Please Don't Hurt Me

By mybediscallingmern

44.1K 1.4K 311

"Now be a good girl, Mama's gonna make you feel good". "Yes mommy" For as long as I can remember she's always... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 Contd.
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 2

3.3K 114 22
By mybediscallingmern

Onika's POV

I turn around to be met with the most mesmerising amber orbs I've ever seen. The girl so damn fine. She looked anywhere between 5'10 and 6'0. I like em tall.

(A/N: in this case I'm making Beyonce taller because I wanted it to fit into the story so yeah...😂)

"Hi" I said and all they could do was just stare. Serayah giggled at how funny they looked when they were drooling. "Umm...i-im This is Sid say hello Bug"

The little one known as Sid looked down with a heavy blush on her cheeks and done a small wave.

"Sorry she's just a little shy" she said as she scratched her neck

"I can tell, I guess she gets it from her..."

"Dad... I'm beyonce, Sidney's father, nice to meet you" shook her hand that was pulled put to me.

Beyonce...that sounds sexy.

"I'm Onika, Serayah's aunt, nice to meet you too beyonce" I look her in the eyes the whole time and a light blush appeared on her cheeks. We only broke eye contact when we heard the bell ring signalling for the girls to go to class. "Alright bug you gotta go to class ok and i promise that i will come and pick you up later"

"Yes daddy" she hugged Beyonce and left to class, i done the same thing with Rayah and she left along with Sidney.

By now me and Beyonce are the only one in front of the entrance except from one or two parents dropping of their kids. "Sooo...It was nice meeting you Onika but i kind of have to get going...See you around" before i could get a chance to speak she was gone.

Fuck... I forgot to get her number.

Well hopefully if shes there again to pick up her daughter i can get it then.


I arrrived back the apartment i share with my adopted sister Lauren and her daughter Serayah. "Hey bitch!"

"Hey shrimp" i screamed when i hear the voice from behind me. "Fuck you Kelly with yo big ass forehead" She was full on laughing at this point thinking that almost giving me a heart attack is funny, i smack my teeth and walk away from this bitch. "Oh come, girl you should have seen your face" i continue to ignore her as her laughter dies down.

I make my way to the kitchen while she sits at one of the stools. "You gotta admit that it was at least a little funny." I mean mug her "Well i am not amused what if i had a heart condition or something, you can't be doing shit like that Kels"

"What's with all the screaming, did y'all break a nail or something?"

"I told you to take the trash out and this including Kelly" Lauren starts laughing while Kelly just roles her eyes and goes on her phone. "Look she just came out of no where and raided the fridge. I got a life i can't keep all the strays out" She takes a seat at the kitchen island next to Kelly. "Well anyway, I'm gonna pick up Rayah after school today so you can chill out from that working that you do.

They both turn to look at me like i grown two heads. "What?" They keep staring at me "Since when did you willingly volunteer to pick Ray up from school without me bribing you with food?"

"What i can't pick my favourite neice up from school like damn" they both look at me with a bitch please face. "She your only neice" Kelly says. "Yeah and...?"

"Who are they?" Kelly asks

"What are you talking about?" She looks at me with a smirk, "I mean who is the person you tryna get at"

"There is no one now can we please leave it at that?"

"No" they say in unison

i smack my teeth, i don't see why they got a problem with me picking up my niece from school because i want to be a nice person. Damn every time i try to be nice somebody's always got something to say like shut the fuck up and let me do this bitch.

Even though i just want to see that fine ass beyonce again.

Just thinking about her makes me crazy. I need to chill.

To pass the time I I scroll through social media waiting for when I have to pick up Serayah from school.

Beyonce's POV

After dropping Sid off at school I went straight home to start doing my usual of cleaning the house and doing laundry.

That's pretty much all I'm allowed to do. I don't have any friends because I'm not allowed to, she always gets jealous when I spoke to other girls no matter how innocent it was I always got punished for it so I just kept to myself.

When she got pregnant with Sid I had to drop out of school to take of her because I had to, I was only a child myself and I never got to finish school, go to college and have a life of my own.

But only one can dream

As I'm sweeping the floors I can help but let my mind drift off to that short brown eyes girl. She had such full and plump lips, her jeans and tank top hugged her curves tightly showing her off in all the right places. I find it cute how I tower over her with my tall and larger frame being as would have been considered as petite of it wasn't for that ass of hers.

I need to stop because I'm gonna get myself in trouble thinking about her this way.

When I'm finally done with that there's nothing else for me to do but just sit down and watch TV until the time comes for my to pick up Sid and the twins from day care. I mean don't get me wrong I love my kids but I've been non-stop taking care of them since they were born and I need a break.

