The Beginning

By C_przs

86 29 1

A biblical tale full of romance, betrayal and power! ~ The spin of reality ~ More

Before Time
It's 1517
Back Story
Use Magic
The Investigation
The Minds Eye
Lost Soul
Dream Catcher
This Is Hell
No Good
Plan X
Sleeping Beauty
Lucid Dreams
I Know Better
Den Mother
The Talk
True Lies
The Find
Throne Owner


10 1 0
By C_przs

February 19th - 1952

Making a mess in his room with his powers, "Tristan?" loafing his body up, "What is it!" Nathaniel shouts out, "You're coming to school today." He gets up in a hurry and rushes to put his uniform on, Rhain walks to the door and groans. "I don't think he learnt his lesson." Tristan opens the door and winks, "But now I can spend school annoying you!" Nathaniel walks away and Rhain goes to follow but Tristan grabs her arm and pushes her by the door, she starts blushing. "What are you doing?" He leans in close and questions her, "I know you like Nathaniel and you're jealous of his and Lillie's relationship. It's written all over your face, you should hide it more." she hits him with both her fist on his chest, "I don't like him, why do you both do this." He pushes down on the door blocking her exit with his arms, "So he's mentioned that you like him too!" She holds down on his left arm, "No, he made a dumb assumption that I would ever fall for you." He gets close and personal to her face, "Hm.. you do seem to be blushing a lot with me here like this, could it be. An angel in love with such an evil demon like me?" her cheeks grow hotter and her eyes widen. "Don't say something so dumb, and incorrect in your entire life again." He moves in closer that their noses are touching, "I can feel the heat pouring off your body, what would you do, if I kissed you right now?" Nathaniel pokes his head up and yells out, "Play lovers when we get back from school, we have to leave!" Rhain pushes him hard enough that he loses balance and quickly takes out his wings, "That was such a good moment!" he quickly gets himself together and rushes to catch up.

"I heard that we walk home with Lillie now, isn't that great." Tristan quickly looks to Rhain, "Rhain don't you agree it's fantastic!" She looks at him with piercing eyes, "I hate her for one reason only, and you being back makes things a whole lot worse." Opening their lockers for their books. "I don't trust either of you, I didn't want you out of the house until we knew what was going on." He shuts his locker and leans against it. "Demons aren't born evil, You need to know that your angels do turn into demons. It's crazy though, God is about forgiveness but if a demon was to ask to come back and be an angel, he'd turn us down. The devil will take you in open-heartedly, with no suspicion. You make us seem evil, but we can't be replenished so why try." She turns to look him in the eyes and he starts walking away, "Wait! Tristan?" quickly shutting her locker and following after him, when she finds him she grabs at his blazer and leans her head on his back. "You want to be an angel?" He starts to laugh uncontrollably so she lifts her head up and lets go of him, he turns around grinning. "That's not what I want, I'm just telling you the truth of our reality. The young demons aren't allowed even if they wanted to, but young angels will always be welcomed. I am going to rule hell one day and I know it's what I want because even though you've pushed us underground, I know that the Devil isn't these stories you get told. Nathaniel must know, this why he can't decide, Heaven isn't amazing or you wouldn't have fallen angels." Rhain's eyes water and she takes a step backwards, "I hate you! Why are you trying to be mature now? Has anyone from hell ever tried asking to be an Angel before! Don't assume the worse!" He goes to touch her and she pushes his hand away, "Look at the way you treat me, you're telling me that you wouldn't do to me what you'll do to them. If they did come back to become an angel, would you trust them even with golden eyes?" She loses focus and starts walking to the door that leads outside, Nathaniel rushes over. "What happened?" Tristan explains what he told her, "You have to realise that she'll have to be a Goddess, you should not interfere with her duties as a God." Tristan grabs at his arm, "Why? if we are both ruling and we make peace, isn't that for both our interests." Pulling his arm away from his hold, "You'll mess up the order of things." He runs off to find her, Tristan decides to go talk to Lillie.

At lunch Lillie was sitting with Cain, Tristan went to join them. "Immortal Cain." he looks to him surprised, "You know!" Tristan smiles widely, "Yes, and you see, I know the cure. Crazy thing is, your friend Alina, has to remember her plan. Or you get to stay alive for roughly... oh, forever." He gets up and walks away leaving Cain confused, she excuses herself away. "Tristan!" He looks back enticed, "Oh, do you remember something from your evil little plan?" she shakes her head, "Do you actually know the cure or are you trying to mess with his head? You may be the devil's son but isn't mind games with humans just a bit tedious." He moves closer to her face. "Yes that's correct, that's why I'm not lying. So start getting your memories back, Also! Don't tell Nathaniel and don't tell Rhain, I want to hear it first. So have your fun with him and pretend to look for this cure, but your memories are mine!" he takes a step backwards, "Oh tell Cain to forget or he'll never get that delicious taste of death." he waves goodbye and leaves, Nathaniel walks over to her. "Are you okay?" She looks to him and nods with a smile, "I just have to tell Cain something then we can continue to look for the cure." She hurries over to Cain and fills him in with the details.

