Xiao X Reader One-Shots ♡

By xiaos_waifu

43.2K 887 924

A random assortment of x-reader one-shots with Xiao from Genshin Impact! Xiao will obviously probably be out... More

Love Sick
Bliss 🍈
Apocalyptic (AU)
Apocalyptic (AU Part 2)
Sacrifice Pt. 2
Apocalyptic (AU Part 3) 🍋
Protective 🍈
Eternal Blue
Sweetly Broken 🍋
Eternal Blue (Part 2) 🍋

Change of Heart (Modern Vision Bearer AU) 🍋

2.6K 50 51
By xiaos_waifu

( ˘⌣˘)♡(˘⌣˘ )

"Are you almost ready?" The familiar voice rang through (Y/N's) ears, almost nearly passing straight through one ear and out the other before she had to stop what she was doing to turn & focus on the source of the noise, vaguely remembering what was even spoken.

"Uh- yeah. Almost." She replied, her mind clearly elsewhere as she turned back to the pile of clothes she'd been previously searching vigorously through.

"What are you looking for, girl?"

Although she was a vision bearer, you wouldn't really be able to tell at first glance. She had a bad habit of being clumsy and forgetful. You'd swear she'd lose her own head if it wasn't attached to her shoulders.

(Y/N's) crew mate-and also best friend- Ganyu had come over to stand next to her by this time, clearly noticing the pattern as her frantic eyes kept searching for her newest lost item.

"We're going to be late for the show at this rate." She gave a cheerful laugh as her calm hands began rummaging through another pile near (Y/N), making sure to let her friend know that she wasn't chastising her for being an absolute clutz and losing another important item yet again.

"I know, I'm sorry." A exhausted sigh escaped (Y/N's) plump lips as she threw her hands in the air in annoyance, mainly at herself.

While the two girls were both vision bearers, they were also apart of some dance and performance groups around the city, doing all sorts of introcate dances, singing, playing instruments, the whole nine yards.

There was no denying the obvious, they enjoyed being in the spotlight and they were damn good despite all those curious eyes watching their every move. Saying they were good under pressure was a huge understatement.

Coincidentally, the girls had a performance this very day. Thankfully, it was hosted fairly close by, so they still had some time to find the last piece of (Y/N's) costume they'd been so desperately searching for.

"I've looked through everything!" (Y/N) groaned in annoyance, feeling her anxiety rise higher as she frantically tossed around articles of other costumes.

"It's not here. There's no way. I have looked through EVERY part of my closet!" Standing to her feet, she furrowed her eyebrows as she glanced over at her friend, defeat clear in her facial expression.

"Well.... did you bring it home to your apartment? Maybe you left it there on accident. Or in your car? Or-"

Pressing her mouth together in a hard line, (Y/N) stared back at Ganyu blankly, causing the girl's sentence to drift off in confusion as the realization now becoming very clear to (Y/N).

"What?" Ganyu questioned after a few solid seconds of silence, standing to her feet as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"I- I might.... have left it in Xiao's office." (Y/N) admitted sheepishly, her gaze faltering and dropping to the floor as soon as she saw the judgement cross her friend's face.

"I thought you weren't into Xiao like that, hm?" Ganyu prodded, nudging (Y/N) with her elbow playfully as she smirked, noticing the annoyed blush forming on (Y/N's) cheeks as she poked her fun at the other girl.

"Ganyu- please! I'm not! I'll have you know, I went over there earlier just to talk to him, thank you very much!" (Y/N) stuttered through her words, feeling her hands begin to clam up with heat as she clenched them awkwardly at her sides.

"You don't have to cover it up, you know you can tell me anything!" Ganyu gave a hearty laugh as she leaned back against the wall nearby, deciding to ease up a bit on her teasing, knowing better than to get (Y/N) riled up right before a show.

"I went this morning to talk to him about how I wanted to just be friends and how I was onto him. I've noticed his long stares, I'm not dumb." (Y/N) explained quickly as Ganyu just continued to look on at her friend, an amused grin hung across her lips.

"And what did he say that lead you to forget the literal main piece of your costume, huh? You're an angel in tonight's show. WITHOUT A HALO." She cracked up again, quickly shoving her hand over her mouth to stifle the laughter she literally evoked from herself.

