**^Things will come to an end...

By holsxx3

40 0 0

*^"'It's okay Things Will ... More

~chapter one~

~chapter 2~

11 0 0
By holsxx3


im just sitting in Wyatt's room, did you know Gary has his own bed there like what about me i have to sleep on the floor (;-;) anyways we are watching Frankenstein its kinda boring but we have watched it at every sleep over so its like a tradition. after awhile i got hungry so i walked down the stairs to see Chet in the kitchen, i hate him like what the hell is that hair cut, i went to the fridge to get some snacks for the boys as well until Chet said 

"hey Y/N you on your period or something" i looked at him in disgust just because i was getting food it wasn't even that much just popcorn and 3 cokes

"Chet just because i got food it doesn't mean I'm on my period, so go away "I replied back,


Wyatt's POV 

"where did your parents  go, anyway? "Gary asked

"Cincinnati, there meeting the guy my sister wants to marry"

"Chloe who the hell would want to marry chole" Gary said in disgust while trying to shave his non existent beard in the bathroom

"He's studding to be a vet, anyways Gary don't make a mess the maid doesn't come till Monday "i replied (there's going to be a more little convo sos)

"how come your parents suddenly trust you?" Gary asks                                                                                  "Chet's coming home from military camp for the weekend" i said

"CHET? shit! you should have told me this before I agreed to a sleepover, how do you put up with him anyway where is Y/N?"

"its a habit he picked up in military school. what can I say he's very protective of me" I said in a sarcastic tone, and i think Y/N went to get popcorn and Pepsi for us.



i walked up stairs to get away from that creep when i heard them talking about the creep 

"what can i say he's very protective of me" I heard Wyatt say

"nice relationship "I said as i walked in, as Gary chuckled, i sat down next to Wyatt on this bed while Gary was on his and ate popcorn while we watched Frankenstein there making this like zombie or whatever its suppose to be anyway it was quite gruesome

"its not a bad idea. "Gary said inspired

"what? "me and Wyatt said in unison 

"making a girl........"                      


     *^"{authors note}"^*               

(thank you for reading sorry there was a lot and i mean a lot of convosbut I'm trying to stay to the script as well sorry i didn't post yesterday i try post 2 today)

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