New Directions

By brightdarkness641

835 62 7

Melanie Moat moves from New Jersey to Pasadena, California. Worrying about a new job, new friends, and new ro... More

The Beginning
Ian's POV
Melanie's POV
Ians POV
Melanies POV
Ians POV
Ians POV
Melanie's POV
Ians POV
Melanie's POV
Ian's POV
Melanie's POV
Ian's POV
Melanies POV
Ians POV
Melanies POV
Ian's POV
Melanie's POV

Melanies POV

59 4 0
By brightdarkness641

It had been a week since the incident with Ian. I felt like shit. It turned out, someone in the bank had been taking people's cards and their numbers to buy cheap stuff hundreds of crates at a time. I found this out moments after Ian yelled at me and I just feel too embarrassed and well, afraid to tell him. I really have no idea where to take it from here. I yelled at him, and he yelled at me and then it was over. I guess I should just move on, it's not like I can change what he thinks. All I wanted was to be friends and now I've ruined that.

I should applogize, but calling would be too hard. Maybe I should make them something, like a painting? I don't know I'll have to think of it later as my job at the theatre is starting tomorrow. I've been practicing and researching non stop. Stage make up is harder as its way thicker, and much harder to get off. Plus it smudges easily if you add actual makeup like eyeliner so you have to buy all of these individual sets which I hope they already provide.

I had been doing this for a good two hours and I decided to get up. I yawned and looked to the oven clock. 11:30?? Holy shit! I don't stay up late, unless I'm excited or doing something. I should really sleep. I just need to calm down and relax for a little while.

I walked into my bathroom and washed my face. I put my toothpaste on my toothbrush and scrubbed my teeth. I spat out my minty foam and rinsed out my mouth. I felt bubbly and ecstatic. I half skipped, half hopped to bed. my covers, green and fluffy and full of comfort. I snuggled into bed and lay my head on my pillow. My phone buzzed once, signifying a notification. I snatched it and saw it was from Twitter. Apparently, Ian had been on a date. It must've gone well for him to tweet about it. I don't know why I cared... I mean, I don't! I shouldn't care about who he sees, its up to him. I don't have the right to be angry or jealous or anything. I should just shush and get on with my life.

I tossed the phone down only for it to buzz again, but with a text. I had made a few friends at the gym, but only one really stuck. Her name is Lila. She had been texting me non stop because she found the "perfect guy" for me. I just turned it off and rolled over, ready for the next day. I didn't care if he came in riding a damn unicorn, I was too happy for my makeup job.

A/N: Sorry this chapter was so short... I dropped my phone in water and this is all it saved. Please let me know what you want to see more of and any suggestions you have!

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