The end of the world

By AshleaLawrence

232 109 5

Bella, she has a hard past, with her religious family, abusive father and so much more. So she runs away and... More

chapter one
Chapter three
Chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen

Chapter two

29 9 2
By AshleaLawrence

Another person

I'm still searching, this bus that tipped over. I didn't come out of the bus until I heard someone screaming. I thought I was the only one left. I grabbed the sides of the busses doors and used my upper body straight to climb out. Once I'm out I kneel on the bus and watch until this girl with blonde hair that's in a ponytail comes into view. The girl it looks like is wearing a purple shirt. The purple looks really light from this far away. I notice that the girl is getting chased by five undead; she then tripps face first before the undead has a chance to get to her and rolls onto her back.

Just then before she could get up two undead fell on top of her. I jumped from where I was kneeling on the bus and ran towards the girl. I pulled out the katana I keep on my back and two undead started to come after me. I swing my katana and chop off the two undead heads. The other undead that's not on top of the girl noticed me and started to go after me. The undead tripped on the dead undead that was dead on the ground a quick flick of the wrist the wrist the katana was in i flicked off the blood. I backed up until the undead was fully on the ground. I took the chance when the undead fell to the ground to stab it in the head.

Once I did that I ran up to the girl who is now screaming for help. "Shut up." I sneered at her, "You're going to attract more." I tell her she shuts her mouth as I grab one of the undead by the shoulder. I put my katana back and grab a knife. I stabbed the undead in the back of its head and threw it to the ground.

I started to go up to the girl. I noticed that the girl somehow got out from under the undead. She got up from the ground and that's when I noticed that she's holding a metal bat. She lifts the bat back and over her shoulder and is about to hit the undead to try and kill it but I don't want her to make matters worse so I stop her. I hold my hand for her to stop and say "Dont." She looks at me and she puts her arm down. I walked up to the last undead and stabbed it in the head "Be careful next time." I scold her i put my knife back in it holster and tried to walk away

"Thank you." She says as she stands in front of me to prevent me from leaving.

"Whatever." I move past her and start walking away and she starts to follow me like a dog on a leash. "What the hell are you doing?" i snap at her

"I thought-" i cut her off

"I dont fucking care what you think." i walk off but she still follows "This is the time we go our separate ways." I tell her as I stop walking to face her.

"Just hear me out." The girl said seriously i rolled my eyes but gave her a look that said go on with it "I think the more people that herd together will beagle to survive against these zombies." She suggests i scoff

"Why would I let you survive with me?" I ask

"You don't have to let me stay with you, you could take me to your camp and let me be with your people." i shake my head

"I'm a lone wolf." i tell her

"Well, think of me as your cub." I glare at her thinking over what she said

"No." I concluded

"What! Why?" She says

"I already told you i survive alone." i explain

"Please I'll only be with you until I get my own place please." she begs me i roll my eyes she's so pathetic.

"What don't you understand by 'lone wolf'" I ask her

"I promise i'll only be with you for a short amount of time! I swear!" She tells me desperately.

"Fine, just don't slow me down." I command i started walking with the girl right on my heels

"Im Danielle Paris by the way." She told me as we walked down the street.

"Nice" i say sarcastically

"And what do I call you?" she asks i glance at her i decide i'm not going to tell her my full name but a nickname i made a little while ago

"Bel." I respond

"That's a pretty name, is it short for anything?" I roll my eyes. I don't want this Danielle girl to make small talk with me.

"Don't make small talk with me." I snap at her

"Sorry just trying to get to know my new acquaintance." she explains "I do want to know something from you." I say slowly, Danielle raises her eyebrow "What were you doing before i saved you ass?" I ask

"Well I was held up in the house I grew up in."

"You were still in your childhood house?" I ask with curiosity

"Yes, sense all this happened six weeks ago the only reason i left was because i ran out of food." She explains to me

"Hmm." Is all i say to that lucky her she gets to stay home in her peaceful house when everyone else has to deal with these fucking things.

