The Savior of the Miraculous...

By WLiquidGaming

45.1K 604 288

Y/N Kadoya was a exchange student from Japan. As he transferred to Francoise Dupont Middle School. Even thoug... More

Stormy Weather/The new Hero
The Bubbler/The New Student
Lady Wifi/Start Up
Mr. Pigeon/Kuuga Unleashed!
Gamer/Level Up!
Animan/Taka! Tora! Batta!
Darkblade/Knight Vs Knight
The Pharaoh/Battle of Kings
Timebreaker AU/Clock Up
Horrificator/Facing Fears
The Puppeteer/Battle For Puppets
The Mime/Dragon Knight
Check The New Bio/Harem

Dark Cupid/A Ghost Vs A Cupid

2.8K 41 13
By WLiquidGaming

Scene: College Francoise Dupont
"Caline is teaching literature."
Caline: In most fairy tales, the prince breaks the spell by kissing the princess. Can anyone tell us why?
Rose: *stands up, swoons* Because only love can conquer hate!
Caline: Correct, Rose.
Max: Technically speaking, this reasoning is only exhibited in about 87% of all fairy tales and-
Caline: Thank you, Max. That's enough.
"Marinette is looking over Y/N's shoulders as he writes a letter."
Caline: Y/N, I hope what you're writing has to do with my lesson.
Marinette: *gasps*
Caline: *approaches Y/N* Can you tell me what I just said?
Y/N: That's why in most fairy tales, the prince breaks the spell by kissing the princess because only love conquers hate.
Caline: Very good, Y/N! Now, everyone, don't forget to finish Sleeping Beauty by Charles Perrault tonight, and happy Valentine's day, students!
Marinette: *to Alya* Hey, go ahead, I'll meet you outside.
Alya: Mhm.
"Marinette continues to look over Y/N's shoulder as he continues to write his letter before Y/N crumples it up stands up and tosses the letter in the garbage can. Chloe approaches Adrien who was walking with Y/N."
Chloe: Hi Adrien, sign here please.
Adrien: *sighs* Oh, come on, you know I hate signing autographs, Chloe.
Chloe: Oh, that's not what this is. This is a petition against cruelty to hamsters. Have you seen some of the ugly sweaters they are forced to wear? It's appalling.
"Adrien begrudgingly signs the poster. Chloe hugs the poster and Sabrina smiles before they notice Marinette who is digging through a trash can as she pulls out a sheet of paper."
Chloe: *mockingly* Well well, Marinette, looking for something to eat?
Sabrina: Maybe she's looking for some better clothes!
"Both laugh before running off."
Marinette: Ughhh!
Tikki: Don't give them the time of day, they don't deserve it.
Marinette: You're right, Tikki. *begins to read the letter* "Your hair is dark as night, your pretty bluebell eyes, I wonder who you are beneath that strong disguise. Every day we see each other and I hope that you'll be mine, together our love could be so true, please, will you be my Valentine?"
Tikki: Whoa, now that's a love poem.
Marinette: *blushes deeply* Could he probably mean me?
Tikki: Uh... you are his girlfriend aren't you?
Marinette: *laughs nervously* Your probably right.
Marinette: What do you think he means by "strong disguise"?
Tikki: *sighs* This is poetry. He means who you are deep down inside. He wants to get to know you Marinette! He's talking about you!
Marinette: *laughs and jumps up and down excitedly* Pinch me!
"Zoom out to the outside of the classroom. Marinette continues to laugh until she shrieks."
Marinette: Not literally!
"Zoom back into Marinette rubbing her arm, with Tikki giggling."

