Unknown Acceptence [ ON HOLD ]

By B_R_U_T_U_S

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What if draupathi was saved by her friend during dhut sabha..... What will happen when draupathi started her... More

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By B_R_U_T_U_S

The palace of anga shined by the intense gaze from the noon sun... All peoples are seems to be immense in their works... After all its time to food also... The sun indicated that......

The royal dineing hall of anga palace is also prepared with many delicious food... Which is made by palace kitchen... The dineing hall of anga palace which is also beautiful... A big hall with luxurious red mats and curtains.. Many pillers supported the both sides of royal dineing hall of anga palace which is made of sanadlwood... And haveing many scriptures of vedic mantras....at the bottom of each pillet their is a flower base, each haveing different colours of flowers... And the entrance of the dineing hall is guarded by two statues of beutiful maidens who were holding their hand.. Guards stood beside each piller... And maids stood around the serveing table... But the main attraction of the royal dineing hall is a huge paintaing on the wall of the dineing hall.... Which make attraction of everyone... It was a huge paintaing, of a lady and a men.... A lady in her youthfulness.. Wearing a red saree with all ornaments...her face is like the full moon, she have three eyes and four hands...she is holding a vessel full of delicious food in her left hand and her right hand was adorned with a golden ladle adorned with various jewls...she is seated on a golden throne and a cresent moon adorned her head as an ornament... Beside him a man was standing with a bowl in his hand... He have a long jata which is binded together... His head was also adorned with a cresent moon... He also have three eyes and he holds a trident in his left hand.

The painting was so amaizing... It was a art of fine colours and depictions and symbolislipped..The royal dineing hall was occupied by the king and queen, and suprisingly some new members also. The servents started serveing food as king gave them order to do so...

Karna is seated by wearing his orange dhoti and yellow angavastra with full jewleries and crown on his head, seems that he was busy with his royal duties till now.. Beside him was seated by new queen of anga draupathi, wearing a red saree with minimal jewleries.. Seems that she till now not entered rajsabha. But unlike the day before, her face was adorned with a smile, as she was expecting for something.... It seems that she slowly yet steadly forgotting her pain and got adjusted with anga palace.. But still there remains remenents of pain in her face... Beside her was occupied by the former queen of hastinapur.. Who was wearing a white saree with rudraksha ornaments... And beside karna was occupied by former rajamata of hastinapur wife of late maharaj pandu, kunti.. The unknown mother of karna...all the occupents were silent and enjoying there meal with there own thoughts...

Kunti the respected mother of pandavas... But an unfortunate mother of karna which was unknown to this world... Was looking at her eldest son with corner of her eyes.. She never thought that she will get a chance to get close to her eldest son...she always wanted him near to her... She tried to disclose his identity many times... But always her maid priyamvatha stopped her by saying about her remaining sons.. But there was a no point in her life that she never think about her eldest son.From that unfortunate day,... The day when she sacrificed her motherhood for this patriarchial society... She always thinked about him, about how he will be... And always prayed for him.. But after so many years she was able to meet him... Not as her son but enemy to her other sons... Her heart was pierced into many pieces when her eldest being humiliated infront of her... Even by his own younger brothers.... But she knew she did a sin and she would bear punishment for that also.... She always tried to make understand her other five sons, but they are even binded by their pride and ego... Once she tried to make understand arjuna... But she understood that the son of indra have jealosy in its peak...he can never accept some one who was better than him, and what he said made her whole world collapse... He said to her that one day he will kill karna and prove to the world that he is best archer than him... By hearing this she feel that the ground beneth her got slipped.

She even tried to make understand bheem... But the son of vayu was so proud of his leanage.. Being kashtriya, being kauenteya, being a dev putra..But in his arrogence he is insulting his elder brother... Who was supreme among kashtriyas... Who was the eldest kauenteya... Who was also the son of supreme lord surya, kunti thought herself by hearing proud words from her son, about being kashatriya..

And nakul who also insulted karna along with bheem always... Being proud of most handsome man in aryavartha, admitted himself to her that he cannot accept a pretty sutaputra who compete him in handsomeness. A heart of mother also stopped for that moment also.

Yudishtter and sahadev, who not waged in any conflicts and stay silent when their other brothers insulted karna.. Which gave her more pain..

Tears started to flow from the eyes of the unfortunate mother, who was unable to claim her rights on her son who sat beside her who is now so close to her.

"Are you fine mata...."

'Mata'this words broke kunti from her thoughts. She looked her eldest son who is now looking her with confused eyes.. She just wiped her tears and said.

"Haa putr.."

They finished their meal... And every one returned to their chamber. Karna again got back to his duties, and kunti came to her chamber and sat on the luxurious counch on the chamber.. She started to think earlier events on the day...


