MLP FiM: The Hero of Equestri...

By TheNintegaGuy

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The magic of friendship continues to grow as (Y/N) and the Mane 6 must take on a brand new task now that they... More

Author Notes: New Characters Joining
Chapter 1: The Cutie Map - Part 1
Chapter 2: The Cutie Map - Part 2
Chapter 3: Castle Sweet Castle
Chapter 4: Tanks For The Memories
Chapter 6: The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone
Chapter 7: Slice of Life
Chapter 8: Prince Spike
Chapter 9: Celestial Hearts
Chapter 10: Party Pooped
Chapter 11: Amending Fences
Chapter 12: Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep?
Chapter 13: Canterlot Boutique
Chapter 14: Rarity Investigates! The Return of Ace Attorney (Y/N) (L/N)!
Chapter 15: Made in Manehattan
Chapter 16: Crusaders of the Lost Mark
Chapter 17: Pinkie Pie Knows Hearth's Warming
Chapter 18: Scare Master
Chapter 19: What About Discord?
Chapter 20: The Hooffields and McColts
Chapter 21: The Mane Attraction
Chapter 22: The Cutie Re-Mark - Part 1
Final Chapter: The Cutie Re-Mark - Part 2

Chapter 5: Make New Friends but Keep Discord

9.1K 114 276
By TheNintegaGuy

Today was a different kind of day for a couple of ponies as those two were (Y/N) and Fluttershy. Fluttershy invited (Y/N) over for a tea party date, but feeling as though they wanted to have a little bit more of a lively afternoon, they decided to invite Discord as well. They were all now at the cottage seated at a small table set with a teapot and two cups and saucers. Discord reclines on a couch while Fluttershy and (Y/N) sit in chairs.

Discord: Ohoho, but that's not all! When I went to look for them again, they were on the ceiling!

Fluttershy and (Y/N) catch a laugh at the end of this crack.

(Y/N): Discord, sometimes you can just demonstrate to any of us that you're a walking trickster.

Fluttershy: We've never known anypony as funny as you! I love that story about the time you tried to train your right paw. . .

(Y/N): *chuckles* To fetch your left leg.

The two get another laugh in before regaining control of themselves.

(Y/N): I'm glad we invited you today. Usually when Fluttershy and I have tea together, things get a little too quiet.

Fluttershy: Not that it's a bad thing, but inviting you every other week with us changes that.

Discord: Glad to be of. . .

He then reappears to look like a butler before pouring in more tea for both Fluttershy and (Y/N).

Discord: Assistance!

Discord then warps back to his seat in his normal form while (Y/N) and Fluttershy smile at their wacky friend.

Fluttershy: You're helpful too. I can't wait for you to meet my friend Tree Hugger. She's going to love you too.

Discord lowers his tea to look at Fluttershy slightly surprised.

Discord: "Tree Hugger?"

He lets go with a hearty laugh.

(Y/N): You haven't heard? Fluttershy told me that she's somepony she met while having her little expedition to see the Breezies.

Fluttershy: She's a member of the Equestrian Society for the Preservation of Rare Creatures.

(Y/N): Since Princess Celestia is allowing all of us to bring an extra guest along to the Grand Galloping Gala this year, Fluttershy told me that she was going to bring Tree Hugger along with her.

Discord immediately changed his expression to a sour one.

Discord: *sarcastically* How nice of her.

He takes a bite out of his cup, chomping noisily.

(Y/N): If I could take many ponies out to the Grand Galloping Gala then Fluttershy would definitely be one of them.

(Y/N) says as he wraps a hoof around Fluttershy who giggles in response.

(Y/N): However, I don't have the tickets to take all of them there.

Fluttershy: So we all agreed that this time, we'll stick to whoever we choose to come to Canterlot with us. We're all gonna have so much fun together at the Grand Galloping Gala!

That snaps Discord out of his sullen reverie in an instant. He throws his cup and saucer aside as the table floats up and he scoots his couch closer. He then leans expectantly over the couch's arm toward the two.

Discord: Oh, I was wondering when one of you were going to ask me. I'd love to.

Fluttershy: Oh. Oh, no. Um, I'm afraid I've already asked Tree Hugger. I'm sorry, Discord.

Discord puffs his cheeks out in annoyance before he coils over towards (Y/N) while putting his lion paw over his shoulder while smiling at him.

