Thug Like You

By jaetheeauthor

72.6K 2K 228

"You tryna fuck suhm?" "No Assiana. Watch the movie" "Mm..... I think you're lying" she hummed as her hand mo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Thug Like You: Characters
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26- Shallow pt 1
Chapter 26: shallow pt2
Author's note
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33: Love is.....
Chapter 34: Love is.....Messy
Chapter 35: Love is....... Desperate
Chapter 36: Love is........ Toxic
Chapter 37: Love is....... Or was it?

Chapter 4

2.7K 83 2
By jaetheeauthor

Chapter 4

He hated them.

Ares hated them more than anything.

And ontop of it all he hated that man.

The man that was meant to be a father to him, care about him.

Fucking love him.

But he seemed to be his biggest enemy as he fucked his own girlfriend.

Mia looked at him, her eyes filled with desire and lust and they brimmed with tears, her lips releasing soft moans unwillingly as her boyfriend's father filled and fucked her in ways he never could.

Ray looked at his son and smirked as he saw the young boy's face, filled with hurt and even more- disgust.

But he didn't care.

The boy was a child. What was he doing with this woman who knew dam well she wanted to be filled by a man?

He had it coming.

'If it wasnt me, it would be some other man. This is a lesson' he thought as he fucked her harder.

She let out a loud moan and Ares fist clenched as his heart ached from the sounds he'd never heard his own girl friend make before.

And his own father's smirks.

As if saying he was going to ruin the young boy's life as much as he'd ruined his by killing his wife.

And that was exactly what he was saying.

Ares turned, leaving the two behind and slammed the door shut as he made his way out of the god forsakened house.

He was done.

Without question he was done with that fucking girl who pretended to want him as she fucked his own dad. He should've known a girl like her wouldn't want him. What the fuck was a fuxking 18 year old doing with a guy his age anyways?

Everything was making sense to him.

The long trips to the bathroom. The disappearing at night. The weird glances.

He was a fucking idiot to be so oblivious.

'She wanted a man. Not a boy' he thought, hating himself for thinking the way he was but it was true.


Ares let out a frustrated groan as he punches the window of his father's car, to his surprise actually breaking it and the alarm goes off. He takes off running, shaking his hand as he winced, feeling the small cuts and bruises but they only fueled his anger.

When he finally stopped running, he took bus after bus after bus until he'd made it to the area people at his school called bad or hood.

He kept his head down and walked till he got to a dimly lit curb, away from the crowds and sat down, pulling his blunts and weed out as he caught his breath.

He'd barely caught his breath and he was already fighting the tears that threatened to run down his face. Ares felt as if his poor heart had been ripped out of his chest and stomped on.

He couldn't fathom what he'd done to deserve the pain he was feeling. He did everything to make Mia happy. All that he possibly could.

But that obviously wasn't enough as she decided to give herself to his father. In more ways than she'd given herself to him.

And Ray.

Ares refused to call that man father. That man had never been a father to him a day in his life, he didn't deserve the title. Sparking up the blunt, Ares took puff after puff in an effort to calm down but no matter how much he smoked, his heart still raced and his chest still constricted as his mind replayed the scene over and over again.

Growing frustrated, Ares growled as he threw the blunts down, stomping on them.

"Wow, wow there kid. No use wasting good weed like that. No body round here dumb enough to do that shit, you must not be from here" a man says as he stands, looking at Ares from off the side walk, hoodie pulled over his head, covering his face well in the darkening sky but his teeth shone gold as he talked.

Ares looked at him and despite not being from the area, could tell he was probably trespassing on the guy's block or something.

Ares had probably been there too long and seemed suspicious.

"I- uh, my bad, this your spot?" He asks.

The guy shrugs.

"Dont worry bout it. Whats wrong with the weed son, dont seem like its hitting" he says.

It was now Ares' turn to shrug.

"Not gonna lie its not" he says as he looks at the weed still left in his container and the last blunt in his hand.

"Well..... I got a lil suhm you might like then." The man says, reaching into his pocket..

Ares looked over at the man, quickly realising what he was hinting at and went to decline the offer quickly but paused.

It would just be one time. Thats it. He just needed something to help him calm down.

To help him forget.

One time won't make you an addict.

Ares tried to convince himself before looking at the man.

"I don't have any money on me" he says.

He smirks, his eyes wondering to the boy's appearance, knowing he obviously had some form of money even if it wasn't on him at the moment.

Having him as a customer would definitely mean big profits.

And with his product, he just needed a taste.