"What about you?" She asks

"What about me?" I snap getting defensive

"What were you doing before you saved my life?" She said "Which I'm incredibly thankful for by the way." She adds

"I was searching for supplies, same as you I ran out of food." i replied

"Where have you been held up?" She asked yet another question: I don't like telling people my life story. She raised her eyebrow after a couple minutes of silence and I decided to answer her question.

"Here and there." I say as we finally made it to the forest. We adventured to where my camp is. My camp was all wrecked. "What the hell?" I mutter that then I ran to wear my tent is, my tent was on its side. I looked around to see if my weapons were still here. My food cans were everywhere, not just where I left them. I look under everything that was in here "Ah hell nah.'' I say my bow and crossbow are gone. "Whoever stole my shit is going to wish they were part of the fucking undead." i say really angrily i crawl out of where i was searching and go on a fucking rampage.

"No one steals from me! No one!" I scream. I look at the new girl Danielle and see that she has fear and confusion in her eyes. I look to where the woods go deeper in from my camp and see foot trails. I follow the footprints and run deeper into the forest and unholster my katana. I find a pack of undead in the forest. There's like twelve or more undead here. I slice, swing and cut until a lot of them are on the ground.

Once I killed most of them I took a step back and unholster my knife. I run up to the closest one and stab it in the head. I do that until every single undead is on the ground. I run deeper into the forest to get some more action. Once I find more undead I take them down as well. I only found three at most after the first pack I took down. After I took down a lot of undead I went searching for the person who stole my weapons. Whoever stole my weapons will pay i swear on my fucking grade i will make them pay for what they did to me. No one, no one steals from me.

The person that stole from me will wish they were a part of the undead so it can put them out of their misery with what i'm going to do to them. After a couple hours of searching the woods from the thief I decide to go back to camp hoping that Danielle girl is gone. My hope let me down again. "What the fuck are you still doing here?" I snap at her

"I decided to wait for you. I was a nurse in training so if the person that stole your stuff needs help I can help them with the wounds you gave them." She informs me I nod along with what she was saying, not giving a shit to pay attention to her.

"Well lucky for them I lost their trail so i couldn't find them." I said I don't want Danielle to be here anymore then she has to be.

"I'm sorry for what happened to you we could fin-" I cut her off not wanting to hear her pity.

"Yeah whatever. We need to go back to town so we can find you a tent to sleep in and once you're on your way you can take it with you or just leave it here." I say I go back to my tent and grab my backpack because maybe i'll find something that benefits me where we're going. I started to walk back to town. "Are you fucking coming or what?" I ask as i turn back to Danielle

"Yeah I just didn't think you would do something nice for me." She told me

"Whatever, just think of it as me giving you the kindness buried in my black heart." I say sarcastically. I start walking the way back to camp with Danielle hot on my heels. "What did i fucking tell you back there before we went back to my shit hole of a camp?" I ask

"To not slow you down?" She replies

"Correct. So why are you walking so fucking close to my heels walk beside me not fucking behind me. Whore" I say she does as I say. We walk in silence until she gets the courage to speak.

She doesnt flinch at what i said usually people would get pissed i called them a whore she just looks fucking amused. What the fuck? "Why do you swear so much?" She asks me, it takes me a minute to think of the answer.

"I dont fucking swear that fucking much." I told her realizing I just showed her again i do swear a lot.

"You littlerly just proved my point you said fuck twice in your sentence and befre that you also said it twice and you called me a whore." She tells me

"Okay i swear so much because those words are the only thing in my fucking vocabulary." I lie, the truth behind her question has to do with something from my past. My mom would never swear but my dad would always swear at me and call me a little bitch same with my uncle John. they both called me little bitches if i had feelings they told me to stop being such a fucking little bitch or they would call me a whore when i never had sex one day in my life. Well besides the time John raped me.

They called me whore, slut, little bitch, they never fucking called me by my name. They also called me fucking kid i never once heard them say my real name. Danielle said something but I couldn't hear. I had a flashback with my family.