Scene Change: Outside of College Francoise Dupont
"Marinette laughs with Alya while holding the letter. They two are exiting the school Switch to Max standing on the sidewalk with Kim."
Max: Operation Valentine's Day is commencing. According to my extensive research and cross-referencing of online shopping sites, this particular jewel, *Max reveals a heart box hiding behind his back* was ranked highest in popularity. *he hands the box to Kim*
Kim: *laughs* That's perfect, Max! I better hit a home run with this one. Love is like baseball, right? You gotta have a strategy or you'll strike out. *Alya spots Max and Kim's conversation and gets excited. She grabs Marinette and drags her over to the boys* But if you aim right, you'll hit it out of the ball park. Score!
Max: Oh yes Kim, lovely metaphor.
Kim: *eyeing the gem inside the box* Meta-who?
Alya: *grabs Kim's hands and looks at the jewel* Ooh! Sparkly! Is that for moi?
Max: *annoyed* Negative Alya. The recipient of this gem has already been determined, it's--
Kim: *grabs Max and cuts him off* Shh! Keep it on the down-low!
Alya: *excited* Scoop! Kim's got a major crush! *takes picture with phone* Who's the lucky lady?
Marinette: *pushes Alya's arm down* It's gorgeous Kim. She's gonna be ecstatic *Alya giggles*
Kim: *rubs back of head uncomfortably* Technically, she's still gotta accept it. *grabs Max* What if she says "no"!?
Marinette: *Alya looks around worriedly* She won't Kim, no way! *pumps fist* Don't hold back, Kim. Go for it, no regrets!
Kim: Operation Valentine's Day is underway! *high-five's Max*
Max: *Kim jogging in place, holding a map* Her route is highlighted here in yellow, yours in red. If you run at ten miles per hour you're going to gain a four and a half minute advance on her. Halt and wait here facing northwest -- the third most romantic spot in Paris. (Marinette and Alya thumbs up behind Max) Go go go!
Kim: Thanks, you guys.*runs away*
Alya: *elbows Marinette* I know someone who's good at dishing out advice who can't take some herself.
*Alya points to Y/N who was about to walk home all by himself*
Marinette: You're right. It's time I told him.
Alya: Say what?!
Marinette: I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna tell Y/N my true feelings. Well... I'm gonna write them on a card, that is.
Alya: *looks shocked then laughs* Yeah!
Marinette: Yeah! *they fist bump*
Alya & Marinette: Operation Valentine's Day! *they perform a handshake and run off*
"Cut to Aurore, Mireille and various other girls ogling over a poster of Adrien."
Girls: He's so cute!
Chloe: Keep dreaming all you want girls but the boy is mine.
"Sabrina nods before unrolling the poster, the girls gasping."
Aurore: To Chloe, the most awesome girl in the world and the love of my life. Signed, Adrien.
"All the girls begin to cry."
Chloe: Uh, she's not crying enough.
"Sabrina brings the poster towards the one girl who is not crying causing her to cry even more as Chloe and Sabrina laugh."

Scene Change: Marinette's bedroom
"Marinette tries to write a love letter to Y/N."
Marinette: Dear Y/N, dear Y/N... Dear Y/N... *sighs* I'm no good at this love letter writing thing... I sound like a total dorkasaurus!
Tikki: Only when you say words like "dorkasaurus"! Relax, Marinette, I'm teasing. Think of Y/N and speak from the heart.
Marinette: *sees Y/N's letter, gasps* Y/N's letter! That's it! Why didn't I think of that before? I'll answer his poem!
Alya: Marinette!
Marinette: *gasps*
Alya: **enters the room, with a pink heart-shaped card* Check it out!
Marinette: It's perfect! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
"Marinette writes the love letter, with Alya watching."
Marinette: Voila!
Alya: Don't forget to sign it!
"A ladybug flies inside the room, distracting Marinette."
Alya: This is a good omen! Ladybugs are good luck, especially in the love department!
Marinette: Really?
Alya: Yeah you of all people should know about ladybugs.
Marinette: R-really? Wh-why do you say that?
Alya: Since ancient times the ladybug has been a symbol of love, guiding hearts on the path to devotion. It was on my blog this week. You read it didn't you?
Marinette: Oh yeah, yeah, of course. "Turns back towards her computer and sighs."

