MAS: #2 (Will be renamed lat...

By karagreene01

98 0 0

Imhotep fell in love with Pharaoh Seti's nephew and ward Jaiden. But he was denied. As a result, Imhotep tri... More

S1 Ep 1: "The Summoning" Pictures
S1 Ep. 2 "A Candle in the Darkness"
S1 Ep. 2 "A Candle in the Darkness" pictures
S1 Ep 3 "Against the Elements"
S1 Ep2 "Against the Elements" pictures
Author's note
I'm back!

Season 1 Episode 1: "The Summoning"

25 0 0
By karagreene01

Hello, everyone.

Just to let you know that I do read every comment. Here at the top of every chapter if there is a comment I would post your comment and respond to them. 

Hopefully, I will have episode 2 ready to be out by Monday, March 21. If not hopefully next weekend. As the Mummy the Animated Series fanfictions are what I am working on at the moment.

I hope you enjoy.  


________Theme _______

In Ancient Egypt, the evil high priest named Imhotep possessed the Scrolls of Thebes. He fell in love with another priest and the Pharaoh's Ward named Jaiden. However, Jaiden didn't love him back. Imhotep planned to steal the Manacle of Osiris not only to get the power to make the world his own but also to make Jaiden his. Fortunately, He failed. 3000 years later the manacle was rediscovered. Something went terribly wrong, and the mummy rose again. The race is now on to find the ancient scrolls and in the balance hang two young boys' fate and mankind's future.

_________End _____

Alex and his family went to Scotland to find Moorish pottery. When they got back, I met up with Alex at the Museum. Evy and Rick talk to the curator. While Alex and I are looking at the knight display. We walk up to Alex's parents, just as the curator says, "- discovering other ancient treasures like you did with our prized Book of the Dead."

A man with round wire glasses, named Colin Weasler walks over. The curator sees him. And says," Ah, Colin you're just in time to hear the good news. Eve, I am promoting you to Chef Archaeologist."

Colin looks very surprised at the promotion. Evy also looks surprised. Alex says, "Alright mom!"

Rick placed his hand on his wife's shoulder and said," nice work, Eve!"

I say, "Congrations, Mrs. O'Connell."

Colin is beyond furious. Colin says furiously at the curator, "that job was supposed to be mine."

Eve asks" it was?"

Colin continues, "just because Miss Perfect tripped over the Book of the Dead doesn't mean she gets my job!"

And with that Colin walked away glaring at Eve and Rick. I whisper to Alex, " Are you sure that he is an adult? He is acting more like a five year old in need of a nap."

Alex sniggers. Rick says, "I thought he took it quite well."

Eve says, "I don't know what to say."

Curator proudly says,"say yes and you and your family will leave for Egypt immediately. There's a major excavation in progress at the Temple of Hammunaptra. I want you to oversee it."

Rick looks at his wife and says," So much for taking it easy for a while."

Eve looks at Alex and I and asks," Alex?"

Alex cups his chin in his hand and speaks, " Well I'd hate to miss school, but if I have to."

Evy asks, "Talon, would you like to join us this time?"

I smile and say, "I wouldn't mind joining you guys. I have finished my formal education for the year," I shrug. "And I can continue my informal training anywhere, anyways."

The curator says, "be at the airfield tomorrow at 7:00 am. Your new transportation will be waiting for you."

What no one saw was that Colin was still in hearing range and was planning.

We went to the O'Connell house. Alex says, " I can't wait to go tomorrow. You will love it."

I say, "I went on a trip with you and your parents before. Hey, have you finished your homework?"
Alex says, "No. Not really"

I say, "I am hitting the sack. Goodnight."

Alex says, "Goodnight."

At 7:00 am. We were at the airfield. There is a big blue blimp waiting for us. Alex says, "whoa"

Rick smirks saying, "This is traveling in style."

Eve says,"it's called the Zephyr."

Alex excitedly asks, "Can I fly it?"

Eve answers," last time I checked I don't believe they issue kids pilot licenses."

I say, "No offense, Mrs. O'Connell. But I have a driver's and pilot's license."

With that Rick started the Zephr. As we were leaving a car zoomed to it. Jonathan comes out of the car. Alex says, "Hey it's Uncle Jonathan."

Both said, " Jonathan?"

Jonathan yelled "Ah going my way?"

Alex looked at his parents asking "is he coming with us?"

Eve looks at Rick " Uh. I don't think so. You see, Alex uncle Jonathan has a way of being," pondering how to put her brother to words. Alex supplied her, "an irresponsible pain in the bum?"

