Deadly Revenge

By Arianapeige

145K 3.7K 213

Issabelle Moretti parents were killed in front of her but the killers did not see her cause she was hiding be... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter : Meeting in the club.
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43:
New Story!!

Chapter 39

1.2K 37 0
By Arianapeige

Eva pov

I still remember the fateful day that the kids were kidnapped.

They had asked me permission if they could accept their aunt in the company. I agreed cause I knew that there are bodyguards following them throughout.

After they had left I continued with my work.

After some few hours Ariana came alone and she was crying.


"Ma'am Ariana where are the kids?" I asked.

"They...they.." She tried saying but she just broke down crying.

The other boss Isabella and her hudband came running after she had the cries.

"Ria where are the kids?" She asked softly but from her voice she was trying not freak out.

"They...." She tried once more but she kept crying.

I couldn't stop to think that something bad had happened to them. First of all my baby Delia. Even though by law she was not my child, she still has my blood running in the veins. That is why I begged ma'am Issabelle to give me a job so that I can be near her.

Madam Isabella seeing that she will not be able to get anything from Ma'am Ariana, she called the men who were supposed to protect and keep them away from danger.

"Where are the kids." Sir Samuel asked.

"Am sorry don. But we were attacked when arrived at the company." One of the men said.

"What!" We are exclaimed.

No this cannot be happening. I gave my daughter to them thinking that they will be able to protect her because I was not capable. No. I cannot lose my child once more. No.

"Go on." Madam Isabella said after absorbing the shock.

"The kids were kidnapped." Another whispered"

"What? So you want to tell me that uoeu were unable to protect her?" The don shouted.

Thsy were terrified.

"We are sorry don."

"Sorry will not bring my nieces back to me idiot." The madam shouted

I was still shocked from the news. When will we see them again? Does their mother Issabelle know?
I just hope that she knows because I am sure that she will be able to rescue the girls. My head was pounding out loudly.
I think I have heard enough already.

Madam took out a gun, the men tried begging for their dear lives but who could save the ruth waiting for them?

By staying with them. I have discovered that they never let anyone plead. They kill whenever they feel like. Even the girls always shoot their teachers and trainer if they get bored of them. She shot each of them at the forehead and the men died instantly.

"Clean this mess." She said angrily to the guard at the doorpost.

We have been sitting for hours trying absorb the information.




Madam received the call and I could tell she was afraid of the person in the next line.

"Issa? " she answered. She looked afraid terrible.

"Th...the ki" She stammered.

"I know Issa I know that Raphael took them. I trusted you with my kids. But what do I get in return? Delia is dead."

At the last word madam fell down and screamed. I also heard Ria's cries. Everyone was a crying mess.

No! My baby could not be dead! How? When? She was my life.

"It all my fault." I heard Ria saying.

Yes it was! If only she had not gone with the kids they could have been here with us now.


"They insisted that they will accompany me to the company and I allowed them. If only I knew I would have not taken them with me! Once we arrived at the company a friend of mine greeted us. Lia suggested they can stay with him at the nearby cafe while am in the meeting cause they did not want to cause disturbance. I allowed them. Hardly had the meeting started that we heard gunshots. I looked outside and saw our men being shot. The kids had also shooting at the enemy. When I managed to get out they were nowhere to be seen. I saw the SUV drive away fast. I tried chasing after it bit I lost them. Am sorry Issa. It is all my fault. You can give me any punishment you want. You can even kill me."

That was all lies! She knew very well that her sister could not kill her no matter what!

"Can you please saying that I am not going to kill you ever. It www as also not your fault that they were taken you did not know it. So stop. We will get them back. I mean Lia cause Li is already dead. I saw it for myself. But I will revenge her death. I know for sure Raphael's son is in France. He has been studying there for some years now. We are going to kidnap him."

They all nodded.

"How does he look like?" Madam asked

I saw Ria had a shocked face and I wondered why.

