Unfinished Business

By Laughingwolf78

185K 5.4K 4.2K

Katsuki left his hometown right after they graduated UA High trying to run from feelings for Izuku that he co... More

1. The Call 💥
2. Surprise Home Coming 💚
3. Dinner 💥
4. Keep An Eye on the Skyline 💚
5. Stay 💥
6. Party with a Mission 💚
7. Wonder 💥
8. Truth 💚
9. The whole Truth 💥
10. Brand New Start 💚
11. Decisions 💥
12. Fear of Separation 💚
13. Lightening on Fire 💥
14. Heavy Heart💚
15. Leaving 💥
16. Distance 💚
17. Making it Clear 💥
18. Frustration 💚
19. Clingy Kacchan 💥
20. Possession 💚
21. Making the Most Out of It 💥
22. Impending Fear 💚
23. No Time to Wait 💥
25. Silent Prayers 💥
26. Without a Doubt 💚
27. Never letting Go 💥
28. Now and Always 💚
29. Epilogue

24. Living Nightmare 💚

4K 141 126
By Laughingwolf78

" Real love knows no bounds, let me show you. " ~ Unknown

Izuku is tired. Probably more tired than he has ever been in his life, and the problem with that is he can't afford to be.

He's been in near nonstop combat now for hours. Fatigue is evident on his features. His shoulder aches, the nights of hardly any sleep lately are pulling at every aching muscle now making him sluggish every movement feeling like lead weight tied to him.

He has a minute, but probably only that as he leans against the side of a brick building trying to catch his breath in an ally way.

He's sweating, dirty, bleeding, hero costume torn and ripped. His breath heaves, a tone chest rising and falling with each breath.

He wraps a strong arm around his own torso, head back against the brick, eyes closed. His mind wanders to deep red orbs, ones he prays he'll get to see again, but if he's being honest right at this moment he isn't sure. The villain attack upon him is the biggest he's ever seen. The league has definitely outdone themselves this time.

Tho Izuku has been able to fight each villain off so far the fact that it's one after the other nonstop is what's been so difficult and the fatigue that has gripped him is also showing itself on his fellow heros.

Deep green eyes open as he looks up at the smoky sky. He thinks of Katsuki, feeling his heart ache against his ribs.

Izuku has never been afraid to die, it's a very real possibility for a hero and a risk he knew he would always have to take to protect others, but the one thing Izuku is afraid of is leaving Katsuki.

His whole life the one thing that always broke him with ease was leaving or being left by the blonde hero.

Even as kids anytime he had to leave the playground and tear himself away from red eyes and blonde hair it hurt. When Katsuki left after graduation it broke him more than anything ever had, he's not even sure if the day he found out he was quirkless hurt as much as the day the blonde left him behind.

But, that blonde came back, that blonde hero came back to reclaim what was his, what had always been his, and now Izuku has him and that was reason enough to be sure he lives through this mess, because if he doesn't that blonde, fire breathing fireball is going to be pissed and even in death Izuku doesn't want to face that wrath.

He smiles, busted lip bleeding as he chuckles to himself feeling new resolve spread in his chest as he thinks of his boyfriend.

He takes a deep breath ready to head back out and just as he steps from the ally he doesn't have to wait to find his next opponent.

A large villain Izuku has never seen is standing there with a ghastly smile as he stares at the greenett who's own face is now twisted into an angry scowl, green lightening cracks to life as the number one hero takes his fighting stance.

" Well, well.. if it isn't hero Deku! Exactly who I was looking for!"

Izuku let's his own smirk take hold, one his boyfriend would be proud of.

" Well looks like you found me, let's do this!"

The green eyed hero isn't sure what this guy's quirk is and that's always the tricky part, but to his dismay and before he can even throw a kick of a punch is finds out as the ground below his feet began to melt and he's quickly being taken down, this guys quirk was quick sand.

The villain smiles.

" Sandy is my name, you can probably see why"

Izuku struggles, pushing his quirk into every part of his body to try and break free, but the more he does, the faster he sinks.

Sandy laughs.

" That's it ! Keep struggling, the more you do the faster the process is, you'll be suffocating in seconds"

It's true and to Izuku's horror his head begins to slip under, like he's being pulled to the bottom of the earth by a million hands.

He takes a deep breath holding it, praying, screaming silently. He doesn't dare open his mouth or this rush of sticky sand will seep into his lungs. He closes his eyes, one last glimpse of deep red orbs flash.

This is it, he knows it.

But, it isn't.

Suddenly he's yanked straight up ward by the ears of his hero costume helmet.

