A change of a frozen heart

By Ryan8506

1.8K 33 27

Five weeks after Zomboss attacked, he cant be seen, so he uses frostybloom to do his bidding More

The begining
The heist
Heroes vs doctor
The cliff (short)
The truth
Getting the team
Curing the infected
Defeating the doctor
The end

The shocking reveal

138 3 0
By Ryan8506

Frostybloom and Steve were heading to surburbia while the second airship stayed far away to not get seen.

Steve: you know something? I think we'll get along quite nicely.

Frostybloom: we already did, you made your promise.

Steve: that's good.

3 hours later. The airship made it to the entrance of the factory.

Frostybloom: this sure is spooky.

Steve: don't worry, I come here all the time, get the parts and meet me inside.

Frostybloom: okay.

frostybloom was going back and forth with the parts around the factory until she gets the pj crystal in a empty room.

Frostybloom: that's all of them.

Steve: excellent!

Frostybloom: what was that?

Steve: nothing, I overreacted. Help me set this up.

After the two finish putting the pieces in place and the machine was complete.

Steve: I can't believe it's happening!

Frostybloom: yeah! I'm gonna be normal!

Steve: *laughs*

Frostybloom: what's so funny?

Steve: you actually thought I would make you normal again?!

Frostybloom: you lied to me! You lied to me Steve!

Steve: Steve isn't my name. *removes his disguise*

Frostybloom: *gasp*


Dr. Zomboss: yes! This is who I really am! The evilest of zombies! The smartest scientist! And now... the end of the world!

Frostybloom: what are you talking about?!

Dr. Zomboss: this machine is actually a doomsday device! With Electra and Romeo's generators charging it! The orb of pharaohs for dark power! The pj crystal for world spreading! And the tombstones for corruption!

Frostybloom: you son of a (__)! I'll kill you!

Dr. Zomboss: I wouldn't be so sure. *points behind frostybloom*

Frostybloom: *turns around* ORTICIA?!?!?!?!

Orticia: planty pal!

Dr. Zomboss: I realised that she, the spirit and you are immune to the normal way or infection. So I found a stronger source, when a victim is above a tombstone... THE IMMUNE BECOME THE INFECTED!!!!!

Frostybloom: the spirit? Spectro? But he's a ghost!

Dr. Zomboss: half ghost, he's still human so he can be infected with the source of a tombstone.

Frostybloom: then that means...

Dr. Zomboss: that's right! The doomsday device will erase all of humans and plantkind making them extinct!

Frostybloom: if you dare think infected my friend I'll be so mad!

Dr. Zomboss: it's a risk I'm willing to take. *presses a button*

The tombstone starts activating the beam infecting orticia.

Orticia: AHHHHH!!!!!!

Frostybloom: I (___) WARNED YOU!!!!!!💢💢💢💢💢💢💢

As frostybloom was about to use her power, she gets stabbed with a tranquilliser.

Zombie Aquafish: brains. (Victim tranquillised.)

Dr. Zomboss: good show Aquafish.

Frostybloom: y...you w...won't g..g..get away with t...this. *falls asleep*

Dr. Zomboss: I think I will, cause we're going sightseeing.

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