The Descendant Of The Hero Of...

By Metroid99

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Ben Tennyson, The Hero Of Heroes. Someone who stood up and who many looked to for help or just plain looked u... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20

Chapter 19

2.2K 36 37
By Metroid99

(A/N): For context go look at @WAMred story Anti League Invasion

Ult.Humungousaur looked on at the two men that had appeared. Seeing the man that Bentely and Vilgax called their leader Hatred.

(Character belongs to WAMred)

And yet another version of Ben that they called the Forever King.

(Art Belongs to the original artist)

Hatred stood in front of All might having activated his own one for all, along with his silver eyes. Allmight looked at him in shock for a couple seconds before it turned to rage.

All might: I recognize you now. You're the one that nearly destroyed Atlas, along with the one who broadcasted all of-

Hatred: Looks like you have a brain after all 

All might growled at this getting in a stance ready to fight Hatred.

All might: I will not be talked down from someone like you! I am the Number One Hero!! 

Hatred: Something that you don't deserve

All might lets out a yell and rushes towards Hatred with his fist drawn. He throws a punch at him with Hatred just tanking it shocking All might greatly. Hatred smirked and smacked his hand away.

Hatred: And just like I said, you are nothing but a traitor to One For All!!

Hatred then punched him in the stomach making him double over from it. Hatred soon follows up with a kick sending him flying, quickly following shortly after. Ult.Humungousaur looked on complete amazement turning back to human.

(Y/N): Amazing...

He heard some footsteps heading in his direction. Looking over he sees Ben TFK walking over to him.

Ben TFK: That's Hatred for ya, there's a reason why he's our leader. And not just talking about his strength

(Y/N): This is completely insane. By the way you said there was some type of threat was going to appear

Ben TFK: Yes, and way to stop them from releasing it now. But for right now we should focus on the threat ahead

(Y/N) looked back at the fight in front of them. Hatred continued to pummel down All might with multiple punches and kicks charged with One For All energy, with occasional slashes from a scythe made from the silver eye energy. Many other heroes tried to get into the fight to help All might only to be stopped by (Y/N)'s Milita. Hatred kicked him away again, with All might skidding across the ground before stopping himself breathing heavily. He growls before letting out a yell before rushing towards Hatred with his arms crossed in a cross formation.

All might: Carolina Smash!!

It seemed like he struck him with the attack, though he soon feels a tap on his shoulder. He looks behind him and sees Hatred standing behind him.

Hatred: Where you lookin dewgong?

All might quickly turned and tried to hit him with a California smash only for it to be blocked. Hatred then followed up with a knee strike to his sternum, before launching him into the air with a uppercut to his jaw, quickly following afterwards. He then started to strike him with a combination of slashes from his scythe and kicks before hitting him with a downward slash dragging him down to the ground. Upon hitting the ground, All might was sent flying away. All might picked himself up slowly and continued to glare at Hatred.

All might: I won't be taken down by the likes of you. I'm the Number One Hero...I'm the true wielder of All for One, not someone like you... I won't be defeated by yo-

He was cut off by a punch to the face. Looking to who had punched him and sees Midoriya glaring at him. Midoriya then proceeded to continue his assault against his once idol.

Midoriya: You call yourself the Number One Hero, and yet you've done so many things worst then a villain! I can't believe I ever looked up to someone like you!!

Seeing this Hatred smirked. He then rushed in and blocked a strike from All might when he tried to counter Midoriya. Hatred then turned and smirked at Midoriya.

Hatred: I like your fire kid, now lets take this faker down  

Midoriya looked at him in amazement for a second before grinning and nodding. With that they both rushed forward and began striking All might together. One For All continuing to charge as they did, All might tried to throw a punch only to be countered by a punch to the stomach by Hatred, with Midoriya following up with a kick to his jaw. They both then hit him with a dual uppercut to his stomach before jumping up and delivering a double axe kick to the back of his head. Then sending All might flying with a dual kick. All might skids across the ground before stopping breathing heavily. He looks up and weakly growls at the two, his body shaking greatly.

All might: I won't lose to the likes of you, I'm the hero. I'm the one who cannot lose, I won't lose to you lower beings!!

A compressed air wave came off him, as Hatred and Midoriya looked on. Small rainbow spark appeared, and All might clasped his hand around it with rainbow light coming out from between his fingers.

