Wasn't enough - editing

By jadeleigh2001

31K 561 128

We all know how much klaus Mikaelson loves his miracle baby hope but that wasn't the case for his first born... More

Where it all started 
She will kill me
Why wasn't she enough
The painful truth


4.1K 101 30
By jadeleigh2001


I couldn't believe it, but I had just heard only did I left behind my firstborn daughter, I had lost the chance to know my granddaughter and seeing the anger in her eyes the way she spoke to Caroline made me know that rebel isn't going to take it any better

"Just great Willow is on the warpath, which means that everybody in our family is about to know that we've been lying to them ", Jason said

"We knew the risk and have to live with the consequences now ", Stefan said

"Are you kidding me? What are the consequences? Do you know what this family? "Jason pointing to my family " did to all of us. How many of us are dead because of him? We lost Jenne, that kind, caring woman who would do anything for her family. She died because that selfish Son of a bitch wanted to be a powerful hybrid; let's not forget that my wife was drained of her blood, and the reason she's still alive is because of John. Let's not forget all the pain and suffering he put us and you through, Stefan. How was it been the ripper again? Let's not forget the way he spoke to Rebel and Luna to women. He should've been on his knees apologising to them; all you think are the consequences will blow over. They're going to be friends. This is going to end in bloodshed. Rebel diamond Luna, our mother, is going to kill us. And let's not forget about my wife. I'm a dead man walking."

Caroline looked at me. "You're being dramatic. Everything is going to be okay."

"Of course, you would think that. Let's talk with all the things you got from him dresses cosy little chance, let's not forget you naked in the Woods," Jason yelled at her

Caroline's face broke out in redness, and Regret quickly locked down as Stefan pushed his brother away from her. "That's enough. You don't get to speak to my wife that way."

Jason quickly shook his head. "Fine, but just you wait. He has a hold on her; I'm going to see it on my niece because I truly do think we're in for it right now," he said, walking away

Stefan and Caroline turn back to us. "We are so sorry about everything. We knew this situation wouldn't be easy and wanted to break it gently, but Willow-Katerina is very protective of her mother and father. She knows your stories. She doesn't see you as anything other than a monster. She has quite a temper end. I think we should get on with the tour before Any more distractions, "Stefan said quickly, showing us into the school

The Tour was exciting, hearing all the incredible things that the school had achieved, and it made me feel very confident to allow Hope to come here as we got to the last part of the tour in the library

"This is the Salvatore library. It has stories on every supernatural being in the world somewhere written by Doctor Saltzman, and others were donated by the Morningstar family as well as myself, Damon and Jason, "Stefan said, explaining this room

"I hope that you know that you are welcome here. Hope just because of the history we are family with us doesn't mean that you deserve to be punished you are more than welcome to join the school," Caroline said to my daughter

"There isn't going to be any problems with Willow, is there? Because I'd like my daughter to feel safe, "Hayley said, directed at both of the headteachers

They both looked at each other "Willow is a very passionate young lady. She's not afraid to stand up for what she believes in, but you have to understand she has seen Klaus's damage to her mother and her family. It makes her very anxious, and when she feels that we are, her first instinct is to fight back. Willow is a kind and caring young lady who has a lot of power inside of her. She will never hurt anyone intentionally. She's deafly more bark their bite," Stefan explained to all of us

I'm just in that moment. I felt that my daughter could feel safe, but what are you didn't expect to see a person I thought had been dead for quite some time

"I wouldn't be so sure about that. Willow-Katerina is just as dangerous as any werewolf, but you've always underestimated her. Have you, Stefan," Katherine Pierce said, walking into the room

Stefan and Caroline didn't even look shocked. "Katherine, we didn't know you would be here. What is the visit for?" Caroline said to her

Katherine, with her average Cheshire cat smile," I didn't know I needed permission to come to the school where my daughter attends as well as my great granddaughter and let's not forget goddaughter ", which made me look at Caroline's face it was like Katherine was stabbing her in the heart

"How are you alive? You died all those years ago, "Elijah said, looking at the woman he used to love