Kunti along with gandhari and with their maids stood infront of anga palace. Kunti examined the palace.. She never seen this much beautiful palace... It is beautiful just like indraprastha palace, but not magical.. She also felt that surya dev have certain interest on this palace. She also observed the peoples and other construction in city while they entered the kingdom... All are extremely beautiful, and peoples are also very happy, the kind of dress which even common people wore made kunti astronished, she can understand from this how prosperous this kingdom should be. And the laughing of children resound the streets of kingdom, which surprised her... All of them are happy hear she thought. She feeled the beauty of the kingdom observing each and every construction and finaly they reached the palace and now waiting for the king.

She noticed the flag, which have symbol of sun, alarmed her. She never came to this kingdom before.. And she knew it should be connected with her sister. But she can feel that the kingdom is more connected to her. She also abondened the tittle of kuru daughter -in- law..after all that incident, it was an open insult to other daughter- in -laws of kuru dynasty. So she decided to leave with her sister, but her sister pursade her to stay back, but she was also so adamnt. Her maid priyamvatha also didnt like her decision, but she was adamnt. She asked her sister..

"Jiji, is the king of this kingdom is your relative"

"No, kunti, he is even more to me like my another son.."

Gandari replied.

"Then who is the king... Who is also another son to you"

Kunti asked.

"Kunti he is none other than an.."

"Pranam maharani, pranam rajamata"

Karna inturupted their conversation. He took blessing from both.

Kunti cannot belive her eyes... Her eldest son... Suryaputra was infront of him. She missed him, after so many days... She meet her elder son. Tears started to flow from her eyes. Now she understood, she was now standing in kingdom of anga. By seeing the loyalty and respect of soilders to their king which she observed when a soilder said about their king on way... Her heart rised in proud... Proud for her eldest gem among six gems. She knew about his warrior skills, but she never knew about his adminstration skills. Now she became sure.... That her eldest son posses all the qualities of her younger sons.. He is a great king like yudishtter,... He is strong like bheem,... Best archer like arjun..., handsome like nakul..., intelligent like sahadev... Proud tears started to flow from her eyes... After all her eldest son is the palm which holds his five younger brothers. The words from karna brought her came out from her thinkings.

"I am your son mata... And how can a son allow his mother to stay away from him. Please mata, stay in palace... It is request from your son"

As kunti was immense in thoughts she was unable to concentrate on the conversation between her sister and son. She looked at gandari who noded as an approval for his request.

"Please come inside rajamata"

Karna said to kunti, which pains her heart as her son till adressea her as rajamata, but accepted her sister as mata.

" putra please call me mata, as i also abondoned the tittle of kuru daugher-in-law like jiji... So i am no more a rajamata "

Karna became confused, but gandari make him clear.

"She is also a mother to you putra, as you accepted me as your mata"

Karna noded and said.

"Sure mata came inside..."

They came inside the royal palace. Kunti also get memarized by the inner beauty of palace. She felt extreme proud of her eldest son, about his hard work and achievement. But what made her numb was the corners of palace which was with bowl full of lotus flowers..

"Putra did you like lotus flower "

Kunti asked to her son.

"Yes mata... But i dont know why, because i always feel that some one who is so close to me is related to this flower. And mata one thing is also that these lotus flowers always remained me about your feet... But i dont even know why"

Kunti's eyes filled with tears of happiness as she heared the word 'mata' from karna.How she longed for him. But his next words made her guilt, becuse these flowers make her remeber about her about that day. But what gandari said made her little relived.

"Putra it is usual as you also accept kunti as your mata"

Karna noded with smile. He ordered his servents to take them to chambers.

"Saki drauapthi......"

A long call bring kunti out of thoughts.. She came out from her thoughts and stood from her counch and moved to the source of sound.


As kunti observed the royal garden which is beside her chamber, she sees her daughter-in-law was sitting on a bench, and three ladies, wearing common cloths but beautiful, seems like dasis surrounded her. She came to know about draupathi and karna, which shocked her. But then she rembered words of krishna and her words. She ordered her sons to share draupathi and draupathi promised her to marry all her sons which include karna also. She also confused by draupathi wearing six chudamani and she even asked her about it, but she replied that it was given by krisha to her and reason will be reveled later. So she also kept silent. She looked at drauapthi who is smileing to her sakhi's. She feel reveled as draupathi started to smile. She again focussed on their coversation.

"Sakhi you are comeing with us"

One among the three womens said.

"But where.....? "

Draupathi asked.

"Our another sakhi is going to came back, so we arranged a meeting"

One among them said.

"Your another sakhi... You never said about her, what is her name, and how was she..? "

Draupathi asked.

"Her name is priya, and she is most prankster among our gang"

The one among them said.

'Priya' the word resound throught the mind of drauapthi. She feel connected to the name and she even wanted to meet her, but why that she doesnt know......

So this is next chapter.

Forgive me for mistakes...

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So who is priya.... Any guess....is draupathi can make frienship with priya....

So did you want karna accept kunti... More scens of karna and kunti...

Thank you....

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