He opens his eyes, ears clogged with the sticky substance but as he opens deep green eyes he's met with deeper crimson ones.

His boyfriend's concerned but signature smirk is there.

He can hear Katsuki yell through stuffy ears.

" Shitty nerd, what the fuck did I tell you about running face first into shit!?!"

Katsuki is hanging off the side of the building on a large drainage pipe as he holds his boyfriend up by the helmet, strong arms flexing.

He can't hold him like this forever but as long as neither touches the ground they'll be OK.

Izuku goes wide eyed, quick sand on his face as a teary smile takes over.

" Kacchan!!!!"

Katsuki smiles at him but soon both is reminded that this is a damn war zone.

" This is touching and all but, I'm really going to need to kill you both now" , Sandy grins.

Katsuki scowls.

" Fuck off you bastard, not happening!"

The blonde leans into Izuku's ear.

" One for all Deku, while I have you like this, but fucking hurry, you aren't as light as you use to be fuck"

Izuku actually laughs probably from pure insanity at this point as he raises his arm pushing green lightening to his arm down to his fingers as he aims and flicks his thumb and middle finger, all for one coming out in a brust that knocks the villain back long enough for Katsuki to blast from the side of the building onto the hood of a near by car setting the greenett down.

As sandy recoverd his footing and turned around he's met with a fire blast to the face and a blonde yelling.

" Think you can kill my boyfriend you shit?! Die you bastard! "

Sandy falls back into his own quick sand sinking faster then the two heros can even process before he's gone from sight.

Katsuki looks over at Izuku, both panting as the greenett throws his arms around the blonde tightly.

" Kacchan! You're..you're here!"

Katsuki grins wrapping his arms around him pulling him in.

" Of course I am. Think I'd let you have all this fun without me? No way shit nerd."

Izuku pulls back both staring at the other a beat.

Katsuki chuckles as he raises his hand and wipes a dirty freckled face.

" You're a fucking mess. And that shoulder aches I fucking see it"

Izuku rolls his eyes with a smirk.

" Been kinda busy here Kacchan"

Katsuki gives a cocky smile.

" Yeah well, I'm kicking your ass later. Oh and Deku?"

Izuku looks up.

" Yeah?"

Katsuki grabs the greenetts collar pulling him to his mouth.

" I fucking love you"

Mouths crash together in a heated kiss that neither one's knows for sure if they'll get to do again.

They pull back panting both giving the other a now confident grin.

" I love you too, let's save our city Dynamite"

Katsuki smirks.

" Fuck yeah! "

There's a flash of green and a fire blast, two heros launched into the air, moving side by side across roof tops.

They fight side by side now.

Flashes of green, firey explosions.

Grabing hands and launching themselves off the other.

It's an amazing sight as their fellow classmates and teachers watch the scene unfold over and over again. Pride in their eyes as they take in the heros they've known for years.

Aizawa lift his glasses and looks up at one point seeing the two engaged in heavy battle.

Izuku on Katsuki's back hurling one for all over the blondes shoulder, then watching them take hands as Izuku swings the blonde launching him hard and far with his quirk as Katsuki aims and shoots several fire blast taking down several villains.

The raven eyed hero let's a rare smile form.

The sky is now exactly how it should be as it always should have been.

The two feeding off each other, bonded in love, and trust, knowing each others every move like a well choreographed dance. Their movements perfectly timed and balanced. One performing stronger when one was weaker.

Aizawa might actually have even shed a tear at the sight of his two problem children who finally saw together was better than apart if the city wasn't currently burning around him.

Suddenly he gets word through an ear piece that there is trouble on the other side of town just as bad as the site he's witnessing here.

He takes a deep breath knowing what he's going to have to do as he takes off twards his former students.

Izuku and Katsuki are panting from a place on the ground only a moment to spare but just as the two are getting ready to take off again Aizawa calls to them.

" Bakugo! Midoriya! Come here!"

The two turn at the voice they would forever know.

They exchange a quick glance before standing in front of their teacher.

" There's a heavy villain attack across town"

Katsuki scoffs out of breath.

" No shit, there's one here too in case you haven't noticed"

Izuku eyes his boyfriend

" Kacchan! Don't talk to Mr. Aizawa that way!"

Katsuki looks at his greenett rolling his eyes, but quieting down.

Aizawa would chuckle at this, and probably will later, somethings never change.

" I need one of you to go there and one to stay here"

Two heros go wide eyed

" WHAT??!" , is shouted in unison.

" No fucking way! No deal teach, we fight as a team now, you fucking know that! You wanted it that way!"

Aizawa knew this was coming.