The four of them walking home together were quiet at first, "Has Tristan done something to you?" Tristan pops his head in the middle of them, "Me? I'm a demon, not a scarecrow." He pokes his head back and she shakes her head, "No, he was very nice to me earlier." Rhain moves further away from Tristan, "But I can see you two are in a fight, what happened." Tristan shrugs, "Truly don't understand it, she picks on me but when I do it back, I'm in the- what's the word." Nathaniel helps him out, "The dog house." Tristan agrees, Rhain then squeezes herself against the wall and walks. "And Nathaniel thought that she had fallen for me." Lillie giggles, "I thought she did too, I guess that's not the case." Tristan becomes more intrigued, "Really, Why's that?" She goes on to explain, "She hated me sticking up for you, she's been around you in hell so it seems like an obvious match." He laughs loudly, "I thought all her yelling at you was because she knew you liked Nathaniel and she did too." Lillie turns away blushing intensely, "Oh, so you do have a crush on Nathaniel!" Nathaniel nervously looks away, "I'm sorry, I have to rush home." Lillie looks at Tristan devastated. "I guess it's because I'm a demon, which is understandable, an angel and a demon doesn't exactly make sense." Lillie starts walking diagonally home, Rhain looks around her surroundings and notices they are alone. "I-" She starts moving off to run when Tristan grabs her hand, "You plan on never talking to me again or something?" She walks ahead trying to detach his hand. "Rhain? I can't say I didn't mean what I said, Because I did mean it. It's not like you can't change heaven when you rule, make it so that demon kids can decide their paths for themselves." She stops moving so he stops, "That's not the problem!" Grabbing hold of her hand properly, "Turn around and tell me the problem then?" She keeps her head straight, "You say you're not evil, then what is the point of hell!" He loosens his grip, "We're in charge of the evil people of this world, we torture them until they feel guilty, some we've had for a long time. We are trying to make them feel sorry for all the wrong they've done." she looks back with glossy eyes, "And that isn't evil!" he pulls her close, "What about the people who abuse children or-" She covers his mouth, "Alright! stop, I don't want to hear. Then why do you make it seem as though you're evil, why does the world think that?" he looks her in her eyes and takes her other hand too, "Because it's easy to place good and evil, it makes people feel safe. But some of us are evil like I'm sure there are in Heaven, We torture people we start to find the joy in people's demise." She rips away his hands from hers and bursts into tears. "Then tell me your evil! tell me that your heartless, tell me!" his eyes grow weary, "I am evil, I am heartless and I endure in others pain and suffering." pulling the sleeve of her jumper to wipe her eyes, they start heading home again but this time in silence.

Nathaniel goes to the balcony to talk to Tristan, "Upset her again, I see the devil himself is at work." Tristan looks away to the scenery, "I told you to stop harassing her with your answers." Tristan tilts his head back to lay against the stone pillar. "Why are you protecting her from the truth, she's getting her knowledge from the bible, that my father basically made for fun! To teach humans the basics of the right and wrong things, it might be a little out of control now but, it's not exactly the truth." Nathaniel shakes his head, "Not just that, us angels. It didn't make her less, though. They see her as weak, when you see weak, you try to fix it. There was no other way to go about it, she isn't a powerful goddess and placing her with these morality standards gives her the advantage of not being manipulated by you." Tristan looks to him with such a burden, "What are you angels playing at? I know everything that happened between father and him, why isn't she allowed to know the truth. We could bring Heaven and Hell together, at least be reasonable and not have some stupid war that could potentially destroy all of humanity." Nathaniel leans on the balcony. "It's not what our father wants, I don't think he knows how much you're overwriting. She's not like you, he wants her with as much power as he can possibly provide for her." Tristan shakes his head, "No! She'll learn the truth from me, I'm not having her think it's as easy as good and bad. You've made her think things about me that I'd probably never do-" Nathaniel stops him, "But if your father asked you to, without hesitation, no questions. You'd do it right?" Tristan jumps down looking Nathaniel in the eyes, "No hesitation and no questions Tristan." he nods, "Yes, I would as orders are orders." He looks to him, "You know down there aren't all smiles, I know it isn't exactly evil but, you can't go telling her it's exactly like Heaven." Tristan smiles, "It's not evil and we're not evil, if you keep her up in that tower, when she's Goddess, hell will be unleashed just because her mind is so closed." Nathaniel begins to walk away, "That's what you want! Hell unleashed when I rule, why? So you don't have to pick sides, She isn't as strong as I am... And you know that-" he pauses, "You're up to something, I don't trust you." Nathaniel stops at the door then carries on walking.

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