Control || Toni Shalifoe

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«"Control". Adults love to throw that word around. You know, always telling us to use it, not to lose it, to... Daha Fazla

Act 1
Day 1
Day 3

Day 2

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«You're gonna hear a lot of shit about how I acted, who I was trying to be, I was with her. But...that sister thing...that twin's like a foreign country. You can only really understand if you're in it. So, no. I don't wanna talk about what happened to her. But...I do wanna tell you our story. »

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

«Rise and shine. We're in hell. »

Dot's voice woke her up from what it must have been the worst night of her life. Melissa didn't recognized the place; she got scared when she felt the sand all over her body and the outside air right in her face. She looked quickly around trying to understand why she wasn't in her bed.

The plane crash.

Memories of the previous day flashed in her mind waking all her nerves at once. They were truly in hell. «I thought it was a nightmare. » she murmured while she sat up looking around her. Fatin was still sleeping, or that seemed so. Panic filled her body for a moment; what if the crash had gave her an internal bleed like Jeanette? «Wake her up. »

«Fatin. » Dot shook the girl lying on the ground.

«What the...what the fuck? I was sleeping. » Melissa let out a breath of relief when she saw her schoolmate speaking.

«We checked you weren't dead, Fatin. » Melissa said kindly with a shrug. Fatin put her hood around her face and turned back to sleep making her giggle.

She turned her stare toward the ocean, the only thing that separated them from their lives. «I used to watch Mayday all the time...karma is a bitch. »

«Don't tell me. I've never wished to live one of my favourite tv shows. » scoffed Dot.

«People, we're missing a person. » Shelby exclaimed worried.

Melissa looked around confused. When she had returned that night at the campfire after her break-down she would have sworn they were all there, and with a quick look around she saw her other schoolmate walking toward them. «Leah. »

Leah seemed to have had a worst night than her, thing that she thought to be impossible. The Italian immediately noticed the phone in Leah's hand; a phone that none of them knew about. «It's Jeanette's. » She turned around and walked toward Jeanette's grave. They all followed her in silence, minus Toni and Martha who stayed back due Martha's ankle that had been hurt after the crash. The girls stood in circle around the grave, waiting for Leah to speak. «It was in her pocket. I heard it ringing, but it didn't seem real. Not that anything does anymore. So I followed the sound and I, um...I...»

«You frisked a dead body. » finished the sentence Dot. A shiver ran across Melissa's spine; that island was getting creepier second by second.

«But then, when I finally dug it out of her pocket, it died in my hands. The weirdest part is, this is her second phone. The other one, we lost out in the water, but this...this is an entirely different one. One that worked. And one that she chose not to tell us about. Isn't there something, like vaguely messed up about that? Like, not even vaguely. Deeply. » So many questions were taking form inside Melissa's mind. Why Jeanette had a second phone? Why it worked even after she had been in the water? Why Jeanette said nothing about it?

«I'm sorry. »

You're sorry of what, Jeanette?

«Let me see it. » said Fatin grabbing the phone. «It is kind of sketchy phone. »

«Weirder. It's the kind of phone you take into an excursion. No Whatsapp; no socials. Just a GPS, sms and emergency call. » thought out loud Melissa not taking her eyes away from the phone. The girls looked at her, still a bit surprised to see how observant she was. They were still pretty in shock, but Melissa seemed to have everything under control. «Why a teenage girl had brought it to a girly retreat? And why not telling us? »

She thought a billions of possible reasons that would explain everything, and one of them was that theirs hadn't been an accident. Melissa knew she was being paranoid and she had seen too many tv shows; but she was sure there was more than they could see.

«So what exactly are we trying to say here? » asked sceptical Shelby.

«I don't know. » said Leah and Fatin at the same time. They gave a quick look at the Italian girl who didn't answer. Her mind was again too deep in her head to acknowledging what they were saying, and they let her be.

Her eyes barely flickered at Rachel spitting on Jeanette's grave. What was so wrong about the island that could explain everything? The crash hadn't given them any injury, apart for the girl under their feet; she and others had woken up on the beach, perfectly able to walk and without a scratch; Jeanette had two phone, one that seemed done perfectly for their situation; and all of them knew at least one person in that group, except Jeanette. There were too many things wandering in her mind that just made her confused more and more. Without noticing she started scratching her wrist.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───


«That's a tall order, tracking down a ringing phone in the middle of the night. It seem likely that she did do everything in her power. » commented Faber, the psychoanalyst something.