' ~

I was minding my own business in my room at my mothers cabin i never considered that cabin my home the woods were more of my home then that fucking cabin. I was sixteen right before I grew the strength to leave. I was sitting in my room when I heard my mom call me for dinner. I go down stairs really dreading not leaving and going out for dinner. Mom makes such weird foods the other day she made snake soup. Are you, dear reader, think ew? you are 100% correct. I find my seat at the table. Hope is sitting in a chair besides Dickson. Dickson, my asshole brother, is sitting to my left. My rapping freak uncle's wife Meranda is sitting to my right.

My uncle John is sitting right by his wife. My mom is sitting at the end of the table with my dad right next to her. My mom started to serve everyone at the dinner table. I sat up straight trying to see what she made. I almost gag in disgusted, my mother deep fried frog feet. I try my best to hide my true feelings with what my mom makes but you know nothing can stay a secret. My dad looked at me right as I put my mask on. He started to glare daggers at me. Mom made it to my plate and gave it to me. "Be grateful you get food fucking slut." I flinch at his words but I quickly cover it up with a shudder like I'm cold. He always calls me that, I have no idea why.

"I am grateful." I say softly he nods his head. Knowing that I'm lying and not wanting to eat this disgusting food. Mom sits back down in her seat and she tells us all to link hands. Everyone does as she says and she starts her nightly dinner prayer.

"Thank you lord for this food you have sent down to us." Mom starts "You have sent us so much we are so grateful. We know that the end of the world will be coming soon. This is what we need. Thank you for giving this to us." Mom adds I flich thinking that my mom gets crazier every time she says this prayer. "We know it's what is needed. Jesus christ aman." She finishes. Everyone releases each other's hands and starts to eat their frogs feet.

As everyone else eats their food and has conversations with each other I pick at my food. "Aren't you going to eat your food?" My dad asks, noticing I haven't touched it once.

"Yeah I will." I tell him avoiding eye contact

"Then why haven't you touched your food yet?" He snaps, everyone goes quiet and looks at me and dad.

"Uh-uh i-im just not that hungry." I stutter over my words

"I don't care if you're not hungry. Your mother took her time cooking this meal for everyone so you're going to enjoy it whether you like it or not little bitch." He tells me harshly

"I'm not hungry." I repeat "I am not going to eat something as disgusting as frog feet. Mom needs to learn how to cook more natural foods that wont posion use by the end of the fucking night." I snapped at him. Everyone looked at me surprised, all their eyes wided. I looked over at my mom and she had a look of hurt. It's just food she shouldn't be butthurt over what i said.

"You will not speak to me in that tone, young lady." He looks at my mom then at me again. "You also will not disrespect your mother." I keep my head held high to show he doesn't scare me.

"Im going to keep my ground and weather i disrespect you or speak in a tone you dont like thats not my fucking problem." I swear at him knowing I'm so dead but I'm so sick of his shit.

"You will not swear at me whore." He spat at me. I know I shouldn't keep going at him, I should stop while I'm ahead.

"Stop fucking calling me a goddamn whore." I scream at him. Mom flinches when I say god in my sentence. I get up from my chair at the table and my chair falls as everyone is scared to even breathe knowing my father is going to punish me for my actions.

"I will call you whatever the fuck i want to call you fucking child. Your the child im the fucking adult. Your fucking dad you will not speak to me like that or swear at me." I know I should say what I'm about to say but I do anyway.

"You aren't my family, never will be." Everyone gasped with what I said. That was the last straw for my dad. He got up from his chair, marched over to me, grabbed me by my hair and yanked me all the way to his office. I breathe in deep trying not to show weakness to dad. He then throws me on the ground and i just stay there lying on the ground looking up into my fathers eyes that show a murderous glint in them.

"You say we aren't your family child?" My dad asks with extreme calmness that I know is fake.

"Exactly." I sneer. He nods his head and turns towards the door. Everyone was looking at us from the table. He slowly makes the creaky old door close shut. He kneels down over me.

