I'll Protect You ✔️

By unconsentingsoul

10.9K 333 102

Mark Hudson has been kidnapped. He thinks no one is looking for him, and that he'll never get to be free. Det... More



1.9K 57 23
By unconsentingsoul

Finnick’s POV

I didn’t realize Mark had fallen asleep right next to me. It wasn’t until I heard remitting breathing and looked at his face to see he had gone to sleep. He looked so innocent when he was asleep. Like the world would be all perfect when he woke up. But after what he went through, I found it hard to believe how someone can just go to sleep. I didn’t know much about his past, just that he ran away from home. I admired his beauty. His smooth white skin, his brown hair that fell onto his face. And his lips. Those sweet plump lips. He started moving rapidly.

“No! Please! I didn’t do anything wrong!” He mumbled in his sleep. Out of instinct, I grabbed his hands and brought him closer to me. He stopped moving and I heard his breathing soften again. In his sleep, he hugged me and cuddled up next to me. I felt my mini-self start to get excited down there.

The movie at this point had ended. I chose to watch Call Me By Your Name. I’ve always liked this movie. Right now is the scene where Elio is crouched in front of the fireplace crying. This scene always broke my heart. The fact that the man he loved is with someone else and Elio can’t do anything about it. He cries for his lost loved while the world behind him moves on, not caring about the heartbreak he’s feeling.

Eventually sleep took over me and I felt my eyes grow heavy. Usually I don’t sleep easily but being with Mark, my brain was able to relax. I turned off the TV and adjusted myself. I pulled Mark off me slowly so as to not wake him. I turned and faced him properly. He got closer and hugged me again, his face settling onto my chest. His breath warmed my pecs.

I smiled, happily for the first time in a long time. And I went to sleep.

My phone alarm rang which jolted me awake. Mark mumbled and squirmed in his sleep. I patted him on the back like a baby to get him to sleep again.

It was around 7:00 am. Work starts in an hour so I had to leave. I got off the bed carefully and put my shoes on. I looked at the sleeping angel. He was hugging a pillow and snored lightly into it. I watched him sleep for about a minute. I went and grabbed a piece of paper and a pen and wrote him a note. Then left him some money. We couldn’t find his wallet at the crime scene and I think he doesn’t have any money. So I pulled out a few hundred to get him to buy some food and a few clothes.

He had lost a good amount of weight. His picture had him looking fuller. He was still lean but had some weight on him. Now he looks too skinny. Not that there’s anything wrong with being skinny. But he’s medically unfit and in danger. I’ll need to take him to a therapist soon.

I exited the small apartment before taking a quick glance at him.

I left and entered my car. I was surprised that it hadn’t been broken into or damaged. I got in and drove home. 

I entered my lonely house again. It felt off. Then I came to the conclusion it was because I had spent the night with Mark. He made me feel like I was home. This huge area feels empty. But Mark made me feel full. I took a quick shower and got dressed. I skipped breakfast because the precinct always has food prepared.

I entered the precinct and gave a hello to Pam.

“Where were you last night? I went to your house to talk but you didn’t answer.” She said, following me to the break room.

“Oh, I wasn’t home.” I grabbed the pot of coffee and poured myself a cup. Then I grabbed a maple bar doughnut and sat on one of the seats.

“So where were you then?” She took the seat in front of me. I didn’t know if I should tell her. There isn’t a policy that says you can’t be with victims. But I’m pretty sure it is frowned upon. 

“I was with Mark all night.” I rubbed my neck as a hard blush filled my face.

“Awww. You like him, don’t you?” She cooed at me.

“I umm, oh look we got the flower cups today!” I tried to change the subject.

“Oh Come On! Finn, you’ve been looking for someone for a long time and no one has ever made you feel like this. You look happier than ever. If I were you, I would ask him out.” She said with her eyes full of admiration.

“I do like him. But I’m not gonna ask him out. At least not yet. He literally just got out of being kidnapped. He needs time to heal.” I breathed. Pam understood where I was coming from and put her hand on my shoulder.

“If he trusts you, I say you be there for him. He’s gonna feel alone throughout the following weeks and he’ll need a support system. As long as you’re there to help him, he’ll trust you.” She winked at me.

“Thanks Pam! You’re always right!” 

“I know!” We both laughed and went our separate ways.

I entered the conference room which we had conducted all the search in. I looked around the room and saw everything. All the work we had done. All the late nights and pots of coffee. And in the end, it was all worth it.

“Detective Martin! We did it!” Baker said.

“We found him!” Reed said.