«I know. the time, all I saw was someone who hadn't fought for it. A no-hustle, no-grit kinda girl. Not like Melissa, at least. That girl tried to analyse every situation, seek a way out safe for everyone. She was the kind of girl I was glad to have on that island. »

«Why's that? You two were more compatible then the others, or you saw in her a bit of Nora? »

«She was the only one who hadn't been under shock. She was always ready to make a plan or give and answer. At some point we had became dependent on her. The big question that no one had the courage to do was, what would have happened when Melissa couldn't do it any more? What would have been of us when she too would break under the island's pressure? »

«And did it happen? Did she break and left you in trouble? »

«We are alive, aren't we? » Rachel raised an eyebrow looking the agents in the eyes.

«How could she do it? Being in control all this time. Not giving up even for a moment? » Feber seemed strangely interested in that topic, and that made Rachel shiver.

«I've never said she hadn't. That girl is a fucking force of nature. Even when she did break; she just stood up, collected all her pieces and walked through hell with her chin high. »

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

«I don't get it. I thought it was getting better. » complained Martha checking her ankle with Toni. Melissa walked casually toward them, listening the two best friends.

«It's a sprain; they're always worse the next day. » tried to reassure her Toni. «Ah, fuck, not this worse. »

«Toni, your...your face isn't helping. »

«What do you mean my face isn't helping? » Toni was getting nervous.

Melissa saw the situation was about to get tense and decided to help them before they would have to deal with Toni's anger again. «First rule of a doctor, always tell bad news with a smile. » she smiled kindly crouching between them. «Can I look at the patient? » Toni made her space even if not so happy. She looked first the ankle then Martha. «You're gonna be fine. Pain and swelling mean you're body is healing, give it time. »

«I've got this, Smartass. If you want to help do something useful. » said Tony with an annoyed smirk.

Melissa scoffed at the nickname. «Alright, Hothead. Show me how to do it. »

Toni grabbed Martha's leg making her scream in pain. Melissa flinched at the sound. «I was elevating it like you're fucking supposed to! »

«We should immobilize it, Martha. » she said with a kind smile trying to reassure the sweet girl. «I'm gonna splint it, alright? »

«And why didn't you do it yesterday? » asked angrily Toni beside her.

Melissa didn't look at her; she kept examinating Martha's ankle with still her smile on, knowing that the girl needed peace in that moment; and not giving Toni what she sought most, a fight. «Because I was too busy helping the others with survival. What about you, Toni? » she didn't wait for the girl to answer; instead she looked Martha in the eyes apologizing. «You need a peaceful environment around you, Martha, and a lot of relax to heal faster. » she turned her head toward Toni, meeting those burning brown eyes for the first time. «I'll let you think about it while I go and bring you a drink. »

She walked toward the others taking a deep breath. She had tried, she repeated in her head, she had tried to give Toni a chance, but it seemed that the Minnesota girl needed a fight every now and then to prove something. She couldn't, and wouldn't, let Toni get under her nerves so easily. She needed her mind clear to survive and find a way out of that island.

«All right, so you brought...» she saw Dot checking Fatin's suitcase, keeping count of everything they had like she and Dot had decided to do earlier. «what, like 37 condoms? And your birth control pills. Planned Parenthood poster child over here. »

«Why did you think you would need 37 condoms in a girls retreat of few days? » asked amused Melissa standing in front of the suitcase.

«Never say never, did you see the cake's guy? He was cute. » joked Fatin. «I do my best. Day 15. We better be outta here by day 21. I do not wanna be on my period in this hellhole. » Right, their period. She hadn't thought about it.

«Think anyone's got theirs now? » asked Dot.

«I finished mine few days ago, so for 22 days at least I should be fine. » commented Melissa crouching next Dot and taking a coke from their supplies. «I steal one of these for my patient. » Dot nodded knowing that Melissa knew what she was doing. She walked back to the two Minnesota girls; her face was a full mask of positivity and casual which needed to hide the chaos she had inside. «Here Martha, you need to stay hydrated. »

«Thank you, Melissa! » the girl smiled kindly while her best friend rolled her eyes annoyed.

«We're taking a walk. » exclaimed Leah making everyone looking at them.

«Texas and Einstein, you're coming with us. You had already been out there, so you can lead the way. » said Rachel pointing at her and the blonde. The Italian girl nodded mentally, she had wanted to go around the island for some time now, but not knowing what it would expect them she didn't want to put them in danger.