Scene Change: Y/N's house
"Y/N is in his room writing a letter to express his feelings for Marinette."
Y/N: *writing then stops* No, this won't work! *crumples the letter and throws it in the trashcan beside him and sighs* Why can't I just tell how my feelings for my girlfriend?! I'm such a wuss. I can't even tell her that face to face... *his phone rings*
"He looks at his phone and sees that it was his mother calling him and he answers it."
Y/N: *sadly* Hey, mom.
Natsumi: *from his phone* Hello, Dear. Why do you sound so sad? Are you not happy to talk to me, again?
Y/N: *sighs sadly* No, it's not that. It's just that I'm so lovestruck at this girl and I can't tell her how I feel to her face. So I decided to write a love letter for her, but I just can't find the right words to write.
Natsumi: *from his phone* Well, what are you feeling everytime that you 2 are together?
Y/N: Everytime that we're together, I just feel that we can handle anything. I feel as though nothing else matters, just us being with each other is enough.
Natsumi: *from his phone* You really are lovestruck, Dear. Why don't you tell her how you felt when you first saw her and how much she means to you.
Y/N: That sounds a great idea, Mom. I'll do just that. But, I gotta go soon. School's going to start again soon.
Natsumi: *from his phone* Alright, I'll talk to you later. Tell me how she reacts to your letter. I love you, Dear. Bye!
Y/N: Love you too, Mom. Bye. *ends call* Alright now time to write a love letter that'll make Marinette blush the same color as her superhero costume! *begins to write his love letter for Marinette*

Scene Change: Pont des Art
"Kim is waiting on the side of a fence until he recognizes Chloe's voice and rushes forward."
Chloe: And that's right, in a 24 karat gold frame. Deliver it to Le Grand Paris Hotel and bill it to Daddykins, uh, I mean, Mr. Bourgeois. *stops after noticing Kim* What are you doing here?
Kim: *nervously* I-I...
Chloe: *mockingly* You-You...
Kim *clears throat and kneels down in a puddle of water* Will you be my Valentine? *presents a brooch to Chloe*
"A passing bike splashes water in Kim's face, and a chip bag blowing in the wind sticks to him."
Chloe: *gasps* Don't move!
"Chloe takes a humiliating photo of Kim then hits the send button."
Chloe: Wait till everyone gets a load of this! Hahahaha! No offense, Kim, but my heart's saved for someone more awesome than you.
"Chloe begins to walk off before turning back."
Chloe: Don't you just hate how harsh love can be? *Kim drops the brooch and pulls the chip bag off his face and begins to sob*

Scene Change: Hawk Moth's Lair
"His window opens."
Hawk Moth: Ah, Valentine's Day, the day of love and the day of fools. So many delusions, so much disappointment. My evil akumas, you are going to have such a field day.
"Hawk Moth transforms the akuma, charging it with power."
Hawk Moth: Fly away my little akuma, and evilize him!
"The akuma flies off, soon finding a sobbing Kim and entering his brooch for Chloe."
Hawk Moth: Dark Cupid, I am Hawk Moth. I can give you the power to shoot your arrows, pierce love and impale friendship. But there is something you must do for me in return.
Kim: No love affair or friendship will escape my fury. No one will ever love again!
"Kim is transformed into Dark Cupid by the akuma, and is seen shooting arrows at lovers whose lips turn black once hit and run away from their loved ones."
Civilian: *smashes bouquet of flowers into wall* Ugh, stupid flowers!
Civilian: *pulls hand away from woman who he is with* Get off me!
Dark Cupid: Hahahahahaha!
Hawk Moth: Hahaha! Perfect. It won't be long before Ladybug, Decade and Cat Noir show up to meet their doom! *evil laughing*

Scene Change: Boulangerie Patisserie
"Marinette and Alya enter, laughing, and Tom gives them candy apples."
Tom: Candy apples, girls?
Marinette: *takes the candy apples* Thanks, Papa.
"Marinette and Alya exit the bakery."

