I Hate Parties. {Rusger}

By chRussia

20.9K 485 441

๐Ÿ‡ท๐Ÿ‡บ x ๐Ÿ‡ฉ๐Ÿ‡ช Russia hates people. They're probably what he hates most in this world. So how is it that one per... More

Unexpected emotions
Should've lowered my expectations
"They're dating?!"
Another party
"R-Russia, wait you're d-drunk"
The Secret Is Out
Blame it on the alcohol
The Breakdown
A deal with the devil
" I love you idiot "

"He's kinda cute"

1.9K 48 41
By chRussia

Chapter 4

" = speech
' = thoughts/thinking

Russia's point of view:

'Being in a class with a monotonous teacher like the EU is boring. But to be under an obligation to sit next to America in the same class is just fucking torture. Like does the guy at any point ever shut the fuck up?' I said to myself as class commenced. 'Just one more hour of this shit and its lunch. Thank god for lunch.'

"-nd he really looked up at you like a lost puppy didn't he Russia?"
America questioned.

Shit I only now zoned out of my thoughts what the fuck was he saying again?
"Yeah totally."
I replied, praying that it made sense to whatever he said.

"So what's your opinion of him anyways?"
America inquired.

"Who's he?"
I responded feeling dumbfounded.

"Germany of course ya dummy who else would I be talking about."
He replied with a snigger.

I was about to say something in response to his question when the teacher instantaneously interrupted us.
"America and Russia, whatever conversation you're having can be continued after class. Eyes upfront to the board and pay attention."
He said with cold eyes and a sharp glare before turning his head back around to the whiteboard.

I continued talking but in a whisper while keeping my eyes on the board.
".....Anyways, like I was about to say, he's kinda cute I guess. He's pretty quiet so I don't know much about him."
I responded.

"Pretty cute?? Dude you literally agreed with me at the start of class when I said he was annoying!"
America said in a surprised but low tone.

Before I could respond, a hand came into view accompanied by a crumpled up piece of paper that was put on my desk in front of me. It was The United Kingdom who sat in front of me. He had twisted his back in his seat to put it there. 'The fuck is this and what does he want' I thought to myself when he gave it to me.

"Canada requested I give this to you."
He said before turning back around

I looked ahead, in front of the uk to see Canada who also had his back turned around. He stuck his tongue out childishly at me before turning back around in his chair. I returned my eyes to the paper I was given and picked it up in my hands. I opened it up and the sight before me made my stomach twist and turn in ways I never thought was possible. Canada had drawn a shitty picture of me and America holding hands with an aura of love hearts surrounding us.

I took a few minutes to process what the fuck I was seeing.
"I think I'm going to fucking projectile vomit and disintigrate to fucking dust as my insides eat me out, slowly killing me until im nothing but a puddle of fucking mush."
I said disgustingly. And I meant every word I said. 'Ship me with whoever you want but not with that fucking guy'

America's nosy head glanced over my shoulder to see the paper. He grinned.
"Hah that's nothing lemme improve it"
He said before quickly ripping a page out of his copybook and scribbling down a picture. It was of me and Germany making out.

"W-what the fuck are you doing stop!"
I said now no longer whispering with a hint of fear and embarrassment shown in my voice.

I attempted to take hold of the paper from his hands. But I was not quick enough. He had already crumpled it up and threw it across the room. I followed the paper with my eyes like a hawk as it flew over my head and landed straight on Germany's desk. I quickly turned back around and elbowed America, signaling him to do the same so he couldn't see who threw it. 'FUCK. FUCK. FUCK. SHIT. SHIT SHIT. NO. NO. NO. HE CANT FIND OUT I LIKE HIM. HE CANT FIND OUT. HE CAN'T. FUCK WHAT WILL PEOPLE SAY WHEN THEY SEE. HOW MANY PEOPLE IS HE GOING TO TELL?' I stopped for a moment and tried to rationalize my thoughts. 'No. No, I need to stop worrying. Its just a stupid scribble. He probably won't even think I know about it.' I focused my eyes on the board and tried to remain calm. But sadly the silence was interrupted

Italy yelled at the top of his lungs for the teacher's attention as he waved the paper above his head. Every. One. Turned. To. Fucking. See. It. The eu took it off him, went on a big long rant, and said we all had to apologize to Germany for laughing at it after Italy waved it around like a fucking idiot. Then the bell rang. I packed up my shit and ran towards the cafeteria. Once I got there I didn't even bother to queue up for a plate of food. I just found an empty table and sat down. I crossed my arms and rested my forehead on them.

Soon after I felt the table vibrate a little. Signalling to me that people sat down around me. I looked up and saw three countries. America, France and Mexico. An unusual combo for sure. I then noticed a small country walk past and my eyes immediately darted to them. It was Germany. He had his head low and was carrying a small plate of food. The second I lay eyes on him at the party one feature stood out to me. His eyes. 'God his eyes are pretty. So very pretty. I wonder if he knows just how pretty they are.' I watched him until he sat down at another table.

"So, are we going to address the rumor that was made this morning?"
France said as she broke the awkward silence. Well it wasn't too silent considering America was stuffing his face with food.

"What rumor?"
Me and America said in sync.

"The rumor about you two dating, duh. Not really surprising though considering how close you two always are."
Mexico said with a laugh.

That was it. That was the last straw. 'Rumours are rumours. But how fucking dare anyone even attempt to associate me with that fucking hypocritical, greedy, violent, malevolent, vengeful, cowardly, deadly, mendacious, meretricious, loathsome, despicable, belligerent, opportunistic, barratrous, contemptible, criminal, tasteless, idiotic, brain-damaged, imbecilic, insane, arrogant, deceitful, demented, lame, self-righteous, conspiratorial, fraudulent, libelous, spastic, ignorant, clueless, illegitimate, harmful, destructive, dumb, evasive, double-talking, devious, narrow, manipulative, paternalistic, fundamentalist, unethical, diseased, suppressive, controlling, restrictive, malignant, deceptive, dim, crazy, weird, stifling, uncaring, plantigrade, grim, unsympathetic, censorious, secretive, aggressive, mind-numbing, arassive, poisonous, flagrant, self-destructive, clueless, and lazy being.'
Is what I wanted to say.

"Well they're obviously not true don't be stupid"
I said in response.

"Yeah, he's dating Germany."
America said jokingly with a shit eating grin.

I kicked him hard under the table and watched him flinch as he clutched his leg in pain.
"I'm not dating Germany either. I just think he's..."

'Alluring, prepossessing, pulchritudinous, heavenly. God there's so many words that could describe him..'

"....he's weird. That's all I think."


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