Capricorn Season - Jimmy Page

By justangiem

6.2K 116 136

An American photographer living in London and burgeoning rockstar Jimmy Page are brought together through unl... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 Part 1
Chapter 6 Part 2
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 Part 1
Chapter 15 Part 2
Chapter 15 Part 3
Chapter 16 Part 1
Chapter 16 Part 2
Chapter 16 Part 3
Chapter 17
Chapter 18 Part 1
Chapter 18 Part 2
Chapter 18 Part 3
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25 Part 1
Chapter 25 Part 2
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 24

81 1 1
By justangiem

"You're going to another Sabbath show?" Jimmy asked. 

"Yes! And this time it's by myself. I get to make my own contacts and build connections."  

He sighed. His brows weaved together in worry. "Why can't you just stay here with us?"

"I know you're nervous about me going off on my own," she rested her hand on his shoulder, lithe and warm, "but it's going to be okay. I'm going to be okay." 

"You promise?" He stuck his pinky out and waited for her to do the same. 

She hooked her pinky around his with a smile. "I promise." She then stood to get dressed, going to her suitcase as Jimmy started up again. 

"But why can't you go when we don't have a show? Why must you leave us? You're our best girl." 

"Lorelei will just have to suffice tonight. William is really proud of me that I landed Sabbath. They're new and already generating a lot of buzz. If we can catch them on the front side and have the photos in a couple of months everyone will want to work with the company, and me by extension. This is important." 

He sighed again, looking her over. She was undressed from the waist down, which didn't help his growing anxiety about her going out. He was already jealous, conjuring images in his mind of horny men and her inability to say no. "I suppose I understand." 

"You better suppose. This is good for my career. How would you feel if I bellyached about you making an album? Or going on tour." 

"I see your point, darling. Just promise me you won't go off and shag some man in the club toilets." 

"Well, the night is still young. I can't make any promises," she joked with a shrug. 

"Come here you cheeky bint!" He grabbed her waist and pulled her onto the bed. She let out a squeal that was heard by Lorelei and Robert in the next room over. As he tickled her she only grew louder, causing the blond couple to make assumptions about their actions. 


"What in the bloody hell are they up to over there?" Robert pressed his ear to the wall, waiting in silence to hear another sharp sound. 

Lorelei scoffed. "You are so weird. You're intruding on them, y'know? How would you feel if they did that to you?" 

"I bet Jimmy does, the ole chap. He's always been a little too fond of my hair," he mused, fluffing his flaxen curls. 

Lorelei giggled. "You have such a big head." 

"You think?" He said with wide eyes. 


"Will you wear my bracelet?" Jimmy asked, holding tightly onto her wrist. He didn't want to let her go. 

She laughed at him. He was acting like a child. "Why do you want me to?" 

"Just to give you something to remember me by." 

"Remember you? I'm going to a club, not Afghanistan." 

He looked at her with a pained expression. "Fine," she sighed. He slipped the bracelet on her wrist with a smile. 


The club was crowded and hot, packed to the brim with a slew of already too-drunk people. This club was larger than the one in L.A.; every seat was full. Luckily, she would be standing the whole show.

As the lights dimmed a wave of people cheered, roaring before the music even started. They were insatiable. She could understand why having felt the driving force of their music last week. The chemistry of the four was undeniable and produced something magical.

"This is some new material, off the album coming in a couple of months." Ozzy's voice was deep and inviting, ushering a hand to the audience to join them in their coming madness. "It's called Paranoid," he said with a flourish as the show began. 

Gwen was swept in as the group dove into a stuttering number. The brooding lyrics of exile and soiled love were fitting for his outcast persona, perhaps accurate for the odd man. She had to forcibly still herself as she clicked the camera button, the music taking her over. She wanted to jump around and dance, just a,s Ozzy was. At the first show, she was unfamiliar and stunned by their prowess, but now she wanted to join in on the fun.

She did just that when the band started on NIB. She knew it already, having replayed it endlessly on the record she bought. She annoyed Jimmy with this, as he did not enjoy the heavy sounds. She thought maybe he was jealous, seeing her fawn over another English band. 

Or perhaps he just didn't like the sound. He's more of a bluesy, classical fan anyway. He wouldn't get it, although a pioneer of heavy metal himself.

The flow of energy fueled her as she snapped photos. Each frame was turning out wonderfully. Although she could not see them, she knew already they would be great. She could feel the inspiration dancing in her fingers. Wi, the every movement of the band there was a synergy created. The camera was merely recording the transaction as she stood as a witness.

As the show wound to a close, the energy in the room filtered into a steady buzz. The crowd was filled with adrenaline and alcohol, the vilest of combinations. 

