Gods and Eternals: Book of Za...

By AustinSeney

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Come and read an original story by me. This is a story you will have to read to understand what it is. Warnin... More

Chapter 1: The Girl
Chapter 2: The temple
Chapter 3: The second floor
Chapter 4: Dakuyo the Brother
Chapter 5: The Third Floor
Chapter 6: Death? Or Life?
Chapter 7: Instincts
Chapter 8: Final test?
Zane's birthday present (🍋)
Chapter 9: Road to recovery
Chapter 10: Fate or Decision? Tournament Begins!

The story of Joy Part 1

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By AustinSeney

This will be a recurring mini filler series throughout the progression of the tournament ark. This story takes place sometime in the future and is just filler. But it will also hold slight foreshadowing to the sequel of this book. So let's get started.

The little girl is grinning as she runs throughout her backyard. Her jet black hair flowing in the wind.

"Joy, come here sweetie it's time for snack." Her mother says as opens the screen door.

"Okay!" Joy yells back as she runs as fast her little 6 year old legs will let her.

She makes it to the door as she runs inside. Her mother chuckles as she closes the screen door. "How's my little munchkin." Her father says as he scoops her up.

"PAPAAA!" Joy yells as she laughs. Suddenly—

4 Years Later

The memory is cut off as a now 10 year old Joy is jolted awake by a strange noise.

"Shit..." she hears someone whisper.

Joy pushes herself back against the wall and curls up into a ball. Just then a young teenage girl with magenta colored hair steps into her view.

"Where could she be?" The teenager says looking around.

Joy notices a crown floating above the girls head and her magenta hair.

"Is she...?" Joy questions to herself quietly as she watches the girl carefully.

The girl closes her eyes as her crown begins to glow.

"Found you." Is all she says before she appears in front of Joy.

Joy screams as she attempts to punch the girl. The magenta haired girl catches the punch but is pushed back a little.

"Wow you're strong." Is all she says.

"What do you want with me you evil eternal, go away! Leave me alone!" Joy yells.

"Kid I'm not evil, if I was you'd be dead already. Plus I'm here to protect you." The girl explains.

"Prove it!" Joy yells at her.

"How am I-" just then the girl hears a noise. "Stay down and stay quiet." The girl says to Joy.


"Just do it." The girl says. A hunter comes rushing through the door. The girl summons a kunai to her hands which makes Joys eyes widen in surprise. She throws the kunai and it hits the man in the head killing him instantly.

She walks over and pulls out the kunai, and cleans it of the blood.

"More are coming so let's go." The girl says with urgency.

"Why should I?" Joy questions.

The girl sighs in frustration as an arrow comes flying through the window. As it's about to hit Joy the girl catches it and crushes it. A flurry of arrows comes flying in as the girl uses her kunai to deflect all of them. The girl kneels down in front of Joy.

"Come on get on." She says.

Joy does as she's told and gets on the girls back. The girl runs at the broken window and jumps.

"Wait this is the 4th floo-ahhhhhh!" Joy screams as the girl deflects more arrows as they fall through the air.

The girl lands on top of one of the men killing him. The girl runs at another hunter dodging arrow after arrow. The girl jumps and kicks the hunter sending him flying into a building. The commotion and chaos has caused a crowd to form as the girl summons a cloak for herself and Joy to conceal both of their identities. The girl throws her kunai at the third hunter. It stabs him in the hand causing him to drop his bow. The girl runs at him and rips the kunai out as she ducks his punch. She tosses her kunai in front of his face as she cartwheels and kicks it through his head.

"You killed them!?" Joy says shocked.

"Sorry kid it was either them or us." The girl says as she rips the kunai out of the man's head.

"Alright hold on tight." The girl says as she begins to run at her full speed.

"Hey what's your name?" The girl asks.

"Joy, what's yours?"

"June." June responds.

"No way...your..." Joy trails off.

"Yea I'm Zane and Hopes kid." June says.

"Why are you protecting me? They usually only send people to kill me." Joy asks.

"Save the questions for-" June is cut off as she does a limbo like pose while sliding to dodge an incoming spear. June sits back up as she runs at her next target. She summons her kunai as the hunter spawns back their spear. Their weapons clash as the impact pushes the hunter back. June stabs her kunai into the leg of the hunter and sweeps their legs. As they're falling June combos the hunter, rips her kunai out and ends it by kicking them into a nearby building.

June sets her feet as she picks up the spear and jumps. She spins in the air as she grips the spear a bit tighter. She stops as she puts all of the built up momentum into the spear. She throws it as it pierces the next few hunters through the chest. June lands on the ground and she sets her feet. She presses her feet into the ground, cratering it, as she begins to run again. "Where are we going?" Joy asks.

"Didn't I say to...shit." June says.

"What is it..." Joy's eyes widen in shock as she sees about 50 more hunters.

"Kid hold on tight." June says as she begins to roar. Lion like ears and a tail can be seen forming on her body.

June smirks as she runs past all of the hunters at blistering speeds. Jade can be seen in her hands as she turns her head to look back at all of them. Her left magenta eye glowing. "You're all dead...heavens blade dance." June says coldly as all of them fall to their knees and disintegrate. Jade disappears as June deactivates her powers.

June sets off running again. "You're amazing, just like your father." Joy says stunned.

"I guess I am." June says with no emotion at all. "Kid when we get back to our safe house my mother will be there. Don't mention my father around her please." June says.

"Understood, thanks for saving me, but why'd you do it?" Joy asks.

"All of your questions I will soon answer. Just hold on till we get to where we need to go." June says sighing. Joy nods as she decides to stay quiet until then. 'This kid, is she really the one? She's showing no signs of her power besides an absurd level of physical strength. She would've broken my hand if I didn't activate some of my power. I hope you're right Rose.' June thinks to herself as she picks up more speed. As she jumps sending them deep into the woods. June comes to a stop as they reach their destination. June opens the door and takes off her shoes. "Ma I'm back and I have the kid." June says to her mother sitting on the couch.

"Good work sweetheart." Hope says emotionlessly.

'I haven't seen her smile in years. Hopefully I can change that.' June thinks to herself.

"Hey mom where's Rose?" June asks as she lets Joy off of her back.

"She's out getting materials. And don't worry bc she's not superhuman like the rest of us so she can go out in public safely." Hope says.

"What happened I thought that the world loved you guys?" Joy asks.

"All of it changed after the war. They now see us as a threat and something that needs to be extinguished. We super-powered people tried to rebel but they ended up killing most of us off. Like my father and both my aunts." June whispered the last part.

"Sorry you have to grow up in this kid. We never envisioned that the world would be like this. We always had the dream that the world would be more accepting." Hope says as she gets up and walks over to Joy. She kneels down and looks Joy in her primrose colored eyes.

"You have beautiful eyes little one." Hope says patting her head.

"Thank you ma'am." Joy says sheepishly.

"Please, call me Hope." Hope says gently. Joy nods and turns towards a picture on the wall. She sees the whole family together. But what draws her attention the most is the baby in Junes arms. The baby has purple hair and beautiful chocolate colored eyes. 'Wow they were so peaceful in this picture. But now most of them are dead. It's sad...' Joy thinks to herself as she looks at the younger June in the picture holding the baby.