“Yes boys, we did. And I think we deserve a celebration.” Chang walked in with champagne and glasses. It was great. We drank a bit and reminisced about the past two months. After we were done, we settled down and packed everything into boxes. All the work was taken down slowly and we put everything on record.

Although I did keep the picture of Mark with me.

“Detective Martin, Chief Eric wants to speak to you.” Pam said. She addressed me by my professional name, something we only do when it’s a serious matter. I got up from my seat and walked towards the Chief’s office. The vibe was off. Sinister. Pam gave me a look I couldn’t decipher.

I walked in and was met with Chief Eric. And standing next to him was Carlos.

“Finnick. Please, take a seat.” I sat and balled my fists. I gave Carlos a menacing glare. I could’ve sworn I did a low growl at him.

“What’s this about, Chief?” I asked in my most composing tone.

“First of all, I wanted to congratulate you on your successful work. You were able to find Mark Hudson and bring him to safety.” He said in a blank tone. This is expected when he thanks you. Don’t expect a huge balloon and cake and him kissing your feet.

“Thank you, Sir.”

“However, it’s come to my attention that you went home with Mr. Hudson and slept with him.” My eyes widened. How did he know! I glanced at Carlos who gave me a smirk. I wish I could’ve punched him.

“It’s not what it looks like-”

“Detective Martin,” shit he didn’t call me Finnick. “You should know that sleeping with recent victims, while not a crime, can be considered taking advantage of someone.”

“What do you mean?”

“The boy had just been found. And he was tortured to the extend. He’s vulnerable right now, and he may look at you like a beacon of home. Someone who will protect him.”

“HANG ON! I’m not taking advantage of him! I didn’t sleep with him! All I did was be there for him! He asked me to stay because he was scared! And I did!”

“That’s not what Carlos told me. He said that you want to date Mr. Hudson to fill your needs.”

I looked at Carlos with rage. I’ve had enough of this bitch. He’s done way worse things but dares to tell on me. I’m sorry Pam, but I can’t let this asshole walk around these halls anymore.

“Funny. Ya’know, Chief Eric, why don’t you ask Carlos what he does to your girlfriend before closing time.” I glanced at Carlos who shook his head as to tell me no.

“What are you referring to, Detective Martin?”

“I’m talking about the fact that he and his posse of imbeciles harass Pam to the point where she doesn’t feel safe. She doesn’t want to tell you because she thinks it’s not a big problem. But it is. He’s walking around making obscene gestures and cat calling her every time you’re not around! I’m the one taking advantage? What about him?!?” I pointed to Carlos who had receded into the corner of the office.

The look on the Chief’s face displayed only surprise, then anger.

“Carlos. Is this true?” Carlos nodded no but Chief wasn’t taking his bullshit.

“PAM! COME IN HERE!” Chief screamed. The door opened behind me and Pam walked in.

“Baby, is it true that Carlos has been harassing you when I’m not around?” His demeanor and voice changed. It was soft, caring. Pam looked at me and I nodded to signify it was okay. 

“Y-yes Eric. It’s true.” Pam looked down. Chief turned to Eric.


We were left speechless. Chief rarely yells, just raises his voice.

“B-but, sir. Please. I can explain.”

“Save it, Carlos. Leave before I throw you out myself. It’s not like you don't deserve it.”

Carlos simply looked down. He walked out the room and the door closed behind him. 

“Babe, can you tell me who else I need to fire?” Chief asked Pam.

“You may be excused, Finnick. Sorry for the mixup. I just want to let you know to be careful around Mr. Hudson. He’s in a fragile state right now. As long as you have no mal intentions, you’re free to do as you like.” He spoke to me. I simply nodded and walked out the room.

“Thank you.” Pam whispered to me. I nodded at her and walked out.

I went to my office and ingored the stares from everyone else. I didn’t have time to focus on what people had to say. Instead I sat in my office for an hour looking over my files. I had to fill out some paperwork regarding Mark’s case. 

‘Where is the victim currently residing?’ was one of the questions.

‘Mark Hudson is currently living in an apartment on 472 Slough Avenue.’ is what I wrote.

‘Who is his support system as of right now?’ was the next question.

This question puzzled me a bit. I actually didn’t really know. His landlord, but that’s mainly just for payment. Martha, but Mark said that they aren’t really friends. Still, I wrote their names down on the sheet so it isn’t empty. I heard a knock from my door.

“Come in.” I said. It opened and Pam was there.

“Finn, someone is here to see you.” I raised my eyebrow. I never have visitors. I wonder who it is.