She filled three film reels. She'd taken almost eighty photos. William would be pleased, albeit a little bitter with the price. 

She didn't join the guys backstage like she originally wanted. When she checked her watch, which was borrowed from Jimmy, she saw that it was almost two in the morning. She could already feel her energy dwindling. 


When she returned to the hotel, she saw Jimmy had waited. The lamp was still on, and he was sat up in bed, his lower half burrowed under the covers. He was reading, the cover's two sides resting in his hands. He was devouring a book about astrology; the same one he'd bought at the Texas bookstore. 

"Hello, Gweny," He looked up to her with a smile as she entered. She gave him a sloppy greeting and crashed into the bed. 

She could feel the time wearing on her weary body. This tour was doing so much damage, running her ragged as she burned the candle from both ends. Every morning was an early rise and every night stretched into the late hours. This was the penance of her job.

"I'll take it you're tired?" He spoke, stating rather than asking. She nodded her head into his arm, resting her hot and tired forehead on his skin. "Come here." He raised his arm and allowed her to crawl into his chest and curl up, lying like a cat in his warmth. "Better?" She hummed a short response and quickly succumbed to sleep. 


The next morning she woke up with a joyous feeling. She looked forward to the work she was to do that night. When the morning sun rose, barely peaking from behind the clouds, she opened her eyes. Her movements woke him.

"G'mornin', love." His mumbling was barely audible.

 "Good morning, Jimmy Jam. How are you?" She asked while stroking his hair. 

"Would be better if you didn't call me that." 

"My apologies, Jimmy. How do you feel now?" 

"Like a bird with new wings." She chortled into the pillow he was laying on. His British humor was never lost on her. 

"Do you want to go to breakfast?" She asked.

"Is anyone even down there? It's so fuckin' early. Why are you up?" 

"I don't know, I was just spirited this morning."

"You usually aren't up unI'dI wake you. And by then, I've already been up two hours and taken a shower. It's quite cute how you're a deep sleeper." 

"Thanks, I guess. No one has ever said that to me before." She turned to look at him from the skinny hotel closet. She dressed in a white shirt and short overalls, finishing the look with two messy pigtails. 


"Hello, Mr. Jones." She smiled as she sat down at the breakfast table. 

"We're here to ruin your quiet morning." Jimmy jested. 

"No, no, you couldn't ruin my morning. I was just doing some light reading, as usual." He sat his book on the theL-ShapedIt was a copy of The L Shaped Room. "Y'know, Gwen, I think you would really like this book. It's about this girl who gets pregnant out of wedlock and her father kicks her out. She has to go live in this boarding house, and she meets all of the other denizens of the house. They are all outcasts and oppressed people. The main theme is a woman finding her own happiness through herself and her experiences. It's absolutely wonderful so far." 

"That sounds like a good read. You should lend it to me when you're done. Ooo, and then we can talk about it. It'll be like our own little book club!" 

"We should start one of those. You can give me a book and then we can talk about it," Jonesy's face was painted with a genuine smile. 

"I actually just finished reading Sisterhood Is Powerful. It's another feminist book. It's a little more academic, but I really loved it." 

Before he could give an enlightening response, Robert's loud voice filled the lobby. "Good morning, friends!" Peter was in tow, seemingly chasing the blond like he was a toddler. 

"Bright blessings." Jimmy smiled. 

"Huh?" Robert asked, his face twisting in confusion. 

"You say merry meet, Robert. It's a greeting." Gwen said. 

"Oh, merry meet, Jimmy." He felt cool now that he was in on it. He smoothed his sweater down as he sat next to Peter, who was billowing with smoke. 

"I would love to give it a try after I'm done with this one. I'm always on the hunt for new books." Jonesy ignored them, pulling Gwen's attention back to him. 

"What are you guys talking about?" Robert leaned into them on his elbows, a cheeky smile on his bright face. A cigarette sat between Peter's swollen fingers, the ash growing longer as he let it sit. His eyes swept over the morning paper. He was realL-Shapedignor,ng them. 

"The L Shaped Room." Jonesy said.

"So, you said it's about a woman who gets pregnant out of wedlock, and she doesn't stay with the father?" She asked. 

"I thought it was about a lesbian," Robert said. Gwen and Jonesy gave him a confused look. 

"What?" Jonesy asked. 

"Y'know, L-shaped. Lesbians. They both start with L." This made Jimmy laugh, but the other two were quiet. 

"No, she isn't interested in him. It's kind of a running theme, a woman's right to choose." Jonesy pushed his comment aside. 

