The Unexplained storm

Av Calyp50

1.1K 83 53

This is a new story where the town of Adventure Bay experience a storm like no other. It is literally the mos... Mer

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 7

60 6 1
Av Calyp50

Katie slowly approached the lookout she was unsure if Ryder would be able to talk to her and she didn't want to interrupt his trials. Ryder heard her thoughts "I hope this is okay, maybe I should just go back home" Katie was debating inside her head. Ryder stood up from his bean bag chair and walked out of the lookout, "Hi Katie" Ryder greeted her. "Oh hi, I wasn't sure if you were in what is it a trial thing? This is all so confusing" Katie said. "I know it was to me at first too, I only do one trial a day as it could mess with my system if I do more. I can maybe explain things a little if you like" Ryder said. "Sure want to go for a walk?" Katie asked. "Sure just let me tell the pups." Ryder said. "Pups I am going for a walk with Katie, I will be back soon" Ryder said. "Okay Ryder" the pups said as they continued playing in the grass. 

Ryder and Katie started walking and she said "What is this evil being?" "I don't know yet, I assume that it shows its true form once my trials are complete. It is said to gain power everyday that I do. I don't understand exactly what it is or how I am to defeat it." Ryder said. "What if you get hurt doing this? I mean I am worried for you" Katie said. "I can't be hurt Katie, one of my abilities is to heal. Chase is also really worried and I am not sure how to convince him that this is all going to work out." Ryder said. "Abilities?" Katie asked, "Yes after every trial I gain a power, they all do different things. I can change the weather and control it and I can also heal. I do have another power but I haven't told anyone about it" Ryder said. "Oh can you tell me?" Katie asked curiously. "No I am sorry" Ryder said. "Darn I was hoping I was special. I guess I understand a little bit more." Katie said in her head. "Do you know what the next trial is?" Katie asked, "Nope not until I have the serum, it basically sends me on quests. That is why Red Wolf was worried about me being interrupted, if I were to get distracted out of the path I was set on I could fail the mission and I only really have 1 chance. If I don't get all my abilities I won't be able to defeat this evil. From the sounds of it I want to get all my powers, this thing scares me a bit" Ryder said. "Me too, well it is getting late I better get back to Cali. Thanks Ryder for explaining it to me. I will make sure everyone in towns stays away from you" Katie said. "Thanks, just tell them if I don't talk to them not to talk to me" Ryder said as Katie walked away and he returned to the lookout. 

As night fell in Adventure Bay and everyone was going to sleep the evil presence gained more soldiers as he had 20 now and most of them from Foggy Bottom. The evil decided that Adventure Bay citizens were to close to the PAW patrol and he couldn't risk his plan failing. 

The next morning after breakfast again Red Wolf had said "Which colour today?" "Green" Ryder said, "Yes the best colour" Rocky said. Ryder laughed as Red Wolf injected the green serum and Ryder waited for instruction. "Hope he is safe today" Chase thought as he watched Ryder. "Welcome to the Green Trial, this is a nature quest and is a little dangerous. Please begin walking outside and your quest will guide you" the voice said. Ryder walked outside and towards Big View Trail as he walked deeper into the forest he heard panic. There was a pack of wolves in front of him a few feet and he could sense they were in trouble. Ryder walked towards them and said "Please don't worry I can sense there is trouble and I am here to help" not sure if they would understand him. The wolves could feel that Ryder was being truthful and one wolf walked towards him and howled. Ryder was shocked as he could actually understand, "Bears trapped your 2 alphas?" Ryder said. The wolves howled again, "Don't worry I will get them back for you" Ryder said as he thought of a plan. Ryder looked around and saw a bush that he was sure were the rosin berries which are poisonous. He felt bad taking them off the bush but the bush instantly grew more as if he didn't take them. Weird can I communicate with plants too he thought as he found a thorn bush. Ryder was thinking out loud as he did this "I need enough thorns so that I can mix them with the rosin berries and then I can some how poison the bears" As he said this the thorns fell off the tree and formed a large thorn big enough to throw almost like a dart. "Cool thanks" Ryder said as he realized he was talking to plants, he mixed the berries onto the thorns and went on a search for the bears. 

