Marauders & Marvel one-shots

By Nattiice

889 22 3

A collection of x Reader one-shots. more info inside :) Latest chapter: New beginnings- Sirius Black Request... More

request rules <3
Never been kissed - T.R.
Never been kissed- T.R. pt. 2
You're still my favorite girl -R.L.
You're still my favorite girl pt. 2- R.L.
Valentine's Day announcement!
Brother knows best- S.B.
The blind date- S.B.
Love from afar- J.P.
Valentine's dance- P.P.
Just the two of us- P.M.
Proper Gentleman- T.R.
Secret time- R.L.
One And Only- T.R.
New Beginnings- S.B.
Letter from your comfort character!

Pages Of Love- T.R.

18 1 0
By Nattiice

Description: Y/N and Tom share a love for reading, Tom will do anything to get Y/N the book she wants

Warnings: none

Word count: 1.2k

Request from Tumblr

Tom and Y/N have been dating for a few months, some would say how this pair came to be is odd. They didn't seem to share anything in common, that was sort of true. They do however share a love of books. 

They spent hours discussing their favorite authors and stories. Tom loved how passionate she got when she explained how she thought the story connected to real life. There is so much more he loves about her, this part is more special because of how they met.

*cue flashback*

The summer before her seventh year Y/N browsed the mystery section of the book store. Reading back covers looking for something interesting, nothing seemed to catch her attention. A young man stood a few steps away, he picked up one of her most recent reads.

"That's the one about the missing town? It's beautifully written." she spoke to him

His eyes move from the book to the girl, she looked familiar but he couldn't place her. 
"Yeah, the lady accidentally takes over a whole town with her mind." he replies "I'm sorry but you look very familiar, have we met?" he asks

"Not officially, I'm Y/N we share a few classes at school." She smiled extending a hand

"Tom" he accepts her hand

The pair talked about their favorite books and genres that day. They wrote back and forth every day after that, getting to know each other. Once school started it was like they were inseparable, which leads us back to today. 

Tom is sat leaned up against a tree, Y/N's head in his lap. He softly strokes her hair as she reads, admiring her face as she focuses on her story. She was nearing the end of her book, finishing her last page she closes the book with a sigh.

"What's wrong?" he asks

"I've finished the book, but can't find the next part of the series anywhere"

It was true, Y/N had started reading a series, three books in she looked for the fourth. everywhere she went it was sold out, not one copy on the shelves. It upset Tom to see her so distressed about this. He even started looking for it, he couldn't find it either. 

He was determined to find this book for her. He'd do everything in his power to get her whatever she wanted. One of his 'connections' told him that there were a few copies in a small shop in Hogsmeade, he was going to get it for her no matter the cost.

"I'm sure you'll find it soon darling" he smiled down at her

She sat up facing Tom, "I know it's silly to get worked up over a book, but I've invested so much time into this series I have to know how it ends." Sadness in her eyes

"Come here" he gestures her to hug him. Wrapping her arms around his waist, resting her head on his chest. Listening to the rhythm of his heartbeat, tracing the features of his face in her mind. He gently rubs his hands up and down her arms

"What do you want to do tomorrow?" she asked 

"I have to do something for Slughorn in the morning, but we can do whatever you want in the afternoon" he says

It was a white lie, he was going to get that book. Saturdays were for trips to Hogsmeade, he wanted to go alone so it stays a surprise. Her birthday was next weekend, he planned on taking her on a date. There he would give her the book, he could just imagine the smile on her face when she opens the box.


Tom made it to the small shop in the town, pushing open the door to the dark and dusty store. The bell above the door alerted the worker of his presence. He walked up to the other woman, she didn't look friendly on the outside but when she spoke it was a different story.

He asked her about the book, she went to the back to see if they had it. She came back with a copy in her hand. 

"Here we are dear, the last copy. that'll be 5 gallons" she rang him up 

He handed her the coins, taking the small bag thanking her.

Walking out of the store, he starts heading back to the train station. Turning the corner, he runs into a familiar face. Y/N

He stops dead in his tracks, quickly putting the bag behind his bag remaining calm on the outside. 

"Oh hi Tom I didn't know you were coming to Hogsmeade" She said, her friends standing next to her

"Slughorn had me run an errand for him" he said trying to get out of the situation

She noticed he seemed in a hurry, she didn't want to hold him long. "Oh okay, well I'll see you later then?"

He leaned down, kissing her on the cheek "Of course" he whispered in her ear.


One week later the couple found themselves back at Hogsmeade, only this time as a date. Celebrating Y/N's birthday, Tom took her to the place where all the couples go. It's not really his scene but Y/N wanted to come here. They get a table by the window, ordering something to drink. The shop's ambiance was romantic, at every table there was a couple cozied up together as if no one else was in the room.

Time flew by it felt for Y/N and Tom they had been enjoying themselves, wrapped up in conversation as if they'd never spoken before. It was time for them to leave, Tom held the door for her as she left the shop. He walks next to her taking her hand in his, it sends a shock up her spine. Every time he touched her it felt like the first time.

Before they made it to the train station, he stopped her. 

"Before we leave I want to give you your gift" His voice was like velvet

"You didn't have to get me anything"

"Of course I did, what kind of a boyfriend would I be if I didn't?" 

He magically pulled out a black box, a green ribbon tied around it. He handed it to her

She pulled the end of the ribbon, holding it in her hand as she opened the box. Taking off the top, moving the tissue paper. Her eyes widen when she realizes it's the book. 

"OH MY GOD! Is this really it ?!? Where did you find this?" She said taking it out examining it, it didn't seem real.

"Yes it's really it. I found it in a shop here." He smiled, her joy was contagious it was hard for him not to feel excitement. "Do you like it?" he asked

"Like it? I love it! Thank you Tom, it's amazing" She pulls him in for a big hug, squeezing him tightly

Pulling away, he cups her cheek, "Happy birthday darling" he leans in connecting their lips, tangling his hand in her hair. Butterflies fill her stomach as if this was their first kiss, passion burning between the couple.

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