Arrogant Alpha, My Mate(AAMM)

By thailia1

304K 9.7K 937

A mate, Alexis had always wanted hers. She thought that he would be the kindest person she had ever met. Then... More

Arrogant alpha, my mate(AAMM)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chpater 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 3

18.3K 536 42
By thailia1



Alisha's P.O.V.

I watched in amazement as Alexis fought the rouges.

She did so with such ease.

Granted, I was scared for her life and mine but she was so graceful when she fought.

My thoughts snapped back to the wolf that was advancing on me.

All I had to do was hold him off until Alexis could help.

I snarled and snapped as fiercely as I could.

He seemed surprised but only slowed for a moment.

Meanwhile, Alexis only had Blake and another wolf left.

I was almost up against a tree when I snarled again but this time I lashed out with my paw.

He stopped for a little longer this but then continued towards me.

He was about to reach me when something slammed into his side.

I looked up and saw that it was Alexis.

I let out a breath as the wolf fell to the ground.

Alexis was about to finish him off when she was ripped away by Blake.

I let out a yelp as he bit her leg.

Then she slammed his head into a rock.

He turned back to a human then fell to the ground, limp.

Alexis limped over to me and stood over me.

I heard a snap of a branch and I heard Alexis snarl.

Then Bryan's scent hit me.

I whimpered.

Alexis relaxed over me as she smelled who it was.

They ran into the clearing a moment later.

" Go change," Carter said to Alexis as he tossed her his shirt," we need to talk,"

Bryan did the same thing with me.

We both took the shirts and went behind some trees.

" Are you okay?" she whispered as she pulled the shirt over her head.

" Physically, yes. Emotionally, I'm a little shaky," I whispered back, giving a weak smile.

She nodded then we both walked out.

" Did you take all of these rouges out by yourself?" Carter asked in shock.

" No, Alisha helped me," she lied.

" You can't lie to me," Carter said instantly and she hung her head.

" Yes," she muttered.

There was complete silence and she peeked up to see all of the guys staring at her.

" Oh and by the way. Blake Currit is over there. I didn't kill him or the one going after Alisha, they are both unconscious. So you can lock them up for questioning or torture. Either way," she said shrugging but she winced in pain and grabbed her left arm.

" Holy crap, Alexis your hurt," Carter said, rushing forward and scooping her up, bridal style.

" I'm fine, just a small bite," she said," You don't have to carry me,"

" Yeah but you could be in shock," he said and she laughed humorlessly.

" Yeah right. About killing a few rouges? Please! I've killed over 300 rogues. Four and a small bite is nothing. If anyone is in shock, it is Alisha," she said angrily as she pointed at me.

" Okay then I'm carrying you because I can," he said.

" Fiiiine," she gave in grudgingly.

Bryan also scooped me up but I was too shocked to even respond.

" Good, now Ian, Ryan, grab Blake and that one," he said using alpha tone," Danny, Josh, Michael, I want you to clean this up before someone finds it," Carter said, using his alpha tone.

They nodded and everyone set to work.

Carter carried Alexis off towards the house and they had a conversation that I couldn't make out.

" I'm alive," I whispered and I heard Bryan chuckle.

" Yes Alisha, yes you are," he said quietly, his breath hot on my neck.

I thought for a moment.

" I want to learn to fight," I stated and I felt him tense.

" No," he said, his playfulness gone.

" Why not?" I whined as we reached the house.

" You could get hurt," he said.

" Okay, so I can't get hurt by people you know and trust but I can get nearly killed by crazy rouges?" I questioned and I looked up to see his jaw set.

" Not happening," he said stiffly as he carried me upstairs.

I stayed silent as I thought then just as he laid me in his bed, an idea hit me.

" What about Alexis?" I suggested.

" What?" he asked, confused.

I sighed and rolled on myself on my side.

" What if she was the one who trained me," I clarified.

" I dunno," he said, sounding unsure.

" Oh come on," I said, sitting up," She's a girl so she'll know the best way to train me and you won't have to worry about a guy being in close quarters with me. Pleeeeeeease, it's my fault that Alexis got bit, she took out the wolves coming at me while defending herself," I said, looking away.

I felt him take my face and tilt me towards him.

" Is that true?" he questioned.

I nodded.

" Yes, Blake got to her as she was attacking the other guy coming at me," I said, ashamed.

" Okay," he said.