Discord: (Y/N), you wouldn't forsaken your best friend, right? It'll be a gentleponies night with the two of us as we cruuuuuise our way into the Gala.

Discord says this as he puts on some black shades before he makes himself into the shape of a small limousine. (Y/N) stares at his and he blinks twice before he rubs the back of his head nervously.

(Y/N): Yeah, uh. . . The thing is Discord. . . I've already got plans to ask another pony out to the Grand Galloping Gala. . .

The limousine Discord explodes along with his shades before leaning in towards (Y/N) as if he just said the craziest thing in Equestria.

Discord: What?!?! I-I mean. . . you don't say?

He saves himself by standing upright and crossing his arms. Fluttershy looks over towards (Y/N) surprised and interested on who he was going to take to the Grand Galloping Gala.

Fluttershy: Really, (N/N)? Who did you plan on taking? Is it somepony that we know?

(Y/N) turns to Fluttershy and smiles brightly from this.

(Y/N): Oh ho, you better believe it! I didn't think that I'd ever get the chance to see her again since she's been out of Ponyville a lot lately. I saw her in town today and after getting an offer to go the Grand Galloping Gala with one more special guest, I couldn't help, but have her as the first thing in my mind. I mean, I know she says this a lot, but she's great. . .

Discord: Great?

(Y/N): Powerful!

Discord looked completely flabbergasted from (Y/N)'s description of who he was talking about.

Discord: Powerful?!

(Y/N): And really great with magic. . . Well, stage magic to be more specific.

Fluttershy: Ohhhh. You mean her. *giggles* I'm sure that she'll be delighted to hear that you'll be inviting her, (Y/N).

Discord: Uh, hello? Great and Powerful friend right here you know!

(Y/N): Not you, Discord. I'm talking about a mare. . . though I suppose that guessing yourself wasn't actually a bad answer.

Discord was shocked to hear this before his face turns red to show that he was just a little bit angry before the fumes suddenly disappear and he just grimaces before he straightens his neck to its full vertical height before walking past the two who notice him taking his leave.

Fluttershy: We're sorry, Discord. We assumed you'd have your own ticket since you and Princess Celestia are friends now. Were you not invited?

Discord stops at the front door and magics a smoking jacket onto himself during the next line.

Discord: Who, me? It probably got lost in the mail. No biggie, as the foals say. Well, gotta go!

(Y/N) raises an eyebrow from this and Fluttershy holds up a tray of snacks in her hooves.

Fluttershy: But we haven't had any of our Tuesday teacakes.

The whole lot is unceremoniously removed from her grip and dumped into the front of Discord's jacket before he tosses the tray aside.

Discord: Well, I guess we're just going to have to exclude them from our party this time. Oh, did I say that out loud? I mean, ta-ta.

He winks out, leaving the levitating table and teapot to hit the floor near a flabbergasted Fluttershy and a confused (Y/N) before the two look at each other with the same worried looks.

(Y/N): He's acting weird. . . well more than usual.

Fluttershy: It's okay, (N/N). I'm sure that when Discord is introduced to our friends, his opinion of them will change and we'll all be friends.

(Y/N): Well, to be honest, that's going to be kind of hard with my guest as she. . . can be a bit rough around the edges when meeting new ponies, but it's not that big of a deal. If we're friends with her then I'm sure she's bound to be able to bond with Discord too. Hey, maybe they may share their interest with magic since they both like different versions of it.

Fluttershy: *giggles* I'm sure we'll all get along. I can't wait for you to meet Tree Hugger as well, (Y/N). I actually told her about you and she seemed interested.

(Y/N): Hey, I've got an idea. Why don't we meet each other in Ponyville later and we can introduce our friends to each other telling them that they're our guests to the Grand Galloping Gala? It'll be like an early meet and greet.

Fluttershy: *gasps* That sounds like a wonderful idea, (N/N).

She says as she pecks him on the cheek.

Fluttershy: Let's go right away to get them. I'm actually a little bit excited for them to meet. I hope Discord isn't too busy or anything, he sounded like he was in a bit of a hurry.

(Y/N): Eh, I'm sure he's fine. He's. . . Discord.