"Is he...?"

"Raphael's son? Yes he is!"


"Do you know him?" They asked.

She nodded her head.


"He was the one I was telling you about."

"About what?"

"The one I left the kids with." She said angrily and with fear.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes I am. But have known him for three years now. He is the guy i was telling you about Issa."

"The one whom you had a crush one?"

"Yes. When the kids were taken he was shocked looking terrified."

"I believe you. I have been keeping my eyes on him and I know even though he is aware of his fathers deeds he is always against him. But we are not sure about that. Am sorry Ria but I may end up killing him to make Raphael go through the same pain I went through when he killed Delia."

Her eyes help so much hatred, pain and disbelief.
In the mafia enemies pretend to be friends

"It is okay. I understand you. I will help you. I can ask him to meet up with me then you might take him."

"Since it is still in the early in the morning how about you tell him to meet up with you during lunch break."

"Are you sure? Will you be here?"

"Yes. It is a three hour flight. I know I will make it in time."

"Okay. See you soon guys. Let me pack some important stuff."



They said.

I tried to keep myself busy but I still found myself crying. I went into the girls room and started going through their stuff.

Flashback ends

After some hours I walked downstairs.
I found ma'am Issabelle and three men standing. One of the men had Lia's eyes. I guess he is her dad.

"Morning ma'am." I said from behind Sir Samuel and the voice was filled with pain and fear.

It is all her fault! She promised she will take care of my child but she did not keep her promise.

"Eva..." She tried talking to me

"Why?" I asked.

"Am sorry I could not protect them."

"But it was your responsibility. You adopted her and became her legal guardian. I wish that I did not grant you your wish and maybe my daughter would have been here today."

"Why are you talking like this? She was also my daughter for God's sake."

Yaah in just some papers but I was the one who carried her for nine months!

"You do not know the pain of mother losing my child."I said.

"Shut up." She yelled and I jumped because of the tone in voice she used with me.

"So I do not know the pain of a mother? Do you know what it feels to see your own being raped and you cannot save her cause you are but near her? Do you? I have been crying continuously but you.... You are just a selfish bitch. You just care about yourself. I have been the one providing for her. Staying with them. You just stay with them when cleaning the house and in the garden and they insist to help you but me? They have always be near me. Following me. And please, didn't I warn you about the life we live in. Tell me."

What! I did not know that the man did all that when he was on a call with her.
Yes even though I blame her, Delia was also her daughter. They were even close to each other than she was with me. Out of shame I looked at the floor.

"I am sorry." I said.

"Ooh please cut the bullshit. So answer the question right now."

"Yes. You did."

"So? You know if I was a bad person I would have just adopted her and never gave you a job so that you could be near her and she could have never known you. So don't you dare tell me who is the mother and who is not."

Yes she could have. She is a good person but I need someone to blame fory daughter's death.


"No buts. You know the consequences either you continue working with us or..."

What! No she cannot kill me. I do not want to die.

"No please do not kill me."
I chuckled.

"Good. So shut up. I have a lot in my mind. Losing both of my daughters is no joke knowing very well that the person whom I trusted to take care of them did not."

I walked out of the living room and went to my room. I cried for hours and finally fell asleep. When I woke up. I went to prepare lunch for them cause they had not yet taken anything and am sure they had already came outside their little mission.

I started preparing the dishes. I heard someone footsteps. From the scent I could tell that it was Ariana.

"Hae Eva." She said.

I looked at her and just nodded my head.

"I am so sorry."

"Yes. You should me. You are the one who took them with you actually."

Actualky she is the one at fault! The kids were kidnapped when she had left them with a stranger.

"Okay. Yes. I did take them with me but that does not mean that am responble for her death. Cause if I am responsible for her death then you are also responsible for her not being here with us today."

At that my mouth was agape and I clenched my fists. I just wish that i Could give her a punch right now. How can she say that to me? I have already heard enough from this family.
She chuckled at that.

