
By vicky07831

684 41 3

A sudden take over of deadly creatures leads George to be isolated and have to learn how to survive. What hap... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 9

56 2 0
By vicky07831

Dream started to open his eyes. After talking for so long, George ended up falling asleep on Dreams shoulder. Dream didn't want to wake him up so he decided to stay there and found himself falling asleep as well.

He looked around the room. On top of a counter there was a piece of cloth. It looked old and dirty and had some type of drawing that Dream couldn't quiet see. He wondered what it was.

He looked to the side as he felt George stir beside him. He was still leaning against Dreams shoulder and Dream wasn't planning on taking him from there.

Dream admired George sleeping peacefully. He looks so pretty. How could someone look that pretty whilst sleeping. He frowned at himself. Stop

Now he wanted to be away from George. Why did his thoughts have to always ruin everything.

Dream cleared his throat loudly hoping that George would wake up. He did. George lifted his head from Dreams shoulder. Dream felt slightly guilty about waking him up but he wanted to get out and plus he needed the toilet.

George looked at Dream with droopy eyes and swollen lips. Why are his lips so swollen?

"Are my lips swollen?" George asked touching his lips lightly. Dreams breath was caught between his throat. "What?"

George rolled his eyes. "You were looking at my lips so I'm guessing it's cause they are swollen"

"Why are they so swollen?" Dream ends up asking. The words coming out on their own. "It always happens in the morning but they go back to normal in a couple of minutes"

"Oh" that's all Dream said. "Oh" really that's all you have to say?

"Morning nerd" Sapnap smiled as he jumped on the sofa causing the two boys to slightly jump. "Morning Sapnap" George looked back at Sapnap. "I'm gonna go to the toilet" Dream let out a sigh as he got up. Sapnap watched as Dream left the room.

"You and him huh?" Sapnap teasingly cocked both his eyebrows at George as he rested his head on his hand. "What no" George denied, pushing Sapnap away and getting up. "We're just friends, well I consider him a friend I don't know if he does but that's it"

did he see me as a friend?

"Are you sure?" Sapnap crossed his arms together. "Sapnap I barely know him" George walked to the counter wanting to end this whole conversation. "So? You can still like someone even if you just met them, isn't that what they call 'love at first sight'"

"Sapnap just shut up, go get dressed, Niki will probably be calling for a group discussion in a couple of minutes" George checked his clock, it was seven thirty, George only slept for five hours but he was fine.

"Yes dad" Sapnap rolled his eyes and walked out.

"Why are you guys so damn loud?" Quackity
groaned as he roughly rubbed his eyes.

"Oh great you guys are awake, I was just about to wake you up" Niki pressed her hands together as she looked around the room. "Where's Dream?"

"Right here" Dream walked in the room. "Ah hello" Niki smiled "did you sleep well?" Dream briefly looked at George before answering "yeah I did, the sofa is pretty comfortable"

"That's great, now you guys go and get dressed, we're going food and church hunting" Niki clapped her hands together repeadidly in excitement. "Wait what" Quackity was confused.

The group didn't tell him any of this was happening.

"I'll explain later now go get your gear ready and George can you get a pair of gear for Dream, please" Niki politely asked. George nodded. "Oh and Dream I also need to talk to you after, so when you get dressed come to my room I'll be there" Niki said before walking out.

Quackity had already walked out as soon as Niki told him to get ready so now it was just Dream and George. "Come on" George tilted his head to the side and walked forwards, Dream followed.

They reached a room and George opened the door.

Dream walked in the room and his mouth slightly opened, this room was full of armory and different types of clothing, camouflage, bulletproof vests and so much more. "Where did you find all these stuff?"

Dream looked at George who was picking out some stuff. "From the times the group has went foraging in houses, police stations, hunting shops and other places" George said as he placed camouflage clothing, a white vest top and a Glock in his hands creating a pile of things. "Do you know how to use this?" George asked as he stood up and waved the gun at Dreams face.

"Yeah, on the lab I would sometimes get into their armory room and just test them out" George looked at Dream weirdly. "Why did the lab have an armor room?" George enquired as he placed the clothing on Dreams open arms. "For the guards" Dream answered as he looked at the gun sitting on top of his clothes.

"Oh right, silly me, anyways let's get dressed, do you want to get dressed in my room, I'll use the bathroom" George offered as he held out the door open for Dream and closed it as soon as Dream left the room.

"No it's fine I'll use the bathroom" Dream smiled reassuring George that it was fine. "Okay and when your finished don't forget to go to Niki"
George pointed at Dream and walked away.

Dream clumsily got himself in the bathroom without surprisingly dropping anything on the floor. He looked at himself in the mirror.

He wondered what Niki wanted to talk to him about. But something else also came to mind.

He remembered overhearing George's and Sapnap conversation in the kitchen. George considered him as a friend and it made him happy but what hurt was how unsure George was about Dream feeling the same. Of course he considered George as a friend.

George had been one of the first people that he had been able to talk to and laugh about anything. George made him happy and he didn't quiet know how to feel about it, especially after hearing Sapnap mentioning something romantic between them. Dream didn't want anything romantic. He had just lost his boyfriend.

Sure George was pretty and an amazing person so far but Dream just wanted a friend and George seemed to want the same. He didn't want to be in love anymore, only Kyle was the love of his life. He was not ready for it and didn't want it either.

Dream came to his senses and started to get undressed. He put the white vest on and then layered it with his other clothing. He looked good. His hair was slightly messy but nothing some water can't fix. The clothes fit him well too.

He looked at the gun on the sink. It looked exactly like the one that Kyle had been shot from. Dream closed his eyes. He didn't want to remember it, only happy moments are to be remembered not bad ones.

He leaned down and threw cold water on his face and proceeded to push his hair back with the water. He looked up and stared at himself for a couple seconds before drying his face and heading to Niki's room.

"Hello" Dream knocked

I'm back helloooo

So sorry for not updating for so long. I don't really have an excuse for it if I'm going to be honest. I just haven't had any motivation to write but I randomly wanted to do a chapter today so I did ;)

Thank you for reading.

Love, vik

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