«Lead the way to what now? » asked Shelby confused.

«That. » Rachel pointed to the highest peak of the island.

«No way, Melissa stay here. » said Dot firmly. Melissa shot her a confused look. «I need your brain. »

That left the Italian girl worried while she studied how to split Martha's ankle. Not even a day on that island and they had already started to expect things from her and her mind. She hadn't had time to tell them that she had never been part of a plan crash and they just 'knew' she had the answers. She didn't want to be in charge; she didn't want to be responsible for their lives, she didn't want to be the one the others came to when they didn't know what to do...but mostly, there was one thing that she didn't want. Something that had always been in her since she was a kid; something that ripped her every time from inside out. She couldn't disappoint them. She couldn't disappoint the others.

All of it it must have shown on her face, because at some point Toni asked, «You okay? »

Melissa cursed herself in her mind. If they were going to expect her to have the answers and be clear minded, the last she could do was keeping under control her worries and her emotions that would only lead her on the path of craziness.

She gave Toni one of her best smile. «I'm completely fine. You should put her ankle into something cold. »

Little did Toni knew, and cared, that all that facade of control and steadiness wasn't going to last for much longer.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Melissa was sitting on her roof looking the landscape in front of her without really seeing it. Her mind was wandering, jumping from roof to roof not really able to focus on something. She had spotted Ryan, her best friend, coming toward her house and now she was waiting him to join her up there. It wasn't a cold night fortunately; she hadn't needed a jacket or long trousers.

«You should be sleeping. Tomorrow's big day. » said the boy while she sat beside her.

She shrugged while she scratched her right wrist. «And you shouldn't drive while you have weed in your blood, but here you are. »

She could smell the weed without even coming closer to his clothes. Ryan laughed quietly shaking his head. «You will regret to not have tried it in few years, Mel. » It wasn't like she hadn't been tempted to try it when all her friends were high, but she saw the effect of weed. You'd loose control of your mind, you would start to laugh about everything and nothing. No, Melissa didn't want to try something that would take charge of her mind. «Why that long face? »

She shrugged again looking at him. «Just tired. »

«Nah-ah. When you look in front of you and not at the stars means there is something wrong. Plus, stop scracthing.  » pointed Ryan seriously. «It's because you-fucking-know-who again? »

Melissa felt a grip in her stomach at that name and the itch grew worse. «No. No...I got over that long time ago. It's just...» she didn't know how to explain what she was thinking with words. It was one of the biggest problem of having a brain like hers; it thought faster than the others and the words, the topics, would overlap between them. «I tried to study for tomorrow competition, but I don't feel ready. I don't think I'll win. »

«So, who cares? » asked surprised Ryan. «Maybe you'll be second, or third. No one really care, Melissa, because none of us could even arrive where you are. Whichever position you'll be, I'll go and brag myself about being your friend anyway. »

«I have to win, Ryan. That's the only reason why they send me to those competitions. »

«Fuck them! You chose which battles are worth fighting for. » She smiled at him. Ryan couldn't really understand her, but he tried and he listened and that was enough.

They lay down on the roof, eyes wandering on that immense black sky in front of them. She smiled while she looked at the constellations «You're right. Looking at the stars is so much better. »

They stayed there fo a while, chatting quietly and counting the falling stars, expressing a wish. She was a girl of science, but that piece of magic made the world more liveable. She had wanted to tell Ryan what was really in her mind, but when she had looked at him she had seen how happy he was, and there was no point into ruin that happiness.

She had hoped many times to fail once, just once, so that they would stop idolizing her and expect some lost too. But she couldn't loose what she had; it made her feel powerful the fact that no one expected her to fail, or not even consider it; because Melissa Gaggero never lose. But it all would last few minutes; the adrenaline, the pride and the feeling of being on top of the world. The rest of the time she felt like drowning among all these expectations. She didn't remember how they started or when the people started seeing her only as a winner, but it had become part of who she was now.

She knew she had a slow glew up in the last year, and with few tricks people started to notice her when she entered somewhere; but before that, before her beauty come out the only way to get noticed was her brain.

She had never been the prettiest or the funniest, but she had always been the smarted without even trying hard. So why lose it? She knew beauty could fade away if she didn't pay attention, but no one could take her intelligence away.