All might: I will end you!!! 

Hatred looked on at him before looking at Midoriya seeing him nervously. Hatred put a hand on Midoriya's shoulder with him looking towards him. Hatred gave the green hair boy a thumbs up.

Hatred: Don't be scared of this bastard okay, he won't be able to take us down. Now lets show this bastard what a true hero is!!

Midoriya looked at Hatred for a few seconds before smiling with a nod.

Hatred: Alright, push your One For All to the max!!

They both then reeled their fists back as All might did the same. One For All charged all around the two. And then All might rushed at them as they did the same.

All might: United States Of Smash!!!

Hatred and Midoriya: IT'S OVER!!!

 The two groups approached each other at a rapid pace and once they were just barely a foot away from each other time seemed to slow. All might's eyes widened in shock as he sees every past wielder of One for All behind the two. The energy of One for All charged around the two as All might threw his punch only for it to be stopped by the raw energy the two were giving off and then the two connected their own punch resulting in a huge explosion. Everyone looked on as a ton of smoke covered the area the three were in. Soon the smoke began to clear revealing a tired Midoriya and a stoic Hatred. The smoke soon cleared more revealing a now skinny and completely injured All might.

All the heroes all looked on in shock, as the Milita cheered. All might tried to lift his arms to continue fighting the two.

Hatred: You've lost Yagi

All might: N-No, I won't lose t-to you

Hatred sighed at this and quickly rushed up to him and delivered a hard punch to All might's stomach making him cough up blood and fall over now unconscious. All the other heroes stepped back in fear at how easily Hatred, along with Midoriya.

(Y/N): Alright then, now it's time to end this

The Milita was about to make their way to the school but stopped upon seeing Ozpin and Sirzechs step out from the entrance. Ozpin was seen holding the small chest from the vault.

Ozpin: This is where it ends

All the Milita got ready to fight once again, even Midoriya picking himself up shaking ever so slightly.

(Y/N): Nice to see you two aren't hiding like the cowards you are

Sirzechs: Keep talking Tennyson because it will be us who will have the last laugh! Now that we have our finally trump card!

After saying this Ozpin placed the chest on the ground in front of them. Then slamming his cane into the top of it completely cracking it and breaking a sort of seal on it. The top soon opened putting everyone on edge. Seconds later a large pillar of light shot out from the box piercing the sky above. Dark clouds all rolled in as it did, a female laugh was then heard as the cloud began to emit sparks of electricity. The beam of light then darkened to a dark beam as it began to morph into the shape of a serpentine dragon. Letting out a roar as it's body's true appearance appeared. It was a large serpentine red dragon with green eyes. It gave off a pure presence of chaos and malice.

Almost all of the Milita looked on in shock and awe up at the beast, along with Hatred and Ben TFK looked up at it with a glare.

Sirzechs: This is the dragon of Malice and Destruction!! Drasil!!

Ozpin: You all stand no chance. Now, Drasil kill them!!

Drasil for a second didn't say anything before looking down at the two Headmasters.

Drasil: Who said that'd I'd follow your orders. You have no control over me!

The two looked up at the dragon shocked.

Ozpin: W-What you must, you must destroy them

Sirzechs: Yes, we released you!! You must follow our orders!!

Drasil glared down at the two before what looked to be smirk.

Drasil: Yes, you had released me. And for that, I give you a quick death

Drasil's eyes then began to glow, shocking and scaring the two headmasters as they soon began to scream in pain. Their bodies glowed the same color as Drasil's eyes as they were then soon disintegrated. Everyone looked on shocked, while Hatred looked on in contempt seeing the two be destroyed by the beast, they had released. Two orbs were the only things left of from the two as they then flew up to Drasil that were quickly consumed by the dragon. Drasil then turned her attention to the others.

Drasil: Now then you all will be facing the same fate. This world will be consumed!!!

Everyone looked on in shock before (Y/N) glared up at the large dragon.

(Y/N): Like hell we're letting that happen!! You're going down!!

(Y/N) then transformed into MonKi, and then turned into Super MonKi. Everyone else got ready to fight as Hatred took a step back letting everyone else handle this fight. Ben TFK transformed into his version of Swampfire.

(A/N): He has the armor still around him along with the sword

Everyone stood ready to fight the dragon as her eyes glowed in an intimidating manner. S.MonKi lets out a war cry.


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