The Beginning

By C_przs

87 29 1

A biblical tale full of romance, betrayal and power! ~ The spin of reality ~ More

Before Time
It's 1517
Back Story
Use Magic
The Investigation
The Minds Eye
Lost Soul
Dream Catcher
No Good
Plan X
Sleeping Beauty
Lucid Dreams
I Know Better
Den Mother
The Talk
True Lies
The Find
Throne Owner

This Is Hell

2 1 0
By C_przs

October 2nd - 1516

The Devil himself was sat on his throne and beside him Lilith, "We have a meeting you'll be attending this evening, wear something... dark." Tristan stands up straight and bows his head, "Where will we be going?" He takes his feet off the stool and stares back at him, "I have a Nephlian Meeting. You probably won't be allowed in personally, but I'd like you to come." The shock trembles him to the core, "But it hasn't been 100 years, is there something wrong?" Lucifer's eyes become villainous red, "It seems that way, so be prepared for anything." The devil walks away without a word and Tristan bows to excuse himself, "Tristan? stay and talk with your mother for a little while." He turns around and walks over to her. "I have to start preparing for the evening." She gets up to rustle with his hair, "Tridarian has a daughter, the Goddess. Let her see the good in you, I'd like her to be enchanted with you, just as am I." Confused he takes her hand, "Mother?" She places the other hand on his face, brushing her thumb against his cheek. "Will you do that for your mother? Anyone can fall in love with such a charming boy like yourself, but what you really want is her to fall in love with you." He nods his head once and she smiles carelessly, "That's my boy, Be on your best behaviour." He nods again, "I'll be off then mother." In an instant, he's dismissed.

Later that day they enter the God's quarters, Tristan waited outside with another angel. "Hello? what's your name." She looks to him disgusted, "Wouldn't you agree that, that's just not angelic of you to do? I thought you were forced to be nice to everyone, even myself." Smugly smiling and then turning away again. "Angels aren't very pleasant I see." She looks to him surprised, "Oh, and demons are?" He laughs, "I think I'm doing quite well with my pleasantries, wouldn't you agree?" she scolds him, "But it isn't real, you aren't actually nice, you're a demon." He nods, "I guess that makes you mindless, I hope that the Goddess doesn't think in such a way, it's very closed-minded." in displeasure she puts out her hand and he does the same, they shake hands and she says. "Rhain, angel and the future Goddess of Heaven." stung by her words he then smiles, "Oh, I see. I'm Tristan, The devil's son and the next ruler of Hell." taking back her hand to sit with her hands clasped in her lap, "Have you ever been invited to one of these meetings before?" Shaking her head, "No, I'm always studying." he looks around, "I see, This view is magnificent. I could sit here for hours." She looks to him, "Well considering down below is dark, I'm guessing you don't get any light." He laughs, "Make it sound as though we live in a cave, It's dark. yes. But lit by fires and volcanoes." She shivers, "That doesn't sound pleasant, I would hope to never have a meeting down there." He looks towards her, "When you rule it's in our agreement, you'd have to come down. That's what makes it equally fair, stabilizes our unity." She turns away, and he rolls his eyes furiously. "Well, that might have to change." He nods uncomfortably, "Your father doesn't seem to mind coming down to us." She smiles. "As you said, Angel's are nice, so that means we can easily put up a front." He looks to her, "Then wouldn't that make angels devious." Taken back by his words she stays silent.

October 3rd - 1516

Two knocks on the door and then it opens, he looks to see who it is. "Mother?" She smiles politely as she steps in further, "Did you meet her?" an irritating expression crosses his face, "She was so, plain! it seems like punishment trying to get her to fall in love with me, her knowledge and her actions towards me were indescribable. I hated her." She walks over to his bed where he sat. "I see, but this could be good for us, I need you to at least try." He nods, "But isn't it unlikely that I'll be meeting her again?" she shakes her head, "I fear something has gone wrong, you might be continuing to go to these meetings for now." He drops back onto the bed, "That isn't fair, it's not like I was even allowed in. Mother, I sat outside, and the communication with such an angel was undulating!" His eyes faded red, "I understand that such a task might not even be possible, but I know how you are, you're probably more angelic than any angel." He jumps up enraged, "Do not compare me to such a thing! I am the Devil's son, I choose to be both conniving and decent." His mother strokes his face, "I know you do, so do mother a favour, and be the devilish devil and trick her into love." She kisses his forehead and escapes his room. "She does infuriate me! And teaching her such a lesson is quite ravishing, I'll make her fall so in love that she begs for mercy." Biting at his nails while he undertakes such a task.