Fluttershy smiles and nods from that before (Y/N) uses his magic to straighten up the little mess that Discord left when he was getting ready to leave before the shy Pegasus hops off of her chair along with her boyfriend as they both trot out of the cottage to go and retrieve their friends for the Grand Galloping Gala.

A little bit later after grabbing the Grand Galloping Gala tickets from his house and scouting the area, (Y/N) was able to finally see that in a small grassland near the city of Ponyville there was a rather nice looking purple wagon with a blue roof with many cerulean stars on the top of it and it even had small windows with curtains and small purple steps to walk down from. (Y/N) smiles and pumps his hoof seeing that his friend was still here in Ponyville before he lands down towards the wagon. He walks up to the wagon and takes a deep breath before raising his hoof to knock on the door to the wagon. He was expecting somepony to come out, but what happens next was not what he was expecting. . .

The vehicle starts to shake and rattle on its axles, but what comes out is a sudden salvo of fireworks from the side window, front end, and roof. Once the impromptu light show ends, a tendril of dark gray smoke begins to curl from the window and loud coughing could be heard from the inside. (Y/N) stares at this revelation with wide eyes as he was not expecting that from a single knock.

(Y/N): Wow. . . Talk about a fragile chain reaction. . .

The door on the wagon from the inside begins to rattle and make a ton of thudding sounds as (Y/N) steps back a little before the door finally opens and a mare could be heard coughing hard from all of the smoke that came from the unorganized fireworks.

???: Okay, I don't know who exactly would cause me a ruckus like this, but just so you know, I think when you see a wagon in the middle, "outside" of the town, I don't think that a Great and Powerful pony like myself would want to be disturbed like that.

The mare could be heard coughing again as she finally steps out of the wagon and shakes her head before turning her back towards (Y/N) to look up at her wagon with an annoyed look. The mare that (Y/N) had been talking about with Fluttershy was none other than the Great and Powerful. . .

Trixie: Now if you'll excuse me, Trixie will need to reorganize a blatantly obvious mess that YOU caused.

(Y/N): Um, Trixie, it's me.

Trixie turns towards (Y/N) with her eyes closed.

Trixie: I have met many ponies from many parts of Equestria, but I doubt that the Great and Powerful Trixie would ever somepony she just-

When her eyes fully open for her to see what exactly was in front of her, her eyes pop wide open and he jaw drops in shock when she sees (Y/N) right in front of her who smiles at her before waving.

Trixie: (Y-Y-Y-Y. . . (Y/N)?!

(Y/N): Hey there, Great and Powerful. How've you been?

(Y/N) reaches his hoof out for Trixie to share a hoof bump with him, but instead she actually jumps towards (Y/N) to wrap him into a hug which (Y/N) wasn't expecting.

Trixie: It really is you! Oh, I never thought that I would meet you again especially today!

Trixie then realize what she was saying as she immediately breaks the hug and clears her throat while blushing a little before turning herself back to her normal egotistical demeanor speaking in the third person.

Trixie: Ahem. I-I mean, the Great and Powerful Trixie is honored to have the Prince, the Hero of Equestria at her doorstep.

She says as she bows down to (Y/N) with a smile while (Y/N) smirks down at her before walking up to her to lifts her chin back up to face directly at him.

(Y/N): Trixie, you don't need to be formal with me. I know who you are. And we're really great friends, so addressing me by just my name is perfectly fine.

Trixie: *blushes* Oh, right. . .

She clears her throat once more before getting rid of her blush and look back at (Y/N) with a smile on her face.

Trixie: Anyways, what brings you here to Trixie beloved new wagon?

(Y/N): First off, I've got to say that's a neat new wagon that you got. Did you build that one yourself?

Trixie: Believe it or not, yes. You would not believe how much effort it went to not only try and entertain ponies to collect bits for parts, but also show hefty craftsmanship when building a wagon suited for a Great and Powerful illusionist such a myself.

(Y/N): I mean it really does suit you seeing the colors and everything. I'm impressed, Trixie. You really do know how to make a vehicle suitable for traveling.

She blushes from the compliment before shaking it away. However, this makes her get a slightly worried look on her face as she gets the wrong idea.

Trixie: Wait, is that it? Did somepony tell you that I'm going to have to reside somewhere because I can't stay in Ponyville after the amulet thing?

(Y/N) shakes his head from that calmly.

