He's (Not) My Type

By YN_RollCall

558 12 10

KiriKami fic "People tell me I'm too...sweet." Eijirou said, a frustrated look on his face. "Which I don't kn... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

Chapter 5

107 1 8
By YN_RollCall

Denki flinched as he came to in in a now very bright sunlit room. He absently stared at decor that decidedly wasn't his, trying to remember how he got here. He wiggled, enjoying the soft warm covers. There was a soft but firm figure behind him. He looked up at Eijirou sleepily before he jumped back in surprise. Everything that happened flooded back. A deep blush dyed his entire body as he remembered the stunt he pulled in the restaurant. He moved his body a bit and noticed how sore he was everywhere. Eijirou pulled him back down. Denki blushed even deeper, a large smile growing on his face. Eijirou flicked his forehead and Denki whined.

"You're such a brat."

"Am I your brat?" Denki asked hesitantly.

"That, we're going to need to talk about." Eijirou sighed. "So what happened with Tetsu?"

I forgot I texted him about that.

"He ah...realized I liked you." Denki said softly.

Eijirou's eyes widened before he looked away, conflicted.

"...How long?"

"He realized it a week before I did. He said only a person in love could love your shitty Bohemian Rhapsody rendition."

"Hey it wasn't that bad." Eijirou protested

"It was and I loved every second of it."

Eijirou paused, a blush starting to form across his cheeks.

"I meant how long did you like me?"

"Apparently at least a week."

"You don't know?"

"No, I literally just realized that me hating Shindo and wishing you'd only smile at me were symptoms of a crush. And I've felt that for at least a few weeks." Denki said.

"Speaking of Shindo, you need to apologize."

Denki was about to protest when Eijirou quickly swatted him on a bruise on his upper thigh. He yelped and pouted.

"You're apologizing. And I am too. Exclusive or not it's super fucking rude to just leave a date."

Denki bit his lip. Eijirou watched him squirm before Denki turned around, wincing at the soreness in his body. Eijirou saw him once again in his full glory. The beautiful bruises lining his smooth skin. His breathtaking face with those stunning golden eyes swimming in determination.

"I'm..." He started. "Can we..." Denki took a deep breath. "I really want to be exclusive. Like I want you to be my boyfriend and I wanna rub it in that bastard's face. And I know I haven't taken you on any dates I can change that like today if you're okay with me limpin-"

Eijirou errored out on boyfriend. Denki said boyfriend. Denki said boyfriend. He mentioned having a crush on him but...boyfriend? Him? Eijirou's whole body flushed red as the words Denki was spilling out washed over him. The pickiest guy wanted to parade him around as his boyfriend? Thoughts of them going on dates flooded his mind. Boyfriend stuff. Boyfriend stuff! Wait...but this doesn't add u.

"Hold on. You...wanted to be with me before you found out about this side of me? I thought you said I was a bore?" Eijirou asked.

Denki turned away with a downtrodden expression.

"I'm sorry about that." He said softly. "That is what I thought at first but you...I dunno man even if your cute little gestures-"

"Cute little gestures?"

"Yea man! Cute gestures! You jut out your lip every time you were thinking hard. Or that look you get when you see the tackiest piece of clothing ever and definitely plan ong buying it. Or the way you looked at me when I had last night's outfit on. Even if that was all there was and you were fucking vanilla in bed, I just wanted to be there to witness every time you did that shit." Denki huffed.

Then Denki realized what he said, blushed even deeper and hid under the covers. Eijirou's heart pounded as he absorbed the words. He was looking that closely at him? How did he not notice? He just assumed Denki wasn't interested in him because of what he said. Eijirou smiled and pulled up the covers, getting under with him. Due to their height difference some sunlight spilled in, giving both of them some dim lighting underneath the covers. Just enough to see Denki have the most vulnerable expression on his face that made Eijirou's heart squeeze.

Little shots of static electricity shot through the blanket as Denki's quirk activated out of nervousness. They stared at each other for a bit before Eijirou leaned in, touching his forehead to his. He felt the tiny hum of electricity running through both of them as he whispered.

"Can you ask me that again?"

Denki looked mortified before staring back into Eijirou's eyes.

"Please be my boyfriend? I'll even be good from now on. Total saint." He said softly.

"I don't want you to be good. "Eijirou said as he softly touched his lips to Denki's. "I'll say yes if you take me on a date tomorrow."

"Consider it done." Denki said as he tackled Eijirou his hair floating from all the static electricity generated. "I'll take you on as many as you want. Scouts honor."

Eijirou laughed as he pulled Denki into a tight hold. Cuddling Denki's body close to his. Denki peeked up at him.

"So we're boyfriends?"


"Then...can my big strong tall handsome boyfriend make me some breakfast?" He said, fluttering his eyes.

Eijirou rolled his eyes.

"Yea fine."


A couple hours later Shindo gets a text.


I'm so sorry about last night!

I also wanna meet up later to talk if that's okay

-Call from Shindo-

Eijirou jumped and then answered with a sheepish hello.

"If it's to say you're going exclusive with that blonde, no need to crawl outta bed for that." Shindo laughed.

"Yea...how'd you know."

"Mmm never quite seen you so excited to put someone in their place."


"Plus even I'd crack under insistence like that. He's cute, he's bratty, I get it."

"Still, that was rude."

"It was very rude. But understandable. Just treat me to drinks next time we meet."

"You...still want to keep contact?"

"Dude...I might not be ready to be anyone's boyfriend but I'm always happy for a friend. And you're a great guy."

"Okay. Thanks for being understanding."

"No problem. Talk to you later."

"Sure thing. Bye"


On the other hand with Denki...

-Outgoing call to Iron Man-

"Did you know Eijirou fucks?!" Denki asked Tetsu before he could say hello.

"I mean he's a handsome guy..?"

"No I mean FUCKS. Like makes you cry on his cock type stuff."

"Oh! Yea that too. He used to tell me how he would always make sure to be extra respectful so that if his bedroom stuff came up his partner would trust him easier."

Tetsu paused.

"Wait, why would you think I knew any of this?"

"I dunno it just kinda seemed like you would."

"Huh...well aside from that did everything work out?

"Oh! Yes! We're exclusive now!"

"That's great man."

"...you sure you okay with this? You can cuss me out, you know."

"Yea! I'm happy you're happy tbh."

"You really are the sweetest."

"Don't forget it."

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