stolen away, zuko

By tatesbaee

71.9K 1.2K 151

| zuko {a:tla} 1 water & fire don't usually mix but maybe this time it does - in which the daughter of a wa... More

fire and water never mixes
but this time it does
book two
outfits <3


720 11 3
By tatesbaee

— lake laogai.

the gaang ran through the tunnels of the underground lake, hoping not to get caught.

"there might be a cell big enough to hold appa up ahead. i think it's through here." jet whispered, creaking open a door.

sokka stayed by sennas side as the group walked into the room. they looked around for any signs of appa. suddenly, senna heard the heavy stone door slam shut. she whipped her head in the direction of the noise, seeing no one there.

everyone else looked as confused as she was. sennas heart rate picked up as she looked up at the ceiling and saw something horrible.

dozens of dai li agents, hanging from the ceiling as if they were spider-bats, were looking down at the little group. the second senna noticed them, they jumped to the ground, forming a circle around them.

long feng emerged from the shadows, "you have made yourselves enemies of the state. take them into custody." he told a dai li agent, waving them off as if they were pesky flies, walking over to the door and standing in front of it.

senna stared at him as he smirked at her. she felt around for her bending pouch but remembered it was gone.

the dai li nodded, and took a stance. two of them fired their rock hands at the group, which toph luckily casted away.

then, all hell let lose. all the dai li agents attacked them, each one concentrating on someone else. senna saw jet battle two at once with his swords, while aang, katara and toph were fighting a handful each with their respective elements. sokka, on the other hand, was battling three at once using his club and boomerang with the help of smellerbee and longshot.

two dai li agents confronted senna. she remembered them from that night. they came at her as if she wasn't a challenge. senna backed into a corner, pretending to be scared and as they were about to grab her, she moved her hands around her body in a circular movement, casting an aura of flames around her, pushing the two back.

senna looked over at long feng and she noticed her bending pouch resting on the right side of his hip. she clenched her teeth and quickly dodged chunks of rocks that were sent her way.

then she remembered her other ability and this ability didn't have a name yet. she closed her eyes and held out her hands, then focused on the two agents in front of her.

when she opened her eyes, they were levitating in the air. with one push, she sent them flying across the room.

"im impressed, dual bender." long feng grinned, approaching the girl. she glared at him and attacked with a roundhouse kick, fire flying out of her feet.

long feng backed away just in time and laughed, "nice try, but you can't beat me.."

senna swallowed and looked at her friends who were doing pretty well. smellerbee and longshot were battling a dai li agent together but jet wasn't doing too good so she ran over to help him.

"thanks senna." jet smiled, senna smiling back.

she then saw sokka who was battling an agent alone. he was losing, badly. his club and boomerang were on the ground. once he lost both weapons, the agent punched sokka in the face with his rock hands.

"sokka!" she sprinted to him as he fell onto the ground. he was okay, "hey." she rolled her eyes and helped him up.

the group had now been surrounded again by dai li agents. long feng stood in front, staring right at senna.

"senna, the earth king has invited you to lake laogai." everyone looked at her as her pupils grew smaller at the mans words. "no!" sokka yelled, shaking her to try to break her out of this trance.

"i am honored to accept his invitation." without even looking at sokka, she flung him across the room.

long feng grinned and watched the scene unfold right in front of him.

the three benders and the freedom fighters all faced her, getting into a fight stance and waiting for her to make a move.

she first aimed at aang, shooting fireballs at him which he quickly detected. then she aimed at katara who used her bending to wrap water around her wrists.

senna looked up at the girl, emotionless and broke the water, making it fall onto the ground. she used her bending and aimed the water at katara, trapping her hands and feet in water.

but before she could do anything, jet slashed through the water with his swords, the water falling onto the ground and katara as well.

aang helped the girl up.

senna threw a fireball at toph but she was quick to block it with a rock wall. toph slammed her foot onto the ground, creating a large slab that caused senna to fly back into the wall.

she groaned and jumped back to her feet.

"senna, it's us! your friends!" katara called out, trying to jig the girls memory.

"don't listen to them." long feng growled, "they are not wanted here. they broke the rules..."

"they broke the rules.." she repeated, "agh!" her body was controlling itself. she was all over the place, sending blasts of fire, daggers of ice, anything senna could do, she attacked her friends with.

"we met on zukos ship." sokka started, leaving his sisters side and slowly walking toward the girl.

"sokka, what are you doing?!" katara panicked.

he turned to look at her, "i got this." then turned back around to senna who was glaring at him with those blue piercing eyes. her hair was all disheveled and she was sweating.

"then you saved me from a fire on kyoshi island."

she listened to every word that came out of sokkas mouth. her body was aching and her mind was fuzzy.

"i told you i loved you back at the north pole, which i still do." he smiled, now inches away from the girls face.

she was breathing heavily and her eyes stared right into his. long feng felt angered. this was his plan all along. have the dual bender defeat the avatar and his friends, the earth king never finding out about the war.

"us, always and forever." he slowly placed a hand on her cheek. the feeling of his skin on hers felt electrical.

"now katara." he whispered to his sister who walked behind senna and waterbended her water up to sennas head. sennas eyes stayed stuck in sokkas.

her vision then blurred and she swayed back and forth. her eyes fluttered and she passed out, falling but sokka caught her before she hit the ground.

sokka picked the girl up in his arms, "why you.."

"he's gone!" toph shouted, the water tribe siblings saw that long feng was gone and so was jet and aang.

they all began to run down the halls, trying to find their friends.

"she failed me, you better not fail me as well." long feng spoke, staring directly at jet.

"what are you talking about?!" jet shouted.

"jet, the earth king has invited you to lake laogai."and the same thing that happened to senna, happened to jet.

"i am honored to accept his invitation."

aang and jet began fighting, aang yelling at jet to snap out of it, jet trying too and finally jet did but long feng earthbended a slab of rock and sent jet flying.

long feng disappeared and the rest of the group ran in, seeing jet on the ground. jet saw the girl passed out in sokkas arms and frowned, she didn't deserve this.

jet then told the group to go and that he'd be fine. smollerbee and longtail decided to stay with him and the group left, trying to find long feng.

"he's lying."

they eventually made their way out of the headquarters and onto the beach. waiting for them were a bunch of dai li agents, ready to fight.

"you think we can outrun them?" sokka asked, holding onto senna tighter.

"i don't think it's gonna matter!" aang yelled, "there's too many!"

out of nowhere, came appa. he swung his tail around, knocking out the dai li. just long feng was left but it didn't take long for appa to kick him away.

they all cheered and ran towards appa.

"yeah! appa!" sokka shouted, hugging the beast and laying senna down on his back, realizing theres no saddle.

aang began to cry, "i missed you buddy." he whispered, hugging him.

the rest of the gaang all jumped onto appa.

"she'll be okay, right?" katara asked with sad eyes and looked at senna.

"yeah, it's senna. she can outlive anything." sokka smiled but frowned at the thought that she was brainwashed and she had no idea and either did he.

she was brainwashed just like jet. and just like joo dee.

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