The Beginning

By C_przs

86 29 1

A biblical tale full of romance, betrayal and power! ~ The spin of reality ~ More

Before Time
It's 1517
Back Story
The Investigation
The Minds Eye
Lost Soul
Dream Catcher
This Is Hell
No Good
Plan X
Sleeping Beauty
Lucid Dreams
I Know Better
Den Mother
The Talk
True Lies
The Find
Throne Owner

Use Magic

1 1 0
By C_przs

September 10th - 1951

Early hours in the morning Nathaniel was awake and standing on the balcony looking out at the scenery, he places his hands on the rail and looks up. "Why are you sending someone to follow me, is your daughter not enough! Answers I won't receive because you never listen, you never speak." He waits for a while, he gets angry and hits the rail. "Answer me! this is why I did what I did, you don't communicate, how am I supposed to help you when you leave us stranded!" Rhain opens the door slightly, "You know... I miss home to-" She opens the door fully and steps out. "He didn't even ask if I wanted to do this, I was sent a letter and off I was. He answers nobody, not even me." Nathaniel looks at her, "But we all know how he feels about you, half-human, half-god." Rhain looks away from him, "So is Tristan." Nathaniel gets closer and bends down to look her in her eyes, "He's more immortal than he is human, his mother turned immortal before she had him. He's ashamed of you, he chose the woman not because he loved her Rhain, just because she was pure and needed the ultimate good... you were based on logic, he doesn't love you." He pushes her aside walking away annoyed, "That was a rush! wouldn't you say?" Rhain stands up straight and wipes her tears, "Why? have a good laugh!" Rhain turns towards him. "Certainly. You not being loved by your family amuses me, I know even being the devil... my father loves me." Tristan smiles and shuts the door behind him, Rhain drops to the floor and cries.
Later that day they get ready for school, Nathaniel stands by the door, Tristan runs down the stairs then down the hallway. "Ready?" Tristan grins and pulls his tie, "Now I am." Tristan calls out for Rhain but no answer, "Where is she?" He smiles, "Oh she left about an hour ago." Nathaniel hits him in the head, "Let's go and you can tell me what you said to her." Tristan walks out the door bopping to his own mood, when Tristan starts walking beside him he nods. "It's crazy, it wasn't me who made her cry... it was-" Nathaniel stops reminiscing his previous conversation with her, "It wasn't you, it was me!" Tristan gets excited, "That's right! This demon did nothing wrong, do you want to just head over to hell now, carry on this evil path you are taking?" Nathaniel looks at him and walks ahead, "Should I take that as a maybe!" Tristan rushes to catch up with him. "Don't be so upset, she was consoling you, how devilish of her." Nathaniel looks at him annoyed, "How long will you continue this?" Tristan shrugs, "Until it's not amusing to me anymore." Nathaniel rolls his eyes and they carry on making their way to school.

When it came to break, Nathaniel took Rhain's arm and dragged her into a classroom, "What I said yesterday was out of anger from your father! You came to me at the wrong time." Rhain sits on the desk, "Was it though? he doesn't even talk to me, the man who created me... I've only seen pictures of what a 'God' Should look like. Tristan came out as a boy and that's what he thought I'd be, instead, I'm a girl with fewer powers than the devil's son! The bible even mentions I was a boy, it goes to show how important I really am." Nathaniel sits on the opposite desk reassuring her. "That's not true, you had to learn by us with your powers. We're no God, so we can't show you the powers he has himself, perhaps you haven't unlocked your full potential there might be more to it." Rhain laughs and smiles, "I don't believe that and I don't believe that if I were somehow born a boy my powers would be stronger, you have the powers that father wanted for me. It's why he cares for you and not me, being down here isn't punishment, he's showing you that you need to get your head straight and go back to him." He gets up annoyed, "What was this a trick? I'm not going back, I never will!" She gets up confused, "What kind of trick would this be!" He looks to her with evil eyes, "Manipulation, I never want to go back to Heaven, I know that for certain, I can't live there, it's not a home for me!" He storms out angrily, slamming the door behind him.

At lunch, Nathaniel sat on his own at a table, "May I sit here?" He looks up to see who the voice belongs to, "Lillie?" She smiles with the tray of food in her hand. "Oh, yes, sit." Lillie places her tray down and sits opposite him, "Don't tell me you're the broody quiet type, likes to sit alone, doesn't like to be bothered." He laughs and pushes his plate, "Not even close, but nice guess." She picks up her fork, "I've had a question that I felt I couldn't ask, but I'm going to so are you ready?" Nathaniel looks her in the eyes spellbound. "Yes, I'm ready." She moves in closer, "Why am I the only one that can see your eyes for what they are?" He coughs then clears his throat, moving his body in closer. "What do you mean?" She takes his head and examines his face, "Well, When I look into your eyes I see grey, red is more like a lightning bolt and half your iris is... yellow... no, gold." He shrinks down away from her, "What do you want from me?" She looks at him amazed. "What do you mean?" He looks at her viciously, "I want to know what you want from me, I haven't done anything wrong!" She stands up in shock, "I meant no harm..." He jumps up, "Don't walk away from me when we're in the middle of a conversation, it's rude." She stares at him uncomfortably, "Do you really see that or are you pretending?" still just standing there not saying a word, "Right. Now you're not going to say anything, is it because I'm shouting, spilling the truth? I need answers." She blinks twice and then looks around her. "Are you making all this fuss over your eyes?" He stares at her blankly, he then starts walking away, he steps back to look at her once again and she just stands there astounded. "And I'm rude?" She picks up her tray and walks to the bin.