February 9th - 1516

Relaxing down by the volcanic mountains with his two brothers, "I heard father has been going to meetings without you now." Nodding haphazardly, "He seems to have everything under control that my presence is unnecessary, I didn't quite understand why I was going in the first place." His brother throws hot red sand onto him, "Zaid, I am not in the mood to be playing silly games." Zaid looks at him and walks away upset, "He only wants to play with you big brother." He turns his head away from him, "I'm not a child, I don't do such things as play Alcaeus." A demon comes flying in, "Tristan, your father has called you to the throne room immediately." Without another word, he spreads his wings and quickly returns, once he reaches the room he shouts out. "Shut the doors!" The devil walks over to him, "Where's mother?" Lucifer looks to him unfazed, "You'll be going to earth, you will be attending to an angel who has neither fallen nor decided to stay within the heavens. I need you to do what you can to make him come to hell and fight with us, you'll be accompanied with the future Goddess." His eyes grow angry, "Can't you send Alcaeus! I'm supposed to be learning how to rule the underworld." Lucifer's tone becomes darker, "This is a task I've assigned you to, if I tell you to do something it means you're doing it. Do not place your duties onto another! Is that how you're going to rule, if so then you will not be ruling over Hell." he bows down accepting his decision, "I won't do it again. Might I ask who this angel is?" He goes to sit down on his throne, "Nathaniel." Surprised he stands up straight, "He's been trading secrets, now he's to be punished until he's made the ultimate choice. We've set up everything, all you have to do is make him choose hell as soon as possible." Bowing down and leaving the room quickly, he then looks around and rushes down to the dungeons. "Mother!" No response, he runs in further, "Mother?" A cry is heard and he makes his way towards the noise, "Mother? is that you." She grabs hold of the bars before her and stretches out her hand, "My dear boy, please don't worry." He kneels down, taking hold of her hand. "I will be fine, father just doesn't trust that I was doing it for the best interest of hell." He looks to her with gentle red eyes, "What did you do?" she brushes his hand, "when the time comes you'll know, but for now I heard you'll be going to the human realm, I need you to still pursue the angel." He nods, kissing down at her hand, "You have to go, if your father finds you here who knows what he'll do." He slowly gets up and releases her touch from his, he steps back steadily and runs back.

February 18th - 1517

Tristan starts gathering his things to leave, Zaid comes in running and crying. "I don't want you to leave." He kneels down and ruffles his hair, "I won't be gone for long, don't worry." Alcaeus stands by the door with a book in his hand, "Aren't you going to express how much you'll miss me." He shakes his head and opens the book. "How unkind middle brother is." Zaid hugs him and Tristan lifts him up, "Wow, you're heavy." He smiles and nods. "Big brother, are you going today?" He places him back on the floor and then stretches, "Yeah, apparently so. Father isn't too happy at the moment, that means you both stay clear of him for now, alright?" They nod and Alcaeus looks away from his book, "Take something to read so you won't be bored." Tristan smiles happily, in anguish Alcaeus quickly takes his leave. "I see that was hard for him to say. Zaid, take care of you and your brother, and don't get into too much trouble." He nods and runs after Alcaeus. "I'm going to miss those two." He sighs and turns to his things, "I won't need much. I'll just take some important things and then leave." Once he had finished, he was on his way.

"You're late! How can you be this late? we were supposed to pick him up together and now we've lost him in the forest, now we have to go and look for a lost angel." Tristan shakes his head, "I didn't lose him, why didn't you go look for him on your own, without me?" She looks to him and holds the blanket tight, "I don't know, father told me we were to talk to him together." He looks to her shaking his head, "Did that mean to wait for me? it doesn't sound like he implied that. But then again the last meeting we encountered, you weren't so smart or polite for that matter." She walks along ahead of him. "Hey! If you waited why are you choosing now to leave me, we have to find him together now, no point deciding now to be independent." She looks back to him and carries on, "Just walk faster, we've lost someone who's supposed to be in our care." Tristan shrugs, "He is a big boy though, so wouldn't you agree that he shouldn't be out here disrupting the humans?" She steps over a large tree stump, "That doesn't matter, he's asleep in the forest and waking up here would be confusing to anyone, don't you agree. We were also supposed to be the first face he comes across when awakening." He laughs, "Wouldn't seeing you be just a little scary?" She turns back with an evil look in her eyes. "I'm sorry." She rushes over to a naked person laying on the ground, "Amazing. Look, he isn't even awake yet, so you can go ahead and scare him to death with your face.'' He takes the blanket from her as she scolds him. "Stop perving on the man, the blanket is for him is it not?" He throws it on top of him, "Firstly, I wasn't looking at him-" He chuckles, "You couldn't fool me." Her eyes were even more intimidating, "Secondly, I need you to pick him up so we can leave." She moves aside and points to him, "I'm a Demon, not a slave, you pick him up I threw him the blanket." He looks away annoyed, "I brought the blanket here!" shaking his head in disbelief, "Yes... but I put it on him." She stands with her arms crossed not saying a word.

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