The Beginning

By C_przs

86 29 1

A biblical tale full of romance, betrayal and power! ~ The spin of reality ~ More

Before Time
It's 1517
Back Story
Use Magic
The Investigation
The Minds Eye
Dream Catcher
This Is Hell
No Good
Plan X
Sleeping Beauty
Lucid Dreams
I Know Better
Den Mother
The Talk
True Lies
The Find
Throne Owner

Lost Soul

2 1 0
By C_przs

How do you protest theories because you haven't seen them? How do you know this life we live isn't fictional, prove it. When you hallucinate because your eyes are tired, how do you know that's not the real you trying to push through, trying to make you realise you're stuck in a dream. Or the drugs you've been taking, they tell you not to do it because it's harmful, but what if they're only trying to keep you in the reality they created. The moment you wake up, to the day you lay waste, you'll then realise that the other side you're going to wake up to, isn't what you expected it to be, or is it everything you knew it to be.

January 24th - 1952




Screaming from the top of her lungs, she sits up realising her surroundings, she then jumps up from bed and quickly neatens her bed, "Lillie? Are you okay!" She looks to the door dubiously, "Yeah, perfectly fine. I yawned-... Oh, was I too loud? Sorry." Her mother removes herself disconcerted, Lillie lets out a gulp of air and throws her demised body to the bed. "I'm so tired..." her eyes slowly closed, her body still and her breathing had reached a neutral stop.
Snatching him by his deltoid, "Hey!" He pulls back and clutches on to her, troubled by their manor her heart starts pacing faster. "Lillie?" She exits his grip and spins to look at him, "I need to know about Abel... I need to know if they're connected, it might be why my memories are all hazy." Nodding in agreement he takes her outside on the football court. "What do you want to know?" fiddling with her fingers anxiously, "The person that you think is me... what does she have to do with it?" Sucking in his bottom lip desperately, "Me and Abel. We both loved you, you wanted both of us." She looks him in his eyes, seeing the distress she then asks. "Could I not pick?" Looking away nervously then answering, "No, you couldn't and Abel wasn't happy with that. He wanted it to be just you and him..." The wind blows through the silence... "Did I kill him?" the perplexity of this answer was choking him up, "No-" A breath of relief hurried from her lips, "...I did." The jolt in her action spoke shivers down his spine. "He had an axe, he wouldn't reason with me. He swung at me, and I grabbed it and hit back. He wanted to be with you, I should have just let him have you. I should have seen he was hurting that he was in pain but I wanted you just as bad... The moment I did what I did, I regretted it." The word 'Axe' replays in her head over and over again until she stands up disfigured, "You told the police it was self-defence." He gets up to stand beside her, "This was over 1700 years ago... I was the first murderer that walked the earth, that is why I'm still alive today." disoriented, she tries to piece the puzzle.

"Tristan? why have you been so... silent recently?" The cursive smile diverts her attention, "You always do this, make me believe I want to care and then you do something stupid. Grow up for once and be real, Or is it so hard for you demonic idiots to feel anything!" Lurking his body around hers, "Demons aren't demons until they turn from an Angel, you should join... You're not wanted in Heaven, help me get Nathaniel to hell. We'd make a very cute duo." Rhain looks at him unhinged, "I wouldn't ever become one of you." He holds her close with his left hand and arouses her with his deep red eyes. "Stop that!" She presses down on his eyes with her left fingers, "Change them back, do it!" Smiling brightly and he takes a deep breath. "Tristan! You'll get in trouble." she moves her fingers one by one, "Tristan?" He opens them steadily, she gazes at him. "Why are you staring at me..." She shakes her head and spirals away from him.

Nathaniel sprints to Tristan, "I have a query, it seems only you can answer... How do I get a girlfriend?" Tristan stops forcefully, "This is good! This is amazing, This is the moment I've waited for. Let me take a moment to adjust to this newfound focus you have developed!" Nathaniel glances elsewhere, "You may stop your fussing, I'm going to Rhain." Tristan pushes on his chest harshly, "I'm done, Ok... First don't ever start with I have a query, be normal and say a question. Also, you're already perfect boyfriend material, just be a little more sensitive to a girl's feelings. Sensitivity doesn't seem to be your strong suit, act like you're interested, they talk about their hair, go 'It's never looked more beautiful.'" They walk while talking both heading home, "Who is it?" He looks over at him staring at his uniform. "It's Lillie." He jumps in the air feeling accomplished. "No, I don't like her. I need to get... close to her, find out who and what she is." painfully isolating himself from the conversation, "Hey! I'm going to walk with Rhain as you have officially bored me out of this conversation." He bolts over, "What happened earlier?" Rhain walks staring down at her feet. "Nothing, you just made me realise how much heaven doesn't need me.." He picks up her head, "They don't." She lets out hot air, "Thank you, I heard you the first time." They walk under trees and leaves fall down gently, "Because the only place you'll be appreciated is hell, if you came and left, we'd miss you." She raises her head getting swept up in the instant, he lights a small fire on his finger. "I'd want you in hell, even though you criticize me for being from hell. We'd love to have you." He walks ahead without another word and she stops moving, a leaf falls down into her hair and she picks it out, she stares at the colourful leaf in dismay.