(Y/N): No, not at all. Actually, I came to see you. I was thinking about you actually.

Trixie's eyes widen from this in shock as she can't believe that (Y/N) actually thought about her while she was away.

Trixie: (He. . . He thought about me?? Despite being out of Ponyville for a huge amount of months?!)

Trixie looks away a little bit bashfully while blushing as she couldn't believe that this stallion that she indeed likes cares for her so much that he thinks about her from time to time. (Y/N) noticed her dazed expression as he tilts his head in confusion.

(Y/N): Uh, Trixie? You okay there?

Trixie gets out of her stupor and regains her composure before holding her head up high looking high and stuck up.

Trixie: O-Of course, I'm okay. Why Trixie is always okay to have visitors come and see her from time to time. . .

(Y/N): Your reaction to when I accidentally startled you in your wagon says otherwise. . .

Trixie glares at him while puffing her cheeks.

Trixie: Trixie wasn't scared! She, uh, had allergies!

She then tries to create more of a fake cough which make (Y/N) rolls his eyes with a playful smile as Trixie was trying to hide her real emotions.

(Y/N): So did you come to Ponyville to continue your tour?

Trixie: Actually, the Great and Powerful Trixie needed a little bit of a break with magic as you can possibly tell that traveling in a wagon to make a show for ponies across Equestria isn't easy.

(Y/N): I can only imagine it. Trust me, my job as a prince isn't easy either. But it's still something that I love to do regardless of the challenges that I go through.

Trixie: *giggles* Sounds like we have something in common.

(Y/N) smiles from that before he realizes the main reason that he actually came to see Trixie in the first place, so he looks around to see if anypony was looking so nopony tries to do a paparazzi on him like the time ponies kept asking Twilight for the ticket to the Grand Galloping Gala during the time she arrived in Ponyville.

(Y/N): So. . . Trixie, did you know that the Grand Galloping Gala is tonight in Canterlot?

Trixie was surprised to hear this.

Trixie: It is? Huh. I didn't really keep up with what was happening in ALL of Equestria, mainly I just kept up with what was going on in the town that I was currently in. It's been quite a while since I visited Canterlot after the last time that I went there. . . I found that stupid little amulet that ate my soul away.

She sighs sadly from this, which (Y/N) notices but he walks up to Trixie to wrap a hoof around her to cheer her up.

(Y/N): Trixie, we're way behind what happened back then. Nopony, not even me or you knew that much information about the Alicorn Amulet. Besides, you just wanted to impress some ponies with your own magic tricks and when ponies reminded you of your past, it just drove you to try and get better. Sure, it didn't go exactly the way that you wanted it, but it's all in the past now. I've completely forgiven you as I don't think that I would be standing here talking to you if I didn't.

Trixie looks up at (Y/N) and smiles at him while blushing a little as he improved her mood right back to where it was.

(Y/N): Anyways about Canterlot and the Grand Galloping Gala, it wasn't really about anything with magic. . . I um, wanted to ask. . .

He rubs the back of his head sheepishly while blushing with a nervous smile.

(Y/N): Are you. . . doing anything tonight?

Trixie raises an eyebrow from that before her eyes widen in realization with a small blush on her face and she walks up to (Y/N) with a smug smirk on her face.

Trixie: (Y/N). . . Are you asking the Great and Powerful Trixie on a date~?

(Y/N) then conjures up two of the tickets to the said Gala still looking kind of embarrassed.

(Y/N): Maybe. . .

When Trixie sees these tickets, her eyes pop wide open in shock as she can definitely now see that (Y/N) wasn't bluffing isn't the slightest with those tickets in front of her face. She then lets out a grin with an excited squeal which (Y/N) notices as he smiles at her thinking that that is a yes. Trixie then notices (Y/N) looked at her excited expression as she clears her throat before gaining a smirk on her face.

Trixie: I'm sure that somepony like you has been to the Grand Galloping Gala a number of times, (Y/N). But are you really sure that you're good enough to actually take the Great and Powerful Trixie herself alone to a place like Canterlot?

(Y/N) was confused was that as he wasn't expecting that response from her.

(Y/N): Is that a no?

Trixie: Not really. But somepony who is prince like yourself and me, a Great and Powerful magician, it would indeed look pretty good on both of us, but I'm just not sure if you're actually "capable" of how high the stakes are when asking somepony like me out.

