Periodicity Adventures : Char...


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The characters are based from periodic table with little humanized characteristics. Еще

02. Helium
03. Lithium
04. Beryllium
05. Boron

01. Hydrogen

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Name: Hydro Cavendish

Species: Hydrogen

Gender: male

Age: 28 years old

Height: 58 cm

Weight: unknown


Hydro Cavendish is one of the residents of Mendeleev Housing, which was located on Periodic City, the capital city of Chemistria. He is a guy with sailor clothes who move from Hydrogen Village to Periodic City because he moved job on that place, which is the harbour.


He is simple, friendly, supportive, sympathetic, good at leading people, but kinda careless, airhead, and sometimes bossy. He is a good leader that he become the new leader of the housing. He likes to see stars every night which is his hobby. His parent said that stars and even the sun which also the star is made of hydrogen gas. He see the stars as family. However he don't like to be called short by other people. Sometime in other cases, he can get angry and burst fire angrily because people said he has a short size. After that he will be regret what happened to him. He actualy pretty likes to live in simple live.

He is close friend with Oxy, Nitro, and Carla. altough he is really older than Oxy and Nitro. He sometimes friend with other element on the housing or outside of the housing.

His is take a job at harbor where he and other fellow elements get along and work together to bring many boxes to the ship.


Once he was in the Hydrogen Village, he was lived with both of his parent. His mom and dad is a farmer who lived in a simple live. For Hydro they are a hero who always support him to be a sailor that he was dreamed about because of his Grandfather, Henry Cavendish. His grangfather is a great sailor on his live. Everytime his grandfather gat day off from harbour, he always did vacation on Hydro and his parent's house. He always tell to Hydro about his journey as sailor look alike. About his name, Henry Cavendish, his perent is inspired his name from the actual name of the scientist who discover of Hydrogen race. His names is Henry Cavendish. He is a politician and scientist who. But the name for the most old race in element history is actualy Antoine Lavoisser, another scientist, which he named the race Hydrogen, meaning "Water Making".

Shockingly Henry Cavendish is from Hydrogen Race, while Antoine Lavoisser is from Oxygen race. In history long time ago Hydrogen and Oxygen are two races where they always working together and being friend for a long time.

Race facts:

Hudrogen are the most oldest races that lived long time ago in ancient history.

Hydrogen race can used stars as sign so they can't be lost. They also belive that they and the stars are related to them.

The race of Hydrogen are the must shortest from every elements race. Usualy male are in size of 50 cm to 60 cm, female with 40 cm to 50 cm, and children with 30 cm to 40 cm.

Many if Hydrogen races are live in simple life, and some of them can be challenge lover. They are good to be leader of their own groups. Several Hydrogen are also can become most influencial leader, such as mayor of the kain city and president in the country.

In every village where Hydrogen lived, they dancing at the night that lighted the dark by stars to showed that they are happy to see the stars again. Because they belive they are the decendants of stars at the night sky.

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