"Where's Lorelei?" Gwen asked, bringing the attention back to Robert, much to Jonesy's chagrin. 

"She's sleeping beauty. I left her good and tired last night." Jonesy grimaced and Gwen laughed. Jimmy was staring off into space, pretending he was somewhere else. "Have you heard Joni Mitchell's new album?" Robert asked, not to anyone in particular.

"Oh my god, yes! I love her so much. I didn't know you listened to her too." Gwen chose to believe he was asking her.

"I adore her too. This new album was very special. I've been wanting to show it to Lorelei." Robert was lighting a cigarette of his own now. He fished it out of the cellophane wrapper and put it between his lips. 

Gwen grimaced as Robert flicked open his zippo. "I think it's their best work so far. I mean, conversation is one of the best songs I've ever heard." 

"Woodstock is just marvelous, really. I think she's doing some good stuff," his lips formed around the cigarette as he spoke. 

"I know! Her voice makes my soul leave my body. Jimmy, we have to have a Joni listening party when we get back home!" He nodded deftly and went back to his own imagination. 

The joyful breakfast was interrupted by an overexcited Bonzo. He ran from his room, pants bunched around his ankles. "Guys, guys!" He was barreling toward the group, pulling up his pants. He buttoned and zipped as he ran closer to his confused friends. "You have to see these titties, they're crazy!" Jonesy looked to the others; confusion thick on his features. Bewilderment was passed from each person in silence. Bonzo stood, petulant and wild-eyed, coaxing them to come into his hotel room. 'causedn't see 'um last night cause I was pissed, but I saw them this morning. They're crazy!" He repeated. 

The group was quite still, but Jimmy and Robert stood from their chairs, going to follow their friend. Gwen grabbed his sleeve, wrapping her fingers around his forearm, "Down, boy." She pulled him back into his seat, but Robert followed Bonzo to the room.

An uncomfortable silence sat around the table as Jonesy slurped his soup. He was trying his best to keep decorum and pretend this wasn't absurd. "So how did you enjoy the Sabbath show last night?" He asked. 

"Oh, it was lovely," she started awkwardly, staring daggers into Jimmy, "They have a lot of energy so they're really fun to shoot. I'm sure my photos are going to turn out great. I had to wake up early and send them off to William. I planned to shoot them again, tonight." 

Before Jonesy could make any livelier conversation the two guys were back. "Oh dear fucking god." Jonesy sighed. 

"What? What could you possibly want? You two are freaks!" She said. 

"Against my better judgment, Bonzo was correct. They really are quite a spectacle." Robert spoke with his usual tender and sonorous voice. 

It was a gross perversion that he used this tone to speak such vile words, Gwen thought. "No, Jesus! You guys are disgusting. And it's quite terrible that you're doing this."

"Oh c'mon, don't be such a prude. They're just titties. W'emve all seen um, you've got em!" Bonzo shouted, rather excitedly.

She looked to him with a glare, "It's not the matter of seeing them, it's not consensual and gross. You can'thatjust laugh at someone like th-" 

He interrupted, "This is just like the other night when you wouldn't accept my drink. We're on tour, let loose a little. Have some fun!" He implored, "You can even take some photos."

"I will not be doing that." She said as she stood. The other two guys joined her and they went on their way. 

The floors creaked under their weight as they tip-toed to Bonzo's room. He pushed the wooden door lightly, the hinges squeaking as it swung open with a creak. The woman lay tangled in a mess of dark sheets like a slumbering dragon. Her body raised in light breaths, hollowing to exhale. The men looked at her as a mythical creature, while Gwen looked at her friends as foreign beings. She was disgusted by their curiosity while possessing it herself. This interest was satiated when she turned on her back, exposing her chest. The group was in awe, now understanding Bonzo's sentiment. Their spell was broken when he stepped forward, reaching for the mysterious, scarred, and lopsided chest. 

"Stop it!" Gwen delivered a harsh smack to the back of his head. The sound echoed through the room, followed by his howling. 

"You bitch!" He turned and caught her by the arm. 

"Hey!" Jimmy started. 

The slumbering woman began to stir. Everyone turned to look slowly in unison, faces covered in fear. Bonzo turned and ran from the room, scurrying through the doorway. Robert followed suit, mumbling a quick apology as he went. The woman was fully awake now, staring at them with wide and confused eyes. Jonesy backed out of the room, leaving just Gwen and Jimmy. He tried to follow his friends, but she caught his arm, holding him firm in his spot.

All she could muster was an apology. The woman sat with a sigh, covering her bare chest with the sheets. "I got a bad boob job..." 