(Y/N) thinks that he knows where Trixie is going with this as he smirks at her.

(Y/N): Is that a challenge? I'm more than capable for somepony like you. Do you even know who you're talking to? I was able to charm quote unquote "six" ponies into a herd in which I have. I think that I'm MORE than capable of dating somepony talented like you, Trix.

Trixie: Is that so? Hmm. . . Okay, Trixie will go out with you, (Y/N) on one condition. . .

(Y/N): Name it!

Trixie turns around and opens her door to pull out a couple of boxes that had magic items inside like magic wands, smoke bombs, rings, and even more.

Trixie: If you can demonstrate a magic trick of something that not even the Great and Powerful Trixie has thought of yet, then I will definitely consider on letting you escort Trixie to the Grand Galloping Gala.

(Y/N) sees this surprised before thinking hard in his brain.

(Y/N): A magic trick. . . Hmm. . .

Trixie: Try your best not to use alicorn magic where I can see it. Otherwise it'll spoil the surprise.

(Y/N) puts a hoof to his chin to try and come up with some ideas on how he could blow Trixie away with a magic trick that she hasn't done before. It takes him a little bit before his eyes widen and a light bulb shines over his head and quickly disappears before he aims a fierce look at Trixie.

(Y/N): I've got it! Do you have a full deck of cards?

Trixie: Are you kidding?

Trixie levitates out a full deck of 52 cards out from a nearby box before levitating them out in front of her.

(Y/N): Alright, I'm going to melt your brain with this magic trick! First, I want you to shuffle those cards.

Trixie smirks from this as she does so taking random cards from the deck and placing them all over the place. (Y/N) looks hard at this deck as he squints his eyes at it and his eyes even blink (F/C) for a split second. Eventually, Trixie was done as she takes half of the cards in two piles and puts them back together into one full deck.

Trixie: Alright, they're shuffled. Now what?

(Y/N) keeps his smirk on his face towards Trixie.

(Y/N): It doesn't matter which one, but I want you to pick a stack of cards anywhere near the deck's top and flip it. Only show yourself the card and not me.

Trixie: You're going to name the card aren't you?

(Y/N): You'll see~

Trixie: (Does he actually believe that I'll be impressed by this? Many magicians already do this kind of trick.)

Trixie does what (Y/N) wanted as she picks a stack of cards near the top of the deck and she made sure that (Y/N) still couldn't see the card from where he was looking at her. She looks hard at the card that she picked before looking back up at (Y/N).

Trixie: Alright, Trixie knows her card.

(Y/N) keeps a poker face towards Trixie and looks at the cards before smirking as he looks back up at Trixie.

(Y/N): I'll tell you what the card is. . . The six of hearts!

Trixie's eyes widen from this as she looks back and forth from (Y/N) and the card with a slightly surprised look. Judging by her reaction, (Y/N) could already tell that he was right.

(Y/N): I'm right, aren't I? Okay, now I'm going to name all of the cards in order from top to bottom that you're currently holding. Five of spades, queen of diamonds, jack of spades, ace of hearts, seven of diamonds, six of clubs, king of clubs, and two of diamonds.

Trixie gasps a little bit from this shocked before she unfolds all of these cards. . . and they were in the exact order that (Y/N) just said which made Trixie's jaw hit the floor as she couldn't believe that (Y/N) figured that out in mere seconds without even stopping to think.

Trixie: Wha- Ah. . . Th-Th-That's correct!!! B-But I was the one who shuffled them and you didn't even move from where you were standing! How did you do that?!

(Y/N): *smirks* While you were shuffling the cards, I had already activated a magic spell that allowed me to increase my awareness. When you were shuffling the cards, I was moving as fast as the blink of an eye to look at each card that you shuffled when you were about to be finished, so you didn't even see me move a muscle. Except I knew that I was the one who was moving.

Trixie was shocked to hear that (Y/N) did all of that while she was shuffling the cards as she blinked twice before levitating the deck of cards back into the box filled with her magic supplies.

Trixie: Well. . . Color Trixie impressed! Trixie doesn't believe that even she could've thought of something like that!

(Y/N): So, will you be my date to the Gala now, Trixie? Or is there something else that I need to prove to be with a mare as beautiful as you?

