stolen away, zuko

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| zuko {a:tla} 1 water & fire don't usually mix but maybe this time it does - in which the daughter of a wa... Mer

fire and water never mixes
but this time it does
book two
outfits <3


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— tales of the gaang.

aang and toph argued with each other. aang blaming toph that it was her fault appa got taken while toph tried her best to defend herself.

"you just didn't care! you never liked appa! you wanted him gone!" aang yelled.

senna placed a hand on his shoulder in comfort, "aang, it's not her fault. you know she did all she could. she saved our lives."

"who's going to save our lives now? we'll never make it out of here." sokka complained.

"that's all any of you guys care about, yourselves! you don't care whether appa is okay or not!"

"we're all concerned, but we can't afford to be fighting now." katara said, trying to calm everyone down.

"im going after appa." aang said, grabbing his staff.

"aang no!" senna called, but it was too late, he already flew away.

they all watched his silhouette vanish, then katara broke the silence, trying to keep the group together.

"we'd better start walking. we're the only people who know about the solar eclipse. we have to get that information to ba sing se."

they all followed katara through the heat, in silence.


the gaang minus aang had been walking for hours. all of them exhausted because of the heat. poor stumpy was passed out in sokkas arms because of the heat.

"cant you watch where you're..."

"no." toph replied.

senna turned around, toph had apparently bumped into sokka.


"come on guys, we've got to stick together." katara said to the remaining members of the gaang.

sokka handed stumpy to senna and fanned himself, "if i sweat anymore, i don't think sticking together will be a problem."

"ew." senna mumbled, dying of thirst, "katara, can you please give us some water?"

"okay, but we've got to try to conserve it." she explained, then waterbended some swampy water into everyone's months, even stumpys.

senna gagged at the taste and so did stumpy.

"we're drinking your bending water! you used this on the swamp guy! ew!" sokka screeched, wiping his tongue with his clothes.

"ew! stop!"

"it does taste swampy." toph agreed.

"im sorry. it's all we have."

"not anymore! look!" sokka exclaimed, pointing at some random cactus. before any of the girls could react, sokka cut a piece and drank the liquid inside.

"sokka, wait! you shouldn't be eating strange plants." katara called to her brother, who was still drinking the liquid.

"it's very thirst quenching."

"i don't know...."

"suit yourself." he said, "senna?"

the girl nodded, knowing it was dumb to drink some random cactus juice but she was dying. sokka cut her a piece and she drank it, even giving some to stumpy.

katara watched the three drink the juice, slowly regretting ever letting them drink it. especially senna, out of everyone here, she was the one who could help keep everyone in check.

now she was gone and stoned in her own world.

after their 6th drink, the two began mumbling nonsense.

"drink cactus juice. it'll quench ya! nothings quenchier." sokka said, making senna giggle.

"it's a delicious quenchie drink!"

"ok, that's enough." katara said to the two, taking the cactus away from their hands and throwing it on the ground.

sokka looked away woozy for a second, then looked at toph and squinted, "who lit toph on fire?"

"she's not on fire, she's covered in water." the girl stared at her, wobbling back and forth.

"okayyy, give me stumpy." katara grabbed the animal who was also wobbling around, "they gave it to you too? ugh."

katara grabbed sokkas hand and tophs and toph grabbed sennas, continuing their journey.

"what's your name?" sokka asked the drunk girl, completely forgetting, "you're pretty."

senna blushed, "im se-an-a. well you're kinda cute too."

"huh." he blabbered to katara, "did you hear that? the pretty girl called me cute!"

"yup!" katara groaned, "im happy for you."

he turned back to the girl who was zoning off, "i like you. can you kiss me?"

senna nodded, katara eyeing the girl with an amused expression. sokka drunkenly smiled and leaned over to kiss senna but he missed her cheek and fell on her shoulder.

she cupped his face and lead him to her lips, where he kissed her. the kiss was pretty nice even if the two were drunk.