She smiled at him. "You can thank your daughter for my life. You see, when they were close to death, I relived some of the most painful moments in my life, especially the one when I returned home to find my family slaughtered by you, Klaus. I didn't know that Rebel had seen my memories as well. She was horrified that the man who had just donated his sperm did those things. She couldn't help but want to help me. She gave me a second chance, and my life has been incredible since I married. I have a child and my firstborn daughter. You see, the damage you did to me was all undone by the child you didn't even want. Knowing that she has more power than you will ever possess must hurt. Funny. You spent so many years running control of powerful supernatural beings, but you're a footnote compared to your daughter; rebel is the most powerful thing in this world. That's Gotta hurt."

I was utterly shocked. "Rebel saved your life, " I ask her

"Yes, she did," Katherine said, looking at me

"You said you wouldn't be back for a few weeks. You and Lucifer off enjoying your sixth wedding anniversary, "Stefan said to her

She smiled. "We were until we got a call from my goddaughter. Do you know Evie, beautiful and very tall, is the daughter of Rebel and Damon? Yeah, she called us as well as her mother and father telling us that the man that destroyed pretty much every part of our lives was bringing his bastard daughter into our school," she said

"Don't call my daughter that ", Hayley said

Katherine rolled her eyes. "I'm only saying the truth. What did you expect from her parents? Are hybrid that destroyed how many lives, and her mother that killed 12 hybrids define parents that were dead only to have a one night stand and puff miracle bastard baby, but I didn't take you long to jump into Elijah's bed, did it"

"Katherine, that is out of order. My relationship with Hayley has nothing to do with you. We fell in love. There is nothing wrong with that, "Elijah said to me

"It's quite ironic how you are. I'm a monster For doing things that I have to do to survive the world that your family put me in, and a woman like you, Hayley, Who came to this town to destroy Caroline's relationship with Tyler and, in the end, 12 innocent hybrids died for nothing and let's not forget Carol Lockwood died for simply loving her son, and that was because of you, but I forgot I am the monster Elijah " she said to my brother I could see in his eyes that she had achieved hurting him

"So you're jealous that I'm with Elijah? Get over yourself. He loves me, and you're just a figment of his past, "Hayley said trying to get under her skin

She started to laugh at Hayley. "You think I still care about him, please? I found a man who loves me for me, and you know him after all. He is his rebel grandfather, Lucifer Morningstar; the devil is my husband and the father of my little girl Skyler Luna; you say rebel, give me a chance. I always wanted, and I gotta because now I am Katherine Morningstar," she said, directed at all of us

"This is getting out of hand. Why don't you go see your daughter Katherine, and we can get the Mikaelson signed in, and everyone can go home," Stefan said, trying to be the peacekeeper

"I don't think that's going to happen in a very calm manner ", Katherine said, smiling

"What do you mean now? "Caroline said

"Why don't you go to your office? Some visitors are waiting for you, and their names are Rebel and Damon," she said

"They're here ", Caroline said, losing it

"Of course, they were already on their way back, Willow called them. I bet it's going to be a fascinating conversation. Good luck," she said as she walked away

Stefan and Caroline looked at each other; they knew they were in for it. "Let's just get this over with."

They made their way to the office, and we were followed behind. When we came into the room, we saw my daughter, the child I left behind with her husband

"Why would you look at this? It's quite a room, isn't it the father that abandoned me, the werewolf slut to hurt my best friends, this sister that I never got to know and as well as the family that allowed the selfish hybrid to abandon me and let's not forget my so-called best friend and brother-in-law isn't friendly and lovely get together "rebel said to all of us

"We were going to tell you when you returned; we didn't want any arguing. We just wanted everyone to get along, "Stefan said to my daughter

Rebel looked him straight in the eyes. "No, you lied to me. You knew what he did to me, what he did to this town, and you still allowed him to come back, "she said to both of them. She didn't even look in our direction

"This wasn't about him or them. It was about the hope she needs an education and somewhere to feel safe," Caroline said, finally speaking to the rebel

"Do you think I would have a problem at half coming to school? I'm not a monster like them; I don't hurt innocent people to make myself feel better, but that's not the problem. The problem is that my so-called best friend, the girl I classed as my sister, lied to me again, "Rebel said, shouting at the end

Caroline started to cry. "I am so sorry. I didn't want to lose you. I've made mistakes regarding Klaus and didn't want you to feel ambushed. I was going to sit down and talk to you all; please know that I never intentionally wanted to hurt anyone."