" What?" I asked, confused.

" I'll let you train but ONLY if Alexis is the one training you," he said.

I squealed and threw my arms around his neck.

" Come on, let's go find Alexis," I said, jumping out of his bed.

He flung his arm over my shoulder and we both walked casually downstairs, even thought I was about to explode with happiness.

I bounced into the kitchen where I saw Carter.

I was surprised that Alexis wasn't with him but I figured she was exhausted.

He seemed to be in a different world as he stared at something on the island.

I walked over and looked at what he was staring at.

It was three notes that said ' I ', ' love ', and ' you '.

They were in Alexis' handwriting.

I squealed and he jumped.

" Oh my gosh," I screeched as I flung my arms around his neck.

" Alisha, what the hell are you," Bryan began but he stopped when he saw the notes.

" Woah," he muttered.

" I know, my little Carter is growing out of his playerish ways," I cooed.

He swat my hand away.

" Knock it off Alisha, I'm not even sure if she meant it," he growled.

" Whatever. Where is she? I need to ask Alexis something," I whined.

" What do you wanna ask me?" she chirped as she walked in.

Carter quickly put the notes in his pocket.

She gave him a weird look then turned back to me.

" What did you wanna ask me," she asked.

" Willyoutrainmesoicanfightalittlebetter?" I asked quickly but with the help of wolf hearing, she understood me.

She beamed.

" Of course, in fact," she said, turning to Carter," I want to train every girl in his pack,"

Our jaws all dropped.

Alexis' P.O.V.

My eyes opened slowly and I groaned when I saw that I had only slept for two minutes.

" Screw me," I muttered as I swung my legs out of the bed.

Then I realized why I couldn't sleep.

I needed Carter to sleep and he was obviously gone.

I walked downstairs to the kitchen because I could hear voices there.

" Whatever. Where is she? I need to ask Alexis something," I heard Alisha whine.

" What do you wanna ask me?" I chirped as I walked in.

Carter quickly put something in his pocket.

I gave him a weird look then turned back to Alisha.

" What did you wanna ask me," I asked.

" Willyoutrainmesoicanfightalittlebetter?" she asked quickly but with the help of wolf hearing, I understood her.

I beamed with pride.

" Of course, in fact," I said, turning to Carter," I want to train every girl in his pack,"

Their jaws all dropped.

" You want to do what with OUR pack," he said, emphasizing the our.

" Yeaaaah, I want to train all the girls in your pack," I said,without thinking.

" OURS, damn it," he roared and we all jumped.

His eyes began to turn black.

" Ok, your right, it's our pack. I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking," I said as I stood on my tip toes.

I pressed my lips to his cheek and smiled when I felt a tingling sensation throughout me.

I let my lips linger for a moment as I pulled away then looked into his eyes.

They were back to normal.

I let out a sigh of relief.

He smiled down at me, one of his rare, genuine smiles.

Then Alisha had to go and ruin the moment.

" Why would you wanna train all the girls in our pack?" she asked.

" Because," I said," no offense to Alisha but I saw first hand how useless. The girls in this pack are when it comes to fighting. They need to at least know some basics,"

" I should be offended but I'm not cause it's true," Alisha shrugged.

" I see your point," Carter sighed and I grinned," but we will discuss it with some elders at the next meeting,"

" Oh, when is that?" I asked.

" Two hours, and some of the surrounding power will be there too," he said and my eyes shot open.

" WHAT! I have less than two hours to get ready," I panicked.

" Relax, you look fine," Carter said.

" Nooooo, I don't," I said, pulling away from him," Alisha, I'm gonna need your help,"

" Kay-Kay," she chirped as I dragged her upstairs.

We walked into her room and she began digging through her closet and tossing things at me.

By the time she was finished,I had ,like, 20 outfits in my arms.

" Um, I hate to mention the obvious, but I can only wear one outfit," I said and she turned to face me, putting her hands on her hips.

" I KNOW that Alexis but I need things to choose from," she said," How about this one?"

Looking up, I saw that she was holding a blue sundress up.

" A dress?" I questioned with a look of disgust.

" Yup," she said, shoving it at me then pushing me into her bathroom.

I heard a soft click and when I tried to turned the knob, it was stuck.

" Who puts a lock on the outside of the door?" I whined.

" Me," came the simple response from Alisha.

I scowled.

Giving up, I slipped the dress on.

