By astronvmyx

9K 126 141

❝ 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐬𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐬 𝐟𝐥𝐲, 𝐨𝐡 𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲 𝐬𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐞. ❞ IN WHICH -- started: 11/3/21 finished: 12/16/22 More

𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐦𝐲 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞, 𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐲


313 3 6
By astronvmyx

As Michelle regained consciousness, the noises of people talking and moving around quickly flooded her head and overwhelmed her. She wasn't sure where she was, but as she tries to open her eyes she quickly shut them — it was too bright in the room.

"Is she dead?"

"Shut up, Steve!"

"Sorry — sorry-"

"Hey! Shelly — c'mon wake-up, kid." Someone — a male voice. Michelle's mind was still hazy as she tried to get an idea of who it was.

"Johnny?" She croaked.

"I'm sorry, Shells — it's Soda — and Steve."

The light was still too much on Michelle's eyes, but then getting a burst of energy, they flung open.

"Where is he? Is he okay —? Ponyboy! Is he okay? And Dallas?" She said, frantically, having a hard time catching her breath.

Sodapop noticed immediately, "It's okay— Shelly, they're all here, don't worry."He said, comfortingly.

"Can I see him?"

Michelle hadn't needed to specify, both Steve & Sodapop knew, they always had.

Dodging the question, "Get some rest, okay Shells?" Steve said, both him and Sodapop getting up from the hospital chairs.

Sodapop and Steve made their way out of Michelle's hospital room, turning out the light as they did. Michelle then layed back on her bed, taking in the quiet, and the comfortable she's longed for, for as long as she could remember.

The idea of Johnny not being okay scared the hell out of Michelle. She's had a protective feeling over him since she could remember. In a way, she wouldn't be able to explain to anyone.

Michelle must have fallen asleep because she was rudely awoken by a bright flash of white and the sound of a cart moving around.

"Ms. Parker, are you all right?" A feminine voice asked.

Michelle opened her eyes, a blonde woman in a nurse uniform standing beside her, "Yeah, my head just really hurts."

"That could be from when you had gone unconscious, but we will do further tests once you are a bit better. Does anything else hurt?"

"My stomach — but that might be because I haven't eaten real food in days."

"Yes — you have lost a significant amount of weight. We will have a meal delivered to you soon. Do you need anything else?"

"Yes — Uhm.. is there any way you can tell me how Johnny Cade is doing?" Michelle said.

"I can't tell other people information about other patients—"

"He's not just another patient! He's my —"

Michelle stopped for a second, she wasn't sure exactly what Johnny was to her right now. It was all just confusing and made her body and head hurt even more.

The nurse took notice of the confused look on Michelle's face, "Have you forgotten who he is to you?" She said, alarmed.

"No! It's just — complicated. We haven't exactly been fit to talk about it." Michelle muttered.

"Well, I can tell you he is here in the hospital, and well—"

Michelle's thoughts took over. The idea of Johnny being hurt — in critical condition, scared the hell out of her. Michelle lost in her head, started to breathe faster and faster.

She felt like she couldn't breathe like she was drowning in her head. She couldn't get her emotions or head in check — she tried to catch her breath but she just couldn't. She was scratching and grabbing at her throat — all while the nurse tried and tried to get her to calm down.

A panic attack.

Michelle hadn't had one in a while — the last time was when she found out her mother had passed, without her here. But nobody's died, why is it happening now?"

That was when Michelle realized, her mother had been the only person she loved then, and now — Johnny being in the hospital and Michelle having no idea what was going on with him causes her sheer fear and panic.

Michelle still being distracted by her thoughts — hadn't realized the nurse had left the room — most likely to get another doctor.

But who stepped through the room, but blonde barbie.

"Shelly? It's alright — you're okay now. Everyone's okay. We're going to be okay. He's going to be okay." Ponyboy said, trying everything to get Michelle to just look at him.

He's going to be okay. Johnny is going to be okay.

Michelle could finally catch her breath, after what felt like a decade of fear washed over her.

"Ponyboy — he's okay?"

"Yes Shelly, he's okay."

"Can I see him?" Michelle looked between Ponyboy and The Nurse with wide eyes.

Ponyboy gave the nurse a look Michelle couldn't quite see, "I suppose, but not for long. I'm not sure how his state will affect you, Michelle."

"Thank you — Thank you, Miss —"

"Kate." Miss Kate smiled at Michelle, and she smiled back.

"I'll go get a wheelchair." Ponyboy ran out of the room."

It wasn't long before Ponyboy was back — and he was wheeling Michelle down the hallway to Johnny's room.

"Shelly — I need you to be prepared for him — he isn't in a very good state."

"I known, I just have — need to see him. I need to." She said quietly.

Ponyboy sighed, as he turned the wheelchair towards Johnny's room.

"Are you ready?"

"Would I ever be?" She said in a sarcastic tone.

Michelle's sarcasm brought back a sense of hope to Ponyboy.

In the room, lay a person, their back facing up with a blanket covering them.

"Johnny?" Michelle said quietly, wheeling herself closer to the table.

Johnny grunted in reply — obviously in pain.

"It's alright. You'll be okay. I'm here." She whispered, her eyes welling up with tears.

"It hurts — everything hurts." He whispered.

Michelle hadn't realized, But Ponyboy had left the room to give them privacy.

"I'm so sorry — I'm so sorry this happened. This shouldn't have happened —" Michelle's breath hitched in her throat.

"Please Shelly — it's not your fault. Don't blame yourself, please."

They were both silent for a while — basking in the time they had alone together, it was comforting for them both — they didn't need to talk. That's how it's been with Michelle and Johnny, they never needed to talk, they just enjoyed being in each other presence, and that's all they ever needed.

Michelle must've fallen asleep — because Michelle was awoken by Ponyboy, Sodapop, and Darry coming into the room.

"Hey Shelly, how's it going?" Darry flashed her a smile.

"Darry — It's — its going," She replied.

"I'm sorry to tell you but you gotta get back to your room now. The nurse — Miss Kate needs to do another check-up." Soda said.

Michelle knew better to cooperate, "Alright. Can I just have a second?"

The three boys nodded and walked out of the room. She wasn't supposed to, but Michelle stood up and walked over to Johnny's bed.

"I'll see you later, alright?" She said quietly, kissing his head. He was still sleeping, but she just assumed he heard him.

Michelle sat back down into the wheelchair and wheeled herself back out, then Ponyboy took control of the chair.

"I've got it, Pony. You don't need to push me."

"I know, But I think I need to. Plus you need all your strength to get better."

Michelle grinned, and they all walked back to her room.

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