I could see the pain in Rebel's eyes. "Do you know what the worst thing was about getting the phone calls from my daughter and telling me all about the lies that you've been telling me? Do you know what he did to me, what he said, and how he made me feel? You were the one who sat there and hugged me as I cried, and in the end, you chose to sleep with the man who hurt me, but that's always been your way. Caroline, I had a crush on Matt, so you kissed him at a party. And when I started seeing Tyler, you were the one that put negative thoughts in my brain. Then, when Damon came to town, we had that first conversation together. It was you who said dibs because it was always about what you wanted, and you said that Elena was always your first choice. Well, Caroline, you pushed everyone aside to get what you wanted, and you did it again, just this time you slept with my father, the man who abandoned my mother pregnant and came back when he wanted something Because that's the person you are you take can you take, can you hide it behind your pretty little smile but this time I'm done you are no longer my friend "Rebel Sound letting all of her anger out

"No, you don't mean that I made a mistake, and I am sorry, but I couldn't help all of that thing. I was just so insecure about myself. You were a rebel, and everybody loved you, and I just wanted to be like you, "Caroline said

"That's an excuse; it is not my fault you felt insecure. You should've been my friend and understood what I was going through because as soon as Tyler and I broke up, you were the one that was kissing him, and you don't even know that did to me, and I'll give you a chance after chance but I draw the line at you continuing to put the selfish monster that I have the undecided pleasure of calling my father before me because that's all that you ever cared about what is yourself and who you were sleeping with at the time "

The room felt suffocated. I couldn't believe how the rebel felt, and I looked down at my family. And The shame that they felt was unbearable

" that is not true. I love you. You're my best friend. Don't do this, please, "Caroline said, pleading

"It's gone on for too long, Caroline; I don't trust you anymore because I remember that day very clearly when we were out in the woods looking from that. It was ironic because just before that, you were whingeing that you would not have any scandalous sex while making Jeremy and Bonnie very uncomfortable, but that's you all over. You say before you think, and then you came back after sleeping with my father and smiled like you had done nothing wrong, but I only had to find out what you did from Tyler as well as Catherine, and you did what you are doing now you're playing the wounded Bird after the tears please forgive me I can't take much more of this we're done Caroline we're no longer friends because I don't know who he would serve in a very dark situation klaus or me because let's be honest you cared more about him that you ever did about me "the rebel said putting the last nail in the coffin

"Why don't we come back another day? We can see that this is a family incident that needs to be handled. We don't wanna be in the way, "Elijah said, trying to get us all out

Rebel looked at him. "Family, I thought I was your family, Elijah. I was The chance for your brother's redemption. I guess that change the miracle baby was on that where did you need me for anymore, and we're not done, so no one is going anywhere until I say otherwise."

I knew I had to talk to her. "Rebel, I know I've made mistakes, but I am a different man now, and I would like to get to know you. I am sorry for the things that I have done, but don't punish the people around you because of what I have done," I said to her

"It's ironic that you think everything bad in my life was about you. The things I have been discussing have been going on long before you came into the picture, but seeing her just showed me that she is not my friend and I never want you in my life. I didn't need you because I had a great childhood with an amazing mother and family. Still, I give you the benefit of the doubt because you didn't know I existed, but what did you want me to do except that you're attacking my best friend or threatening to kill everyone that goes on your Where do you think I'm just going to sit back and let you, what did you say to me I wish you've never been born, I wasn't I wished your mother had a miscarriage do you yeah exactly the things you said to me and when you found out that I was in a relationship with Damon. You said that I should have more self-respect for sleeping with a man like him. Do you remember that so-called father?"