It actually didn't look to bad, I just don't like dresses.

" Oh, btw, when you come out I'm doing your hair and make up," Alisha said and I winced.

" Fiiiiiiine," I gave in but really I was trying to buy time for my escape," give me a minute or two to put the dress on,"

Then a window caught my attention.

"Who puts a window in a bathroom, that's just asking for trouble," I thought.

" Hey Alisha, I need to go to the bathroom," I said.

" Fine, but don't think it's gonna get you out of make up,"she said.

I waited a minute or so then flushed the toilet.

As quickly as I could, I slid the window open.

I hoped that the sound of the toilet would block the sound of the window.

Looking down at the ground, I knew I had a choice.

Stay and let Alisha put makeup on me or jump and quite possibly shatter both my legs.

" Jump it is," I muttered.

" WHAT!" I heard Alisha scream.

I walked off the window ledge and plummeted down.

My eyes snapped shut as I got closer to the ground.

I was going to land on grass, so I shouldn't break anything if I didn't try to catch myself and the only way that was gonna happen was if my eyes were closed.

But then, out of no where, I felt warm arms wrap around me.

I peeked through my fingers and saw that I was only a few feet from the ground.

Letting out a sigh of relief, I turned to see who my savior was.

I didn't recognize him but it was pretty obvious that he was pissed.

There was no time to thank him for catching me because a moment later Alisha's head popped out of the window.

" Alexis! I'm gonna kill you," she shrieked, then her head disappeared.

" Shit," I swore, jumping out of my savior's arms and grabbing his hand," run,"

He complied but I could tell he was confused.

After a few moments I let him go but he still followed.

I stopped and turned to face him.

" Okay, I need you to run to the kitchen. You still kind of smell like me from catching me," I said.

" I don't take orders from intruders much less females," he said.

" Oh for the love of God, I'm not an intruder, you saw that Alisha knew my name. Added onto that I'm," I began but then I heard Alisha.

" You can't hide forever, Alexis," she yelled from somewhere else.

" Just go," I said using the alpha tone I had grown up with.

His eyes widened for a moment before I turned and sprinted off.

Circling around the house, I ran in through the back door and towards the kitchen.

As I turned into the kitchen, someone grabbed my right arm.

It wasn't Carter but I could tell that it was a male.

My mind instantly flicked to Blake.

I grabbed the arm and threw my head back.

It connected with something and it hurt but I knew it hurt the other person more.

Taking my left arm of him, I elbowed him.

Lastly, I took my right leg and put it just behind his then, wrenching my right arm free, I turned and shoved with all my might.

I heard the swears of someone and I turned to see my attacker.

It was the guy who had saved me earlier.

" Oh my God, I am so sorry," I said as I tried to help him up but he just glared at me then looked embarrassed at something behind me.

I turned to see Carter.

My heart fluttered against my will.

My focus was distracted though, when I heard a sound behind me, then two hands on my shoulders.

I was about to step on the dude's foot when a deafening roar shook the house.

I turned to see Carter shaking with anger.

" Mine," he said in a dangerously low voice.

The hands were instantly gone from my shoulders and Carter was at my side in a second, his arm firmly around my waist.

" I see you've met alexis too," the savior dude said to Carter," she your flavor of the day,"

My jaw dropped.

Before I could even think, I took a step forward and slapped him with all my might.

His jaw dropped and I turned to see Carter smiling a little.

" Are you not going to do anything?" the guy asked Carter.

" You shouldn't have insulted your future Luna," he said, shrugging.

The guys jaw was now practically grazing the ground.

I grinned.

Carter looked between us, the look of amusement clear on his face.

" I take it you two know each other," I guessed and he nodded.

" Yup, Dennis here is one of my best friends AND the second best fight in the pack, behind yours truly of course,"he said.

I turned to look at Dennis and glared at him.

" Well THAT would've been nice to know," I said.

" In my defense," he said, holding his hands up in defeat," I was a little busy catching you because you decided it was a GREAT idea to jump from a second story window,"

I tried to jump out of Carter's arms so I could get Dennis to shut up but Carter held fast.

" You did WHAT?" he shouted and I winced.

Dennis grinned.

" Yeah, I had just come back from cleaning up the rouges when I see her jumping out of her window, so I go and catch her," he said, looking way top happy.

I lunge towards him but once again,I am held in place by Carter's arm.

