Mineta One-Shots

By st00pid_fiction

4.3K 88 14

Oc x Canon will be involved some of the time, lol. Hello, I'm Remy (that's my name, lol) and this is a one sh... More

Books And Stars
Green Hair
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Special Treatment: Recovery Girl Visits

177 2 0
By st00pid_fiction

Shinsou's capture weapon tightened around Mina, digging into her skin. Her face scrunched up in slight discomfort. “Shinsou,” Kaminari tried his friend. The purple haired boy ignored him, he wasn't going to listen, he wanted her to understand that she cannot get away with hurting people; just like Mineta couldn't. “dude! Stop! You're going to hurt her!” the electric user pulled on him. Shinsou pushed him off, his glare just as harsh as before.

“Seriously? This hurts!” Mina whined, moving around. Unfortunately for her, everytime she moved, the capture weapon tightened around her. The class wasn't sure what to do, they were either in shock or just too scared to do anything to help. Kaminari gritted his teeth; this was ridiculous.

“Shinsou!” he yelled, pulling on his shoulder. “Let her the fuck—” he stopped himself. “go..?” the two teen's eyes met and Kaminari was shocked by the tear streaks and tears that streamed down Shinsou's face. The blond wasn't sure what to do now, he's never seen Shinsou cry before, he's never seen him like this ever. Shinsou shrugged off the other's hand.

“Don't fucking touch me.” he glared at the boy, his voice cracking. He wrapped his hands around the weapon and pulled, Mina to the floor. She yelped as he pulled her to him. “Sorry,” he paused and shrugged. “not really.” he looked at her with anger and sadness in his eyes. Her own widened.

“Shinsou, wait!” Midoriya yelled. It was too late however, Shinsou's forehead and her's met, making the large group flinch. Shinsou blinked as Mina groaned slightly. When Shinsou went to actually hurt her, Aizawa walked in with Vlad and grabbed the boy, pulling him off of her. There was a large red mark on Shinsou forehead and one that seemed to form on Mina's. The boy thrashed in Aizawa's arms, the class watched as he pulled at the man's hero costume.

“Let me go, damn it!” he yelled, his voice cracking. “She can't get away with this!” tears rushed down his face as Aizawa tightened his grip on the boy, putting his face in his neck.

“Mineta is fine,” he told the boy. “Recovery Girl said-” Aizawa was quickly cut off by the teen.

“I don't care what she said!” Shinsou cried. “If no one said anything—” Shinsou stopped when the door opened to reveal a red faced Monoma.

If, Shinsou, if.” he said, walking over to them. “If Yuga hadn't said anything, Mineta could have died, yes. But he told us and we got him to a safe place.” he said calmly. Shinsou's breathing was uneven, but he stopped moving in the man's arms and just let the tears pool from his eyes. “Now, give me a moment.” Aizawa looked up at the boy confused. Monoma turned around and looked at Vlad. “I'm sorry.” he apologized before punching the girl in the face, busting her lip open and knocking her unconscious.

“Monoma!” Vlad yelled at him. The boy seethed, shaking his hand in slight pain.

“What?” he questioned. “My friend is unconscious in Recovery Girl's office with bandages on his face because of her!” he told his teacher. “Her nails went deep enough to numb the entire right side of his face. And this was done because of a joke that he made, fix your students.” Monoma grabbed Shinsou and pulled him away from Aizawa. “Come on,” he said. “Mineta is awake.” Shinsou's face lit up and he wiped the tears away. The two left the dorms and made their way to the school.

“Well then,” Aizawa sighed. “when she wakes up, let her know she has extra school work and extended training.” he told the class as Vlad put her on the couch, giving Aizawa Shinsou's capture weapon. “Oh, and she's on house arrest for two months, her patrols will also be extended.” he grinned at them.  “Let's hope this stops you all and gets us back on track.” he said, leaving the dorms with Vlad.

“This isn't going to stop, is it?” Vlad asked as they walked.

“Nope.” Aizawa sighed, shaking his head. “I'm going to check on those three in Chiyo's office, I'll let you know if anything happens.” he told the man as they stopped at the school's front doors. “Recovery Girl said that Mina's nails are coated in her acid, we have to teach her a different method for using her quirk.” Aizawa informed Vlad. The other nodded and left with a light sigh. Paperwork. Since Mineta's little outburst, it's gotten to a lot of the students in UA and now they're beginning to act out, even students in their third year. It was putting a lot on the teachers, especially Aizawa and Hizashi, they were loosing sleep and time with Eri.

The man put a hand through his hair and opened the doors to UA, going straight to Recovery Girl's office to see the boys and get an update from her. When he opened the door, he was met with two crying teenagers and a very annoyed purple haired boy. “I'm okay!” Mineta whined as the two squeezed him. Aizawa and Mineta met eyes, making the boy gasp lightly. “Mister Aizawa! Come get your son and the crazy French boy!” he begged. Mineta was still in his nightwear, his hair just as tangled and messy as before, the only thing different—was the patch of bandages that covered his right cheek, going under his chin slightly.