"We are the only people that will ever see you for what you are." He whispers in my ear. He then grabs me by the head and smashes my head into the wood floor. I groaned in pain. I couldn't keep the pain in that time. He then stands up as my hand travels to my head. I feel warm liquid on my face. I look down at my hand and see scarlet. He then kicks me in the stomach and I roll onto my back in pain. "An ungrateful little bitch!" He screams. He grabs me by my hair again and throws me to the other side of the room. "WE HAVE DONE EVERYTHING FOR YOU!" He started to stomp over to me, he then slapped me hard on the face. Hard enough to leave a handprint. "We provide a roof over your head! We provide food! We provide clothes!" He screams in my face

"Really!? You do shit for me! That food isn't even–" I couldn't finish what i was saying. My dad hit me hard in the chest. I fall onto my back again feeling winded and lightheaded. He takes this as an opportunity to again slam my head into the ground. At this moment my consciousness is swaying. My breathing is shallow and it's harder to intake air. He left me on the floor for only a second longer before returning with a long sliver knife. He puts the knife up to my neck.

"If you ever do anything like that again I will do way worse than beat you." He sneered at me. I heard a slash in the air as the knife hit my cheek. I felt the warm liquid going down my face. He grabbed me by the hair again and dragged me out of the office. He dragged me all the way to the stairs and threw me down. Yet again my head hit one of the stairs and my consciousness threatened to give out. "Pathetic." He spat in disgust. "Hope." My father calls over to my younger sister. He gets up from where he was sitting at the table and comes over.

"Y-Yes?" She says quietly. She looks scared as if she was the next one to get punched in the face.

"Take this pathetic piece of shit up to her room." He commands my younger sister. She nods. My dad goes back to his place at the table as Hope grabs onto my arm and helps me up muttering 'come on' really quietly in my ear. My arm goes around my 8 year old sister's shoulder. We walk to my room in silence. It doesn't help going to my room that's on the top floor with this many injuries. Once we get to my bedroom door Hope opens it with her free hand and walks me over to my bed.

Once I'm on my bed I put my leg onto my matrise very stiffly with pain coursing through my limbs. "Thanks, Hope." I mutter. She nods. She was about to leave the room but she hesitated

"Did-did you mean what you said at the dinner table? We aren't your family?" She asks quietly. If i didn't have good ears/good hearing i wouldn't have been able to hear her. I smiled once I registered what she said which quickly turned into a grimace from the pain.

"Yeah I did." Her face fell. "But I didn't mean you Hope." I added quickly. She looks at not believing me. "You are the only family i got. If i didn't have you i probably would have been dead a long time ago." i say with my vision swarming as sleep tries to take over. She looks at me with a smile one last time, noting that I am tired. "How bad is it?" I asked with my eyes closing.

"not that bad." She said which sounded miles away. It's a good thing I don't go to school anymore. My mom pulled me out because she thinks school is corrupted and for the evil. And with that pleasant thought I fell asleep.

Once I woke up in the morning I went into the bathroom by my room and looked in the mirror. My right eye that hit the stairs along with my head had a blackish blue ring around it. I look at the top of my head and see dried blood. I touch the back of my head and flinch. God that hurt. The back of my head is definitely bruised. I look at the slash across my cheek and notice that it definitely will scare. Once everything healed I decided it was time to get out of that hell hole so I did. Hope begged me not to leave but I had to. The scare I have on my face isn't that visible but if you look at me just right, really close you can see it.


"Hey? Bell, are you with me?" I hear Danielle say as the flashback ended. We had stopped walking. Danielle was standing in front of me looking concerned.

"Wha- why did we stop?" I ask, trying to recover from that flashback. I look down at my hands and notice that they're shaking. I pull them in tight fist to make them stop.

"You almost walked into a car so I decided to stop. You weren't responding to me." she explains, still looking worried.

"Well let's get going." I moved around her to start to head for the abandoned stores. She didn't move an inch. "Come on!" I groaned at her, "You said you wouldnt slow me down." She stayed there a second longer then came to joy me.

"Are you sure you're fine?" She asks i roll my eyes

"I'm fine." I snapped. She nods

"Okay." After a little while of silence she asks me something that I have never been asked about before. "How did you get that scar on your cheek?" My hand moves quickly to my cheek where my scar is. I didn't comprehend what I did until Danielle already saw what I did. I try to make it look like my face inched. I didn't answer her for a long time

"I got into a fight with someone." That wasn't a complete lie. I did get into a fight with my dad but I didn't fight back. She nods her head and we walk the rest of the way in silence. After about ten minutes of complete silence we finally made it to the store that has weapons and camp stuff. "You need to get yourself a new weapon, a bat ain't gonna help you survive." I told her.