Jimmy stifled a laugh, casting his head down. Gwen slapped his arm and glared. "Don't be ashamed, it's not your fault. It's also not your fault they're a hoard of circus clowns." 

She looked appreciative, "Thanks. I tried to hide it but it's not easy. I wish I hadn't even gotten it." 

She was lovely, Gwen thought, outside the botched surgery. "Go on and get dressed, I'll make sure you can leave with some dignity." She pulled Jimmy from the room, wearing an angry look. "You're a fucking barbarian." But they were laughing, nonetheless.

The group returned to the breakfast table, quieter than ever. The guys, other than Bonzo, were avoiding her scorned looks. Bonzo was angrily buttering his English muffin, which he referred to as just a muffin. Gwen stared right back, not breaking contact. This was the first rift between them, the first time Gwen saw behind his façade. 

"You think you're better than us, don't you?" He sat his knife down with a heavy thud. She didn't respond, simply sipping from her mug. The group looked from him to her, tension thick amongst the table. He raised his brows, prompting for an answer. 

"Are you upset? You seem like you're upset." She finished with a smile. This enraged him even more. 

"Fucking bitch." He slammed his fist on the table and stomped away, his chair clattering to the floor.

"You just couldn't leave it alone, could you?" Peter broke the silence. "You're always riling up the boys! Your job is to take photos, I don't care if you're Jimmy's girlfriend or the bloody fuckin queen. Don't fuck with my band." His voice was getting louder with each word. The walls shook around each syllable, trembling with fear as Gwen did.  Tears pricked in her eyes and she looked around at her friends. Their eyes were fixed on the ground, avoiding the situation. Her sadness and embarrassment turned to bitter anger in a swift gust of pride. 

"You helped so much. Thanks, Jimmy." She was gone now, her chair emptied in a flash. 

"Yeesh..." Robert said. He too left the table, his sight set on his,room. Now it sitting Jimmy, Peter and Jonesy, sat, alone. Jonesy was still eating, seemingly unbothered. 

"You really fucked that one up." Jimmy was just about to leave when he heard the man speak. Jonesy's words caught him off guard. He didn't expect to be called out, one final kick in his side. 

"That one's a fuckin' mess." Peter turned to Jonesy after Jimmy left. He didn't speak. Peter breathed out a heavy breath and tucked a napkin into his shirt, digging back into his breakfast. The jam covered muffin sat on his plate, untouched and isolated. He chose to devour the eggs first, saving the sweet for dessert. 


When the door to their hotel room was opened, squeaking with desperation, he saw her. She was sitting on the bed, her back turned to him. She was sniffling, tears scalding her cheeks.

Guinevere was a regal name, one that conjured images of royal ambiguity. She took after the moniker, the queen's reputation for being the ultimate destruction of Arthur's kingdom ringing true for her. The walls of her castle heart were put up, the drawbridge closing, reflecting in the moat of her tears. Jimmy was dressed in a suit of armor, trying his best to break down her wooden and hardened fortifications. Her ramparts were anger, bloated by the drowning of her tears. 

"You didn't say anything." The hot flash of fury showed through in her clipped cadence. 

"I know, I'm sorry, but that's just how things are around here." He shuffled his feet, drawing his eyes downward to admire the fraying of his aglets. 

"You were so cowardice. You didn't stand up for me."

"Cowardice? No, I just don't go causing drama where there doesn't need to be any." Now his rapier was drawn, parrying her jabs. 

"When someone yells at your girlfriend, you say something about it." Another stab. 

"You were the one who started it all." He evaded accountability, diving out of her range of motion. 

"It seems none of you have met a woman who stands up for herself. I happen to think that's what everyone's issue is."

"Oh, god, don't start with that, you know it's not true." He was a man of dichotomy. The coin was flipped, glistening with new cruelty. This was cold and uncaring, something she'd never known of him. 

"The issue is that y'all don't see anything wrong with your behavior. I just pointed that out and everyone started yelling. Sounds like that was the problem."

"No, no, the problem was that you got everyone upset. We were just having a good time before you got upset. And then you got your feelings hurt."

"You're being such a dick right now." She seethed, standing to meet his eyes.

"And you're being immature. I am not fighting with you." His arms were crossed in a dismissal of her. 

"I'm not trying to fight with you. I am upset." 

"You can be upset, but it's not my job to fix it."

"You're the reason I'm upset!"

"You should be upset with Peter and Bonzo. I didn't do anything!"

"That is the issue! God, it's like you're not even listening. Just- I'm gonna leave if you're gonna be like this. I'll come back when we're not angry." She planted her feet on the floor, unsure if this was the right decision. 