" Bakugo, I'm aware, but the situation has changed and I need each of you focused at a different location til it's under control"

Katsuki growls.

" No God damn way. I'm not leaving this fucking nerd, his shoulder isn't right and he's beat to fuck! Over my God damn body I'm leaving him alone!"

Aizawa pinches the bridge of his nose. It's UA all over again.

Izuku bites his lip nervously as he speaks up.

" Kacchan, it's ok. We'll meet up again as soon as it's under control"

Crimson eyes snap to deep green.

" No Deku! Dammit that was not the fucking deal. "

" I know Kacchan, but... but we don't have time to argue about this! I'll be ok, just.. just go and then we'll meet back up as soon as more backups can take over"

Katsuki stares at him, panting a sick feeling in his stomach.

" Deku..."

He doesn't get to finish before Izuku slams into him with a deep kiss not caring if one of his father figures is there or not.

When he pulls back he holds Katsuki in a bone gripping hug, both feeling today's injuries but not giving a damn.

Izuku speaks into his shoulder.

" I love you Kacchan, be safe, be amazing and I'll see you at the end of this"

Katsuki's grip tightened tears in crimson eyes.

He pulls back holding the collar of Izuku's hero costume in both strong hands.

" You... you bastard. You live dammit Deku, you fucking live for me you understand you shitty nerd, you fucking live."

There's tears down a dirty freckled face leaving a wet trail.

" I will. You make sure you do the same blasty boy, don't you dare leave me again"

Katsuki smirks through tears kissing the greenett hard one more time as he speaks against his lips.

" I wouldn't dream of leaving you again, still making up for last time"

Aizawa clears his throat.

" You both better live, or it's me that will be pissed" , Aizawa says as the two look over seeing glowing red eyes and raised raven hair, his scarf dancing up around his shoulders, a sight that always gave number one and two heros chills even now.

Two heros give each other a nod as they take off in different directions.

Three hours later it's nightfall and Izuku and Katsuki are close to having nothing left to give.

These attacks have been relentless but they seem to be almost over, or the worst of them anyway.

Katsuki takes a deep breath feeling everything ache.

His eyes scan the area and it seems to be clear, but as he turns to take off and make his way to the other side of town he's reminded that nothing is certain when you are a hero.

The groud begins to shake violently under his feet and before he can blast his way from it a sink hole opens and Katsuki is swallowed whole.

The hero is free falling down into blackness hitting his head on the way down.

Finally he hits the bottom with a hard thud knocking the wind completely from him but also landing on an iron pipe that has gone right thru his left thigh, he's now steaked to the ground by it.

He howls in pain, his voice ringing loudly from the several feet he has fallen below ground.

There's suddenly a villain looking down at him from up top.

" Hi Dynamite. You met my brother earlier, Sandy. He can make quirk sand, I can make the very earth open up. You almost killed him, almost. I will succeed in killing you"

Katsuki is seething and in agony at the same time but just as he's getting ready to yell the ground begins to close around him. An avalanche of dirt and debire falls. And before he knows it Katsuki is trapped buried almost alive except to his luck a large wooden door gets stuck creating a ceiling above him.

But it's short lived and he knows it, he knows it's only a matter of time before it breaks and the rest of the fucking street above caves in and he's gone.

He begins to tremble from the pain in his leg. It's pitch black he knows above that door is pounds of dirt and street, he knows his oxygen will run out in minutes leaving him to either suffocate or bleed out from the damn pipe.

There's tears in crimson eyes because Katsuki knows he's getting ready to leave Izuku once again.

Little does he know Izuku is on the scene already.

He's screaming for the blonde having no real idea where exactly he is, the sink hole is huge and coverd completely.

He's on his knees digging, quirk burning, eyes full of green lighting as he wails the blondes name

" Kacchan!!!! Kacchan, answer me!! Where are you??! Kacchan!!!!!"

Izuku is panic..all for one surges, black whip begins to emerge knocking and tangling anyone up in it that gets near him.

Kirishima activates his quirk trying to move tarwd the greenett.

" Mido! Mido listen to me man! You, you have to calm down! Your quirk is out of control! We will find him Mido, please calm down bro"

Izuku snaps lightening burning eyes tawrds the male who is gripped in black whip.

He forces himself to calm enough to release Kirishima who rushes to him.

" That's it Mido, good job. Ok.OK.. it's going to be ok"

Tears are running, Izuku heart is pounding each beat causing a breaking in his chest.

His phone rings and Izuku is broken from a painful panic as he shaking pulls it from his pocket

The name making his heart stop.

" Kacchan???!!!!!"