"Please tell me you didn't say those things; I just asked you a question. Dad, did you say those things to her? "I hope so, looking at me

"Yes, I did say them, and I regretted it as soon as they came out, "I told her

Hope covered her face with her hands. "You think regretting them makes a bloody bit of difference? What is wrong with you? "she said, moving away from me

"You'll get over it. That feeling of disgust when you think about your father, across from wishing to resenting, ends with regretting that you ever wanted to meet him. It's the stages you go through when you learn that your father is a monster, "rebel said Hope

"I understand there is a lot of tension in this, but Hope wants to come to the school, and I think we should let her. We can all deal with our problems later, "Stefan said yet again, trying to keep the peace

"I'd keep your mouth shut if I were you, brother, because when this is done, you and I are going to have a long, long conversation about how you put my daughter in a hazardous situation by allowing these people into our school you know how powerful Evie is when she gets angry and you didn't care for me, and you were going to have that talk later, "Damon said straight at his brother

"But you're right, Stefan; hope shouldn't suffer, so I've already filled out the paperwork for her to join our school. You start next Monday. I will do an assembly to ensure everyone is following their best behaviour. You have nothing to worry about. You've always been welcome here."

"Thank you. I know that must've been very difficult for you not to allow me to come to the school, and I want to say that if I had known that you existed, I would've liked to have had a relationship, "Hope said to rebel it made me feel even worse knowing that I cost them a sister relationship

"It wasn't your fault, but moving on to other subjects, Stefan Caroline, you're being put on probation. You are no longer the headteacher of the school. The other headteachers awarded it. We can't be lying to each other; we need to be honest until further notice. You are not welcome here," rebels said to both of them

"Can't be serious ", Stefan said, getting angry

Rebel looked at him. "I'm deadly serious. You see, you not only put the school in jeopardy, you didn't consider the people that had hurt your school supernatural. How many families do you think suffered at the hands of the Mikaelsons? You didn't even allow these kids to get their heads around. Don't worry, I will do that. On a personal note, you didn't even think about what he did to Elena and me. Let's not forget Jeremy and Matt and see if Tyler is still alive. He would have some huge things to say, considering he lost his mother due to Klaus and Hayley, and what about Rick? He lost his girlfriend because of him because he wanted to be a hybrid. Jenne lost her life so he could run in the woods. You didn't even think about those people, but I will know until further notice; you are not required to be here. Go home, both of you, "she said, explaining why she was doing all of this

"I hope you understand that I do love you, and I am sorry, and I hope one day we can fix things ", Caroline said to rebel

Rebel looked at her deep in the eyes. "Go home, Mrs Forbes-Salvatore. We're done here, "she said to Caroline, and I could see the pain in her eyes as she left the room

"Was that necessary? "I said to my daughter

"Yes, because there are seven head teachers of the school report, and they only told one other person because he turned up that day. The school is run and trusted, and they lied to us. And now I'm cleaning up the mess of phone calls I've had in the last two hours because parents have discovered that you have turned up at the school. They're concerned for their children's well-being, so I had to say that the people responsible for those lies were punished. And another thing, I don't have to explain myself to you. I never have and never will, so hope is welcome at the school so you can leave now, "Rebel said to me, trying to get me to leave

"I want to talk to you one-on-one. We need to have that conversation finally. I'm a different person now and saw you, and I think we can try for a relationship, "I said to her, hoping she would say yes

She looked at me. "I did try all those years ago, and it got me nowhere, so what is the point in trying again because as far as I'm concerned, you will finally become everything you didn't wanna be your father ", she said to me

My family were concerned about how I would react: "I am nothing like him. He was cruel, and he was abusive physically. I would never do that to you."

She started to laugh. "You didn't do that to me. You were cruel, and yes, you didn't hit me, but you verbally abused me. You made me feel worthless, so as far as I'm concerned, you were just like him, and we have nothing further to discuss. You only ring the school to talk about hopes for education. That is it. You lost the right to be my father a very long time ago, "she said to me, and I felt utterly broken inside

I didn't want to leave. I wanted to finish our conversations, but Elijah pulled me out of the room. I knew he was right in his actions by giving rebels some time. I want to make up for the things that I've done. I hope I get the chance to

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