"Nothing! He didn't distract me if that's what you're getting at. I stood my ground. I'm not getting into any relationship or anything right now, I want to just focus on mastering my vision and our dance group! I don't have time for anything else." (Y/N) clarified with a shake of her voice, turning away half to try to find her car keys, and also half to hide her increasingly red face the more her friend continued to push this subject.

"Are you trying to convince me or yourself?" Ganyu cooed, causing (Y/N) to groan loudly in annoyance as she continued to rub it in.

"I'm leaving now! I'll meet you at the stadium!"


(Y/N) decided to just change into the rest of her attire for the show before taking off to the office owned by Xiao's father, where he had also given his son his own office considering he was now apart of his company. She was just grabbing the headband with the halo piece of her costume and quickly running back out, assuming nobody would see her besides the office manager hopefully and she knows their show was today, so she wouldn't judge (Y/N's) attire either way.

Why Xiao decided to be trained under his asshole of a father is something nobody had yet to understand, but they were sure he had his reasons.

Thankfully, according to the front desk lady, Xiao's father was out on business and Xiao had left for the stadium already.

Regardless of how tired most of her friends usually were between their own jobs in the city, possible schooling or vision training, they always made sure to be at every performance (Y/N) and her group had, forever determined to support each other in all their endeavors.

It always warmed (Y/N's) heart seeing their happy faces cheering her on in the crowd whether she was dancing, singing or playing guitar that night. Seeing them there actually steeled her nerves more than it actually made her nervous, and she always made sure to return the favor and support them in anything and everything they did too. The love and true friendship they all shared was something she'd always hold close to her heart, and she wasn't going to lie, she hoped they'd all stay friends even after they grew older and moved on with our lives. They were true forever friends, even Xiao-

"Xiao?" (Y/N's) voice squeaked out unintentionally as her body froze, staring awkwardly at the man who was seated quietly at his desk, typing away on his computer.

Wide eyes met her own a second later as she stood ridged in the middle of his office room, the door quietly shutting behind her automatically, locking her in with him.

The front desk worker said he left already! Did she lie to me on purpose? I swear-

"Uh-" Xiao awkwardly coughed out, his eyes drifting slowly down from her perfectly done makeup filled face to the very low v-line of her silky white dress that cling to every curve, daring to go further as he quickly slid down to her exposed legs, the hem of (Y/N's) dress ending dangerously high on her thighs.

Clearing her throat loudly, (Y/N) noticed his face turning a tinge of pink as his eyes quickly snapped back up to meet her own, snagging his attention back to where it belonged.

"I left my headband when I was here earlier." (Y/N) spoke as calmly as she could, trying to erase his facial expression from her mind as she walked over to the corner of the desk, glancing around to see where she might have left it.

It had to be here. I searched the entire place back at our practice room, there was no way it was there, and I'd always kept my car spotless, so I would have seen if I'd accidentally left it in there.

"You could have text me instead of coming all the way over here and I could have found it and brought it to you." Xiao's soft voice slid across the air like silk, and (Y/N) quickly tried to remember their conversation earlier this morning to steel herself.

"The front desk lady said you left already." (Y/N) replied with a sassy edge to her voice, completely disregarding what he'd said as she tried to steady her thoughts.

She was rarely nervous. Even on stage, no matter how she was performing, she always loved the attention. It fueled her, almost. She was addicted to the eyes, the praise, the recognition. But now, here in this room, alone with Xiao... her heart was racing.

Even though her back was turned to him as she searched around, she could feel his eyes practically burning holes into her body.

The costume was revealing, clinging to every curve of (Y/N's) body, as most of their attire usually did for shows, it never bothered her even with an entire crowd staring her down. She was never shy, she loved feeling cute or sexy, but now..... she was struggling to keep her composure.

How the hell do people deal with this?

"I did leave earlier, but I came back because I left my wallet. She must not have seen me come back in." Xiao answered calmly after a few moments of silence.

(Y/N) decided not to reply, trying to focus all of her attention on searching around, knowing she was running out of time and she'd be late to the show she was literally leading tonight if she didn't find her halo in the next few minutes.

"Hey," Xiao called.

Ignoring him, she shifted around frantically in his nearby closet, seeing if maybe a cleaning lady had seen it while he was gone and had just thrown it in there.

"Hey." He called again, a little more stern this time, effectively snagging (Y/N's) attention as she stopped in her tracks to turn and look at him, her doe-wide eyes resting on the item he now held in his extended hand, still seated in his desk chair.