"I don't know how to wield a weapon." She says quietly

"It's not that hard." I say as I go into the store and first see a tent and hand it to her. "This stuff is for you, so you're going to hold it." I then go into the back where the weapons are. I first see the guns. I go over and see a shotgun. I don't need one of those. Since my weapons were stolen which i will find that mother fucker and make them wish they were part of the undead i will get different weapons in the mean time. With me and my weapons there like a part of me. It's the only thing that will always be the same in my life. I move past the shotgun and see a pistol. Again I don't need that i already have a pistol. I dismiss the pistol and see a revolver. I grab that and put it in my weapon holster. Can't go wrong with a few more weapons. After I put the revolver in its rightful place in my holster i see a rifle. I grabbed it. There isn't a sling to hold it so I quickly glance over all the weapons and try to find one. I found one and put it on the rifle and slung it over my shoulder. I took another look at the guns and see a machine gun. I grab it and thank god it has a sling I put it over my shoulder. I then look at the bullets. I grab a bullet holder and good thing I can deal with weight because these bullets weigh a ton. I grab two boxes for each of the guns I have and put them in my backpack.

I then take a look at the sharp objects. There's an ax which I would love to have. It only takes me a second to conclude my answer and you guessed right it was a yes. I put it in the last pocket of my holster and started to look at my knives. I was looking at a machete when Danielle came up to me with barbed wire. I raise my eyebrow for her to explain

She takes a long breath like she was about to jump into a big explanation which I don't need. She talks too much as it is. But then she said this which was shorter than I thought she was going to say.

"As I told you, I can't wield a weapon. So how about I wrap this around my bat?" I look at the barbed wire and the bat and again.

"Fine." I sigh then I grab it out of her hands.

"Uh... what are you doing?" She asked. I hold out my hand for her to give me her bat.

"I'm helping you wrap this around your bat so you don't do it wrong and get us killed. Well i should say you killed i wont die but i give you a month before you die." I told her. She gave me a shocked look then replaced it with a thinking short of look. "Shocker I know." I say sarcastically. She hands me her bat and I put it under my arm. I unholster my knife and cut open the barbed wire. I sit on the ground as I start to wrap the barbed wire on the bat. Danielle does the same as she watches me.

"Where did you learn all this?" she asks after a little silence.

I raise my eyes to her. "Learn what?" I then look back at the bat.

"The weapon wielding. Everything. Knowing how to survive." I suppress a smile at what she says.

"Self taught."

"Really?" She says clearly shocked. At this i don't suppress my grin. I raise my eyes to be level with her again.

"Yes really." I say she is still shocked by this so i say this "We both already know i'm awesome i thought you would have caught on by now." i then go back to my work

"Someones humble." I don't answer, there's another silence which she breaks again. "Can you teach me?" she asks once I'm done. I stand up and she does the same.

"Teach you how to manage weapons?" I ask as she nods as I give her her bat back. "You have your very own Lucille, why would you want me to teach you how to use other weapons?" She gives me a confused look. Curse the people that haven't watched the walking dead. "Never mind." I roll my eyes.

"I want you to teach me how to yield differ weapons like a knife or how to shoot a gun." I take a step back and cross my arms. I give her a stern look.

"I don't know if i can teach you but out of the courtesy of my heart i'll try to teach you how to use a knife. I won't teach you how to shoot a gun waist of bullets." She nods and we stand there looking at each other. "Well?" I say

"Well what?" She responds and I roll my eyes.

"Good god. Do I have to do everything? You said you wanted me to help you use a knife pick out a knife you want to use for fuck sakes." she says 'oh' really enthusiastically. It takes her a while to pick a blade. She picked the one I was looking at before I wrapped her bat in the barbed wire. The machete.