"What you are shocked? Or are you going to say that I do not know what am doing? I just hope not. So let me know enlight you why you are also responsible. That fateful day, they also came to you to ask for permission and also blessings. But it seems instead of giving them your blessings you gave them a curse."

The look on my face was priceless.


I threw a knife to her but I knew that it will definitely miss that is how poor at everything concerning fights.

"What. Why don't you tell Allan to teach you how to throw a knife and more better to shoot? I wonder how a one year old child can do better than you. What a loser." She retorted.

I was so sad and at the edge of crying for what she said. But I knew that she had a point.

"Look here. I have never disrespected you even once since you came into our life but do not think that you will throw anything at me and I will not retort back at you. I am no fool. I am a Moretti and you should know better than disrespecting me. This is the last chance that you will tell me again that am responsible for Delia's death or throw anything at me and I will not make you pay. Sorry but know your place. Just do your work and you will be on the safe side with me or even friends again."

She started doing what brought her in the kitchen in the first place.

I need to teach this family a lesson! They need to pay for my daughter's death.
I took out my phone and search for some called Raphael guy mobile number maybe we can make a deal but first if all I need to know their plan so that I can share it with the enemy. Do I feel bad cause I am thinking if betraying them? No! To me I am doing justice for my baby girl.

I walked to the living room and found out they had a map of the building where the girl was held hostage.
I pretended to be cleaning so that I can listen to their idea.

After some minutes of analyzing the map they started the planning.

"So, there is a tunnel from the highway that is connected to the building." The blonde guy said.

Ma'am Issabelle nodded in agreement.

"I think that we should divide ourselves on which routes we will use." The other guy said and he was given a confused look by the others to which he just sighed.

"What I mean is that we should be in four groups. One group should use that tunnel, the segond one the main gate, the third one the run away gate while the forth should use this tunnel that is connected between the building and sewage site."he explained further.
Theyall nodded in understanding.

"I think that is a good idea. But we also need some snipers to be in the opposite building to help us get rid of some of his soldiers." Adrian explained.

Okay so that is their plan?
I took the cleaning materials and got out of that room. I went to my bedroom. I dial the Raphael's number and within a second the call was picked up.


Hello. I am calling you to inform you that ma'am Issabelle is planning to attack soon.

The man only laughed out loudly.

What? She even does not know where the girl is.

Do not be so sure about it. They are aware of it. Let me ask you something about the building in which you are holding the girl hostage. The building is connected with the sewage site using a tunnel, isn't it?

What? How the hell did their know?

Your son had been kidnapped him. I am sorry to inform you but he has already been killed.

What! No this cannot be happening. And why should I believe you?

I have done enough of this family. You have killed my child because of them I want Isabella to suffer.

The man chuckled.

Thank you for the information. I have to start transportation the little girl to another building.

Okay. Bye.

Let us see now how you will get your daughter back now. I will not be the only one losing my baby. I have to make you pay for my daughter's death.

Something insists that I am making a big mistake but I know for sure that I am not. Every mother could have done the same for their daughter.

She was my everything but she has been taken away from me.

You know, there was a time that I did not want the child. I saw her as a distraction for my happiness, fun. I got pregnant when I was still in high school. My parents were not rich but they provided me with everything I needed. That is why I was a very notorious student. I used to have relationships even with my teachers. I used to go for the parties every weekend. When my parents insisted that I should not abort, I gave birth to the child and set it for adoption. Issabelle and I closed paths in the town where I was shouting at the child for crying she told me to stop and I told her that I wanted to get rid of the bastard child. It will better if she was adopted soon. She adopted her but the child was not staying with her at the moment. She had employed someone to do that. My parents threw me out of the house after they discovered what I had done. Issabelle gave me a place and I learned to love my child and be proud of her. Even though I do not regret giving her up for adoption. Yes you can call me selfish but I do not care.

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