But to be honest they're the only reason why I'm allowed out the house. She likes to keep a tight leash on me.

A very tight leash.

As I'm in the middle of watching Orange is the new black I hear the front door opening and I hear footsteps vastly approaching.

"Why are you always here? Don't you have a life?" She says rolling her eyes.

"I just finishing cleaning the house so I have nothing else to do." I shrug my shoulders and turn back to what I was doing knowing what's about to come next. "I honestly can't believe mom lets you drop out of school AND live here rent free, this is bullshit" she smacks her teeth and walls away.

Solange is my younger sister by 2 years and is in her senior year of high school. We never really got along growing up because she thought that I was our mother's favourite. I understand why she feels that way because it's true, but what she doesn't know is that being mama's favourite comes at a price and I have the scars to prove it.

I know that I can't tell Solange anything about what happened to me growing up and never really noticed anyway because she spent her time being angry at me.

I just wish that I was closer to my sister because it would have been nice to have her by side when I was dealing with what mom was doing to me but as usual I'm on my own.

Time skip...

Onika's POV

I'm on my to picking up Serayah from school in my Range Rover.

I get there in a little over 10 minutes and pull to see a bunch off kids leaving ang getting picked up by there parents. "Auntie Nicki" i hear from a distance and i turned around to see a tiny figure running up to me with her arms out wide.

"Hey Sweetie, How was your day?" I say as i'm picking her up for a hug. "It was good"

"That's great baby girl"

"Daddy!" I hear from a distance.

I turn around to see those amber orbs from earlier.

Beyonce's POV

"Hey Sid, How was school today?"

"It was great Dad, learned more of our times tables today." I smiled brightly at how happy she was. It always warms my heart to know that there's at least one place she feels safe at when she's not with me.

"I'm proud you Bug" I kiss her forehead.

"Sissy!" I hear little voices say in unison behind me.

Jayden and Kayden come running towards us from the car. I'll never know how they be getting out that car seat so damn easily.

I watch them hug each other as Sid tells her siblings about her day, i can't help but feel like someone is watching me.

I look up to see Onika staring at me with her beautiful brown eyes that instantly make me melt. I give a shy wave which she easily returns, i turn away trying to hide my blushing cheeks. "Hey Beyonce" I turned around to be faced with a pair of dimples.

"Hey Onika" I send her a nervous smile.

"It's good to see you again"

"Uh-It's great to see you again too"

"Who are these cuties?" I look to where she's gesturing and i still see my angels in deep conversation with each other to even notice what's going on.

"Oh the smaller ones are my twins, My little princess Jayden and my Mini me Kayden" I said looking at them with pure adoration. They really were the only things that's keeping me going in this world. I will give my life to them.

"Three kids huh?"

"Yeah" I said looking down. Not many people will understand why i already have 3 kids at the age of 20 but, even though the circumstances weren't ideal, I'm stil greatful that i have them in my life.

"If you don't mind me asking where's the kids Mom?" She asked cautiously.

"It's Okay, It's a little complicated but she's around but just not that involved" She slowly nods in understanding, while i look down slightly embarrased."Well we don't have to continue to talk about it if you don't want to" I smiled greatfully. "I apprecitae it."


I feel from my pocket and my smile immediately falters when i see who it's from.

MOM: Bring yo ass back here with my kids

I didn't bother to reply and just went to follow her orders. I put my phone away to face Onika seeing her and Serayah talking to the kids. "hey um sorry about that but i kind of have to leave, something came up"

"Oh um that's okay I'll see you later" She said with a small smile. "Come on you three" All three heads turn towards me with deep frowns. "But dada we wanna stay wit Nicki and Ray Ray" Jayden said with pleading eyes. "I'm sorry baby but we have to go, maybe you stay next time"

"Otay" The twins sadly replied and saying Bye to Serayah and Onika. "Bye Nicki, Bye Ray" Sid says.

I wave them both while ushering the kids into the car. "Wait!" I hear from behind me. I turn around, "What's up?" i forrow my eyebrows in confusion.

"Can i get your number?"

Was that really a good idea. As much as i wanted to immdeiatly say yes i know that i could probably pay the price for this later, but, then again i really would like the chance to see her again even if it's just for a little while. I realise now that i was taking too long to answer, "You don't have to i just thought it would be nice to maybe meet up sometime" She said nervously fiddling with her fingers.

I hesitantly nod, "Okay here" I hand her my phone so that she can type her number in, she called texted herself so that she can take my number down.
"Thanks um see you later"


I look at my phone to see what she put down. My Queen.

I blushed lightly and made my way to the car to drive back to the house.

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