My halo.

He had it the whole time?!

Glaring through half-lidded eyes, (Y/N) stomped over to stand in front of his desk, making sure her entire body radiated clear irritation as she held out her hand, waiting for him to give her what she'd wasted so much precious time searching for.

Without another word, Xiao simply placed the headband into the palm of her hand, keeping his expression blank as his eyes met her own once more.

"Did you forget the conversation we had earlier?" She spoke through gritted teeth, making sure to let him know how irritated she was about this.

He almost made me late. And for what?

"No." The dark haired man simply spoke, the corner of his mouth lifting upwards ever so slightly.

Narrowing her eyes at him, she turned around to leave after a quick glance at the clock, noticing how tight she was on time. She was sure her manager was going to be furious with her even if She still made it on time.

"See you there." Xiao spoke as she closed the door, shooting one last glare at him over her shoulder before closing the door behind her to rush to her show.


"You did fantastic!"

"You're amazing!"

"I can't believe how good of a dancer you are!"

"You looked so gorgeous tonight!"

The show had gone off perfectly, and despite how exhausted (Y/N) was, the adrenaline was still coursing through her veins. She was beyond euphoric, and after every show she would always be hyped for hours despite how much her body protested for rest.

'Thank you' was something she swore she'd spoken a thousand times every night of a show, and she felt like a broken record by the time the place started to clear out as everyone left to go home since the night was just growing darker by the minute.

"Alright girls! Another successful show. You all did wonderful. Now go home and get some well deserved rest!" Their manager sent them all off cheerily as they finished grabbing their things to all leave, her mind quickly drifting elsewhere.

As she got into her car, still dressed up as a cute and innocent little angel, her mind flew wildly, as she impulsively decided to not turn down onto the street of her own apartment.

She knew exactly where she was headed, but she pushed away any second thoughts or doubts as she pulled back into the familiar parking lot, briskly exiting her car and entering the familiar building before she could talk herself out of her decision.

Am I just adrenaline high? Maybe I should go back out and drive home. I don't want to make a bad decision just because I'm so hyped up from that show.

Exiting the elevator on the correct floor, (Y/N) jogged easily in her high heels down the hallway until her eyes found the right number on the door, quickly turning the knob and opening it before she turned into a wimp and left.

Funnily enough, all her concerns melted away as she walked in, her eyes resting back on those sharp golden orbs as they once again raised just a tad over his computer screen, widening slightly as they saw her enter before quickly returning back to that same usual boring old expression, probably trying to hide how he was really feeling.

Clearly, he hadn't expected her to come back either.

The door shut slowly behind her once again as she stood her ground, putting her weight onto just one leg as she clasped her hands behind her back, taking a deep breath as she tried to steel her nerves yet again, knowing there was no turning back now.

Waltzing over as smoothly as she could, she made sure to keep her eyes glued to his, and she swore she could see him struggling to keep his face emotionless, his eyes twitching ever so slightly as he remained determined to keep his gaze on her own this time, probably from fear of upsetting her again.

Or maybe that was just her confidence being obnoxious.

"Did you leave something else here?" Xiao finally spoke up quietly, the dim light of the small lamp on his desk shining brightly across his eyes, cascading shadows all about the office as well.

"Did you leave something here?" (Y/N) asked, speaking lower than she usually did, making sure to maintain eye contact.

"Why are you still here? Why didn't you go home after the show?" She questioned softly, coming up to stand off to the side of his desk, leaning her weight onto one side of it as she searched his face for the answer.

Really, It was a backwards question. She hadn't seen him there at the show.

Granted, it was packed, and the faces sort of blend together through all that energy and movement, so he could have been the back and she just hadn't seen him. But all of their other friends from the city have always made sure to come up to her after to compliment her and show their support before heading home, Xiao included, except for this time.

So did he actually not go at all? Was this the first show he had purposely missed? Why?

"I...... left my wallet again." He answered after a pause, finally breaking eye contact with her to glance back at his computer monitor for a moment.

That was a lie. It had to be.

He extended his hand close to her, making her heart race for just a split second before resting his hand on the mouse of his computer, moving it swiftly up to the top of the page to attempt to close it.

Irritated, (Y/N) roughly rested a hand on top of his, moving it off the mouse, determined to keep his attention this time.