She didn't say those words out loud though, she never did. It was pointless; she would keep winning and exceed all the expectations in her life, because it was the only thing she could do best.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Melissa, Dot and Fatin were doing an inventory of the latter's suitcase, writing down what they had at their disposal. The sun was slowly warming them, indeed at some point she followed Fatin's example and unbuttoned all her blue shirt. «Thank God you brought the face cream, Fatin, otherwise I'd look like a zombie in only two days. »

«A good skincare means a better life. » shrugged her schoolmate bringing her sunglasses down her nose to send her a wink.

The blonde smiled kindly. «Fatin Jadmani, the more time we spend in this island the more things I find out we have in common. »

«She could use a Vicodin or three right about now. » said Dot looking toward Martha and Toni. «Hey, um, any chance this is some kind of Icy Hot knock-off? »

Fatin looked closely what Dot was holding in her hand before smiling amused. «Yeah, not, that's lube. » Melissa snorted while Dot whispered a 'Jesus'. «What? I'm not one for essentials. I'm more into recreationals. »

«No, that's great. I can use it to massage Martha's ankle; the lube is perfect for that. » both girls turned to look at her with an eyebrow raised and she shrugged. «What? Being a genius means I'm different situations. » she added slyly with a wink making Fatin whistle and Dot laugh.

«Uh, hey, what's...what are those pink things in the bottom of your...junk pile? » asked Fatin to Dot making her standing up and walking toward where Fatin pointed. Melissa looked too, but she caught Fatin grabbing some golden clock from her suitcase and hiding it in a pink sweatshirt. The girl looked her worried, but Melissa just gave a smile before looking back at Dot. It wasn't an easy situation for all of them, and it was more than right that they kept a piece of normality with them.

Dot grabbed the pink bags laughing and bringing them to the girls. «Oh, my God, are those swag bags? »

«What is swag? Why would it be in a bag? » asked Dot.

«Swag. It's like rah-rah promotional junk. Stupid and thirsty. » said Fatin.

«They always gave me one at the competitions I went. Always with silly stuff with the name of the host University on it. » added Melissa grabbing one of them. «God, seems like a life ago.»

«This one has your name on it. » said Dot passing her a pink bag.

«Sunscreen. Cheap pink goggles. » listed Fatin taking out all the stuff from her bag. Dot showed them a pink visor. «Oh, and just when you thought it couldn't get any cringer, it's Grandma's fucking golf hat. »

Dot put it on proudly. «You know, I actually kind of love it. »

«Yeah, Dotty. It suits you! » cheered Melissa happily. She thought it was important keeping everyone's moral high, because God knew how much they would need it.

The Texan took out a pink pace of paper. All that pink was making Melissa feel sick. «Oh, shit, it's my itinerary for the weekend. » she looked the sun curiously. «Depending on what time of day it is, I'm either suppose to be at pottery class or swimming with dolphins. »

Melissa didn't do as much as looking at the sun before answering. «Swimming with dolphins. » She felt their astonished look while she tried to clean her face with her shirt as much as possible before putting some of her sunscreen on. «My father made sure I knew my way around the wild without all that technological stuff. In Italian we say "prevenire è meglio che curare", that it literally means "prevention is better than cure". »

«I like that, swimming with dolphins. Cool. » said Dot strangely, still puzzled by that duality of realities.

«Honestly, I wouldn't be too torn up about that. I've been swimming with dolphins like four times, and their tiny teeth are horrifying. » commented Fatin disgusted.

«You know what, you are not gonna ruin me my dream to swim with dolphins one day. » said Melissa standing up while she took the lube and two pink swag bag. She walked toward the two best friends, and smirked amused when she saw Toni rolling her eyes at her sight. «Look what we found. »

She gave them their bags and it didn't surprise her to see that Martha was the most excited. «Oh, my God! Thank you, Mels! This hat will be really useful with the sun. »

«Yeah, and I bet it looks even better on Toni. » joked the Italian girl crossing her arms on her chest making Martha laugh.

Toni stood up, looking her badly from head to toe. They were about the same height, Toni's ponytail made her look a bit taller but it didn't faze Melissa at all. Her gaze stopped for a moment on her bra, scoffing annoyed. «Were did you think you were going? At a Victoria's Secret party? »

«If I knew I'd be in a plan crash I would have worn something more suitable for the occasion. » said Melissa smiling before kneeling in front of Martha. It was stronger then them; they couldn't have a normal conversation without annoying the other. She was so good at not showing how much Toni actually annoyed her, and it was much funnier knowing that her apparently indifference bothered Toni. She would never give her what she wanted; because even if she liked it or not the others needed to see her as the calm and rational one. «Okay, Martha. I'm going to massage it a bit, alright? »

«Did you find something useful for my ankle? » asked hopefully Martha.