"Ah I see you're looking at the family picture. Yeah I miss those days, back when we were all together and happy." Hope says looking a bit sad. June rubs her mothers back to comfort her.

"It's alright Ma." June says. Hope stands back up and hugs her daughter.

"Save this world...please. Do what your father always strived to do." Hope says gently.

"Mom don't worry I will, but Dad tried his way. Now I'm gonna do it my way." June says hugging her mother back. They release the hug as Joy holds a saddened look.

"What's wrong kid?" June asks.

"Nothing, I just miss my parents." Joy says her voice cracking a little.

"Well that's surely not nothing. But I feel ya kid I miss my father every second of every single day too. But as long as we hold them in our hearts it's like...it's like they never really died right?" June says.

"I guess you're right, but..." Joy trails off.

"But what little one?" Hope asks.

"Nothing, I guess I'm just really tired." Joy says chuckling nervously.

"There's an empty bedroom upstairs to your right. That's where you'll be sleeping." June says not wanting to push the conversation any further.

"M'kay." Joy says about to walk away.

"Hey kid, wait c'mere." June says motioning towards herself. Joy comes over and June leans down and pats her jet black hair. "I'm gonna protect you with my life kid. No one or anything will hurt while I'm still breathing. You're strong I know it, once this is all over I'm gonna do my best to find you a good place to lay low." June says.

'Her father said something like that to her when she was little.' Hope thinks to herself cracking a small smile. Her first one in years. Joy blushes as she looks at June, speechless. Joy goes off of instinct and hugs June crying into her chest.

"Hey kid, let it out it's okay I'm here." June says looking towards her mother and looks shocked to see a smile. "Ma...you're smiling!?" June says shocked.

"Yes sweetie, I am. It's been awhile but I've finally noticed what Zane saw in you the whole time. You're going to bring an end to this." Hope says. The door suddenly opens as June steps into a defensive position in front of Joy and her mother. "I'm home." A feminine voice says. Rose steps into view as June relaxes and sighs a sigh of relief. June notices that Rose has now cut her blonde hair into a bob cut as she sets down a few bags.

"Hey June, Hope. Is that the kid?" Rose asks, greeting them and noticing a small figure peeking from behind June.

"Hey, and yeah this is her." June says, stepping to the side revealing Joy. Joy shyly waves at Rose. Rose waves back and returns her focus back to June. She hands her a tablet that she takes out of one of the bags.

"This is it, really!? This is all the info there is on Zech?" June asks, agitated.

"Yes that's all there is." Rose responds.

"It's only four sentences long and everything has "unknown" written after it." June says huffing.

"What about Dakuyo and Soia, is there any info on them?" Hope asks frantically. Rose pauses for a moment but then looks towards the ground. "Their safe house was bombed last week. And There were no reported survivors." Rose says slowly.

"I can't believe it." Hope says, covering her mouth as tears begin to pour from her eyes.

Joy watches as June clenches her fists unintentionally crushing the tablet in the process. "June don't do what I think you're about to do." Rose says, watching her closely.

The ground around them begins to rumble as the heat in the room increases. "June?" Joy asks, a bit worried. June calms down as the rumbling settles down. "I'm gonna go for a walk." June says, as she just straight up leaves. Rose is about to go after her until she feels a hand on her shoulder.

"Leave her, she'll be back. Let her air this one out for a bit." Hope says with a teary yet warming smile.

"Stubborn as-I mean behind kid. Fine!" Rose says as she huffs and walks into the kitchen.


June begins her walk letting her thoughts race. 'There's no way they killed them. It could've been one of Dakuyo's clones, no way he's really dead. He's-'. Junes thoughts are cut off as she hears two voices. June hides behind a tree as she listens closely.

"Our trackers end here."

"Yeah I guess we have our work cut out for us. You see how many men she killed. The great vigilante strikes again. HAHAHA."

"Cut it out. But really what do you want to do with the bounty when we catch her?"

"I don't know but I'm sure boss would be happy. He said he wants her alive so that they can "talk" ain't that some bull?"

"Nah boss is smart he probably wants to make an example of her like he did that couple last week. Hahaha."

"Yeah I enjoyed watching them go boom. Hahaha." June can't hold her temper any longer as she rushes them.

June cuts both of their heads off with Jade as she runs past them. She spits at their dead bodies as she flips them off.

"Still childish as always." A voice says behind her.

June turns around to catch a punch to the face sending her out of the forest and into a city building. 'This one's strong.' June thinks to herself prying herself out of the rubble. She's forced to quickly dodge as the figure comes flying in at her from the sky. June back flips and gets into a fighting stance noticing it's a masked man. Only his eyes are visible. A scar on his left eye can be seen. He rushes June with blistering speeds as she's forced to block the blow. The impact however sends her flying back into another building. June rebounds and rushes the man. She throws a punch that he catches. June smirks as a clone of her appears and kicks the man in the stomach sending him flying into the city street.

The clone disappears as June walks over to where he landed. The man kips up and tries punching June in the face. She weaves his punch and they enter a fist fight. June sets her feet and pulls out her kunai. The man activates some sort of gauntlets as June rushes him. She swings her knife as the man dodges. She flips the knife into the air as she punches him for him to block it. She catches the knife with her free hand. She flips it behind her back and she catches it as she spins and puts her momentum into the knife. The blade clashes with the man's gauntlets as it forces him to slide across the ground a little bit. 'She's gotten better.' The man thinks to himself. "Still, not good enough." The man says as he lands a crushing blow to Junes liver.

The blow rattles her body and forces her to her knees gasping for air. "This was fun, but it's over." The man says as he brings his gauntlets down on June. June roars as a lion like tail catches the blow and forces the man backwards. The man smirks as the lion armor can be seen on Junes body. June glares at him as she readies herself once again.

"Heh heh, let's continue this another time. I'll be seeing you soon enough." The man says as he teleports away. June stands there confused as people have gathered around to witness the scene. June spawns herself a cloak as she runs at blistering speeds back towards the woods. "That was odd, to say the least. He seemed familiar." June says as she holds her abdomen still feeling that horrible pain. "I've gotta get Rose to look at this injury, I'm pretty sure he broke my ribs with that hit. Those gauntlets...they're different from the other hunters normal weapons. They seem...specialized. Like they're made to take people like me down. Luckily I survived the hit." June says, as she winces in pain.

"Oh hey June you're back." Rose says. June looks at Rose before she passes out from the pain.

"June WHAT THE HELL!?" Rose says as she rushes over to her. Rose uses her phone to scan June for injuries.

"Is June going to be okay?" Joy asks, worried.

"She has multiple broken ribs and her liver has been severely damaged. As long as I can work fast enough I can fix her up, her own healing factor should do the rest. Bad news is that I didn't get many hospital supplies since I wasn't prepared for this to happen. Whoever or whatever did this to June they're one hell of a fighter to injure her like this." Rose says as she picks up June and rushes her to the couch. Rose begins her surgery as she mutters multiple "stay with me's" and "fight June".