What the hell could possibly be so important anyway-

Her eyes widened involuntarily as she glanced over the page, quickly realizing it was photos of her- funnily enough from the exact show tonight. It was an article the local news had put out, basically praising and congratulating them as they usually do for another good show.

Knowing he was caught, Xiao leaned back in his desk chair, resting his hands on the back of his head as he stared off blankly into space, that same pink tinge slowly forming back onto his cheeks as he pressed his lips together in a hard line awkwardly.

That solidifies it. I made the right decision.

Without another thought, she took advantage of the space he'd made between himself and his desk, sliding casually onto his lap as her legs straddled his waist, wrapping her arms firmly around his neck.

Xiao flinched initially, his face turning a bright crimson as he stared at (Y/N) with wide eyes, not knowing what to do.

The girl let out a seductive little giggle, happy that she'd caught him off guard.

"Wh-what are you doing?" He stammered out, almost scared to make eye contact with her given how close she was to him. They'd rarely had physical contact before now besides an occasional friendly hug, so this was all new territory.

(Y/N) was sure after her conversation with him this morning, he was beyond confused.

"I can leave if you don't like it." (Y/N) explained, batting her long eyelashes a little as she began to move to stand back up, causing him to quickly wrap his arms around her, effectively locking her in place on his lap.

"I didn't say that." He smiled sheepishly, his eyes now glued to her own as she looked up at him innocently.

"But after this morning, you seemed pretty set on wanting to stay just friends-" Cutting him off, she delicately placed a finger over his lips, quickly silencing him as he simply continued to stare her down, obviously deciding it might be best to not question it anymore.

"I had a change of heart." (Y/N) cooed, slowly inching closer to him as her finger remained across his lips, making sure he couldn't speak any of that nonsense again.

Despite how badly she'd wanted to just focus on training and her shows, she couldn't deny how much she loved his attention particularly more than everyone else's- and only his. His was something she craved so intensely, as if it were a drug.

She couldn't get the thought of his eyes looking her up and down out of her mind the entire show, she swore it almost made her mess up multiple different times.

There weren't words to explain how much dread she'd felt when she realized she hadn't seen him in the crowd, and she wasn't even sure if he'd come to see her because she probably pushed him away this morning or made him scared to make her angry again.

His eyes flicked down to her lips as she leaned in, pressing them against her own finger that still remained on his lips to silence him, ever so slightly teasing him as she closed her eyes, taking in a deep breath of his cologne as she did.

He even smelled delicious.

Without more than a few moments passing by, he roughly snatched the wrist of her hand keeping their lips apart and pulled it away, quickly smashing his lips onto her own without a second delay.

(Y/N's) heart jumped in response, his kiss almost electric as he moved his lips against her's sensually, enticing her to kiss back happily.


Melting into the kiss, it was everything she'd ever hoped for and more, her whole body lighting up in goosebumps as he slid his fingers slowly down her arm, his other hand inching down to rest on her exposed thigh, grabbing it ever so slightly as their kiss got a little more sloppy.

It was intoxicating. It was addicting and delicious, everything she'd denied herself from for so long.

Smiling against his lips, she slowly started grinding her hips into his, making sure to rub into the parts that mattered, causing him to squirm a little bit beneath her, his lips parting ever so slightly as he gasped softly in pleasure.

Both of his hands now gripped her hips, encouraging her to continue grinding against him, making him momentarily pull away from her kiss to moan softly again before pressing his lips back to her own feverishly, his kiss turning more rough.

His hands slowly slid down until they curved around her ass, taking his sweet time in doing so probably to see if she had any objections- which she definitely didn't.

Because of the way (Y/N) was seated on his lap, her silky white dress was hiked up even higher than before on her thighs, without a doubt giving him a pretty clear shot of the thong she was wearing underneath it, but she didn't give a flying fuck anymore.

This was a dream come true. One she had been denying herself since she'd met this quiet and intense man for the first time over a year ago, and one she continued to fight despite his growingly obvious feelings and subtle flirts over the months. It became the normal to catch Xiao staring at her, and as much as she wanted to reciprocate, she had to be stubborn for months, so determined she couldn't handle training, preforming & a boyfriend at the same time.

Needless to say, she didn't think that way anymore.

Feeling the ever growing bulge in his pants protest beneath her had yanked her from her thoughts, and she wasn't in the mood to keep fighting with herself internally anymore.