"mhmmm..." he said, in a dreamy haze, "can i do it again?"

the girl grinned, "of course..."

they kissed again, but this time he was more passionate, wrapping his hands around her body and pulling her toward him.

"ahem." katara cleared her throat, forcing the two to pull away.

senna glared at the girl and mentally flipped her off in her head, "what mom?"

"oh come on!" toph exclaimed, hands thrown up in the air, "no one wants to see that and i can't even see!"

senna rolled her eyes and kissed the boy again, they fell into the stand and bursted into a laughing fit.

suddenly, a huge cloud of dust formed out in the distance. senna looked at the cloud, "is that a penguin or a hot prince?"

"what? what is what?" toph asked the drunk ass girl.

sokka grabbed sennas arm excitedly, "it's a giant mushroom, maybe it's friendly!"

senna shook her head, "no it's a penguin! hi mr. penguin!"

"friendly mushroom. mushy giant friend!" he said, as the two began to dance awkwardly.

katara grabbed sennas hand and dragged her along. stumpy was fast asleep in her arms, guess the drink knocked him out.


the whole world around senna was covered in weird colors and shapes. she constantly stumbled around as she walked. the two sober benders stopped walking when the avatar landed in front of them, he looked hopeless.

katara approached him, "im sorry, aang. i know it's hard for you right now but we need to focus on getting out of here."

"what's the difference? we won't survive without appa. we all know it." aang sighed, taking a seat on the sand.

"come on, aang. we can do this if we work together, right toph?" she asked the earthbender.

"as far as i can feel, we're trapped in a giant bowl of sand pudding. i got nothing."

"sokka? any ideas how to find ba sing se?"

sokka, with his remaining hand, pointed to the sky, "why don't we ask the circle birds?" he asked.

katara looked hopeless, "senna?"

"why don't we ask the circle clouds? they may know the way." the girl answered.

"ugh! we're getting out of here, and we're going to do it together! aang, get up. everybody, hold hands. we can do this, we have to."

they all joined hands, katara holding sennas and aang holding sokkas. they were all in terrible shape, except for the couple, who seemed to be having the time of their life, and were singing the beat to some song.

"la la lala! la la lala! la la la la! lala, lala, lala, LALA!" they chanted.


"i think we should stop for the night." katara said, the sun went down and it was now night time. have they really been walking all day?

"birdie." senna collapsed onto the ground. sokka falling next to her, "where's the juice? i want some more!"

"look, this is the last of the water. everyone can have a little drink." katara said, waterbending small spheres of water into their mouths.

senna felt herself on the verge of passing out. stumpy was cuddled up next to her, fast asleep.

"sokka, let me see the things you got from the library." katara said to her brother.

he protectively clutched his backpack, "what? i didn't steal anything! who told you that?" he pointed at momo, "it was you! you ratted me out!"

"it was actually me." senna grinned at the boy who smiled flirtatious at her.

"sokka, i was there." she said, then took out some scrolls to examine.

"it doesn't matter. none of those will tell us where appa is." aang said in some real depressed tone.

"no, but we can figure out which way ba sing se is. we can use the stars to guide us. that way we can travel at night when it's cool and rest during the day."

they all stared at her, half-asleep. she sighed, "just try to get some sleep. we'll start again in a few hours."

senna closed her eyes and tried to sleep but she couldn't. so she stared up at the sky, mumbling something to herself.

30 minutes went by and the girl noticed everyone asleep, besides cute boy. he got all excited when he was senna awake.

"senna! you're awake!" he said, gleefully.

"yeah, i am." she smiled, crawling over to the boy and resting her head on his shoulder.

"senna likes me!" he chanted, as if the girl wasn't right next to him. she covered his mouth with her hand, "be quiet, the kiddos are trying to sleep."

he kissed her hand which caused her to take her hand off his mouth. she smiled as the boy kissed her neck so passionately.