Katsuki forces a chuckle with tears down his face closing his eyes as he winces with every word he's getting ready to speak.

" Shitty Deku."

" Kacchan! Kacchan..where.. where exactly did you fall??! Any idea, land mark.. area??!"

Katsuki take a breath, it hurts.

" Oi, remember that time when we were brats and we wandered into that cave in the woods. We got lost, you were so fucking scared because it was dark, remember?"

Izuku's scrunces his face. He's on his feet pacing the area frantically.

" What..? What.. Kacchan..I "

" I told you it was going to be okay, that nothing would ever get you because I was with you and I was your hero, that I.. that I would never leave you "

Izuku has tears down his face, he's sobbing.

" K-Kacchan, please , God please where are you??!"

Katsuki's heart breaks at the panicked voice, his lungs ache, he's running out of air.

" Who Deku, who's your hero?"

" Kacchan please!"

" Deku, answer me, who... who's your hero"

Izuku drops to his knees sobbing as he grips for his own heart through a torn hero costume.

" You, .. you... you are my hero Kacchan"

Katsuki smiles as tears run fully.

" Tell me... tell me you love me Deku"

Izuku sobs as he rocks himself back and forth on his knees not even aware of the commotion around him or the redhead wrapped around him holding him.

" Kacchan!!! N-o...stop..stop..I..I know what you're doing .. I will say it when I.. I see you!"

" Izuku Midoriya, tell... tell..me you love.. me"

Izuku can't breathe as he sobs and chokes, white threatening his vision.

" I .. I love you so much Kacchan"

Kacchan smiles again.

He's fading he trys to speak again but can't.

Izuku's attention is suddenly snapped to Jirou's voice who has her ear Jack's plugged into the ground.

" Here! He's right here!"

Izuku drops the phone springing to his feet quirk fully burning as he gets ready to punch through the earth.

Kirishima grabs his arm.

" Wait! It'll cave in worse!"

Eureka shows up next to her bestfriend tattered from battle.

" I can help with that"

Izuku nods at her eyes full of tears as he activates his quirk and punches through the earth with a slam so hard it shakes the buildings left standing.

Uraraka quickly touches the ground activity zero gravity watching the earth rise above them.

They form a human chain, several of them lowering Izuku by his feet as the greenett yanks free the door that was over top of the blonde.

Katsuki eyes open as he heave the fresh air but Izuku goes wide eyed seeing the pipe.

He reaches down fighting tears, green lightening burning brightly in green eyes.

A torn tattered white hero gloves reaches down into the hole.

Katsuki gets his vision to clear enough to see the scars through the material, the hand that always reached for him now matter how badly it was shaking and like he should have done years ago a green and orange glove reaches up and takes hold of it squeezing it tightly.

Izuku uses his quirk and pulls the blonde up , freeing him from the pipe hearing a groan of pain.

The human chain pulls them both to the surface.

Izuku grips the blonde who is laying in his lap.

" Kacchan! Oh.. oh my God, we ..we found you. But .. but your leg is bad we need to get you to the hospital..so.. so as much as you hate this I'm going to have to carry you"

Katsuki gives a weak smirk.

" Fine, but I'm still your fucking hero nerd, got it?"

Izuku chuckles in tears.

" Always Kacchan, always."

As Izuku is pushing his quirk into his legs Katsuki watches in horror as the green lightening in beautiful green eyes goes out.

Izuku stops short, looking down to see that a jagged spear has been plunged into his shoulder.

He's hit from behind, the cold metal going straight through to the other side creating white hot pain like a knife through butter.

Katsuki let's out a scream.

" Deku!!!!! "

Green meets crimson a slow smile taking over pretty features, tears down a dirty face.

" Its.It's.....ok Kacchan... I'm... I am here "

Izuku falls forward, his weight onto of a blonde who grips him tightly.

Crimson eyes dart to someone standing in the shadows.

There's a voice.

" Won't be long now, that spear was laced with my poison. You're weak little Deku will be dead by morning"

Katsuki grits his teeth, he's demonic right now as he moves Izuku gently, his adrenalin burning along with white hot anger.

He pushes himself to stand his wound gushing.

" I'll fucking kill you."

Palms heat, hotter then ever, nitroglycerin can be smelled for blocks and before Aizawa can stop his former student Katsuki's eyes go murderous and a fire blast goes off so strong it not only takes the villain out but what's left of the city block.

Katsuki's vision goes back as he falls back landing beside the only boy he's ever loved a name on his tongue.

" Deku.."



This author and these cliffhangers am I right?

Love LW ❤️

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