" Take a wild guess who killed those rouges, I could snap you like a twig," I threatened in a low tone and he just laughed.

" Who do you think you are, Alexis Silaret?" he asked and this time, I laughed.

" Yup," I said,simply.

" Oh, I guess that's why everyone's been calling you Alexis," he said, embarrassed.

" Noooooooooo," I said sarcastically, turning to face Carter.

I expected him to be amused but he looked pissed.

" You jumped from a WINDOW! On the SECOND floor," he yelled and I winced.

" Maybe," I said weakly.

" Either you did or you didn't," he continued to yell.

" Yes," I whispered.

He seemed to sense that I was scared.

He took my chin and tilted my face up so I was looking at him.

Tears were pricking my eyes and a single tear escaped and rolled down my cheek.

His eyes softened and he used his thumb to wipe the tear away.

" Why would you do something so stupid," he said softly.

" Alisha wanted to put makeup on me," I whimpered.

I jumped when a loud laugh rang through the kitchen.

Turning to face Dennis, I glared at him.

" What's so funny," I demanded.

" You jumped out of a window to avoid putting makeup on?" he said between breaths.

" Yah, makeup is gross," I said, my face contorting into one of disgust.

" Okay, so warrior princess Alexis Silaret is your mate," he said to Carter and I felt Carter nod.

" I love that name," I muttered and I heard Carter chuckle.

" You really never heard that you were called the warrior princess?" he asked, his breath hot on my neck.

I shivered against my will and shook my head.

" Nope never," I shrugged.

" It shouldn't come as a surprise," Dennis said and only then did I remember he was there.

" Why not?" I asked.

" Dude, you really need to give your mate an ego boost, she is clueless," he said to Carter and with that he left.

" What? I'm so confused," I whined as I ran my hand through my hair.

" Alexis, you," Carter but he was cut off by the door slamming.

I turned and saw a very angry Alisha standing in the entrance of the kitchen.


" I didn't want to put on makeup," I shrugged.


She took a step towards me but Carter moved in front of me.

" I may not be able to hurt you but I have no problem punching Brian. If my mate doesn't want something,then it isn't going to happen Alisha," he said, and with that he angrily walked away.

" Woah," Alisha said after Carter was gone," he is whipped,"

" I don't know what your talking about," I said, my face flushing.

" Uh-huh, sure you don't,come on," she said pulling me upstairs.

" Where are we going?" I asked suspiciously.

" Relax, my brother would kill me if I tried to get makeup on you but we need to get you shoes," she said and I let her drag me away to impending hell.

Carter's P.O.V.

For a finishing touch, Alexis shoved Dennis back and he fell to the ground.

" Oh my God, I am so sorry," she said as she tried to help him up but he just glared at her then looked embarrassed at something behind her at me.

She turned to see me.

She seemed to be distracted when Dennis stood and put two hands on her shoulders.

My wolf was instantly furious that another male, even though it was one of my best friends, was touching our mate.

I let out a deafening roar.

Their head both shot towards me.

" Mine," I said in a dangerously low voice.

The hands were instantly gone from her shoulders and I was at her side in a second, my arm firmly around her waist.

" I see you've met alexis too," Dennis said to me," she your flavor of the day,"

Alexis' jaw dropped as well as mine.

Before I could say anything, Alexis took a step forward and slapped Dennis with all her might.

His jaw dropped and my lips tugged into a smile.

" Are you not going to do anything?" Dennis asked me.

" You shouldn't have insulted your future Luna," I said, shrugging

Dennis' jaw was now practically grazing the ground.

Alexis grinned.

I looked between her and Dennis, still amused.

" I take it you two know each other," she said and I nodded.

" Yup, Dennis here is one of my best friends AND the second best fight in the pack, behind yours truly of course," I said.

She turned to look at Dennis and glared at him.

" Well THAT would've been nice to know," she said.

" In my defense," he said, holding his hands up in defeat," I was a little busy catching you because you decided it was a GREAT idea to jump from a second story window,"

She tried to jump out of my arms but I held fast.

" You did WHAT?" I shouted and she winced.

Dennis grinned.

" Yeah, I had just come back from cleaning up the rouges when I see her jumping out of her window, so I go and catch her," he said, looking happy.

She tried to lunge towards him but once again,I held her in place with my arm.

" Take a wild guess who killed those rouges, I could snap you like a twig," she threatened in a low tone and Dennis just laughed.