I murmured, "that is certainly one way to say it."

Eve proudly said," Well put."

"Besides we have enough hot air on board already," Rick jokes.

another car speeds closer honking. A man yelled as he held onto his hat, "Carnahan, you owe me big dough."

Jonathan got more desperate yelling, "Oh Eve!"

Rick dropped the ladder at his wife's command. Jonathan ran with his luggage, dropping two as he grabbed the ladder. He dropped another as a man grabbed his foot. The case was filled with clothes. I murmured to Alex "your uncle has an interesting pair of underpants."

I hear Rick say "don't thank me, it was your sister's idea"

Jonathan was refolding his clothes. Rick was steering. Eve was doing something. I was reading a telegram from Ardeth. Alex was looking outside as gooses fly by, talking to himself, "I gotta be the luckiest kid in the world. No school. I can stay up late. I get to travel. I can stay up late. I get to travel the world in a blimp and . . ."

Eve put an Algebra textbook in Alex's face ". . . check out Algebra?"

Eve said "plus beginning biology, world history, and several languages, all your favorite. This way you have to miss any of your homework."

I snickered. Alex looked at his uncle. Jonathan said, "lesson number one if something sounds too good to be true it usually is."

Alex sat down to pout. The rest of the ride was quiet and uneventful.

When we got to Hamunaptra. Eve was talking about the excavation " . . . and two shifts of over 100 diggers, archaeologists, cartographers. They've moved more than ten tons of earth already. Of course that's nothing compared to the tens of thousands of men it took to build the Temple in the first place." Jonathan looked uncomfortable. Eve kept on going "impressive isn't it?"

Jonathan got to the breaking point and asked "huh, I don't suppose there's a lemonade stand anywhere about."

 Eve gave her brother a bite-me look. Jonathan said "just asking."

We continued to the temple. Rick held a torch. Eve held a lantern. Rick in front. Eve next. Alex and I in the middle. Jonathan last. Rick complemented, "gotta love what they've done to the place."

Rocks were falling. Jonathan fell. Alex yelled "uncle Jonathan, you okay?"

Jonathan groaned and said" fortunately for me this stone floor broke my fall"

Eve leaned in exclaiming happily "Jonathan, you've discovered the Temple vault." Jonathan looks around then chuckles nervously and says, "I did? I mean of course I did."

We use a ladder to get down there. Everyone was looking around. Rick called Alex and I to come where he was. Eve was reading something on the wall. I heard Eve exclaim, "Jonathan, that's the manacle of Osiris."

While Rick, Alex, and I rush over. Eve began to explain, "according to Egyptian myth, this manacle was created by Osiris, King of the Underworld to vanquish his foes on Earth and to protect his amrrel daughter. It's rumored to have the power to move mountains, blot the sun, set the seas aflame, and resurrect the dead."

"A Swiss army knife has nothing on this." Rick jokes.

 Jonathan got a greedy look in his eyes.He wanted to sell the Manacle on the market. But Eve didn't agree, so she told him to back off and that the Manacle would go to the Museum. When we got back to camp, Eve put the manacle in a box, locked it, and put the key in her suitcase, then told Alex that Rick was going to help her with the dig site. While Alex, Jonathan, and I are supposed to remain at the tent.


Elsewhere, two guards are standing watch. Colin blows a blow dart at one of the guards. The other one, worried about the first one, began to check. As the second guard looks up, Colins smacks The Book of The Dead while saying, "pleasant dreams." Colin goes deep into the temple. He goes to a sarcophagus. "Rise and shine, my Mummy friend. I need you to settle a score for me," looking at the Book of the Dead.


After a while, Jonathan went to stretch his legs. Alex goes for his mother's suitcase and grabs the key. He unlocks the box and takes out the Manacle. He mutters to himself about the fact that it didn't look powerful. I say, "I wouldn't put that on if i were you."

"It's just an old bracelet, Nico. No harm comes from wearing a bracelet."

"Yeah. Remember how your mom's phrase 'It's just a book. No harm came from reading a book' went?"

"That was the Book of the Dead. This is different."

"Doubt it."

"Whatever. I will put it back before mum and dad get back."

Alex puts on the Manacle and mockingly says, "behold, I am Osiris, ruler of the Underworld." The manacle glows as it locks on to him.

Alex says, "Ow! Hey! This is not good."


Colin says, "Awake, Lord Imhotep, High Priest of Memphis for death was only the beginning"

Imhotep stands up and out of his sarcophagus in all of his wrapped glory. Colin screams like a horror B-movie victim. Imhotep cracks his neck. Imhotep speaks in Egyptian.