June wakes up as she attempts to sit up. She feels a horrible pain, but pushes through it as she get into a sitting position on the couch. She looks down at her body to see her abdomen and chest bandaged up. "Where is everybody? Where did they all go?" June asks to no one in particular.

"They all left Miss June." Joy says peeking from behind the couch.

"Hey there kid and what's this miss stuff, I'm not that old. Just call me June." June says rubbing her temples.

"June are you okay?" Joy asks, a bit worried.

"Yeah kid I'm fine. I just have a headache." June responds. Joy looks down for a moment as if feeling guilty for something.

"Why'd you do it?" Joy asks.

"Huh?" June responds.

"Why'd you save me? Why do you need me?" Joy asks.

"Don't treat it like we're using you like a pawn. We actually need you. Your power is the only one strong enough to stop the hunters and the Government." June pauses for a moment to look up at Joy. Her beautiful complete heterochromia eyes meeting Joys primrose ones.

"I saved you because I wanted to. Rose was against the idea at first but I convinced her to trust me on this one. Kid the Government is using a power source, or well to be more specific my fathers power. After his death they removed his power from his body. They created weapons and even robotic soldiers with it. Soldiers that are as strong as my father was in his prime. They're giving the weapons they make to the hunters. Luckily my father gave me his lion god powers before they got to it. Which is what I used when I killed those hunters. Here's where you come in, you have an overwhelming amount of power. But it's what your power can do that we need. Joy, your power can create new powers, absorb high levels of energy, destroy powers on a molecular level, and you can deactivate powers completely, although temporary. Joy, you're currently the strongest hybrid we have left." June explains.

"But I can't control it." Joy says quietly.

"Don't worry kid I'll be with you every step of the way. I've mastered a technique that my father taught me. It temporarily limits the body and disables their powers. Similar to your powers but the difference is that you don't have to learn it your power can just do it on command. So when you get out of control I'll use it on you. The good thing is that it will knock you out as well so everyone stays safe." June says with a bright smile.

"But what if I erase your powers or kill you?" Joy asks.

"Don't worry kid I won't let that happen, like I said I'm always going to protect you until I die. If you end up killing me, so be it, as long as I was able to protect you that's all that matters." June says as she ruffles Joys hair. Joy giggles from the kind gesture.

"So where did they go anyways?" June asks standing up, slowly.

"They said something about medicine and hospital supplies." Joy responds.

"So mom went out huh, let's hope she's still got it. She's still strong so I'm sure she'll protect Rose." June says.

"Yeah! But who's Zech?" Joy asks.

"How do you know that name?" June asks rather coldly.

"I'm sorry. You just kept muttering it in your sleep." Joy says taking a step back.

"Sorry kid, I didn't mean to scare ya. But he...he was...my childhood friend and my crush." June responds, saying the last part quietly.

"What happened to him?" Joy asks now taking a seat on the couch. Her little legs barely dangling off the edge.

"That's the thing. I don't really know. After the war he kinda just disappeared. He didn't say anything...he just left." June says looking towards the ground.

"I'm sorry June I'm sure you'll find him." Joy says.

"Don't be and thanks. I'm going to find him but he probably won't be the same kid anymore. I'm sure we've both matured, let's hope he's changed for the better." June says sitting back down.

"So what's next?" Joy asks. June picks Joy up, causing her to let out a small yelp.

"Heh hahaha what was that noise?" June asks trying her best to stifle her laughter.

"You scared me a bit." Joy says pouting. June just laughs as they make their way to the kitchen.

"Did ya eat while I was sleeping?" June asks turning her face to Joy.

"Yeah, Miss Hope fed me." Joy responds. June nods as she grabs an apple. June starts eating it as she turns and heads for the front door.

"Wait are we going out?" Joy asks frantically.

"Yup" June respond through a bite.

"Wait but what if we get caught?" Joy asks.

"Trust me we won't no one knows what we truly look like. I've been keeping my identity as well as yours a secret from the world. So we'll be fine. Plus I want you to explore the city." June says opening the front door.

"I meant getting caught by Miss Rose and Miss Hope." Joy says, quietly. June walks out and closes the door behind her. June finishes her apple and burns the core with some fire she makes in the palm of her hand. She sets Joy down as she smirks. "What's so funny?" Joy asks, confused.

"Want to see the city a better way?" June asks as she gets on all fours.

A golden aura begins to surround her body. Joy watches as a lion like armor begins to form on Junes body. A long bushy tail sprouts from Junes lower back as she turns her head back to look a Joy. "Get on." June says, as she kneels down. As Joy climbs onto Junes back the golden aura engulfs her body.

'It's so warm and calming. I feel...at ease.' Joy thinks to herself. June stands up as she prepares herself to start running. The ground around them begins to rumble as June smirks. Junes crown begins to glow as her left magenta eye and right blueish green eye have golden crosses in them. June craters the ground as she sets off running. Joy starts to laugh from the rush of adrenaline in her veins. June smiles as she weaves through trees. June jumps into the air as they float above the city. Joy looks down seeing the beautiful city as she stares in awe. June lands on top of a building roof as she sets off running again. June cartwheels into a full layout backflip as they flip off the edge of the building. They land on another roof and begin running again. Joy looks down on all of the people. She sees happy families and people laughing and buying various things.

June jumps off another ledge and as she lands she stumbles a bit but regains her balance. She sets off running again. June sees a construction site coming and smirks. She picks up more speed as she jumps off the building ledge. June lands on the rebar and sets off running. A crane begins to swing a piece of rebar which forces June to have to corkscrew flip over it. Joy holds a massive smile as she screams out of happiness. "WOOOOOOO!" Joy yells. June chuckles as they land and she starts running again. June weaves in and out of various workers.

"Did you see something John?"

"Yea I did Mark it looked like a girl with a kid on her back." John responds confused. June laughs as she jumps and hangs onto a piece of rebar. She launches herself off of it as she backflips through the air.

Joy looks at the city below and smiles brightly. 'Do you see me Mama and Papa? I'm having fun again.' Joy thinks to herself as they land and June sets off running again.

"This is amazing June!" Joy yells.

"Don't worry it gets better!" June says as she summons her kunai. June throws her kunai towards the clouds. June switches herself with the kunai. As they float above the clouds June roars clearing all of them. Joy is able to get a really good look at the city. "You like what you see?" June asks her as they float in the air.

"Yeah it's...beautiful." Joy says with a smile.

"I'm glad kid but this trip isn't done!" June yells.

They begin to fall as June summons her kunai. Joy does her best to hold on as they fly at terminal velocity towards the ground. June clutches her kunai as she throws it ahead of them.

"I don't think we'll make it." Joy yells, peeking over Junes shoulder.

"Trust me Kid!" June yells as her kunai makes contact with a building. Right before they touch the ground she switches herself with her kunai.

June stands tall as she huffs, trying to catch her breath. "How do you feel kid?" June asks.

"I feel absolutely amazing! We were so high up and the city was so beautiful! You're amazing June! Thank you so much!" Joy yells pumping a fist into the air.

June walks over to the edge of the building and jumps. She lands in an empty alleyway and deactivates her powers. "Come on kid lets get somethin' to eat." June says as she kneels down.