“You two,” Aizawa started, his voice tired. “get off of Mineta, he's had a long few hours.” he told them. Both stared at the man, tightening their grips ever so slightly.

“Don't even try it,” Chiyo said, turning in her chair to look at Aizawa. “I already tried that.” she sighed, pointing at the boys. When Aizawa turned to look, Monoma had moved Mineta into his lap while Shinsou sat infront of them. Mineta went from complaining about the squeezing to being immersed in their conversation. Aizawa sighed and shook his head. “Now, about what we do next.” Chiyo spoke up, making Aizawa turned to her. “He will be fine, her nails did not go as deep, but deep enough to cause scarring.” she told him. “Make sure to change out his bandages and make sure that it doesn't get infected.” she said, unfortunately for them, Monoma and Shinsou heard.

“We can do it!” Monoma said quickly, his arms wrapped securely around Mineta's torso. The adults looked to him with confused looks. Monoma and Shinsou both shared looks that they've only seen on Midoriya. Both boys held looks of determination, their faces red from crying and eyes watering ever so slightly. Aizawa blinked. Shinsou has never, not once, looked at him like that, even when it came to cats that he wanted.

“Please dad?” Shinsou begged. Shouta wasn't sure what to do or say, so, with a sigh, he nodded. Both teens grinned widely, making Aizawa's heart squeeze. Chiyo sighed as well.

“Once he's back on his feet, I will give you what you need.” she told the boys. All three nodded and went back to conversating about heaven knows what, but it kept Mineta distracted and that's what they were going for. “Students are coming in hurt, more than usual, and it's no accident or from quirk training.” Chiyo whispered to the man. Aizawa looked at her. He knew about the students sudden change in character, but now they're hurting each other? This was becoming ridiculous.

“How many?” he asked her, keeping his voice low so that the boys wouldn't be able to hear.

“Six in the past two days.” his eyes widened slightly. “Each claim that it was due to quirk training, but I checked their scheduleds, they were supposed to be on patrol with other pro heros.” she explained. Just as Aizawa went to speak, Mirio came in with Tamajiki on his shoulder, bruise and blood on his face and arms.

“Help.” Mirio's voice was soft, tears wheeling up in his eyes. Amajiki made a soft noise, everyone in the room was frozen into place. Both boys looked as though they had just been in a fight with a villain, but Amajiki was the target, not Mirio. Chiyo quickly stood and made her way to one of the beds, Aizawa and Shinsou helping the two teens get to each clear bed. Mirio seethed when Shinsou touched him, making the other boy flinch. Shinsou shook it off and helped him to the bed, laying him down.

“What the hell happened?!” Shinsou asked with hast, looking between the two teenagers. Mirio groaned.

“Third years are loosing it.” he muttered, taking a breath. “Was supposed to meet with Tama when I saw' em.” his words slurred. Mirio put his arm over his eyes, letting out a pained noise.

“Shoo shoo!” Chiyo said, swatting her hands at the purple haired teen. “He needs rest, pester your boyfriends, not my patient.” she told him. Shinsou's face flushed and he put his hands up, waving them.

“Wait- wait no!” he tried to explain that she had it all wrong, but he was stammering, his words jumbled so she couldn't understand what he was saying. Monoma's pale face burned as well as the tips of his ears. Mineta rolled his eyes at the two and continued to play with Monoma's finger tips, he hid his own blush and ignored them. After a while, Shinsou, Monoma and Aizawa had to leave, it being past curfew and Aizawa needing to make sure that Mina was awake and alright—then lecture her ass all night. Shinsou and Monoma left with a million goodbyes to Mineta, making him smile.

Once they left, Chiyo told him and Mirio to get some sleep and to call if they needed anything. Mirio fell asleep rather quickly, but Mineta couldn't, his face itched and it was making him uncomfortable. He took a breath and quietly got up from the bed, leaving the room, he made his way to the boy's bathroom. He looked into the mirror and frowned, no wonder his face was so irritated, the bandages were messed up. Damn it, Monoma..he thought, going to take them off, he made sure that the first aid kit was in the bathroom (it was a new install due to Midoriya, Katsuki, and Shoto) so that he could change the bandages.

It hurt like hell to take them off, but he finally managed to get them off. He gasped when he saw the right side of his face. Three pink lines stained his cheek with matching spots. He hated it, so much, so he quickly, and carefully, cleaned it and wrapped it back up. Mineta cleaned up his mess and made his way back to Recovery Girl's office. He got back into the bed and pulled his knees to his chest, wrapping his arms around them. He didn't like how he looked as it was, this just added to it. Now he had scars.

What ugly scars.

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