On his quest Mr. Porter and Alex were also on a hike and Alex said "Look grandpa its Ryder lets go say hi" as he started running Mr. Porter grabbed him and said "No Alex he could be doing a trial, remember what Katie said. Don't talk to him unless he talks to you" "Right sorry Grandpa" Alex said as he watched Ryder continue down the path. Ryder heard the distressed wolves as he saw the bears hovering over them. Ryder quietly walked towards the bears so he could get close enough and he threw the dart hitting the first bear and he fell to the ground. The second bear distracted for a second looked towards Ryder as he threw the next thorn dart hitting him in the chest. The second bear fell to the ground as well, the wolves howled a thank you and Ryder said "Your welcome" the wolves walked away back to their pack, Ryder thought his mission was complete but one bear woke up. It charged at Ryder and he panicked as he tried to figure out a way to stop it. Mr. Porter and Alex saw something attacking Ryder, they panicked even though every part of Mr. Porter wanted to help he didn't. Mr. Porter grabbed Alex and ran the other direction and hid out of view. Ryder's trials are only visible to him so all though Mr. Porter and Alex can see Ryder they can't see what he is seeing, therefore the bear is invisible to them. 

Ryder grabbed a stick as it was the closest thing he could find and jabbed the bear with it killing him instantly. Ryder noticed that the bear slashed him with his claws and bit him on the shoulder but withing a few seconds he healed as if nothing happened. All that was left was the blood and the rips on his shirt. "Congratulations you have completed your 4th trial, you now as you can see are able to hear and communicate with animals. You are also able to help nature and it will also help you if you ever need it." the voice said as Ryder began his transition as he earned this power he felt as though nature gave him a giant hug. He could hear plants growing and animals all over the place making sounds. Although they were animal sounds to everyone else to Ryder they were speaking as if they were humans. "Man this is so weird" Ryder said as he headed back to the lookout he noticed Mr. Porter and Alex. "Hello, you guys okay?" Ryder asked. "We are fine are you?" Mr. Porter asked noticing the blood on his shirt. "Yes I am perfectly fine, you guys look like you saw a ghost" Ryder said. "Well we kinda did, we saw you fighting an invisible something or other. It was so cool, Grandpa wouldn't let me help" Alex said. "I am glad he didn't as I wouldn't have passed the trial, thank you for not interfering." Ryder said. "Your welcome" Mr. Porter said as he and Alex continued on their hike and Ryder headed home. 

Once Ryder arrived back at the lookout all the pups noticed the blood and they immediately panicked. "I am okay pups, I heal remember" Ryder said as he showed them he wasn't hurt. Ryder went to change and the pups waited for him in the TV room. "What is your new power Ryder?" Skye asked. "You were gone for 4 hours we were worried" Chase said, "It was an interesting quest, I can hear nature." Ryder said. "You can hear nature?" Rocky said with a puzzled look. "Yes all the animals can communicate with me and well I can use the nature around me for help. Like the plants will help me if I need them. It is not as stupid as it sounds" Ryder said. "I think it sounds cool" Marshall said. Ryder could hear the thoughts of something other than everyone in the room. He didn't know it but he could hear the thoughts of the evil being as it floated over the lookout. He heard "Talk to animals  hmm well that means so can I" as it flew towards Farmer Al's. Ryder sensed trouble but as he didn't want to tell the pups he could read minds he hid it from them. 

A few minutes later they received a call from a panicked Farmer Al, "Paw Patrol" Chase answered, "You need to help us our animals have all gone crazy they are attacking us. Please help" Farmer Al said. "We are on our way" Chase said. "Ryder are you leading this one?" Chase asked. "I will come but you lead it Chase" Ryder said. "Alright, PAW patrol to the lookout" Chase said. "Chase needs us" the pups all said as they sped to the elevator Marshall tripped over a pup bed and fell into everyone. They rose to the top and Marshall said "PAW patrol ready for action Chase sir" "Alright this is a weird one so I am calling all pups on deck, Farmer Al's animals are attacking him and Farmer Yumi we must save them without hurting the animals" Chase said. "I'm fired up" Marshall said, "Rubble on the double" Rubble said, "Let's dive in" Zuma said, "This puppy's gotta fly" Skye said, " Green means go" Rocky said and Chase said "Chase is on the case, Paw patrol is on a roll" As they all took of towards their vehicles. Red Wolf stopped Ryder, "This is one you can stop, the animals are being controlled by the evil being, I am guessing he has the same power his is just evil" he said. "I know but my pups can save Farmer Al and Farmer Yumi" Ryder said as he slid to his ATV and joined his pups. 