(Y/N) says this with a smirk as Trixie blushes from that before shaking it away and she rolls her eyes with a smile.

Trixie: Okay, you've convinced me. The Great and Powerful Trixie shall go out with you to the Grand Galloping Gala, (Y/N).

(Y/N) smiles as he was happy to hear that Trixie is going to go to the Gala with him.

Trixie: Truth be told. . . I'm actually really excited to go with you to the Gala, (Y/N)!

(Y/N): Glad to hear it. Come with me, I asked my friend Rarity to prepare a dress for you and I think that you are going to love what she made for you.

Trixie: Hmph. As long as it lives up to Trixie's taste, I'll be happy.

(Y/N) rolls his eyes from that before both him and Trixie begin to walk together in Ponyville together to have a little bit more of a conversation before going to the Gala. As they were though, Trixie couldn't help but blush as she actually had something else in mind besides going out with (Y/N) to the Grand Galloping Gala.

Trixie: (I-I'm actually going to go on a date with (Y/N). . . Ever since I first arrived here and the time that he saved me from getting corrupted from that amulet he's been really nice to me. . .)

However, another thought comes across Trixie's mind which left her pondering a little bit with concern.

Trixie: (Wait. . . he did say that he had a herd of other mares in a relationship with him, but. . . w-will he let other mares besides who he already has be with him as well. . .? Now I'm kind of worried. . .)

At Sugarcube Corner, Pinkie was busy keeping her customers happy as she stands at an open floor-to-ceiling window, smiling up at a hovering Pegasus who is munching down on a cupcake.

Pinkie Pie: Have a wonderful, special, fantastic day! Oh, hi, Discord. Want some cake?

She said trotting past a gray cardboard box whose flaps open after a red exclamation point from a certain stealth action game appears over the box .The chaos master puts his head out, his antler and horn back where they belong, and gets a bit of a scare when she whips back to him.

Pinkie Pie: I can give you a list of all the flavors we have in order of most delicious to incredibly, unbelievably delicious!

Discord climbs out and retreats from the box as she hops along to box him in against a wall.

Discord: Actually, Pinkie Pie, who are you taking to. . . I mean, do you. . .

He trails off again, scraping the nearest candy-cane column with his talons forcefully enough to gouge the wood, and finally turns to face her.

Discord: Eugh, oh, you know what? I am famished. I'll take all the cakes.

The blue eyes constrict to dumbstruck points.

Pinkie Pie: ALL of them?!

She then turns to the camera and shakes it crazily with a huge grin.

Pinkie Pie: Did you hear that readers?! He wants ALL of the cakes!!

The draconequus placing this massive order is now lounging against a display case, and he holds this position as Pinkie zips madly back and forth, supplies flying every which way.

Discord: Well, I'll need all my energy when I'm dancing at the Gala, if I decide to go that is. Oh, by the way, are you bringing anypony?

Pinkie Pie: Oh, of course! I was gonna ask my mom, because she's, you know, my mom, but it turned out she didn't want to go, so I started asking around and around and around. . .

On the end of this, Discord turns away from her with a look of pure boredom that quickly shifts into bug-eyed shock. As Pinkie prattles on, Discord sees in the distance that (Y/N) and Fluttershy were talking to two mares at the far end of the block and they all seemed to be talking and laughing with each other. A set of crosshairs superimposes itself on the pair, zeroing in on the two mares that (Y/N) and Fluttershy were talking to and then flashing red as Discord has found the source of his troubles.

Pinkie Pie: . . .and I couldn't think of anypony, and I was about to just go by myself, and I realized, of course!

Discord has pulled out a submarine periscope down from the ceiling to eye out the four. He folds up the handles and lets the scope retract while grimacing with envy. Pinkie has stacked many boxes around the entire bakery.

Pinkie Pie: Who loves fancy exciting affairs more than anypony else? My sister Maud!!

Discord: You know what? Cancel my order.

She gets another monkey wrench thrown into her mental gears, and his abrupt disappearance leaves her standing alone with dozens of boxes now stacked up to cover most of the shop floor.


She says as she flops wearily onto the display case counter.