Scene Change: The Place des Vosges
Alya: Come on, Marinette! Do it before you chicken out! *Marinette is a little scared at first, but finally, she puts the love letter in the mailbox*
Alya: Yeah!
Marinette: I did it!
"They hug each other. Their phones ring, and they see Chloe texted them."
Alya: Chloe? Since when did she start texting us?
"They open the chat, and see a picture of Kim. Both gasp."
Alya: What a witch!
Marinette: And I was the one who told Kim to do it! I didn't know he was talking about her!
Alya: Dang, I hope Y/N doesn't do the same thing to you. I mean...
"Upon hearing this, Marinette panics, and tries to get the love letter out of the mailbox."
Marinette: What have I done!?
Alya: Girl, calm down! I was totally joking! Kind of... Y/N would never do that. *sees Dark Cupid in the sky* What in the world is that?! *points up at him*
Dark Cupid: Huh?
"He sees the candy apples Alya is holding."
Dark Cupid: All hearts must be destroyed!
"He shoots arrows at the love apples, and shoots one at Alya, making her lips black."
Marinette: Alya?
"Alya sticks the candy apples on Marinette's shirt."
Marinette: Hey, seriously?!
Alya: You're not my BFF, you're a joke! Y/N is gonna laugh his head off at your lame attempt at poetry! *runs away, cackling*
Marinette: Alya! *looks at Dark Cupid* What did he do to her? *looks at Dark Cupid's brooch* I've seen that jewel somewhere before. It's Kim's pin! He's been akumatized! *pulls the candy apples off of her shirt* This is... not... good! We gotta find him, fast! *runs to a bench* Tikki, spots on! Ha! *she transforms into Ladybug*

Scene Change: Outside of Y/N's house
"He saw that many people were angry towards each other with black lipstick on their lips. He then notices the notification on his phone and he saw that Chloe sent a photo of Kim as he then dons a serious expression and runs to the side of his house and pulls out his Neo Decadriver."
Y/N: *puts his Neo Decadriver on his waist and opens it* Chloe's seriously need a real attitude adjustment. *pulls out his Decade Ride Card from his Rider Booker* Henshin! *inserts his Decade Ride Card into his Driver*
Neo Decadriver: Kamen Ride! *he closes it* Decade!

"He then went on his motorcycle as he then drove into the city to find Dark Cupid."

Scene Change: Parisian streets
"Ladybug jumps from rooftop to rooftop. She spots Dark Cupid and follows him."

Scene Change: Outside of Le Grand Paris
"Chloe is complaining to the deliverers of Adrien's portrait."
Chloe: Ugh! I never said 18-karat gold! Those gold tones will never match my 24-karat toilet! Idiots!
"Dark Cupid spots Chloe and shoots an arrow at her, but Ladybug stops him, making him miss."
Chloe: *gasps*
Dark Cupid: Ladybug!
Ladybug: Stop, Kim!
Dark Cupid: I'm not Kim, I'm Dark Cupid! I'll never stop! If I can't have love, then no one can!
Ladybug: Okay, Dark Cupid, I get it. Chloe totally burned you. But that doesn't mean you have to take it out on all of Paris!
Dark Cupid: Oh yes, I do! I won't stop until everyone's heart is crushed. Say adios to your loved ones. From now on, you'll hate them!
"Dark Cupid attempts to shoot his arrows at Ladybug who dodges them with her yo-yo. She soon falls catching herself on a roof gutter with her yo-yo."
Hawk Moth: If you want to continue destroying love, bring me Ladybug's Miraculous, or I'll remove your powers!
Cat Noir: Falling for me already, my lady? *pulls Ladybug down next to him* I need to talk to you.
Ladybug: It's going to have to wait. Dark Cupi-
Cat Noir: *hushes her* I swore to myself that I'd tell you as soon as I saw you. Ladybug, I-I... Look out!
"Cat Noir spins around to shield Ladybug, and is struck by one of Dark Cupid's arrows."
Ladybug: *gasps* Cat Noir!
Cat Noir: *his lips turn black* Ladybug, I-I... loathe you!
Ladybug: Cat Noir, snap out of it!
Cat Noir: *squeezes Ladybug incredibly close to him* You're nothing Ladybug, and nothing to me! I hate you!
Neo Decadriver: Attack Ride! Blast!
Decade: *shoots at Cat Noir as he was knocked into the wall* Hands off, my girl!
"Ladybug launches herself into the air before grappling her yo-yo onto a street lamp and rolling into Le Grand Paris with Decade following behind her."
Chloe: Ladybug, Decade, it's about time, where have you 2 been?
Decade: *to Chloe threateningly* You shut your mouth or I'm going to give you to Dark Cupid, since he's been akumatized, because of you. *Chloe immediately shuts up as Ladybug looks at him blushing lightly*
Ladybug: *blushing lightly* 'Damn, talk about a quick attitude switch.'