"Sure." Joy responds getting off of Junes back.

'Luckily Rose is a really famous Surgeon or else we'd be broke. Good thing I have an allowance.' June thinks to herself as she begins to walk with Joy at her side. Joy subconsciously grabs Junes hand as they walk through the city. They eventually walk into a restaurant. "Table for two please." June says to the waiter at the front.

"Alright ma'am right this way." The lady says while looking curiously at June.

"Ma'am, I don't mean to be rude but, why's there a crown floating above your head? Also why are your eyes two different colors is it natural or contacts? Either way they're beautiful." The lady asks as she seats the two and sets the menus down on the table. She then leans in closer and begins to whisper. "Are you one of those superhumans?" The lady asks, a hint of disgust can be heard in her voice. June just smiles at the lady.

"Well I like to cosplay a lot and this is one of my recent ones. I just forgot to remove it so I just kept it on. As for my eyes they're natural...I was born this way. Thank you for the compliment though." June says rubbing the back of her neck sheepishly.

Joy is now squinting suspiciously at June. "Oh I see, sorry for intruding in your business and comparing you to those heathens. Anyway my name is Pam and I'll be your server today. Is there anything I can get you? Maybe a booster seat for the little one?" Pam asks as she looks over to Joy.

Joys eyes being the only thing completely visible because of her rather small stature. June snickers a bit seeing this. "Yes please. That would be great." June says. Pam nods and leaves to go retrieve a booster seat.

"Is that true June, that your hair and crown are just cosplay?" Joy asks, standing up so that she can fully see June.

"No kid, that was a lie. Now sit down you're drawing attention." June whisper-yells.

"Oh right, I'm sorry." Joy says. The lady comes back with the booster seat and puts it under Joy.

"There you go hun. Now what drinks would you guys like?" Pam asks readying her notepad.

"May I have a lemonade please." June responds.

"Yes ma'am and for the little one?" Pam says turning her attention to Joy.

"I want a chocolate milk please!" Joy says with excitement.

"Alright, I'll be right back with your drinks." Pam says walking away and trying not to giggle at Joys cuteness.

"So Joy..." June starts as she places a napkin in front of her. "Why were you alone in that abandoned building?" June asks.

"I was hiding..." Joy says quietly.

"From who or what?" June asks.

"From everything and everyone. My power is dangerous and it hurts people. Also June why're you not affected by the passive ability of my power?" Joy asks confused.

"Oh right the one where the powers of anyone within a 1 mile radius of you are completely plus disabled." June says.

"Oddly specific, but yeah why aren't you affected?" Joy asks again.

"To be honest kid I don't know. My powers are significantly weaker and slower around you but they're never disabled. It might have something to do with my Eternal blood. I'll have to look deeper into it later." June says putting a finger to her chin.

June notices that Pam is walking back over with a tray. "Okay lemonade for the Queen." She says poking fun at Junes crown and placing her drink in front of her. June smiles a bit at this. "And chocolate milk for the munchkin." Pam says as she places Joys drink in front her.

"Hey! I'm not that small..." Joy says quietly. Pam laughs at her little comment.

"Alright so are we ready to order or do you need a minute?" Pam asks.

"We need a minute." June responds.

"Okay, well call me over when you're ready." Pam says as she walk away to seat another customer.

"June?" Joy says quietly.

"Yes Joy?"

"I need to use the bathroom." Joy says.

June takes a sip and just stares at Joy. "Well...aren't you gonna go?" June says with a matter of fact tone.

"I can't go alone." Joy says.

"And why not?" June asks.

"Can you just stand outside of the door please. I feel safer with you around." Joy says lowering her head a little.

June gives Joy a gently smile. "Sorry kid I guess you're not as used to being independent like I am." June says chuckling a bit. "Come on let's go." June says getting out of her chair.

"Okay." Joy says hoping out of her booster seat.

They make their way to the bathroom as Joy heads inside. June stands outside of the door and begins to sing a little bit. Singing was a skill she developed a few years back. It helped her get through her fathers death, and kept her at ease.

"Lately I've been feeling down, when you're not around
And late-ly I can see the clouds, it's getting colder now~
You~ were~ the sun
Warm~ing my blood
We've reached the summers end~~
We've reached the summers end~~
Feels like it just began~~
We've reached the summers end~~"

June begins to tap her foot in a melodic beat as she closes her eyes as she sings one of her favorite songs.

"Ba-by, the birds are going silent, the trees are turning bright red
And lately~ I'm bluer than the sky is, I'm higher than the tide is
No~more poor sun
My~ eyes they flood
We've reached the summers end~~
We've reached the summers end~~
Feels like it just began~~
We've reached the summers end~~"

June begins to cry subconsciously as she sings the next few verses.

"Come~ on~ over tonight
Come~ on~ over tonight
Come~ on~ over tonight
Come~ on~ over tonight"

June looks up and wipes her eyes. Everyone in the restaurant has their eyes trained on our magenta haired protagonist. June begins to blush out of embarrassment. Before she can rush back to her seat a couple stands up and begins to clap. After a few moments everyone follows their lead as whistles can be heard and some 'you go girl' being yelled.

June feels a tug on her pant leg. She looks down to see Joy smiling brightly at her.

"You have a beautiful voice, June. Where did you learn to sing like that?" Joy asks, curiously.

June picks Joy up and begins to walk back to their seats. "Thank you for the compliment Joy. I learned to sing back when I was 10, I was inspired to take classes because my mom used to sing to me a lot." June says watching as everyone begins to return to their seats.

June and Joy eventually return to their seats and sit down. "Was Miss Hope good at singing?" Joy asks.

"The best in my opinion. She has such a soft and melodic voice. It made me throw all of my worries away and always relaxed me." June responds.

"Did she ever stop singing to you?" Joy asks.

"Yeah eventually...she doesn't sing anymore but I'm pretty sure her voice is still amazing." June responds with a smile.

Joy hums in response as she twiddles her thumbs. Joy lowers her head and begins to fidget a bit.

"Somethin' on your mind kid?" June asks noticing the fidgeting.

"Could you...could you sing again?" Joy asks as the whole restaurant lets out a yeah or a please. This causes June to blush a bit.

June clears her throat and takes a deep breath. "Alright I'll do it." June says with a bit of enthusiasm. June closes her eyes. "I'll start with a slow one then move into an encouraging one." June says.

"There was a time when I was alone, nowhere to go and no place to call home
My only friend was the man in the moon, and even sometimes he would go away too
Then one night as I closed my eyes I saw a shadow flying high
He came to me with the sweetest smile, told me he wanted to talk for awhile
He said, Peter Pan that's what they call me, I promise that you'll never be lonely
And ever since that day~"

People start clapping as June hits the high note flawlessly.