Melissa smirked holding the lube in front of them. «Yep. The lube is gonna be our best friends. It's amazing for massages; trust me I've done it before. » Martha laughed at her sly tone making Toni roll her eyes again. She started to massage it slowly, trying to feel with her fingers how bad was Martha's sprain. «Hey, uh...Toni. » the basketball player looked her annoyed. There was a question Melissa had wanted to do her since a day now, one of the biggest questions she couldn't answer herself. «Do you remember something...about how we ended on the beach? »

Toni looked taken back by her question, and Melissa wondered if it was because she hadn't thought about it yet or because it was the first time that they spoke without arguing. «No...I just woke up little before you did. Honestly, I didn't even know you were there until you came to me. »

Melissa nodded not looking up from Martha's ankle. She knew that thinking about why they didn't remember anything did her no good, but something in her head kept popping it out, just to remind her that something was off and she had to be careful.

«Done! It's not a medicine, but it should give you few moments of peace. » she said looking Martha with her smile back on.

«If you don't mind, I can take care of her, Smartass. » Toni helped Martha standing up and brought her on her back to not let Martha's feet touch the ground.

Melissa rolled her eyes playfully, controlling and pushing down the annoyance she felt due Toni's arrogant tone. «Alright, she's all yours. » she whispered a "Hothead" to which Toni turned around looking at her with burning eyes. Melissa smiled innocently before turning around and walking toward Dot and Fatin.

She and Dot kept looking among the things they had while at some point Fatin took a break enjoying the sun. Melissa studied the emergency slide that Dot had found that morning, noting in her head how to use it to build a shelter. She even confronted with Dot, but they both agreed that none of the others seemed ready to accept that the rescue wasn't going to come any time soon. And how could she blame them? She had been forced to accept it in order to not break. How easy it had been last night; loosing control of her emotions and let the panic take charge of her body. That's what terrified her; how easy it was letting herself drowning in her primal instincts.

Eventually Shelby, Rachel, Nora and Leah came back from their walk, all of them with a horrible face. She noticed how Nora and Rachel were talking peacefully, and it made her smile. She was glad that with time they were all starting to get along; except for Toni of course.

They were all sitting on the beach, enjoying the dawn and the light breeze that caressed her now unbounded hair, when Shelby, who had gone for a little walk by herself, came back running holding a black bag. She explained she found it on the beach not far away from them, and Melissa and Dot didn't wait to hear more before checking immediately what was inside the bag. The bag was of their pilot, Davis Michael Crane.

«Gotta figure this was our pilot. » said Dot standing with the ID in her hand. «Now, sir, I don't have a great feeling about where you're at right now, but the shit you left behind will not be wasted. »

«Dottie, don't be morbid. » commented Shelby uncomfortable.

«God bless the old man. He had a whole pharmacy with him. » said Melissa looking through the medicines that were in the bag. «Pain pills, disinfectants,, give this to Martha. » she gave Shelby a white jar without even looking up.

«All right, down the hatch. » exclaimed the blonde Texan to Martha. «You, ma'am, are gonna be ship-shape in no time. »

«I've only ever had the store brand kind before. » said thankfully Martha.

«She didn't buy them for you. She had some dumb fucking luck. » commented Toni annoyed. Melissa was sure that she had attachment problem, and everyone who tried to befriend Martha would be automatically on her black list.

«Hey, um, give her one of these too, maybe one and a half, but make sure she takes it with food. » added Dot while she searched in the other little bag.

«What is it? »

«Oxycodone. » she shrugged earning a confused look from Shelby who took the medicine and brought it to Martha.

«Shelby, thank you so much. » said the latter sweetly.

«How do you say "You're welcome" in Native America? » asked curiously the blonde Texan.

«In Ojibwe, it's miigwech. »

Melissa furrowed her eyebrow even if only Dot could see her. She wouldn't be able to repeat it even if she tried, and so Shelby apparently. «Okay. Yeah. That. »

Melissa raised her eyes and saw Toni walking away from them, ending up sitting alone on a rock. The basketball player's eyes didn't leave her best friend and Shelby even for a moment, but it wasn't her usual annoyed look. Melissa saw for the first time something else. Toni was hurt and worried at the same time, and it stirred something inside her.