It's okay to give in sometimes, you know?

Removing a hand from around his neck, she snaked her palm down his chest, inching slower by the moment the more she neared the hem of his jeans.

As soon as her hand connected, even despite the clothes between, the man flinched a tad, his breath hitching softly, clearly struggling to hold back a moan.

"What's going on over here, hm?" (Y/N) teased with a flirty smile, gazing back up at him with a half-lidded, lust filled gaze.

His face was a deep shade of crimson by now, and she could feel his heart racing wildly as she pressed her chest up against his, giving him a glorious view down her very low hanging dress.

"Can you blame me?" Xiao gave a short laugh, unable to control the small shake in his voice as he gave into temptation, his eyes flicking down to glance at her exposed cleavage.

She was clearly better at hiding her nerves than he was, but she guessed that came with the territory, huh?

Just to tease him further, she palmed his bulge through his pants roughly, evoking a nervous yelp from the usually so calm and collected man, which he quickly turned into a low groan, his head tilting back just a tad as his eyes fluttered closed, clearly enjoying her touch.

He just made it so much fun to tease him, she couldn't help it. This was a rush like nothing else and she was enjoying every juicy second of it.

"You're just the cutest." (Y/N) gushed, taking her hand away to wrap back around his neck and lace her fingers in his hair, gazing on into his sad eyes with lust as he let out a little whimper at the loss of her touch.

"And you're just a tease." Xiao groaned lowly, squeezing his hands around her ass cheeks in slight frustration as he let out a breathy laugh.

"Oh, I'm sorry cutie. I was thinking you'd rather me replace my hand with something else..." (Y/N) bit her lip gently as she stared up at him with innocent doe eyes, searching his face and relishing every beautiful reaction she got out of him from finally getting her to flirt back with him after nothing but denials and attitude the past few months.

"Your costume isn't very accurate, you know." He spoke once he'd regained his composure, trying his best not to be one-upped by her as he eyed the halo one last time before he leaning in and putting his lips on her neck, starting off with a gentle kiss.

She purred softly as his lips left soft kisses across the sensitive skin, honestly driving (Y/N) a little crazy as he did, but she couldn't let that show. This was a fight for dominance at this point, and she refused to let him win.

"So if I'm not an angel, I should probably take this costume off, huh... don't want anyone getting the wrong idea, right, love?"

He froze momentarily as the realization of what she was hinting at finally set in, and after just a few fleeting moments, one of his hands slid up to grasp her neck firmly as he continued to plant feathered kisses across it while his other gently grasped the headband of her halo, effectively tossing it across the room with a little force once he'd gotten it safety off her head.

"Hey, you're gonna break that!" She let out a little giggle, turning her head over to make sure it landed without any damage. That has costed her a pretty penny honestly. She didn't skimp out on the quality of her outfits.

"I'll break you if you don't shut up." Xiao whispered into her ear as his lips met her earlobe, giving a little bite, causing her breath to hitch in surprise.

She hated to admit how much that had not only caught her off guard, but turned her on so bad at the same time.

Now it was (Y/N) who was a dribbling mess, stumbling as she tried to think of a witty comeback only to come up empty handed, watching as a sly smirk formed on his face, knowing he'd crumbled her bravado a bit with that one.

"Make me." She finally shot back, it being the best she could come up with now that her mind was a whirlwind of chaos.

His eyebrows raised a bit at that, accepting her challenge, causing his smirk to deepen a tad as he gave a little nod in agreement.

"Think you're right, gorgeous... that outfit of yours is pretty deceiving. There's nothing innocent about you... it's gonna have to go." Xiao gave a very clearly fake shrug of his shoulders at that, even making a 'tsk' sound to finish off his convincing argument.

"You're gonna have to take it off then." She challenged yet again, unable to help herself at this point.

She was spiraling down the rabbit-hole and she honestly couldn't have been more okay with it. She'd gladly give Xiao whatever he wanted regardless. Months have gone by with her attraction toward him never changing, despite how hard she tried to hide and deny it, and she was finally willing to fall off the deep end for them now.

"Gladly." He smirked slyly back at her, his hand already grasping the zipper on the back of her flimsy little white dress, pulling it down without a second of hesitation.

Wasting no time at all, he got a strong grasp under her thighs before picking her up with him to stand on her feet, her dress practically falling off as she did now that it was completely unzipped.