"You're the only one who is angry." Jimmy was avoiding her, his eyes now fixated on the paintings on the walls. She sighed and left without another word. 


"Yeah, and then Peter yelled at her. I thought it was a little dramatic. From both of them, really." Robert's eyes were wide as he recounted the events to Lorelei. She slept through the entire ordeal, only being woken when Bonzo slammed his door.

"They both yelled at her? Oh my god, that's terrible. Is she okay? I know I wouldn't be if Peter or Bonzo screamed at me."

"I'm sure she's fine. She's a tough cookie. That's why I like her." Robert said with a smile, his thumb resting in the cleft of her chin. Before Lorelei could respond there was a knock that interrupted them. Robert answered, pulling his door open to reveal a tear-stained Gwen.

His gaze softened when he saw her, the red puffy look that painted her face troubled him. "What's wrong?" He asked, letting her in.

"I got upset after what happened and Jimmy made it worse." She planted her face firm in his chest, enveloping her troubles in his shirt. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her closer, allowing her to cry into the soft cotton of his clothing.

"I'm sorry," was all he could muster, his parade of apologies was never-ending today. He thought Jimmy was being spineless, secretly siding with Gwen. He wouldn't tell anyone that, for fear of starting more troubles. This was all a big mess, and the reason no one got in Bonzo's way.

This happened before, but with a random groupie. Peter threw her out so fast their heads spun. He couldn't do that with Gwen, and there was an emotional attachment to this issue. He wanted it all to go away, so they could go back to having fun and being friends.

"I know I'm overreacting, but I was so upset when Peter yelled at me. I didn't feel like I deserved it, Bonzo was clearly in the wrong. And then Jimmy didn't stand up for me, so I was angry about that. And when he didn't apologize or acknowledge how shitty it was I just broke."

"Well, what happened after that?" Lorelei asked, sitting at her side on the bed.

"I told him that I would be back when I wasn't upset anymore. We were both getting mad at each other, and it wasn't productive. So, I came here because, well, you're both my only friends." She ended with a huff of a laugh, scratching at her head with confusion. How did they end up here? This was all a giant mess that never needed to happen.


The two blondes entertained her while her nerves melted, settling into a contended happiness. They watched TV, talked about a musical Lorelei had recently seen, and played some cards.

When she was thoroughly mellow, Gwen decided gathered the courage to return to her room. "Are you sure you're going to be okay?" Lorelei asked, her eyes soft and warm. Her gaze was a warm hug, a gentle soak in a hot spring.

"Yeah, I'll be fine. I'm sure Jimmy will be cooled off when I get back. I'm just a little nervous because we've never gotten into a fight before."

"He'll be fine. He processes better when he's alone." Robert offered some much-needed insight. This was an extension of friendship, an offer of peace. "Things will settle and no one will be mad. I give it maybe two more hours and Bonzo will be back to his usual self." His joke lightened the mood and gave her one last push towards strength.

"Thanks, guys. I appreciate you letting me hang out."

When she returned to her room the lights were off and Jimmy was asleep. He looked peaceful under the covers, his hair spread across the white sheets in a wild display of comfort. Soft snores escaped his open lips. She settled into the blankets and cuddled up to his side, content to rest for a few hours.

The two woke to Peter knocking on their door, telling them to get up. "Ten minutes, Page. You have a job to do." She shook Jimmy, who slept through the racket.

"What?" He asked, barely lifting his head from the pillow.

"You have to get ready for soundcheck." He rolled out of the bed and onto the floor, curling up and closing his eyes once more.

"C'mon, you have to get up!" She laughed, poking him with her foot.

"Don't touch me with those filthy things." He mumbled, rolling away from her touch.

"They're not filthy, 1, and 2, you have to get up. Peter said you have 10 minutes." She said.

"Five more minutes. I'm tired." He grumbled.

"No, you have to get up!" She grabbed a hold of his thin hips and began pulling him, attempting to drag him to his suitcase. "You are way heavier than you look." He didn't budge, now laying next to his unzipped bag. "C'mon, get up. I don't want to be blamed for you being late!" He sat up at her pestering, slowly rifling through his clothing.

"Are we okay?" He asked. His leg was propped on a wooden chair that sat next to the small TV. He was tying his shoes, a pair of black converses.

"Can we talk after your show?" She asked.

"Yeah, if you promise not to yell at me." He finished with a final yank, making a perfect knot.

"Well, don't give me a reason to." She jested.

"Alright, I'll see you after the gig," He leaned into her lips, cradling her face in his soft hands.

"Enjoy your show."

"I will now." A wide smile bloomed on his face.

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