She casually stood up, walking toward the Minnesota girl who most annoyed her on that island. «I'm going where we woke up to see if I can find something. You coming? » Toni slowly brought her eyes on the Italian girl rising an eyebrow. «Or you can stay here and be depressed. »

Melissa shrugged before walking away toward the place where they woke up, and when she heard steps behind her she let out a sigh of relief. It wasn't like she was happy that Toni was going with her, but even if in those 48 hours she had thought about going back to that place the fear had blocked her. «I'm coming just to make sure that you don't fall in the water and get taken away from the ocean. »

Melissa snorted. "As if you wouldn't be happy about that", she thought, but she didn't want to argue so she just sent a smile in her direction. They walked quietly, for Melissa's joy, until they reached the place. A shiver ran trough her spine. «Where all started...» she murmured starting to look for any sign that could help her understand what happened. «What did you think...when you woke up alone? »

«Are we here to search for something or to do a stupid psychoanalysis session? » answered uncomfortable Toni at her left.

Melissa rolled her eyes. «I was trying to-look! » she pointed with her finger a spot in the sand where she could see something white. She ran to it excited, taking it in her hands and swiping the sand away. «It's my mp3! »

She switched it on seeing that it still worked and had 98% of battery. «We are in the twenty-first century, who the hell still use a mp3 to listen music? »

The Italian smirked happily. «Because I didn't want to waste my phone battery since you can't really use it on the plane.»

«Great, now we can die with a soundtrack on the background. » exclaimed ironically Toni.

«It's not about music! If Dot kept her phone I could try to transfer my mp3's battery to her and we'll be able to call someone! »

Melissa was almost jumping on her place for the excitement. Toni thought she had never seen in those two days Melissa truly happy as she was in that moment. «Okay, Smartass. But how do you plan to do it? »

«It won't be easy. I need two charges: one with this socket and one with Dot's phone socket. Thank God I'm taking electronics and computer science as bonus subjects. If I can cut the USB socket and link the right wires, we could have a transfer wires and being rescued in one day! » she was thinking out loud and she wasn't even sure if Toni was listening her at all, but when Melissa's eyes met hers she was already looking at her. «There is only one factor that I can't control, and I hate to admit it. Luck. How lucky are we that Fatin has exactly the wires we need? »

«Taking a look around I would say, I don't know...» Toni widened her arms pointing at everything. «Not so fucking lucky. »

«Why you have always to be so fucking pessimist? » asked Melissa not caring if she raised her voice. There was no one around to see her.

«Because in my experience luck is a son of a bitch. » said angrily Toni walking closer to her.

She didn't let her words sink in. She just looked coldly the girl who now was few inches from her like she was trying to intimidate her. «Then keep your life's style away from the others. They don't need it right now. »

She turned around walked away back at their little camp. When she saw the girls looking toward her curiously she put her best smile on calming down her nerves. No, she wouldn't let Toni break her control so easily. Not if their survival depends on it. «I've found my mp3! »

«Because in my experience luck is a son of a bitch. »

You aren't the only one who had a shitty life, Toni. Thought angrily Melissa while she explained her plan to the girls. Her wrists itched like hell.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───


«The story of me and my sister is that I had her all wrong. » declared thoughtfully Rachel.

«How do you mean? » asked Faber.

«She was always up ahead, standing in front of me somehow. And there I was thinking that she was just casting some kind of shadow that I had to get out from under. »

«But that wasn't the case. » observed him.

«It was protection. She was throwing herself in front of the world fro me. »

«This story, the two of you, you mind if I ask how it ends? »

Rachel shrugged. «I don't know. Guess that's in your hands now. It's true what they say, you know, that you can still feel things. » she rested on the table her right arm, looking where it should have been a hand. «Messages from...old nerve endings, sensations from the past. You know what I fell? It's her hand holding mine. »

«How did it affect you? How did you get through that? »

«I don't should ask Melissa. She had been the one keeping my mind alive when the only thing I wanted to do was getting back into the water. She understood me, somehow. The whole twin things...she didn't try to fill it or to minimize it. She just knew it was there. »

«You seem to admire her a lot. »

«She is the reason why I didn't lost my entire arm, sir. Admiring is not even close to how I feel about her. »


Here we are at day two. Things have started to warm up among Melissa and Toni👀 Are you liking it so far? Let me know what you think<3

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