"sokka stop." she says as the boy pulls her on top of him, "im t-" he shoved his lips onto her mouth, shutting her up.

then she saw him slowly falling asleep and she rolled off of him, cuddling herself right up against him and finally falling asleep.


senna gets woken up to katara shaking her, "come on wake up, we need to go."

senna groaned and sat up, picking stumpy up with her. she looked over at sokka who was staring at her with a blissful look on his face.

the cactus juice left sennas system since she didn't drink a lot of it but she still wasn't alright. she stood up and joined the gaang.

"you know what? i had the strangest dream last night. you guys will never guess."

senna gulped, please don't say she can see while she's sleeping.

"what?" katara asked.

"so you see, it was kinda strange. i was in this mountain, taking a walk, suddenly i feel someone on the ground. so i get closer, and i realize it's senna and sokka. and you guys will never guess what they were doing!"

sennas face went red. they weren't really doing anything bad, just kissing, not the other thing. they're way too young for that.

"what?" katara asked again.

"they were-"

"okay!" senna shouted, changing the subject, "we need to get moving if we want to get out of this sand pit."

toph glanced at her and shrugged as they continued their walk. senna held sokkas hand since he was still kinda drunk from the juice.

toph then tripped on something, making her very angry, "ow! i am so sick of not feeling where im going!" she pointed at the sand, "and what idiot buried a boat in the middle of the desert!"

"a boat?" senna asked, aang airbended the sand away, reveling some sort of raft.

"believe me, i kicked it hard enough to feel plenty of vibrations."

"it's one of the gliders the sandbenders use! and look, it's got some kind of compass on it!" katara exclaimed, excitedly, "i bet it can point us out of here! aang, you can bend the breeze so we can sail it. we're going to make it!"

they all climbed onto the glider, and aang airbended some wind. senna sat next to toph and sokka, with stumpy in her arms while katara drove the gilder.

sokka laid his head on her shoulder and sighed happily.

"so," toph began, looking at the couple, "i was right."

"right about what?" senna gulped, her face heating up.

"you know, about you and sokka. my feet were still on the ground, prissy pants. it's like if you slept with your eyes open."

"we were just....kissing." yeah, that's all they were doing, "drunk kissing?" she questioned aloud, thinking back to last night.

toph nodded and dropped the subject, not bringing it up again. after a while, they stopped and senna stood up with stumpy to see why.

"what are you doing in our land with a sandbender sailer? from the looks of it, you stole it from the hami tribe." the leader of some tribe said.

"we found the sailer abandoned in the desert. we're traveling with the avatar. our bison was stolen and we have to get to ba sing se." katara explained to the people.

"you dare accuse our people of theft while you ride a stolen sand sailer?!" one of the many sandbenders shouted.

"quiet, ghashiun. no one accused our people of anything. if what they say is true, we must give them hospitality." the leader said.

"sorry father."

"i recognize the sons voice. he's the one who stole appa." toph mumbled to senna.

"you sure?"

toph nodded, "i never forget a voice."

anger filled up in sennas body, knowing that sandbenders took appa. she's had a few bad encounters with some. she jumped off the gilder and marched toward them, "you. you took appa."

aangs eyes widened, "you stole appa!! where is he? what did you do to him?"

"they're lying! they're the thieves!" ghashin accused.

aang airbended a huge gust of air, breaking one of the sandbenders gliders. senna felt someone's hand grab her wrist. it was sokka and he pulled her toward him, "this won't end good."

the girl nodded, agreeing.

"where is my bison?" aang yelled, "you tell me where he is now!"

"what did you do?" the father asked.

"i-it wasn't me." the son said, loosing all of his confidence now he was scared. he was scared of what the avatar would do to him.

"you said to put a muzzle on him!" toph screamed.

aang was hysterical, "you muzzled appa?"

"im sorry!" the son yelled, "i didn't know it belonged to the avatar!"

but it was too late. aangs tattoos began to glow and he rose into the air, "tell me where appa is!"

"i traded him! to some merchants! he's probably in ba sing se by now! they were going to sell him there!" he got on his knees, "please! we'll escort you out of the desert! we'll help however we can!"

the sand around aang rose and started to form into a tornado.

"just get out of here! run!"

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