Meanwhile outside, (Y/N) and Fluttershy were continuing their stroll with the two mares that they both said that they were going to gather in Ponyville as they were both Tree Hugger and Trixie. Tree Hugger was a Earth pony mare with a light harlequin coat, pale light grayish purple eyes, a light amaranth mane and tail with light vermillion highlights, she was wearing a flowered orange kerchief over her mane, and her Cutie Mark was a tree with a heart-shaped canopy.

They were all walking down the road together as the three of them laughed at something Tree Hugger must've said to them as she was the only one not laughing.

Fluttershy: *laughs* Oh, my, you are funny!

Trixie: Normally, Trixie doesn't get that much of a laugh from anypony, but I suppose you are plus one to that list.

(Y/N): I really am glad that we decided to bring you two together out today.

Discord then shoves his head up between the ponies.

Discord: And I suppose that I am here being the literal shadow to your little conversation?

He snakes through the air to stand facing away from them. Trixie looks at Discord weird before looking towards (Y/N) and pointing at Discord with a hoof.

Trixie: And who exactly is THIS talking snake?

Discord did not take this introduction lightly as he glares at Trixie while crossing both of his arms.

Discord: Excuse me? Do you have any idea who you're talking to? And didn't your mother ever tell you that it's rude to point?

He then conjures up a series of floating fingers with wings who pointed towards Trixie, much to her disbelief as she freaked out and backed up a little bit in fear. (Y/N) notices this before looking up towards Discord with a serious look.

(Y/N): Discord!

Discord: She started it!

Fluttershy: I suppose a better introduction towards friends is called for. . . Tree Hugger, this is Discord. Discord, Tree Hugger.

Tree Hugger: Radical to meet you. Really digging your vibe.

Discord turns to her with his eyes glowing red.

Discord: My "vibe"?

Fluttershy: It's a compliment.

He straightens up with a smile.

Discord: Oh, well, I'm sure it is. And who exactly are you talking to right now, (Y/N)?

(Y/N) sighs with a smile.

(Y/N): Trixie, meet Discord. Discord, this is Trixie.

Trixie: Also known as the Great and Powerful Trixie!

Discord stares at Trixie with a blank look before he just starts laughing his tail off which confused (Y/N) and Fluttershy, Tree Hugger was indifferent, but Trixie was a little bit peeved at Discord laughing after she said that.

Trixie: I'm sorry, but Trixie fails to see exactly what's so funny about mocking the title of the Great and Powerful Trixie?

Discord: *laughs* You did it again! You did it again! Oh ho ho, that was hilarious!

He says as he wipes a tear from his eye which drops to the ground and bounces off like a rubber ball. He finally stops his laughter before sinking down towards (Y/N) and Trixie.

Discord: I'm sorry, but "Discord" fails to see exactly what makes somepony like you is "Great" and "Powerful." You look like any other unicorn across the little town of ours.

Trixie: Wha, uh, I never!

(Y/N): Geez, rude much Discord? It's her magician's title. Trixie is a tourist and she mainly loves to walk around Equestria showing every pony her illusions and magic tricks. It's just like how you're title is "Lord of Chaos" or "Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony."

Trixie: I'm already feeling the "chaos" rubbing off on him as we speak.

Discord leans down towards her with a smile.

Discord: Why, thank you. It's a gift.

He says as he pulls a present box out of nowhere and it instantly explodes white flour over the two as Trixie sneezes in the process while wiping her face off along with (Y/N). Trixie glares up at Discord before looking at (Y/N) with a bored look on her face.

Trixie: You're really friends with this living piece of craziness?

(Y/N): More or less.

Discord: What kind of answer is that?! Of course we're friends! The best of friends if I may add!

Trixie: *rolls eyes* *sarcastically* Good for you.

(Y/N): Discord, we're going to get ready for the Grand Galloping Gala soon. Don't want to be late to that event after Princess Celestia gave us a big opportunity to be there with friends.

Discord frowns before he forces a smile from hearing this.

Discord: Yes well, I suppose I must be off as well.

He disappears, but pops back in an instant later without his good cheer.

Discord: It has nothing to do with seeing you or not seeing you. You can rest assured of that.

A chuckle, and he goes bye-bye again only to return in very short order.

Discord: Have fun at the Gala!

His wink-out is accompanied by pulling the taloned forelimb down his face to stretch it out.

Tree Hugger: Righteous!

Fluttershy: Yes, Discord is. . . unique, right Trixie?