Colin says, "I possess the Book of The Dead, and I command you -"

Imhotep speaks in Egyptian again. The book flies to Imhotep and Colin flies backward. "Looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the sarcophagus."

Imhotep speaks an Egyptian spell and turns human. Imhotep summons a troop of skeleton guards. Imhotep begins to speak, " The world condemned me to eternal suffering, and denied me my love, now it shall pay. I only need the powers of the manacle of Osiris to exact my revenge. It lies in the temple of Hamunaptra. "

"The temple of Hamunaptra really? What a coincidence. Perhaps, we can come to an arrangement of some mutual benefit," Colin says, trying to get a deal with Imhotep. Imhotep merely turns around and lifts Colin. Imhotep flips Colin upside down. Colin grabs his glasses so as to not lose them.

"The manacle or your life," Imhotep says in a mood.

"You certainly drive a hard bargain," Colin says, attempting to joke.


Alex tries to yank the Manacle off of his wrist. He says, "There's gotta be a way to get this off."

I rush over to help. By the time I got there, Alex got a dazed look in his eyes. When he came to, he asked, "Whoa! What was that?"

We didn't see Eve and Rick come back. Eve and Rick snuck up on us. Eve says " Alex, what are you doing? Please take that manacle off this instant."

"I tried," Alex says, struggling to take it off. "It won't come off."

A voice says "perhaps I can be of some assistance."

The voice was none other than Colin. He was standing with someone.

"Have you met my friend Imhotep?" Colin bragged.

I walk backward towards Eve's side. Alex says shakingly, "mom. Dad."

Rick says to Eve, "doesn't anyone ever stay dead around here."

Eve says to Colin "The Book of the Dead. You stole it to resurrect Imhotep."

"Jealous?" Colin asks. That is when I notice the skeleton guards. Imhotep's eyes widened as he looked at me. Imhotep says, "Jaiden."

Imhotep demands, "The Manacle of Osiris and Jaiden."

 As the bone guard gets closer, someone cuts an 'x' into the tent and jumps in. Ardeth Bay with two golden swords. He throws Rick a golden sword as he starts to fight. Rick says to Ardeth, "we gotta stop meeting like this."

I unsheath one of my daggers. As we fight the guards, Eve tries to get Alex out of the tent. Resulting in Imhotep stopping them by fire. Rick rushes over to fight Imhotep. Imhotep turns into a sand tornado. The sand tornado sucks Alex and I into it.

"Alex! Talon!" Eve exclaims.

"Mom!" Alex yells.

"Shit!" I yell.

The tornado tears out of the tent and zooms away.


The tent was destroyed and on fire. Eve is in tears. Eve says brokenly, "Alex. Talon."

Eve hugs Rick, while Ardeth speaks to them, "when I heard that Imhotep's tomb guard had been assaulted, I feared the worst."

Eve asks "what's going to happen to Alex and Talon?"

"I assure you Eve, no harm will come to Alex until Imhotep possesses the Scrolls of Thebes." Ardeth answers.

"The Scrolls of Thebes?" asks Rick.

"The Scrolls are an ancient instruction manual for the manacle on Alex's wrist. If Imhotep possesses both the manacle and the Scrolls the world will be forced to bow at the mummy's feet." Ardeth explains.

"We've got the Scrolls before Imhotep. It's the only way to protect Alex." Eve says to her husband.

"They were rumored to be buried with Dosser at his pyramid in Saqqara. We must hurry, the mummy knows this as well," says Ardeth.

"What are we waiting for?" Rick says. And with that they rush for the Zephyr. While they are flying to save the kids. 

"What will happen to Talon?" asks Eve. Ardeth rubs his chin, while explaining, "He called Talon, by the name Jaiden. Jaiden was Pharaoh Seti's nephew and his ward. He was the only person with white hair and blue eyes. Imhotep wanted to marry him, But Pharaoh Seti denied him as one of the royal guard's son started courting Jaiden. Imhotep was pissed and decided to steal the Manacle and use it to force marriage onto Jaiden."


We have arrived. Imhotep dropped Colin, Alex. Imhotep was holding onto me as we were gently lowered to the ground. I heard Colin say while rubbing his head, "I hate merry-go-rounds."

As I walk over to Alex, I think then I have some news for you. I help Alex up. Alex whispers to me, "Talon, look."

He points out the Zephr in the sky heading our way. We look at Imhotep who is opening the door. Alex grabbed his watch to signal them using the sun's light. Until mummy magic encased it. The watch flew toward Imhotep. Imhotep says, "you would have made an excellent medjai warrior."