"I am a lost boy from netherland, usually hanging out with Peter Pan
And when we're bored we play in the woods, always on the run from Captain Hook
Run, run lost boy they say to me~ Away from all of reality~~
Cat-whistles can be heard from the crowd as June sings from her heart.
Netherland is home to lost boys like me, and lost boys like me are free
He sprinkled me in pixie dust and told me to believe~ believe in him and believe in me
Together we would fly away in a cloud of green to~ your beautiful destiny~
As we soared above the town that never loved me, I realized I finally had a family
Soon enough we reached netherland peacefully my feet hit the sand
And ever since that day~
I am a lost boy from netherland, usually hanging out with Peter Pan
And when we're bored we play in the woods,always on the run from Captain Hook
Run, run lost boy they say to me~ Away from all of reality~~
Netherland is home to lost boys like me, and lost boys like me are free"

June opens her eyes to see some tears in everyone else's. "Wipe your eyes everyone. That's enough sadness for one day. Let's move onto a more encouraging song." June clears her throat as she prepares herself.

"Like a small boat on the ocean, sending big waves into motion"

Instantly knowing the song a man grabs his eating utensils and starts the drum beat that goes with the song. June smiles at this as she continues to sing.

"Like how a single word can make a heart open~ I might only have one match but I can make an explosion~
And all those things I didn't say, recking balls inside my brain, I will scream out loud tonight can you hear my voice this time
This is my fight song, take back my life song, prove I'm alright song~~
My powers turned up, starting right now I'll be strong, I'll play my fight song
And I don't really care if nobody else believes~~
Cause I've still got a lot of fight left in me
Losing friends and I'm chasin sleep, everybody's worried bout me, into deep~, they say I'm in to deep~
It's been two years, I miss my home, there's a fire bur ing in my bones, still believe~, yeah I still believe~~
And all those things I didn't say, recking balls inside my brain, I will scream out loud tonight, can you hear my voice this time
This is my fight song, take back my life song, prove I'm alright song~~
My powers turned up starting right now I'll be strong, I'll play my fight song
And I don't really care if nobody else believes~~
Cause I've still got a lot of fight left in me~~
A lot of fight left in me~~
Like a small boat on the ocean, sending big waves into motion
Like how a single word can make a heart open~ I might only have one match but I can make an explosion~"

June pauses for a moment. She nods at the guy doing the drums. He cuts the drums as everyone begins to clap as June goes acappella with their claps.

"This is my fight song, take back my life song, prove I'm alright song~~
My powers turned up, starting right now I'll be strong, I'll play my fight song
And I don't really care if nobody else believes~~
Cause I've still got a lot of fight left in me
No I've still got a lot of left in me"

June stops as everyone looks at her in shock before erupting with cheers. June blushes as she smiles brightly. June begins to laugh as tears of happiness begin to flood from her eyes. Eventually everyone calms down and slowly return back to their meals or conversations.

"So June, why'd you start singing?" Joy asks innocently.

June smiles gently at the black haired girl. "To help cope with my fathers death. It's also a skill I've always wanted and I've finally mastered it..." June trails off.

"Well your voice sounds amazing" Joy says complementing June.

June blushes a bit but smiles. Pam comes walking back over as she prepares to take their orders.

"First off your voice is amazing! So what can I get the two of you?" Pam asks.

"I'll have the spicy miso ramen please." June responds.

"Okay and for you little one?" Pam says turning her attention to Joy.

"May I have 5 spring rolls please." Joy says.

"Okay got it, I'll be back with your orders soon." Pam says walking away.

June watches as Joy starts making a paper football out of the napkin in front of her. June chuckles at this sight. Suddenly June feels extreme murderous intent. She frantically looks around and spots a group of shady people sitting at a table. All of their eyes trained on her and Joy. Some of the men begin to get up and walk over to them. 'Shit! Hunters, I didn't know that they'd be here!' June thinks to herself. She looks at Joy and smiles. In an instant June catches a knife that was about to hit Joy. People begin to give June weird stares as she sets the knife down gently.

"Joy stay seated." June says as she gets out of her seat.

"Be careful June there's a lot of them this time." Joy says nodding as she shows her complete confidence and trust in June.

June smiles and turns her attention to the men slowly getting closer. 'I've gotta do this without power and I've gotta make sure no one gets injured. Father give me strength.' June thinks to herself as she stands protectively in front of Joy. The group of about 15 men stand in front of June. The other people in the restaurant begin to whisper and give confused looks.

"Everyone remain calm! Just stay in your seats, I'll handle this." June says trying to calm everyone down.

"Give us the girl and no one has to get hurt!" One of the men say as they all begin to pull out guns.

"Come on I know you're smarter than that. You know that's not going to happen. Plus are the guns really necessary. I hate them." June says with a smirk.

"Try me!" The man says as they point their guns at all of the people in the restaurant. "Can you really protect everyone here? Give us the girl unless you want a blood bath." The Leader says.

June gets into a fighting stance and glares at all of them. "Don't be petty." June says with a sly grin.

"Trust me I'm not." The man says as he points his gun at Pam who's walking out with their orders and shoots. The bullet hits Pam in the stomach as she falls to the ground screaming. June looks at him completely bewildered. People begin to scream and put their hands over their heads. June grits her teeth and rushes them. The men turn their attention to June as they open fire. June pulls out her kunai and deflects all of the bullets. Making sure to release small lighting strikes to vaporize and shrapnel. 'I gotta act fast, I don't know how much time I have left before Pam runs out of blood.' June thinks to herself as she continues to deflect bullets. June throws her kunai which hits one of them in the throat as she runs at them. They all run at her as they engage in battle.

June dodges one of their pistol whips and punches the man in the face. Another man sneaks up behind June and puts her in a choke hold. All of them begin to rush June. June picks her feet up off of the ground and drop kicks the first man that comes close enough. June uses this momentum to force herself to flip over the man that has her in a choke hold. June manages to free her head as she slams the man into the ground. Three more men run at her as she decides to do a handstand on top of the unconscious man. She begins to spin as she kicks one of the men in the face.

June pushes off of the man as she becomes airborne. Before she can land she hears more gun shots. June quickly hits the air with her palm causing her to fly towards the others. She quickly summons her kunai and throws it. The kunai deflects the bullets as it goes flying past the shooter. June lands on top of one of the guys shoulders. She begins to elbow his face relentlessly until he eventually falls to the ground unconscious. "6 down, 9 to go." June says. "How about we take this outside!" June yells getting all of their attention. June quickly turns around and begins to run. She picks up Joy and Pam as she rushes outside. The 8 men and their leader all grit their teeth and run after her. June picks up speed as she dodges car after car. Pam on her back and Joy in her arms. June quickly ducks as bullets go flying past her. 'So they're just as fast huh? Well then here we go!' June says as she tosses Joy into the air.

One of the men appear in front of June. June quickly engages in a fist fight with him. Joy is about to hit the ground but June catches her while dodging more punches. "Sorry Joy." June says chuckling as she notices the horror written on Joys face. June dodges another punch as she uses her feet to fight him. June ducks another punch as she cartwheels without using her hands and smashes the mans arm into the ground, breaking it. She then relentlessly kicks him and finishes the combo by kicking him in the face, sending him skidding into the ground. '8 more to go.' June says as she continues to run backwards. June spots them getting closer as she tries her best not to drop anyone.