"Dont worry bout it, the first ones on me" he says as he pulls out a small bag with a white powder.

The man leaves and Ares is left there, frozen as he stared at the substance.

But he didn't care that it could potentially destroy him. After all he only needed abit to help him feel better for awhile.

He wasn't gonna make a habit of it.

Opening the package carefully he added some of the powder to his blunt and sparked it up before smoking.

It wasn't long before the boy found himself floating.

Floating far far away from his pain.

Away from reality.

"Look man, I just need one more, thats it. Ima pay you back for it. I swear I aint pulling your leg bout this. Help a brother out." Ares begged the man as he leaned against the curb, looking at the scruffy boy that'd been wearing the same clothes 4 days straight and obviously hadn't gone home since they first met.

"You ain got no brothers here Nigga, and that shits what you said for the last two and you still fucking owe me for that shit. You got some nerve coming asking me for more and you aint een got my fucking money. Fuck out here. I aint giving you shit less you pay or you ready to do some work" he says.

Ares ears perk up and he gulps dryly.

"W-work? I can do that" he says.

The man looks at him surprised before giving him a once over a couple times.

'The guys with motivation usually work the hardest. Unless they start stealing shit' he thought as he saw how the boy jittered and fidgeted with need for more heroine.

'Lets hope he hard working then' he finished his thought before sighing.

"Aite bet kid. Come on, ima let the boss make the decisions". He said, walking towards a destination that was unknown to Ares.

"This the kid boss. I think he'd be a good asset to us. Stage is yours kid" the man said before allowing Ares to stand infront of the boss.

Ares looked at all the tall, muscular men in the room and his jitters and fidgeting only got worse as he did so.

The boss was a tall muscular brown skinned man with long locs and a scary face.

After following Benji Ares was led to an area before being knocked out and brought here and now he faced all these men, armed with guns that were more than half his size.

They didn't need the guns in reality, Ares was only 5'9 and a lanky mother fucker.

"Speak boy, I don't have fucking time to watch you lose your shit for some drugs. What the hell can a kid like you offer us?" The boss asks and Ares thinks hard.

"I can offer customers" he says.

The men look around before laughing.

"You? What customers can you offer. Besides yourself." They laugh at him but Ares doesnt stand down.

"I live in mellow brook, a neighborhood filled with wealthy people. Not only that but I also go to a private school filled with rich kids just ready to spend their money on something.. worth while like.. your product. I can assure you there is a demand there. They just need a supply. You. And I can be the link between" he continued and the men listened on.

The boss thought about it as he looked at the young boy before nodding abit.

"What did you say your name was?" He asks.

Ares answered quickly.

"Ares huh. Well Ares. I like your points. But I will be trusting you with a couple of my other boys to work in your home town. It better be as profitable as you say there". He says.

Ares eyes widen.

"W-what?" He asked.

The boss smirks.

"Welcome to the family Ares. You can call me Dante."

Ares nods and shakes Dante's hand before he is escorted out of the room.

"Guess we really is brothers now aye. Name's Benji" the man who'd brought Ares there introduces himself, pausing and turning to him.

Ares looks at him before looking down at his outstretched hand that he hadn't noticed.

He quickly grabbed the package, thanking benji and the man nods, taking Ares up to two other boys around his age.

"Just know yo first pay gone be mine" he says.

"Alright, this Ares, the Nigga yall gone be working with. Tell him what he needs to know. And give him the shit he needs. He prolly gone need a place to stay too so yall know wassup. I got shit to do though so" benji nods at the two guys and they nod back at him before he leaves.

"Well Ares, you our lil brother now and as long as you don't piss no one off or do no opp shit, we good. Am Felix and this quay" the tallest guy says.

Ares nods at them.

"Nah we gone need a bit more than a nod kid. You a lil Nigga, people need to take you seriously. You see that mellow brook attitude you got? Yah we don't do that preppy shit ova here" Felix says.

"Yes sir" Ares answers, not knowing what else to say.

Quay and Felix snigger.

"This Nigga said yes sir" quay cackled.

"How the fuck we gone turn this Nigga into that Nigga fam?" Felix wondered. Quay shrugged as they both looked at Ares.

"The life gone change him"

"Shit. Its gone hit him hard"




Ares groans as he rolls over and turns his alarm off, sitting up and rubbing his eyes as he thought about the flashback he just had.

Getting out of bed, he groggily made his way to the bathroom and hopped in the shower before changing and looking in the mirror.

He stares for a moment before leaving his room and quietly leaves the house, no one else being up as it was only 6.

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