"This one." I nod

"Do you know what that is?" I ask

"Uh..." She gave me a helpless look. Of course she doesn't know what blade she picked is. I roll my eyes then sigh.

"It's a machete." I told her. She nods, acting like she knows what that is. "It's not a knife but it does the job." I explain. "Come on. Let's go back to my ruined camp site." I turn away and start to head back to camp. After a little halfway to the camp site I told Danielle "After you set up your tent I will start your lessons." She nods. I notice her glance at my neck where the lady I killed at the beginning of all this lays necklace. I subconsciously put the necklace under my shirt.

"Why do you wear that?" She asked

"Why do you have to be so nosey?" I snapped at her.

"Sorry, just curious." She responds

"Well don't you know curiosity killed the cat?" With what i said she looks scared. I roll my eyes yet again it seems to be my moto with her. "Don't worry." I tell her "I won't kill you, I don't kill people. Unless they deserve it." I added with what i said she looks slightly less scared with what i said. "I will be the first to reassure you, I haven't killed anyone on purpose." I reassure her and all her features seem to relax as guilt washes over me. I still feel bad for killing that woman. Even though I didn't mean to. She kinda thought death was coming to get her eventually and by eventually i mean soon which i wish i wasn't me to bring death upon her.

We got back to camp and she started to set up her tent. I go to my tent and put my backpack down with my weapons on my shoulder. I then grab two cans I got earlier and head back out of my tent. I sit down on the ground a little distance away from Danielle watching her. I open up the can of corn and take a gulp of it. "Hey, why don't you eat then you can attack that after." I suggested she nod and come over and sit by me.

The first thing that comes out of her mouth is yet another personal question. "Why are you so closed off?" She says as she opens her can of food and looks for silverware.

"I'm not." I say as I take another gulp of corn. She does the same with her can of food.

"You are. You didn't answer me when I asked you about your necklace. And you are a horrible liar." i mentally scold my lying abilities

"I wasn't lying about my scare nor was I lying about why I swear so much."

"Okay." she says unsure "Then can you tell me about why you wear that necklace?" She asks, I sigh. I might as well tell her something.

"It belonged to someone. They asked me to pass on a message. I haven't been able to pass on that message yet." I tell her it's not a complete lie, it's just not telling the exact story.

"That's nice of you." She says

"Yeah it's rare that I am." I say as I finish my corn. "Quickly finish so you can get that tent up. It's going to be dark soon.'' I tell her as I go to my tent. Once I go into my tent I grab a knife and get my revolver. As I did with my other weapons, I carved a shot glass with the letters J.S.S on the wood handle of my revolver. Once I'm done with my revolver I go to my rifle. It's a good thing I got a wooden one. I carve the exact same thing in my rifle as I did in my revolver.

I dismissed my machine gun since it's not wooden and I can't carve anything in it. I grab my ax and carve the shot glass with J.S.S in the handle like my revolver and rifle. After I carved in my ax, Danielle came over to my tent and attempted to knock. "I'm done." she called in through the thin fabric of the tent. I crawl out of my tent and see she put up her tent correctly which surprises me.

"K get your machete." I commanded her to do after I got over my shock. "I'll teach you a couple things." She nods and goes into her tent. Once she emerges from her tent she has her machete still in its package. "Give it to me." She obliges. I unholster my knife again and cut open the the plastic. I then showed her how to hold it and how to stand while using it. She did as I did and she was actually a pretty good learner.

She got the swing pretty good but I could be better. After about an hour I think it was an hour can't really tell time anymore. We stopped because the sun setted. "Good practice. Now let's turn in and we're going to do more practicing tomorrow." i tell her she nods then i start to head to my tent but before i could get all the way to my tent Danielle says

"Thanks Bel, you're a really good teacher." and with that we went our separate ways. Once I was in my tent I was able to be free to my thoughts. I'll never admit this but that was actually fun.

It was nice for a change to help someone to survive. After killing that lady I need to do some good. I'll never tell anyone this but I like helping people survive. I could totally live without seeing another person but actually helping them survive that makes me feel good. With that last thought I fell asleep the world didn't haunt my dreams on this night I finally dreamt of something good and nice for a change. 

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