“FINN!” I heard a voice that recently has made my heart flutter. A lullaby that puts me to sleep. A voice that I want to wake up to and go to sleep to. A voice I want to hear until the day I die.

“Mark!” I said not too excitedly. I got up quickly and went to hug him. I embraced him tightly as if he would disappear at any second. I smelled his hair, smelling a sweet fruit taste. 

“How was your day so far?” I asked him. I hope he went out to do some business.

“It was okay. I felt lonely. Got a lot of stares. But I went and got some groceries and bought some clothes. Thanks for the money by the way. I’ll pay you back soon when I start working.” He said looking up at me. A hint of happiness was in his eyes. His blue eyes were entrancing.

“That’s great. Sorry I had to leave early. I needed to work.”

“It’s fine. What time do you get off of work?” He asked and looked down. I think he felt embarrassed by asking me.

“Umm, 6:45 pm. Why?”

“I uhh, I wanted to cook for you, as a way to thank you for being with me.” He said while rubbing his arm shyly.

I remembered that his kitchen was so small. I knew he wouldn’t be able to cook even a decent meal in that place.

“How about you cook at my place. I have a much bigger space and you can have more room.” I asked hopefully. This may seem like we’re moving too fast but I just want to be nice.

“Are you sure? I don’t want to be a bother.” Aww poor thing.

“It’s fine. Plus you can sleep over if you want.” 

“Okay then! I’ll see you then.” Mark reminded me of a small child who was just given his favorite candy after getting hurt. Mark stayed with me for two hours. During the time he stayed in my office, he sat in my chair away from the door. Every time someone walked into the office to deliver me papers, he would shy away and hide behind a book he read. 

We went out to get food from the break room. He followed behind me holding my hip. We got some stares but I chose to ignore them.

Finally it was time to go home. Mark had left a few hours ago to pack some things he was going to need to cook. 

“FINN!” Mark said when I entered his apartment.

“MARK!” I said back. He jumped and hugged me as I caught his frail body. He snuggled into my neck and kissed my lips. I looked at him with wide eyes and he jumped off me.

“I-I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to do that.” He lowered his head. I put my fingers under his chin to lift them up. I looked into his eyes. 

“It’s okay. C’mon! Let’s go home- I mean, to my house.” I laughed nervously. I hope he didn’t catch what I tried to say. He turned around and got a bag. I saw him struggling so I went to pick them up easily. I saw his face blush.

The ride to my house was in an awkward silence. I played a bit of music to drown out the ambience. We arrived home- to my house. 

“Woah! Your house is so big! How do you remember where anything is?” He awed at my foyer. I laughed.

“It gets easier when you live here after a few years.”

“Does anyone else live here with you?” 

“Nope. My parents are in a retirement home.” I responded, realizing I sounded lonely.

“Aren’t you ever lonely? You have such a big house but no one to share it with.” I looked at him and he looked at me.

‘I could share it with you.’ is what I wanted to say. Instead we continued to make eye contact. Until he looked away blushing, as was I.

“We should get ready. Where’s your kitchen?” He looked behind him in the corridor. 

“It’s down and then to the left. You go get ready and I’ll get changed. If you need any help just look for me. I’ll be on the second floor, third door to the right.”

“Okay. I’ll see you soon.” He responded. He walked down the hallway while I looked at him. I watched his ass move side to side. He turned around when he was at the end of the hall and saw me checking him out. I snapped out and ran to the stairs.

I got ready by taking off all my clothes. Then I took a shower. I walked out of my bathroom in only a towel. I removed my towel leaving me naked. Then the door opened.

“Hey Finn. Do you know where the- OH GOD I’M SORRY!” He closed his eyes as he saw my junk. He ran out the door and I caught a glimpse of blushing on his face. I chuckled lightly. I put on my briefs.

“What is it Mark?” I asked while cracking the door open to see him looking away from me. 

“I-I um, I was gonna, um, do you know, um, where the dongs- I mean, tongs are. I need them to cock- TO COOK the chicken. Oh god!” He said the last part softly. I bursted out laughing.

“Oh you poor thing,” I wiped my tears away. “They’re in the drawer on the island counter. Left side of the stove.”

“Umm, thank you sir- Finn.” And with that he walked, more like ran, down the hall to the stairs.

I finished dressing. This may not be a date, but I dressed as if it was.

I walked down to the stairs to see him in the kitchen wearing an apron. I swear to God, give me the strength to control myself.

“Hey Finn,” He looked awkward. Makes sense seeing as how he just saw my dick. Wasn’t expecting it to happen now but I was hoping eventually he would.