Two of the men manage to catch up to her as she readies herself. The man throws a punch that June blocks with her shin. Without June noticing her free leg is swept by the second guy. June takes this chance and bicycle kicks the first man in the face. She uses her free leg to push off of his body, forcing her to backflip. She lands and continues to run backwards. Both of the men recover and rush her once more. They come at her from opposite sides. June jumps as they both try to punch her. While in the air June corkscrew spins and brings her heel down on one of their heads. This smashes him into the ground as June dodges the second guys punch. She jumps and head buts him in the chin. She then front flips and kicks the man in the back of the head, knocking him out. June lands and begins to run backwards again. "6 left to go!" June yells as she turns around.

June weaves in and out of passing cars at inhuman speeds. The drivers bumping their horns as she goes past them. Five of the six men rush her as they catch up. June summons her kunai to her mouth as she backflips over one of them. She lands on his back and begins to ride him like he's a snowboard through the pavement. She jumps off of him and spits her kunai into the air. She bicycle kicks it at another enemy and it hits him in the head. June lands and rushes the three men that are left. She kicks the dead man in the head which pops her kunai into the air.

June kicks one of three men in the gut forcing him to his knees. June raises her leg and smashes his face into the ground with her heel. June catches her kunai in her mouth as she ducks a punch. She quickly slashes the man in the stomach. She stands up as fast as she can and head buts him in the chin knocking him out. The final guy tries to hit June in the back. Remembering that Pam is still on her back June quickly sweeps his legs and jumps into the air. As she's falling June lands on top of his head with her knees, smashing him into the ground. June quickly turns and begins to run again. Joy watches all of this in amazement as she stares in awe at Junes skill.

June notices the hospital in the distance. "There it is. Rose should be in there, but where's the last guy? I counted six, I just defeated 5." June says to herself. Junes eyes widen as her senses go haywire. A massive explosion appears at her right. She puts a barrier around Pam. A black triangle activates in her left eye, making sure she contains most of the blast and focuses it on herself. June doesn't have enough time to defend herself as she's sent skidding across the pavement. Pam flies off of Junes back and slides a little before coming to a stop. Joy was shielded mostly by Junes body. Joy lays next to the unconscious June. Junes crown disappears and her magenta hair goes back to hazel. Joy slowly stands to her feet as she coughs a little. A shadow looms over Joy as she stands up. Joy turns around to see the leader with a rocket launcher in his hands. Joy puts her arms out in a protective manner in front of June as cars stop around them and bystanders begin to record the scene with their phones.

"I'll deal with you later kid. Move out of the way so that I don't have to hurt you." The man says glaring at Joy.

Joys legs begin to shake with fear but she stands her ground. "I won't move! I'll protect her!" Joy yells.

The man begins to chuckle. "Do you not realize that the girl behind you is a global threat? Do you even know what she really is, DO YOU? She's killed countless of my men and countless people. She's a mistake that the world let get out of hand. Do you know WHO she is? She's the daughter of the Queen. She's a threat to everyone here...including you kid. She's a murderer, a killer, she doesn't deserve to live!" The man yells at Joy. Joys eyes begin to well up with tears. Joy drops to her knees and breaks down as her ptsd begins to overtake her body. Joy begins to cry and shake as she starts yelling.

"I DON'T CARE WHO OR WHAT SHE IS!! All I know is that she's the first person in this world to not try to kill me. She has shown me love and care and has been willing to protect me. She only kills in self defense, I'm not saying it's right but what choice does she have! The world has hated her since the day she was born. She tries her best to be a good person everyday. She's always in a constant battle for her life. So NO I will not let you kill her!" Joy yells back as she wills herself back to her feet. Joys jet black hair begins to flow around her as her body begins to glow, subconsciously activating her own power. Joy suddenly feels a hand on her head as her power dissipates.

Joy turns around and sees June on her knees smiling at her. Joy begins to cry even harder as
she's embraced in a one armed hug.

"Thanks for sticking up for me kid, I'll take it from here. You're a very brave girl." June says
planting a soft kiss on Joy's forehead.

"Are you sure? Your right arm is badly broken and I'm not sure Miss Pam has that much time left to live," Joy says worried as she buries her face in June's chest.

"Yeah kid I'm sure. I can finish this guy off in record time. Trust me I'll save Pam and protect
you. For now.." June says, turning her attention to Pam on the ground. June holds out her left
hand towards Pam. Pam begins to glow as her pained face begins to relax.

"I've placed a healing barrier around her. That should stop the pain and minimize the bleeding. But I'll have to get her to Rose, so that she can remove the bullet." June says with a small smile.

"Alright enough of this pity shit. Fuck you and the girl!" The leader says as he attempts to punch Joy. June however catches his punch with ease before it can hit Joy. She gives him a sly smirk
as she slowly begins to get to her feet.

"Come on now. You didn't think you'd killed me did you? That blast was weaker than anything I've been hit with before. So how about we up the ante and see who's really stronger." June says fully getting to her feet. Junes right arm lays limply at her side as her hair begins to flow around her. 'I have to do this without power..let's hope my physical strength is enough. I knew I shouldn't have kept my power activated everyday of this week. But I needed the stamina training.' June thinks to herself. The leader and June start their clash. June summons her kunai to her left hand as she clash's with him. The man tries to sweep Junes legs as she jumps over his foot. June brings her kunai down on his head. He catches her left arm and smirks as he snaps it. June screams in pain as she's kicked in the chest and sent skidding across the pavement.

"How do you like my body enhancements. I'm a lot stronger now. You have no hope of defeating me." The leader says, smirking.

June shakily gets to her feet and smirks. "That one really hurt, and I can't heal. Heheh hahahaha looks like I'll have to really try for this one. If not I'll die." June says as she summons her kunai to her mouth. June runs at blistering speeds towards the leader. June jumps and kicks him. The man puts his arms in front of himself and blocks the kick. June uses her free leg to push off of him into a corkscrew flip. The man pulls out a pistol and begins to fire at June. June dodges the bullets and blocks some of them with her kunai. The lighting from her kunai zapping any stray bullets so they don't hit any pedestrians. June runs at him and cartwheel kicks him twice in the head. The man grits his teeth as he grabs Junes leg, hanging her upside down. June smirks as she forces herself to spin. She kicks him in the face with the heel of her free leg, causing him to let go of her. The man stumbles a bit as he tries to regain his balance. June lands on her back and kips back up.

June runs at him before he can recover and drop kicks him. He skids back a bit as he pulls out more guns and aims them this time at Joy. June bites her kunai a bit tighter as the man begins to open fire. June quickly pushes off of her right foot and manages to get in front of Joy. June begins to deflect the bullets the best she can as some of them hit her in her legs and in her broken arms. The man's guns click as they become empty. June stands there, her legs shaking and her body dripping blood. What June had said before rushes through Joys mind. 'I'll protect you kid even if it costs me my life!' Joys eyes twinkle as she watches June get into another battle stance. June ignores the pain as she rushes the leader. He throws a punch that June limbo dodges. June sits back up and head buts the leader. June lands softly on her feet as she sweeps his legs.