Scene Change: Walls of Le Grand Paris
"Cat Noir meets Dark Cupid. Cat Noir is still holding on to his staff before he retracts his staff then he puts his staff on his back and he climbs up the wall where he meets face to face with Dark Cupid."
Hawk Moth: *to Dark Cupid* Offer to help him in return for Ladybug's Miraculous.
Dark Cupid: *to Cat Noir* I can help you crush Ladybug, but you must give me her Miraculous in return. *Dark Cupid holds his hand out to Cat Noir*
Cat Noir: No...problem. *Cat Noir cackles because he agrees to help Dark Cupid defeat Ladybug but Cat Noir must hand him Ladybug's Miraculous then Cat Noir holds his hand out to the villain*
Hawk Moth: Yes. Yes! And once I have Ladybug's Miraculous, taking Cat Noir's will be child's play!

Scene Change: Le Grand Paris
"Chloe and Sabrina are speaking with Ladybug and Decade."
Ladybug: You gotta get out of here. Your friend Kim's turned into Dark Cupid and I don't know what he'll do if he finds you here.
Chloe: Moi? But how could he possibly have a vendetta against me?
Decade: *aside* Who doesn't?
Chloe: Duh! It's because of this. Everyone would love to get their hands on it. *zooms in on the poster of Adrien* That's Adrien, a super hot guy in my class. And rich, too! He's hot for me of course.
Ladybug *under her breath* Not according to the way on how he avoids you kissing him.
Sabrina: *she is pointing at the poster of Adrien* It's alive!
"The poster begins to seemingly walk into the Hotel and from behind it emerges Dark Cupid, he fires his arrows at Ladybug Decade, Sabrina and Chloe, they deflected them with Ladybug's yoyo and Decade's Rider Booker in it's sword mode. She then grabs Chloe with her yo-yo and drags her onto the street."
Chloe: Daddy!
Ladybug: Run, Chloe, run!
"Chloe begins to run, followed by Sabrina. Cat Noir drops down from above and stands in front of Ladybug and Decade."
Cat Noir: Well, well, Ladybug. And Decade as well.
Ladybug: I don't want to fight you, Cat Noir.
Cat Noir: Ugh, that friendliness. It's so revolting. You are definitely not my friend!
Decade: You don't want to be friends? I'm hurt, oh wait, I'm not. *pulls out his Illusion Attack Ride Card and inserts it into his Driver* Let's see how you deal with 3 Decades!
Neo Decadriver: Attack Ride! *he closes it* Illusion! *2 more Decades appeared shocking Cat Noir and Ladybug*
Decade: But wait there's more! *pulls out his Final Attack Ride Card and inserts it into his Driver and he closes it*
Neo Decadriver: Final Attack Ride! D-D-De-Decade!

(But there's 2 more of them)

"He then Rider kicks Cat Noir as he was sent into a wall. Ladybug then asks, Cat Noir a question."
Ladybug: Why are you so full of hate, Cat Noir?!
Cat Noir: *recovers from being hit into the wall* Because hate conquers all!
Ladybug: I hate to burst your bubble, but hate doesn't conquer all. Love does!
Decade: *remembers what Caline and Rose said earlier about love*
Caline: *in flashback* The prince breaks the spell by kissing the princess.
Rose: *in flashback* Only love can conquer hate!
Cat Noir: You're just buying time! Fight!
Decade: *gets an idea* I'll do more than just fight. *pulls out his Wizard Ride Card* Let's see if your hate can stand against love magic. Henshin! *inserts it into his Driver and closes it*
Neo Decadriver: Kamen Ride! Wizard! Hi! Hi! Hi-Hi-Hi!