Crossing his arms over his chest, he pulled his t-shirt off easily, quickly laying his eyes back onto her much more exposed body as she stood beside him in just a strapless bra and thong, causing him to lick his lips ever so slightly.

Good thing he'd grabbed back under her thighs and pulled her up onto him again or her weak knees would have caused her to collapse on the floor at that.


Her eyes were glued to his chiseled chest, observing every perfectly crafted muscle so intricately that she almost didn't even notice him lay her down across the empty side of his desk.

"Wha- on your desk?" (Y/N) questioned sheepishly, struggling to rip her gaze away from his chest just long enough to look back up into his gorgeous golden eyes, his hair cascading down past his face as he leaned over her.

"You have no idea how long I've been waiting to make you mine, and I definitely wasn't expecting this." He nodded his head towards her, presumably talking about getting her naked in his office as a first date.

"So now every time I'm stuck in this boring ass office doing paperwork or something, I'll be able to relax a little and remember the first time I got to fuck the woman I've been in love with these past few years."

Was this man trying to make me have a heart attack?

She was sure her face turned red as a tomato at that, and judging by the sly little smirk that slid across his lips yet again, her face gave away exactly what she was thinking.

He'd definitely caught onto the fact that she may have liked him being a little submissive and whimpering for her touch, but that she liked his vulgarity even more so.

Just something about how he was always so calm and quiet and collected usually but being vulgar and dominate in the bedroom just.... destroyed her inside.

What a beautiful duality.

"You had so much to say earlier, what happened?" He smirked down at her playfully, feeling as though he had won so easily.

Part of her wanted to submit to him so badly, to just give in and exclaim how badly she wanted him, but the other part of her was screaming about how she's a fighter, and she wasn't going to give in so fast.

"Whatever- You're the one who's all bark and no bite. All that smack about breaking me and you haven't done a thing yet but lay me delicately across your desk. Too nervous?" She ended her jab with a higher toned voice, clearly mocking him playfully.

Part of her didn't think he had it in him anyway.

Without even enough time to blink, he'd grabbed both of her hands in one of his own and effectively pinned them both by the wrists above her head.

"You asked for it, love." Xiao warned, a devilish smile now adorned across his lips as his free hand slid down to roughly squeeze her thigh, his eyes locked on her own as her breathing went a little ragged.

Inching slowly over, he gauged her facial expression as he hooked his fingers under the bottom of her thong, moving it over to the side and out of his way all while maintaining intense eye contact.

Squirming now, she pushed against his grip on her wrists, but he'd managed to not even budge as she struggled against him, knowing how badly he was about to get her back for teasing him earlier if she didn't break free.

That's right, he was an Adeptus. She'd really challenged an Adeptus and assumed she could win.

"XiaoO- AHHHH." He effectively silenced her, cutting off her protests as he smoothly slid one finger inside of her, the moan escaping her plump pink lips before she could catch it.

"Mmmhmmmmm." Xiao cooed back at her in triumph, his eyes eating up every single movement of her body writhing beneath him and every little twinge of her facial expressions.

"I'm all bark, huh? You want to take that back now?" Xiao questioned as he leaned over her to admire her no-doubt flustered facial expressions a little closer while he added another finger in, now pumping them in and out of her slowly.

"Look at how wet you are for me... It's okay to admit when you've been outplayed, baby." He added a third just to make her squirm even worse, desperate to see her crumble underneath him.

(Y/N) hadn't even noticed his other hand had let go of both of her own until he squeezed her breast roughly in his palm, and even though she immediately tried to move her hands, it was to no avail.

Tilting her head up, She now realized why her hands hadn't moved an inch.

Bastard had really snatched a pair of prop handcuffs from her car a few months back and had apparently kept them in his desk.

She was at his mercy.

And She wouldn't have had it any other way.

Grabbing her attention back to him, he curled his fingers up inside of her, causing a loud moan to escape that she just couldn't choke back.

Leaning down over her, he began to suck and softly bite down her neck again, very clearly lingering long enough to leave hickies and marks all over.

"I-I'm going to have to cover all that with makeup-" (Y/N) barely managed to stammer out, so distraught with the pleasure he was giving her with his hands and the love marks he was leaving across her body.

"I'm marking what's mine."  He smirked confidently against her skin as he continued down the valley between her breasts.