They arrived at the farm and Chase said "Skye get Farmer Al off the silo with your harness and get him away from the farm. Rubble get Farmer Yumi off the scarecrow and take her to safety" Both pups sprang into action and Ryder arrived he said "Attention all farm animals, you don't want to hurt your owners. Everything you are doing is not you think about what Farmer Al and Farmer Yumi do for you. You don't want to hurt them you want to help them." All the animals looked at Ryder and instantly stopped thinking about attacking and turned back into farm animals. Betina mooed at Ryder and he said "Your welcome Betina, just remember they are not your enemy" Farmer Al and Farmer Yumi were super confused but didn't ask as they were just thankful they weren't being attacked anymore. Farmer Al noticed his corn was all dying and he said "Aw man my whole corn field is dying" Ryder looked at it and said "No it isn't, it looks healthy and happy to me" as he said this the corn stopped dying and was growing better than ever. "I assume this is some kind of ability of yours?" Farmer Yumi asked. "Yeah, weird I know" Ryder said. "Hey it might come in handy good luck Ryder and thanks for saving us" Farmer Al said. "Your welcome whenever you are in trouble just yelp for help" Ryder said as they headed back to the lookout. 

Ryder could hear Chase's thoughts "Some mission, we didn't even get to do anything really. Ryder's abilities are just going to overpower us" Ryder felt bad but he didn't want his pups to get attacked by the animals either. He wasn't going to help on the next mission unless he needed to as he wanted to let Chase have his glory. Ryder noticed Katie running and he also noticed Cali was chasing her and he drove towards Cali and said "Cali, you don't want to attack Katie, you love her. She is your true love stop being mean" "Meow" Cali said. "Yes you love her" Ryder said to the cat and she nuzzled him and purred. "Your welcome Cali" Ryder said as Katie came back and said "Were you just talking to my cat?" "Yes but she is not going to attack you anymore, right Cali" Ryder said, "Meow" Cali said. "She says nope" Ryder said as he laughed, "I will take your word for it, might want to talk to chickaletta too she is attacking Mayor Goodway" Katie said. "Oh my okay thanks" Ryder said as he drove to town hall. "Chickaletta Mayor Goodway is your friend, you don't want to hurt her. Remember all the love she gives you" Ryder said. "Bok" Chickaletta said as she went back to being a weird chicken and pecked the ground. "Your welcome" Ryder said as he felt super awkward talking to animals. "Thank you Ryder, I won't ask how you did that. Just thank you" Mayor Goodway said. "Your welcome Mayor Goodway" Ryder said as he drove back to the lookout.

Ryder didn't need to read the mind of Chase to know he was upset he sighed and said "Chase come with me" Chase walked towards Ryder and he followed him to the cliff as Ryder sat down, Chase sat beside him. "Chase I can tell you are upset, I am sorry that I took that mission away from you. I just felt that they would attack you pups and I couldn't let that happen. The evil being has the same power that I do he just uses it for evil. I don't want my trials affecting you pups in anyway. When the day comes and we are to defeat this thing I know I am going to need your help so I need you here for that" Ryder said. "You mean it we get to help you?" Chase said sounding a bit excited. "Yup I think the mighty pups might come in handy" Ryder said. "Cool thank Ryder sir" Chase said as he licked him. "Chase I am going to tell you a secret, please don't tell anyone else. This is between you and me okay" Ryder said. "Okay Ryder sir, I promise" "The ability I never told anyone about is that I can read minds. I know what everyone is thinking. I can also hear the thoughts of the evil being" Ryder whispered this so only Chase could hear him. "what number am I thinking of right now 5" Chase was thinking in his head. Ryder laughed and said "5" "Wow this is weird but so cool" Chase said out loud. "Remember no one else can know about this okay" Ryder said. "Your secret is safe with me Ryder sir!" Chase said as he licked him again. Ryder gave Chase a hug and they went to join the others for dinner. 

The next trial will begin in the morning what colour will he choose? What will this colours power be? stay tuned for more

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