D-Wizard: Sa! Showtime da! *uses his magic to cure Cat Noir from his spell but was interrupted by Dark Cupid who arrived*
Cat Noir: How you gonna fight both of us now, bug eyes, barcode? *Cat Noir and Dark Cupid fist bump each other* Cataclysm!

Cat Noir: I've often wondered what would happen if I use my Cataclysm on someone.
Ladybug: Lucky Charm! *A candy apple appears* A candy apple? What am I supposed to do with this? Think, Ladybug...
"She looks around and she spots the fountain, Decade's Driver, Cat Noir's ring and Dark Cupid's brooch."
Ladybug: Hey! I've got a Valentine's gift for you! Decade, cover me!
Decade: *nods* You got it! *inserts his Final Attack Ride Card for Wizard into his Driver and closes it*
Neo Decadriver: Final Attack Ride! W-Wi-Wizard!
"Cat Noir and Dark Cupid are going to attack Ladybug together. Dark Cupid shoots arrows at her but D-Wizard inserts his hand into a magic circle as a giant magic circle appeared by the arrows as D-Wizard backhands them away from Ladybug. Cat Noir is about to use his Cataclysm on her but she avoids it and she grabs him by his belt so she jumps on him by jumping onto the statue and she throws the candy apple at Dark Cupid's head but he removes it."
Ladybug: Looks like you got yourself in a sticky situation! *Dark Cupid removes the candy apple from and he tries to shoot an arrow at her but his hand is stuck to the bow*
Dark Cupid: Ladybug!! *he yelled at Ladybug and he is also angry at her*
Ladybug: And now, for the pussy-cat! "Cat Noir stands up then he yells and he continues to fight Ladybug by chasing her until he sits on top of her. Then Dark Cupid tells Cat Noir to take Ladybug's Miraculous from her and he obeys Dark Cupid's orders while he washes his hands at the fountain. As Decade returns back to his base form."
Dark Cupid: Cat Noir, her Miraculous!
Cat Noir: With pleasure! Finally, I'll find out who you are, Ladybug! Your little secret will be out of the bag! *he still is sitting on top of Ladybug so he can reveal her secret identity to him and Dark Cupid*
"Before Cat Noir find out who Ladybug really is, he hears a sound and the next thing he knows is that he's off of Ladybug."
Neo Decadriver: Kamen Ride! Ghost! Let's go! Kakugo! Gh-Gh-Ghost! Go! Go! Go! Ghost!

D-Ghost: Let me show you the path of love! *summons the ghost of love and goes to Cat Noir and cures him* Welcome back, kitty cat.
Cat Noir: Huh? *he gasps* What am I doing here?
"He doesn't remember what happened to him. Ladybug grabs his hand and she carries him."
Ladybug: No time! The quiver pin, Cat Noir! Now! *she throws Cat Noir but he screams and he lands on top of Dark Cupid and she tells Cat Noir to take villain's quiver pin from him* Grab it! Grab the pin!
Dark Cupid: No!
Cat Noir: Sorry, need that. *Cat Noir destroys the sash with Cataclysm* Happy Valentine's Day! *Cat Noir tells Dark Cupid, Happy Valentine's Day while he throws the quiver pin to Ladybug*
Ladybug: Awww, you shouldn't have... *she drops the quiver pin* Whoops! *she stomps on the pin to release the akuma* No more evil-doing for you, little akuma. Time to de-evilize! *she catches the akuma with her yo-yo* Gotcha! *she releases the akuma to turn it back to a normal butterfly* Bye bye, little butterfly. Miraculous Ladybug! *she throws the Lucky Charm into the air and its energy restoring everything back to normal*
Alya: *she is about to cut a picture of her and Marinette in half* What the heck am I doing?
Chloe: *to Sabrina* What the heck are you doing?!
Sabrina: *she is scribbling on Adrien's portrait* I have no idea!
Chloe & Sabrina *both sobs in despair*
Kim: *he transforms back to his normal self* Huh?
Ladybug, Decade and Cat Noir: *does a 3 way fist bump* Pound it!
Ladybug: *her Miraculous beeps* Oops!
Cat Noir: Wait, Ladybug! I gotta tell you something. *his Miraculous also beeps*
Ladybug: Look out, Cat Noir, your ring is flashing!
Cat Noir: Uhh... yours too!
Ladybug: *she laughs* We're about to turn into pumpkins, and personally, I'd rather not see that.
"Both Ladybug and Decade went into the same direction as Cat Noir goes the opposite direction."
Hawk Moth: Grrr... blasted Ladybug! Blasted Valentine's Day! *his window closes*