"Mmmmf." He exhaled deeply as he sat back to admire his handy work, no doubt leaving more than just a few marks behind.

"You're so beautiful inside and out..." He admired her a little before curling his fingers inside of her again, effectively finding her sweet spot as he abused it a little bit, enjoying her squirming beneath him.

"I'm definitely not going to be beautiful when I beat your ass next time we spar together for this!" She laced her voice with venom, trying desperately to make her threat sound convincing.

"HA. I'd like to see you try. You'll still be drop-dead gorgeous even then. Even when you're sweating from how hard you always push yourself when you're trying to beat whoever you're sparing with... and even more now that you're sweating for me..."

She frowned hard at that, her mind so filled with lewd thoughts as he continued pushing her closer to the edge with just his fingers.

"Just admit I've won and I'll give you what you really want, babygirl." Xiao cooed in her ear again, picking up the pace of his fingers once he noticed she was reacting very strongly to the spot he was currently hitting repeatedly.

Simply giving a shake of her head, she squeezed her eyes shut, trying to block out any extra stimulation as she tried desperately to hang on and not give in.

Feeling the knot building in her stomach, she knew she was close and that fighting this was futile. He knew what he was doing and he was damn good at it, and he knew her pride was crumbling.

It was impossible to contain her moans and whimpers of pleasure anymore, and he was eating all of it up.

"Cum for me, baby."


It was over. There's no way she was going to be able to endure much more. And honestly, she was completely fine with being broken by him. Having her stubbornness finally be competed with by someone who was good at it just like her. And just as she was about to give it... he pulled his fingers out, resting both hands on the edge of his desk near her hips as he smirked evilly down at her.

He didn't. He did not just get her to the point of cumming and then deny her of release.

His eyebrows raised at her, expectantly waiting for a reaction.

"You have no idea what hell you just got yourself into-" She began, only to be so rudely interrupted as he slammed his lips back roughly onto her own, much more sloppy and lustful than the last time.

She wiggled her hands in their bonds while she desperately kissed him back, honestly so worked up she didn't even care anymore. Every part of her wanted every part of him and she didn't care what it took to get it now.

The noise of his zipper being brought down reached her ears, and her heart hammered even harder against her rib cage than it already was, and she didn't even think that was possible.

"I won whether you admit it or not." He smirked against her lips, his hand no doubt down around to line himself up with her entrance.

Pushing into her slowly, he closed his eyes and didn't even bother to hold back his moans, clearly enjoying every second.

With one easy snap, he'd broken the handcuffs for her and freed her hands, allowing her to dig her nails into his back in both pleasure and pain, her back arching as he slowly stretched her out.

Even though he had stretched her a little with his fingers, he was still stretching her even further, and she couldn't contain her lewd noises as he finally sheathed himself fully inside of her.

"Holy fuck-" The curse escaped Xiao's lips between a ragged groan, but he still leaned down to her neck yet again, this time peppering soft kisses in an attempt to comfort her, knowing his length was causing her some discomfort.

"It's gonna take more than that to break me, bitch." She managed to squeak out, instantly provoking him to start moving his hips to go in and out of her.

"We'll see about that." He laughed back at her, still somehow maintaining his confidence.


"It's late, let me drive you home." Xiao pleaded after all was said and done.

And She wasn't going to lie, it was beautiful. It was rough, and fun, and she still felt like every nerve ending in her body was on fire from the experience.

"Or- you could stay at my place tonight if you want." He continued, to which she nodded with a genuine smile on her face, honestly far too exhausted to drive herself home either way, so she was thankful he offered.

She could definitely let this boy into her life. She could find the time, you know?

"Oh and- don't be mad?" Xiao added, swiveling around to face her as she finished getting herself dressed again.

(Y/N) crossed her arms across her chest with raised eyebrows, ready for the bad news she was undoubtedly about to receive.

"I totally hid your headband in my desk drawer this morning just to make you come back here before your show." Xiao laughed wholeheartedly, not shy anymore to admit what he'd done just to get to see her again today- maybe at least a little less mad than he'd seen her this morning after she'd barged in just to scold him and basically friendzone him.



Okay so I didn't mean for this to turn into like a short NOVEL but the beginning kind of came to me as a dream and I sort of just flew with it but I actually love how it turned out! 😂 Hope you guys are enjoying these too. ( ) Also this is basically just a modern AU but with visions LOL

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