Imhotep crashed the watch in his hand, as he continued to talk, "pity you won't live to see that day."

Imhotep reached into his robe. He pulls out a stone with a black scarab engraving on it. 'I can't say I'm impressed with his rock collection' I thought. A red glow from the stone. A black scarab was in its place. Imhotep literally blew the black scarab to the Zephyr. Colin grabs hold to Alex's arm. Imhotep grabs my forearm. Alex and I struggle against them. Imhotep let me go. Colin throws Alex down.

"Why does it feel like I've been here before?" wonders Alex. Imhotep speaks to Colin, "The Scrolls will be in the royal burial chamber. Bring them to me. I shall prepare the boy for the separation ritual."

"Somehow, I don't like the sound of that." says Alex.

"I am with you there," I said. With that we try to run. Key word try. The shriveled onion uses his purple magic to stop us. Imhotep uses his magic to put Alex on what looks to be a table. Then Imhotep uses snake magic to restrain him. He uses snake magic to put a collar around my neck and a leash that connects to one of the statues. The almighty glazey seems pleased. While he struggles, Alex spat, "When my dad gets here you're gonna wish you still had your bandages."

Imhotep put the Book of the Dead down and looks down at Alex. He glares at saying, "your parents will never reach this pyramid. Behold."

Imhotep out stretches his arms to the ceiling revealing an image of the others coming on the Zephyr. The black scarab crawling close to Jonathan. Jonathan notices it. As he prepares to step on the black scarab, he says, "you have a major bug problem here Eve."

The black scarab spins Jonathan. Then Jonathan falls to the floor, showing the black scarab undamaged. Several black scarab crawling out of the air vent. While helping Jonathan up, Ardeth says, "Black Scarabs. A gift of Imhotep's, no doubt. They will devour everything in their path."

Jonathan jumps onto a ladder asking, "everything?"

Ardeth unsheathes a gold sword and begins to attack the scarabs. Scarabs got on the wheel so Rick spun it making the scarabs fly off. Scarabs are beginning to eat the Zephyr's outer skin. Rick says, "we're losing altitude."

The Zephyr was going down. In the temple, Alex yells, "No!"

I yell, "Leave them alone!"

The Zephyr arrives with hole in it. Rick says, "they must be in the superstructure. If they destroy too much of the outer skin, we will be kissing sand. Eve, take the controls."

As Eve does so, Rick removes his bullwhip from its area. Rick's whip rapes around a beam and swing opening the trapdoor into the superstructure. Then he saw scarabs eating the outer skin of the blimp. With that Imhotep removes the vision of the others. Imhotep says to Alex, "their fate is sealed as is both of yours."

I say, "leave him alone, you overaged the bone bag."

Imhotep looks down at me and smirks.

I snark, "go squat in a cactus patch."


Rick walks onto an aerator composer saying, "time to close this buffet."

Meanwhile Eve is struggling to keep the Zephyr stable. She says, "I can't keep her steady."

The Zephyr knocks over a huge statue. Ardeth is slashing at the scarabs while saying, "there's too many."

Eve says, "I have an idea but we'll need some bait."

She looks at her brother on a box smacking scarabs with a folded dark metal chair. Jonathan says, "Oh. Why are you looking at me?"

"Stand over the cargo door and wait for my signal." She commands.

"You always were bossy." Jonathan sasses. He moves over the cargo door still smacking with the chair. Meanwhile, Rick places his hand over the valve. The scarabs come over to him. Rick says while smirking, "that's right. Come and get it."

Rick turns the valve. Air blows out forcing the scarabs out of the superstructure via the hole the scarabs made. The scarabs eating the chair that Jonathan asks nervously, "Eve?"

"Now! Jump up!"

Jonathan jumps and grabs a support beam. Eve pulls a lever, and the cargo door opens. The scarabs all fall out. From the beam Jonathan says, "next time, I work the lever and you'll be on the menu."

Eve turns to see the Zephyr heading for a sphinx. "We're going down!"

Eve yells. Rick, in his quick thinking, sits on the hole. By doing so, the air stops leaking. They are barely missing the sphinx. Eve says, " now that's something you don't see everyday."

From the outside a person could see Rick's bottom sticking out. They continue to the pyramid.


Meanwhile, in the royal burial chamber. While Colin throws valuable ancient Egyptian artifacts around saying, "Got to be here somewhere. I can't go back there empty handed."

Rick grabs him. Rick says, "remember us."

Jonathan looking around says, "Now this is my kind of pyramid."