After, at the end of school Rhain invites Lillie and Ruby to the park. "Yeah, let's go." They start walking to the park and Tristan tags along, "So Lillie, what's it like being the crazy girl at our school?" Lillie looks at him timidly, "Is that what people are calling me?" Ruby hits Tristan in the arm, "Yes Ruby?" Ruby rolls her eyes, "I think Ruby was hitting you to stop talking, Tristan!" Rhain then smiles at Lillie, "I'm sorry, he likes to see people upset, he's so cruel." Lillie smiles worryingly and once they reach the park Tristan takes Ruby's hand, "We'll be back, I just need to talk to my girlfriend in private." Tristan pulls her away in a hurry, "Then it's now just you and me... and... Nathaniel." Nathaniel gets up from the bench, "Do it now Rhain!" Lillie starts walking backwards and Rhain stops everyone from moving, Tristan runs back over and uses his powers on her. "She is now compelled to tell the truth." Rhain looks at Nathaniel, "She... She didn't freeze." Nathaniel gets closer and looks at her face. "What do you mean by that?" Lillie shakes her head, "I came to the park to hang out, I trusted you Rhain, what the hell are you doing!" Tristan breathes in heavily, "Why would you bring hell into this?" Tristan laughs and Lillie looks at him, Nathaniel rolls his eyes. "None of your powers worked on her, she could be either." Tristan takes her hand, "You look scared, but isn't it exciting to find out you're no normal human being, you're either an Angel or a Demon." Nathaniel looks at Rhain, "Lillie please don't be scared, we know this is all confusing for you but it's just as much to us." Lillie's eyes start to water and her heart starts pounding, "Stop it! stop doing this! Stop being weird, I'm going home and I don't want any of you to follow me." She turns around in a hurry and rushes away. "What do you guys think! Angel or a sexy Demon?" Nathaniel hits him and walks away, "Unfreeze everyone before she freaks out even more." Tristan runs quickly to stand by Ruby and Rhain unfreezes everything. "She might have thought we were messing with her..." Nathaniel sits down on the bench, "That's true, she might have lost her memory or something, now she thinks she's a human." Nathaniel shakes his head, "She was either seriously freaked out or is an amazing actress which could mean she's a demon." Tristan comes back and smiles, "Oh is that so Rhain, do demons strike you as amazing actors? Do we perform well, we pretend on a daily am I correct?" Rhain looks to him confused, "Your girlfriend is right behind you and you want to proceed with this conversation?" Tristan nods, "Right. Well, demons are known for controlling your feelings." He smiles while biting his bottom lip, "My power is to expose the truth from a lying mouth... tell me how that sounds like mind control." Ruby scratches her head and Nathaniel takes her away from the park. "I didn't say you can mind control people, that'd be some power in the hands of a demon. But what I did say was that you employ thoughts into our mind we'd rather not hear, or pretend and make it seem like something good. For example, Hell. Hell is a place for demons and wretched things like you! You always try and convince me, it's nothing of a sort." Tristan laughs and jumps up and down in excitement, "I want you to listen closely because this information I'm about to tell you is important. Imagine Hell was called Heaven and Heaven was called Hell. To you the word 'Hell' has become your new safety net, you're no longer scared or frightened of that word anymore. The name of the place has meaning only because you made it so, however, you've never been there. How can you judge based on someone else's journey to it? Between me and you. I'd say without any doubt, that I am the nicer one." Rhain looks at him hazily, "Right... I don't think you understand. No matter what you call Hell, even if it was named Bob, or Flowers. It doesn't exclude the reality of what lies behind it." Tristan's eyes change from green to red, he then walks away to find Nathaniel.

"Ruby! Let me walk you home." He puts his arm around her, Nathaniel pulls him by the arm. "Eyes." He then let's go and Tristan walks away with her, Nathaniel looks towards the park then decides to wait for Rhain. When she finally walks out she's a little sad, "Why do you both always have to argue?" She smiles quakingly, "I don't understand it myself Nathaniel, but it happens and then we take it too far leaving me unable to think straight." He starts walking beside her, "Demons and Angels don't normally fight the way you two do." She tuts, "It might just be because we're both going to be rulers." He shakes his head a little, "Even so, your fathers have meetings, and never have they quarrelled in such a manner that it causes both parties to go away with steam throbbing from their heads... It's becoming a pattern with the two of you." She laughs awkwardly.

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