“Hello to you too, Mark. Sorry for earlier. I should’ve locked the door.”

“No! It was my fault. I should’ve knocked instead of walking in like it’s my house.”

‘We could share it together.’ I wanted to tell him.

“Why don’t we just eat. I’m starving after a long day.” I patted my stomach as it growled. We both heard it and laughed. 

We ate dinner and it was amazing. This man can really cook! It would feel better if I could eat his cooking everyday. But I noticed an eerie silence from Mark.

“What’s on your mind, Mark?” He snapped out of his daze to look at me.

“It’s nothing. Don’t worry about it.” I knew he was lying. Even though I’ve only known Mark for a day, I could tell when he felt off.

“Please tell me, Mark. I want you to be able to tell me anything.”

“Fine. I, I wanted to tell you that I like you. Like, a lot.” He said and I couldn’t help but blush at his shy face. 

“Oh.” is all I said. OH!? OH?!? The man confessed that he liked me and all I said was ‘Oh.’

“I mean, I like you too actually.” I shyed away, refusing to look at him.

“Really?!” He sounded excited.

“Yeah! Ever since I first saw you, you were so innocent. I wanted to just hold you after what you went through. But I didn’t want to scare you.”

“Nonsense. I liked you too when I first saw you. You were the first person in months who’s shown me care and value. You made me feel like I matter. Some would say I became clingy to you, but I think I love you. That may sound too early, but I do.” A few tears came out of his eyes.

I reached to his side of the table. He flinched when I raised my arms towards him. But he softened when I hugged him. I held him. I let him sob into my shoulder. I truly do care for him. I honestly feel like we may have something here. I may finally find someone whom I can love and be loved back. 

Minutes passed as we hugged on the chair together. I felt the need to protect him. He’s been through so much, that I feel that he deserves to be loved. 

“Let’s go to bed shall we?” I said. He pulled away and looked at the ground. He nodded.

“C’mon, I’ll show you where you’ll be sleeping.” I secretly am wishing that he’ll ask if he can sleep with me. 

“Will I be sleeping with you?” He asked while he walked behind me.

“Do you want to?” Please say yes.

“If you don’t mind, I do.”

“Okay then. You’ll sleep with me. I promise not to do anything to you or make any advancements. Unless you want me to.” I smirked at him. 

“Finn, stoooopp!” He giggled. He really should laugh more. It sounds amazing.

We got ready. Mark changed in my bathroom. I gave him a spare toothbrush and he took a quick shower. Meanwhile I changed into my pajamas. 

“Hey, are you fully clothed?” Mark’s voice sounded from the other side of the bathroom door.

“Yeah, it’s safe.” The door opened and he walked out.

“I thought you said you were fully clothed.” He looked at my exposed torso.

“I always sleep shirtless.” He blushed and trailed his eyes to my muscles. 

“See something you like?” I joked. He looked away, suddenly finding the lamp to be interesting. 

“Let’s just,” his voice cracked until he cleared his throat. “Let’s just go to sleep.”

We both got into bed. He went to the right side and I went to the left side. At first we were on opposite ends of the bed. I was too afraid to move closer in case I scared him. I turned away from him because his face hypnotizes me.

“Finn?” His voice resonated within the quiet room.


“Can I move closer to you?”

“Oh uh, yeah, sure.” I tried not to sound eager. 

I felt movement and then warmth next to my body. I turned around and was met face to face with the man I’m falling for. Even in the dark night, his eyes shined. 

“Can I ask you a question, Finn?” He said.


“Will you be my boyfriend?” He bit his lip. 

This is honestly my first time in my adult life someone has asked me out. Usually I go on dates with people only to find that they aren’t the perfect match. But someone asked me out, I was inexperienced. I’ve always wanted a girlfriend or boyfriend. 

“Nevermind. It’s fine if you don’t want to.” He said. I guess I didn’t say anything for a while.

“No, I mean. Yes, I’ll be your boyfriend!” He squealed.

“EEH! Thank you.” And he kissed me. Except this time, I kissed back. Because I knew right then and there that I had the same mutual feeling.

“You’re too innocent for this world.” I hugged him again. 

Sleep started to overtake me. For once, I didn’t want to go to sleep. My biggest fear was that this was a dream and Mark wasn’t actually here. I pinched myself on the shoulder.

Yep, this is real.

I watched my prince asleep in my arms. He was beautiful. He’s suffered so much. And now I hope that I’ll be able to give him the love that I can.

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