January 25th - 1952

Circling around on the balcony, thinking, constructing and rationalising. "Why can't you just guide me, how am I supposed to know how to do this if you don't help, I'm struggling to understand." Tristan leans on the wall, "What are the chances that you think he's listening to you?" She leans on the bannister, "Zero." He walks over and stands beside her, "Your father put that in place, no communication to either of us. our guardian is here to make sure of that... I kind of miss him shouting at me, Or calling me to the throne room to make decisions." Rhain looks to the sky, "That must be nice." He faces his head to look at her, "Why do you never change your eyes back? we're inside nobody can see us." She laughs, "I might forget in the morning to change it." He pushes her to look at him, "No... that's not it. Oh, no!" stepping away from him. "You want to stay human! You like being human." Befuddled but comforted with that answer, "Yes. I do, I want to be immortal, is that wrong?" He hits her on the head softly, "You are the dumbest Angel I've ever met, humans can't do anything. I need to know why? why would you even say that." she leans back on the bannister, "I don't know, I have no explanation for it." Tristan leers, "It's too early for a discombobulating conversation, I'm going back to sleep.'' He follows the way out leaving Rhain outside, she watches him leave then looks back to the sky. "Maybe because it feels like I belong here..." She sighs and places her hands on her face.

The morning fractures before you know it, time that has no bounds nor sympathy. "Tristan we're going to leave without you so hurry up!" Draping his body around the coats, Rhain decides to run up to check on him. "Tristan, Nathaniel is going to leave you here and you know he will..." he opens his door with no shirt on, abs on show. "Tell him to leave, I haven't finished getting dressed." Standing there with her mouth orifice, "Close your mouth it's unpleasant, go tell him." She twirls around and walks down to Nathaniel, "H-he's not ready let's go." Nathaniel leaps up and exits, "how long do you think I'd have to wait to ask out Lillie..." Rhain's eyes expand wider than usual, "Considering she thinks we're weird, a long while. I don't even think she'd consider dating you, Nathaniel." He watches the pattern of his feet, "riveting... humans are just so strenuous, it's daunting." Walking at the same speed she lets out a sigh, "forget it, why do you keep avoiding the real situation at hand. I'm bored of earth, I hate the temptations! I don't need to feel this way I'm an angel. I want to go home, maybe this feeling is homesickness." He draws his attention to her, "Then why tell Tristan you want to be human." Dragging her feet along. "That's exactly it, I shouldn't want to, but the more I'm down here the more I doubt my father's plans for me... I want freedom. I can't have freedom if I become Goddess, but at the same time, becoming a human... these thoughts are becoming treason in its wildest dream." Shrugging his shoulders and dissolving her issues aside, she sighs and her face becomes glum.

Suspiciously standing by her locker, "Erm, Nathaniel. Can I help you?" He smiles so tight it could cause an injury, "Lillie, I know we haven't been on the best of terms, but I find you captivating! I'd like to get to know you, get close to you." Looking at him dumbfounded, "are you guys... doing another prank or creating some sort of cult?" He takes her left hand in his, "I promise I'll be the perfect gentlemen, I would just like an inclination to start over. 'I was weird because I was drawn to you, you are the most beautiful being that I have ever come across. The chance to give me a fresh start would be unfathomable!'" In reverberation, she takes back her hand to cover her mouth as she laughs, "You even wrote it down, can I keep the paper?" He hands it to her and unkindly smiles tortuously, "You don't have to try that hard to loosen up, I would love to start fresh." He shakes his body out and she sucks in her smile with her cheeks rosy red, "Thank you. I really appreciate this, I rehearsed this many times in the bathroom, I was sweating... was that too much information? I wasn't sweating, I was just nervous." She leans up and hugs him lovingly, he hugs her back holding her at her waist. "It's fine, don't worry about it." Nathaniel smiles while closing his eyes gently, when she removes herself from his touch she looks at the paper. "This was really sweet, I'll treasure it." He nods, "I'm glad, let's not be late to class." She nods and they walk together in the same direction.

January 27th - 1952

Eyes sealed tight, "what is that?" The hands giving me the oddly shaped bottle were curved and cold, "take this, it'll make you forget Alina." Glistening with confusion, 'Alina?' Drinking it, feeling my breathing going in and out, my eyes weary... "Again!" Waking up in a panic shock, her feet dangle off her bed, swaying to reach the floor, she jumps up, 'Alina?' She starts rubbing her eyes disorientated, confused and muddled. She looks around for her notebook. "This could be a clue." She puts it down quickly and tries to think if she can remember anything else. "Whose hands were they?" She looks at her hands, "They were so cold..." She stumbles and sits down on the floor.

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