn't know. 'Our sweet baby!'

Frank just smiled, embarrassed by this new nickname, and walked over there to say hi.

Geoff greeted him with a hug. 'Oh, remember Mikeyway?' he asked, pointing to the skinny dude next to him. Frank remembered seeing him a couple times at shows and parties. He was usually quiet, but he seemed cool. 'And this is his brother, Gerard.'


Next to Mikey, there was this pale guy with spiky hair and a shy smile.

And he was beautiful as fuck.

Frank swore his heart stopped in that very moment. As high as he was, he was aware of the very second his eyes found Gerard. 'Hi,' was all he could say.

And when Gerard smiled at him, he almost died right there.

From now on, he'd do everything to be part of Gerard's world.


'So, you have a band?' Gerard asked. He had this adorable way of talking to the side of his mouth, and Frank was almost hypnotized by his green eyes.

'Yeah,' he replied. He was aware of how close their hands were. How he was breathing faster, and his heart was about to explode inside his chest. Was this how love at first sight felt?

'My brother and I are thinking about starting our own band.'

That made Frank smile. Even though he barely knew the guy, he was genuinely happy for him. he just wanted the best for him. And he hoped he'd be there next to him to watch him follow his dreams. Frank would be his biggest fan.

They talked for hours, sharing a cigarette. Gerard told him he was working as a copy boy at Cartoon Network, but that he wanted to write his own comic book. Frank told him about college, and his band, and gave him tips for his new band. And because he was already totally in love with Gerard, he offered him the band's rehearsal space for when the band needed to practice. 'And I can figure out something, and get you a gig.'

Gerard just giggled, his cheeks rosy pink. He was adorable, Frank thought.

And this wasn't going to be easy.

'You don't have to do that.'

'I know.' But it's too late, and I'm in love with you. 'But some help is nice.'

'Thank you.'

Frank wanted to kiss him so bad, but he knew Gerard was special.

He wasn't the kind of guy he'd blow in the bathroom at a party. At least not yet. He'd take his time. He was going to get to know him, spend time with him, buy him a drink. Ask him out.

No more hooking up with random guys, not even Tucker and Geoff.

Instead, he spent his nights locked in his room, listening to the tape Gerard gave him with the songs they wrote. Dreaming about kissing Gerard and holding his hand.

He got him a gig opening for Pencey. And he sat on the couch watching the band play, watching Gerard sing. And he stood on a chair watching them play their first show. He knew from that moment on, his new favorite band was My Chemical Romance, and he was Gerard's biggest fan.

'You guys were really good,' he said later that night when he dropped Gerard off at his house.

'Thank you.'

And Frank couldn't help it. He leaned in and kissed him.

His heart exploded and he could swear there were fireworks going off somewhere. Or maybe that was the beating of his heart. Frank didn't know. But it felt like finally coming home.


I got a little inspired by that comment Geoff left on Frank's post, so I had to write something :)

I hope you guys like it <3

and thank you for taking the time to read it, leaving votes and comments <3 let me know what you thought 

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