'Damn she's gotten faster!' The leader thinks to himself. June gets to her feet and kicks the leader in the face with all the strength she has left as she roars. Junes leg engulfs in a magenta colored aura as she drives her foot into the leaders skull. She roars loudly as power courses through her veins. She sends him flying into a building as the civilians around her begin to murmur and continue to record or live stream the fight.


"Umm, Rose you might want to see this!" Roses nurse says.

"What is it Betty?" Rose says as she takes another bite of her lunch.

Betty turns her phone so that Rose can see what's on the screen. Rose's eyes become wide as she sees June on the screen beaten and battered.

"Betty is this live?" Rose asks. Betty nods as she continues to look at the phone screen. "How long has this been happening?" Rose asks.

"It's been about 33 minutes. It's sad though, to see how bruised and wounded she is. But throughout her whole fight she fought a one sided battle. All to protect, what seems to be, a little girl and a waitress. I thought it was staged or edited at first until I watched her receive multiple gun shot wounds. But what confuses me the most is people refuse to help her." Betty says as she looks solemnly at her phone screen.

"Betty...I.." Rose starts.

"WAIT A MINUTE I KNOW THAT STREET, SHES NOT FAR FROM HERE. If she can somehow make it here we can help her. There's a road blockage so ambulances can't get through but if she makes her way up here she can live!" Betty yells, an enthusiastic smile gracing her freckled face. "Come on girl, get up and make it here." Betty says.

"Come on June, I'm mad at you for sneaking out but I need you to survive." Rose says quietly as she and Betty watch June wobble her way over to Pam and Joy.


June stands shakily in front of Joy as her kunai disappears. "Come on kid grab onto me." June says shakily. Joy does as she's told and clings to the front of Junes now torn shirt. June floats Pam over to herself and sets her up on her back. June forces herself to walk as she limps. June carries both of them as she walks slowly down the street. People watch as June wobbles herself down the street no one daring to help her. Joy hugs June a bit tighter as she presses her ear to Junes chest. Joy hears Junes heartbeat begin to become slower and slower. June coughs up a bit of blood as her arms lay limply at her side. June keeps her eyes set on the hospital. 'Don't fail me now body.' June thinks to herself as she feels her body begin to tense up.

A trail of blood follows June as she limps her way closer and closer to the hospital. Joy hears June heart beats become quicker in succession. June forces herself to jog as she uses all the strength she has left. June stumbles in front of the hospital and falls through the door on her side.

"JUNE THANK GOD YOU MADE IT!!! I WAS AFRAID THAT YOU WOULDN'T BE ABLE TOO." Rose says running towards her and kneeling down.

"Get the lady on my back into a hospital bed IMMEDIATELY. S-she d-doesn't have much time left. And take the kid." June says with a raspy voice as she coughs up more blood.

"June what about you? You need medical attention NOW!" Rose says as she picks up Pam and sets her in the hospital bed she brought with her. Two nurses rush Pam into the ER as they leave. Rose takes Joy off of June. "June why aren't you answering, you're usually stubborn." Rose says confused as she looks at Joys teary eyes. "Why're you crying little one?" Rose asks.

"Ms. Rose, Junes heart beat stopped. I don't think she's-" Joy stops as tears begin to flow and she can't hold it in anymore.

"There's no way. I don't care what I have to do. I'll save her." Rose says as she moves Joy to her back and picks up June and runs in the direction of the ER.

June watches in her final moments, Rose crying as she runs. She shifts her gaze over to Joy as she watches the young girl try her best to smile at June. June gives her a small smile and mutters a few words. "I'm sorry kid, but at least I protected you." June whispers as she finally passes out. June hears one final thing as she enters her own consciousness, "JUNE PLEASE, FIGHT IT JUNE, JUST HOLD OUT A LITTLE LONGER!" She hears Rose yell before submerging into her own consciousness.


Junes eyes slowly open as she finds herself laying in a small amount of water. June takes a look around as she notices the blue sky with various clouds. June slowly sits up and takes a look at her body. Noticing her injuries are gone she fully gets to her feet.

"Where am I...?" June asks herself.

June does a quick 360 to take in the scenery and notices a massive tree ahead of her. June trudges her way out of the lake and onto the soft golden grass. Her clothing being surprisingly dry considering she was laying in water. June arrives at the tree and places her hand on it as she traces the bark. "I know this tree..it's the tree of life. I never thought it was real, but still where am I?" June asks to herself once more.

"Where do you think you are?" A voice says as the figure ruffles Junes hair from behind her.

"HEY WATCH WHERE YOU'RE TOUCHING MR........" June turns around but becomes utterly speechless as she notices who it is.

"Hey there June, wow...look how much you've grown. You've become so strong I'm so pro-" Before the man can finish his sentence June throws herself at him as she engulfs him in a hug.

"PAPA!" June yells as she begins to cry. She plants her face into his chest.

"Hey...it's okay kid I'm here, I'm here. Don't worry I'm not going anywhere." Zane says as he gently pats her head. "You've become so strong and I'm really proud of you." Zane says planting a soft kiss on top of her head.

"*Sniff* *sniff* I missed you Dad. I really did!" June says as she finally backs away giving him a warm smile. "So am I dead Dad?" June asks looking around the golden field.

"Not exactly sweetheart, are you on the mortal plain? Well no you're not. Rather this is a place where all users of the Lion God power can meet. We are all directly connected to the tree of life. If a user is about to or is already dead they come here to meet the previous strongest Lion God for judgement." Zane explains.

"Oh I understand now. So how will you be judging me?" June asks.

"The lion tattoo on your left arm has yet to be released I want you to release it right here right now. This final seal is the most dangerous one and usually consumes the heart of the user. Since you're not dead yet if you pass this test you will return to your mortal body. If you don't pass your mortal body will die and you will be stripped of all of your power and I will be forced to kill you." Zane explains as he gives her a smile. "I have complete faith in you June. So release that seal and we will begin." Zane says.

June nods her head as she closes her eyes and begins to power up. Junes hair becomes her magenta color again as her power becomes fire like. Her magenta hair begins to flow like fire as the tattoo begins to be burned away. Junes aura surrounds her body as she roars. June opens her eyes as they hold blue diamonds. 'I've never seen this level of the Lion God power before. This must be her own version of it. Either way it's insanely strong and is shaking this entire plain of existence, she might shatter through it.' Zane thinks to himself as he watches in amazement. June grits her teeth as her power swirls around her. The ground below her begins to lift into the air and disintegrate. June pulls her fists back as she roars louder than ever. A magenta crown begins to float above her head as she continues to power up. The lion armor begins to form over her body as she sprouts 12 tails. Her power swirls in a tornado around her as she powers up.

"She obtained the form all lion gods could on dream of..!" Zane yells astonished.

The reality around them begins to crack and turn different colors as Junes power begins to sway out of control. Her magenta crown begins to sprout golden fire as she tries her best to control it.

"COME ON JUNE CONTROL IT I HAVE COMPLETE FAITH IN YOU!" Zane yells encourages daughter.

June grits her teeth as her power stops raging and the zodiac symbol of the Leo begins to form behind her head. June roars as she begins to float into the air. Her power erupts to a new level as her lion armor becomes a lion like cloak.