Scene Change: Random alleyway
"Both Ladybug and Decade de-transformed back to their human selves."
Y/N: Man that was tough. *stretches*
Marinette: Yeah it was. I still can't believe that Cat Noir got controlled by Dark Cupid.
Y/N: Me as well. *remembers his love letter* Oh! Marinette here, I wanted to give you something.
Marinette: What is it?
Y/N: This *pulls out his love letter and gives it to her* just read it when your in your room. See ya. *teleports away via a Aurora Curtain behind him as he waves at her*

Marinette: *blinks twice, then she giggles* What am I going to do with you, my Savior? *she opens the love letter and she reads it along with Tikki*
"As Marinette finishes reading the letter she was not only blushing hard she was shedding some tears of joy. She was really happy to know that her boyfriend loves her so much that he doesn't even care if he's secret identity get's revealed to the whole world. Tikki then wipes some tears from her cheek as she smiles at Marinette. She smiles back at Tikki as she looks at Y/N's letter as she puts it back into it's envelope."

Scene Change: The Place des Vosges
"The postman arrives, and opens the mailbox, full of letters."
Tikki: Hey, there's your chance to get your card back!
Marinette: That was before...
Tikki: Before what? Tell me!
Marinette: I realized that even with all this hate everywhere, love still wins. But if I wanna show Y/N how I really feel, he needs to know the truth about how I feel.
Tikki: Ah! This is a big day!

Scene Change: Y/N's house
"He sees the his mailbox has mail in it and he opens it and he looks inside of it and saw a love letter that was meant for him. He then opens the love letter as he recognizes the handwriting and who wrote it and smiles knowing that his girlfriend was the one who wrote it for him. He then went inside his house as he summons a Aurora Curtain and he teleports to Marinette's home."

Scene Change: Marinette's bedroom
"Marinette can't remember if she signed her letter."
Alya: What do you mean, you don't remember? Did you sign the card or not?
Marinette: I don't know! The ladybug came along while I was writing, then you were yapping about your blog, and then... It's all a blur!
Alya: *laughs* I don't believe you! The girl didn't even sign it! I love you and all, but sometimes you seriously bug! You know that, right?
"Both of them laugh as a ladybug flies outside the house. Then Sabine comes into Marinette's bedroom and she told her that someone was looking for her."
Sabine: Marinette can you come down? Someone's looking for you.
Marinette: Who is it?
Sabine: They said that it's better for you to come down and see who it is.
"She looks at Alya who just shrugged her shoulders as she does the same. The 2 then went down and they saw someone very familiar."
Alya: *wide eyes* No way, is that?
Marinette: *shocked* Y/N?! What are you doing here? Not that I mind, I mean...
Y/N: Well, I came here because you forgot something.
Marinette: What is it?
Y/N: *shows Marinette's love letter* You forgot to sign your love letter that you gave to me.
Alya: How did you know that she wrote it?
Y/N: I'd recognize her beautiful handwriting from a mile away. *Marinette blushes at his compliment* Also you asked me to be your Valentine right? *she blushes more*
Marinette: *blushing* You mean that you'll...
Y/N: Yes, I'll be glad to be your Valentine.
"Marinette then runs to him as she then kissed him as he reciprocates. Alya, and her parents just watched with smiling faces at the new born couple."

The end card show's Y/N holding Marinette from behind with Dark Cupid behind them with Kim beside him as the screen turns black. That's it for this chapter, I hope you all enjoyed it. That's all for now. Til next time, WLiquid out!

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A young man name Soren died after coming home from his vacation. Later, he meet God and get incarcerated to another world. He in the new world as Kam...
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