" Who do you think you are, Alexis Silaret?" he asked and this time, she laughed.

" Yup," she said,simply.

" Oh, I guess that's why everyone's been calling you Alexis," he said, embarrassed.

" Noooooooooo," she said sarcastically, turning to face me.

I was pissed.

" You jumped from a WINDOW! On the SECOND floor," I yelled and she winced again.

" Maybe," she said weakly.

" Either you did or you didn't," I continued to yell.

" Yes," she whispered.

I could sense that she was scared.

I took her chin and tilted her face up so she was looking at me.

Her eyes were glistening and a single tear escaped and rolled down her cheek.

My heart broke that I had upset her and my wolf howled inside of me.

My eyes softened and I used my thumb to wipe the tear away.

" Why would you do something so stupid," I said softly.

" Alisha wanted to put makeup on me," she whimpered.

She jumped when a loud laugh rang through the kitchen.

Turning to face Dennis, she glared at him.

" What's so funny," she demanded.

" You jumped out of a window to avoid putting makeup on?" he said between breaths.

" Yah, makeup is gross," she said, her face contorting into one of disgust.

" Okay, so warrior princess Alexis Silaret is your mate," he said to me and I nodded.

" I love that name," she muttered and I chuckled.

" You really never heard that you were called the warrior princess?" I asked.

She shivered and shook her head.

" Nope never," she shrugged.

" It shouldn't come as a surprise," Dennis said.

" Why not?" she asked.

" Dude, you really need to give your mate an ego boost, she is clueless," he said to me and with that he left.

" What? I'm so confused," she whined as she ran her hand through her hair.

" Alexis, you," I began but I was cut off by the door slamming.

I turned and saw a very angry Alisha standing in the entrance of the kitchen.


" I didn't want to put on makeup," she shrugged.


This infuriated me.

She took a step towards Alexis but I moved in front of her.

" I may not be able to hurt you but I have no problem punching Brian. If my mate doesn't want something,then it isn't going to happen Alisha," I said, and with that I angrily walked away.

I heard Alisha mutter something to Alexis then drag her upstairs.

I rolled my eyes as I went to change for the meeting.

It didn't take long for me to shower and get dressed but it was still almost time for the meeting to start.

" Alisha, are you done with my little mate yet?" I asked her through our mind link.

" Yup, we are waiting for you by the entrance of the meeting hall," she replied.

" Okay then, stay there," I said, already anxious to see my mate.

The pull was already getting stronger.

As I got closer, I heard the two of them talking.

" But he's your mate," I heard Alisha said and that stopped me dead in my tracks.

" I know he is," Alexis said," and I know I may seem invincible but what if this is just a ploy to win my heart then break it by rejecting me like he promised when we first met,"

My eyes widened.

" Oh come on Alexis, he was in High school and he was dumb," Alisha said and Alexis laughed humorlessly.

" You know, it's funny. I said the same thing when we first met and he slapped me," Alexis said and Alisha gasped.

" Really?" she breathed out.

" Yep, I would never tell him but I ended up needing surgery because it shattered half my bones on that side of my face. Even wolf healing wasn't enough on it's own," Alexis admitted and again Alisha gasped.

It took every bit of self-control I had to not rush into the room and apologize over and over.

" Why wouldn't you want him to know that" Alisha asked.

" Well really it's harder for me to talk about it because the same thing happened a week later on the other side," Alexis said meekly.

" Carter slapped you again," Alisha said quietly.

I had to wrack my brain but I was positive I had only hit her once.

" What, no," Alexis said quickly.

" Your lucky brother, I would have killed you in your sleep," I suddenly heard in my thoughts.

" What?" I thought back, trying to sound confused.

" Nice try, I know your just outside the doors. Alexis can't tell because she is freaking out too much," Alisha explained.

" Well then, what happened?" Alisha asked aloud.

" I'd rather not talk about it," Alexis said.

I couldn't take it anymore.

I plastered a big grin on my face and walked in.

Alexis instantly smiled but I knew it was fake.

" Hey, what are my two favorite girls talkin bout?" I asked.

" Just girl stuff," she lied smoothly.

" Okay then, are you ready to go in?" I asked cheerfully and they both nodded.

Now all that was left to do was figure out what happened one week after I met Alexis.


Sorry,not much of a chap. or chap. ending.

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