"No way...she's obtained the Leo form. This is the true power of the lion god and she's done it so effortlessly. JUNE YOU'RE NOT DONE! I WANT TO SEE YOU AT FULL POWER!" Zane yells at his daughter as he crosses his arms. "UNLEASH EVERYTHING YOU HAVE LEFT! STOP HOLDING BACK, IVE PUT MY FAITH IN YOU TIME AND TIME AGAIN SO SHOW ME THAT POWER OF YOURS. LION GODS DO NOT HOLD BACK!" Zane yells.

Junes right eye finally turns magenta as she unleashes all she has. The reality begins to fall apart as she shakes this plain of existence. Finally Junes aura subsides as the leo zodiac symbol behind her finally materializes and turns a golden color. June lands gently on what's left of the ground as she looks her father in the eyes. Her magenta eyes having an almost mystic glow.

"This is me at my full power father." June says.

"Good kid, Good. Well you passed you were able to control your power...somewhat." Zane says chuckling nervously as he looks at the destroyed areas. "Dads gonna kill me...but hey it happens. Congrats June you are now the strongest lion god. On behalf of the original lion god Maahes I welcome you to our ranks...Eternal Lion Goddess. You are now the Queen Leo." Zane says bowing to her.

June looks at her hands and feels the power coursing through her. "So what's next father?" June asks looking up at him.

"Well I give you the rest of the lion god power. This power is directly from the tree of life. You have surpassed all of your predecessors. Then after that you will return to your body. Though it will not be instantaneous, it will take awhile. Time varies depending on how close you were to death. In your case it may be a long time." Zane explains as he repairs all of the damage June caused.

Once he's finished he walks up to June and places his hand on the area where her heart would be. A glow begins to engulf June as she feels even more power surge through her. The glow dissolves as the process is finished. June deactivates her power and drops into a sitting position from exhaustion.

"Whew...so will I be staying here for a bit papa?" June asks as she watches her father take a seat next to her.

"Yes you will. So do you have any questions for your old man?" Zane asks chuckling.

"Tons. First off what happened to my little sister, Sapphire, we sent her away during the war but I don't where she is." June says.

"She's alive. She's actually doing rather well, and is enrolled in school. I'm sure you'll meet her again soon enough." Zane says smiling.

"What school does she go to?" June asks.

"A school for "gifted children" is what they call it." Zane says making air quotations.

"So like super powered kids?" June asks.


"But sapphire never displayed any signs of power, I thought she was just a regular human." June says confused.

Zane begins to laugh as he clutches his stomach. Zane stops laughing after realizing that June is unamused. He clears his throat as he begins to speak. "Sapph is a lot stronger than you think. Her power's potential is so immense that it can't truly be detected making her seem human. Little Sapph is a celestial after all. She's got the makings to be the strongest person to ever exist." Zane explains wiping a tear of joy from his eye.

June sits there shocked as she hears the news. "She's a...celestial. No way. So why didn't you give the lion god power to her, she would've been better suited." June asks.

"Well first off she was just a kid. Plus she doesn't need it." Zane says.

"What do you mean, 'she doesn't need it'?" June asks confused.

"She doesn't need it because she's already strong enough without it. Her only issue is that she can't control it, which is why I gave her to a friend of mine who runs the school for gifted children." Zane explains.

June looks at her father very solemnly. "Why didn't you tell us father?" June asks him.

"What do you mean sweetheart?" Zane asks, looking at June with a smile.

"That you were always in turmoil and fighting for your life. Why did you choose to bear the world on your shoulders even when they hated you, how'd...why'd you do it?" June asks a tear leaving her eye.

Zane chuckles a bit as he looks towards the ground. "Well kiddo I don't really know. I wanted the world to hold me in its hands as I held it in mine. But in the end I was their biggest hero and their biggest villain. I fought for them and I died for them, and yet my legacy continues to protect them. I guess it's because I know what it feels like to be helpless and to be in pain. I never want to see anyone have to go through what I went through. My life might've been nothing but pain but in the end I achieved my goal. All of the fights did get tiring and tedious but yet I still won them. But I protected this world not for their love and recognition, but because I wanted too. I love everyone down there even if they did end up getting me killed. I wish I could've stayed with you and your mother. I wish I could've grown old with her and got to see you off to high school, then college, or even get to see you get married. But I won't be there to see those things, but I'll always be in your heart. I never told you guys because it was my burden to face, alone. Wrapping you guys up in my problems would've gotten you guys killed." Zane says as a tear leaves his eye.

June grits her teeth in frustration. "BUT WHY DID YOU GO AND FIGHT GOD, THE QUEEN, AND THE DEVIL BY YOURSELF! FATHER YOU COULD'VE USED OUR HELP! I WOULDN'T HAVE LOST YOU! June yells getting to her feet and looking down at her father.

Zane smiles gently as he sighs. "I did it because...I wanted too. I was always their target and protecting the world and my family was my only goal. In the end it got me killed, and the people I vowed to protect helped them defeat me but I still completed my goal. I made sure you guys lived to see another day. Kiddo I understand your frustration, but know this, I did it because I love you." Zane says getting to his feet and turning towards June.

June begins to cry fully as the tears won't stop flowing from her eyes. "No matter who hated you Papa you still protected them. No matter who tried killing you, you fought for them. WHY! WHY DIDN'T YOU LET THEM GET WHAT WAS COMING TO THEM!? June yells still crying.

"Because no matter how many holes someone puts in my heart I still make room for them. No matter how many pieces they break my heart into...each piece will love and care for them. I've been through too much not to love everyone around me. Love comes with pain. True they didn't earn my protection but I did it because that's just who I am. That's who Elise raised me to be. I love unconditionally and without regret." Zane says embracing June.

June cries into her fathers chest as she can no longer hold herself back. "Kiddo you may not realize it but you do the same thing. You protect those who don't deserve it and love those who haven't earned it." Zane says as he picks up his daughters chin and wipes the tears from her eyes. June snuggles her face into Zane's hand as she sniffles. "It's okay little one, I'm here for you, I love you." Zane says as he plants a kiss on Junes forehead. June eyes begin to water as more tears drop. She shoves her face back into his chest and continues to cry. Zane gently rubs her hair as he gently shushes her. "It's okay June. I'm here, I'm here." Zane says. Zane gently smiles as he embraces his daughter. He rubs her back as he looks up at the bright blue sky. 'Thanks for reuniting us Father. Thank you for letting me see my daughter one last time.' Zane thinks to himself as tears begin to fall from his eyes as he holds a bright smile.

"Thank you Papa, I *sniffle* I love you." June says quietly as she continues to cry. "I love you too pumpkin." Zane says hugging his daughter a bit tighter.

ANDDDDDDD SCENE, Very emotional there at the end and some wise words from Zane. Remember guys if you want love you're going to have to go through the pain. Love isn't easy but after all of the trials and tribulations it always shines it's brightest. Keep your heads high, we are all Kings and Queens. I love you guys. Tell someone close to you that you love them, could be your parents, siblings, friends, crush, lover, just tell them that you love them and if you can, embrace them. Fly high guys we are all worth it so keep going. ~Friendly Author

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