While Ardeth and Rick hold Colin, Eve asks, "where is Alex and Talon?"

As Eve asks Colin, she pokes Colin in the chest. Colin glares while saying, "If you believe you can intimidate me, you are sorely -"

Eve huffs and grabs him by his jacket's label. Eve sets a glare at him, while saying, "don't mess with a mum."

Eve dangles Colin over an abyss hole. She exclaims, "tell me where Alex and Talon are now!"

Colin fearfully says, "The- the- the grand gallery but you'll never get them back. They're with Imhotep."

Eve just smirks. Ardeth asked, "And the Scrolls?"

"They're not here I swear. A lot can happen in 3,000 year." Colin shrugs. Rick lifts Colin up onto something poking out on the wall. Right before he leaves Rick says, " you hang out right here."

While the group runs to save Alex and Talon, Colin struggles to get down.


Imhotep opens the Book of the Dead. Imhotep says joyfully, "soon the world and Jaiden will be mine."

I say, "I am NOT Jaiden, you half-baked potato! My name is Talon. I literally don't have a 'j' in my name."

Eve arrives, saying, " guess again, you ugly heap of rags. Give me back my sons."

Alex looks delighted as he exclaims, "Mom! Dad!"

Imhotep was the opposite. He yells, "insignificant insects. How dare you challenge Imhotep?!"

Imhotep bares his pearly whites (you know his teeth are white if the dead brush in the afterlife better the living) as he roars. The pyramid shakes. Rick, the ever wise guy says, "something tells me he's upset."

I say struggling with the collar, "Nuh, really? What was your first clue?"

Imhotep shoots magic into the ground, yells "arise my warriors!"

Skeltons rise from the ground like evil potatoes. One grabs Eve's leg. When Rick goes to help Eve, one jumps onto his back. Rick says, "sorry, no piggyback rides."

Rick jumps back-first into a foot-like structure. Ardeth moves in to attack Imhotep, but is blasted back. While Rick, Eve, and Ardeth fight the skeleton guards, Jonathan comes over to us. I say, "Jonathan, get Alex free first."

Jonathan nods and goes to Alex and starts to tug at Alex's restraints. Imhotep's purple magic to fly and lift a statue of Anubis. Imhotep says, "draw your last breath," to Rick, who was pinned by skeletons.

Everyone gasps. Alex yells, " Dad! No!"

The manacle reacts, making cracks in the floor, destroying the skeleton guards, our restraints, and the statue that Imhotep is holding. As I stand up, I hear Alex say "maybe this thing isn't so bad after all."

Alex gets a vision. Alex says, "mom, it's the Book of the Dead. You can send him back." 

Imhotep flies down to Alex. Alex drops the Book of the Dead. Alex, Eve, play keep-a-way with the Book of the Dead against Imhotep. Eve almost sends Imhotep with a one way ticket to the underworld. But she is stopped by Colin, who sends the Book of the Dead on the edge of a crack in the earth.

Imhotep is now uglier and purple, like an evil humanoid eggplant. Imhotep and Colin take nature's merry-go-round out of here.

The Book of the Dead is long gone down the crack. We reunited with the rest of the group. Alex hugs Rick and says, "Remind me never to wish for things to be more exciting."

I do hand shakes with Rick as Alex goes to Eve. Jonathan says, "good riddance I say."

Rick says, "something tells me we haven't seen the last of all gauze head." Jonathan says, " What are you talking about? That mummy beat it out of here like robe is on fire."

Eve says, "Rick's right. Imhotep must have gone to find the Scrolls of Thebes."

Alex asks, "And then he'll come back for the manacle and Talon, won't he?"

Eve says while hugging Alex, "he'll have to go through us first."

Alex says, looking down "that's what I'm afraid of."

As we head to the Zephyr, Ardeth and I walk together.

Later that day, a Lanner falcon flies by and lands on my shoulder. I stroke the feathers. I realized that the falcon was a girl. Ardeth shows up and says, "she seems to like you."

I nod and say, "so it would seem."

The Falcon rubbed her head against my head. I rub her head to show affection back.

Ardeth and I walk back to camp. I thought that the Falcon would hop off and fly away. But she didn't. She stays on my shoulder all the way to camp.

The others notice immediately that we're back. Alex asks, "what kind of falcon is that on your shoulder, Nico?"

"She is a Lanner falcon."

Ardeth says, "it would seem that she likes you, Talon."

Rick and Eve walk up. It was decided that if the Falcon stays then she can, but she leaves then it was her choice.

But as the week goes she remains with me, only leaving to hunt down her food. After the week, I named her, Jade. 

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