Trixie: I'd say that with a couple of levels of obnoxious.

Trixie says this as she looks at (Y/N) who chuckles sheepishly with a small blush.

We now go to an area that seems to have been designed to laugh in the face of as many natural laws as possible. Rickety ropes and plank bridges and contorted railroad tracks connect one surreally landscaped floating island to another and only one end of a walkway is connected to anything. The background is a swirling maelstrom of purplish hues and streaks. In the distance is one airborne landmass that holds a small, garishly colored, otherwise normal-looking house. This is Discord's home in his chaos dimension.

Inside of Discord's house in his living room, the front door opens, but Discord forgoes it in favor of zapping into the middle of the room.

Discord: *mocking Fluttershy* Oh, Tree Hugger. You're such a great friend. So much funnier than unfunny old Discord! *mocking (Y/N)* Oh, Trixie. I can't believe you came. Let's hang out with each other with all of your pointless magic tricks that are better than Discord's.

The door slams shut on its own, causing a pitcher to fall off the table and shatter. Taking note of the mess, he conjures up a knotted kerchief on his head, rubber gloves on his forelimbs, a host of cleaning tools, and an apron to cover the rest of himself. He then sits a dust bunny beside another one under a couch.

Discord: *mocking* No, no, here. Take my plus-one. I insist. Before somepony else thinks he's my friend and expects to be asked instead.

This line ends with a derisive chuckle before he goes to the kitchen sink and is hard at the job of washing a stack of clean dishes turning them dirty in the process.

Discord: *mocking* What's that? You're worried Discord might be upset? *normal tone* Not a problem! I can make more new friends anytime I want. It's not as if any of this actually mattered! I don't even want to go to the Gala anyway!

He says as he goes to a couch and slumps down onto it. His crossed-arm pout is broken off by the sound of a frightened yell from outside. He looks outside to see an Earth pony mail carrier stallion floats past, cartwheeling helplessly through the atmosphere and yelling all the while. One nimble grab by Discord's lion paw reels him in and the nutcase has stripped off all of his cleaning attire and recovered his usual smooth demeanor.

Discord: Are you perhaps looking for me?

The mail stallion pulls out an envelope and reads it.

Parcel Post: Are you "Discord or current resident"? I can't find any street numbers in this place.

The talons pluck the envelope from his grasp, and it slits itself open at a searching gaze from the red eyes. Out floats a gold ticket and Discord throws the envelope aside and grabs this, instantly all smiles.

Discord: My ticket to the Grand Galloping Gala! I WAS invited after all!

The hapless pony has no immediate response, and his continuing lack of one when Discord pulls the ticket away deflates the latter's high spirits. The carrier begins to shake with fear, which is not helped by Discord leaning down to aim a squint-eyed glare straight at him.

Discord: *grimly* Why is this so late?

Parcel Post: Well, I got a little lost after I escaped the flying badgers. . . Can you point me in the direction of the bottomless pit? I think I can make my way back from there.

Discord lets him float off on his own walking away from the mail stallion.

Discord: Oh, over there. Somewhere. Just go over there.

He stops and glares daggers at the ticket.

Discord: (Y/N), Fluttershy, looks like I'll see you two at the Gala after all.

His mouth twists up into a cruel smile and as he continues, the carrier drifts by in the background and is promptly snagged by a flying purple dinosaur something-or-other.

Discord: But I can't show up alone. They'll think that their my only friend. Who could I bring on such short notice?

A moment's thought leads him to snap his fingers and smile broadly, followed by a malicious little chuckle.

Many hours later, it was now night time as the entrance hall of Canterlot Castle was filled with well-dressed ponies as the Grand Galloping Gala has begun. Twilight and Princess Celestia stand side by side in their greeter positions at the top of the stairs. Now that Twilight is a princess, she decided to help Princess Celestia take care of some responsibilities that she had at the Gala compared to the last time that they were there. The evening looked lively as ponies were mingling and enjoying the party more compared to last time which impressed Princess Celestia as she lets out a relaxed sigh.

Princess Celestia: Look at it. All of who we invited to the Grand Galloping Gala last year and it looks like this evening is going to be just as different as when (Y/N) came here to help fix it all.

Twilight Sparkle: I agree. It was amazing how he was able to convince nearly all of Canterlot to actually enjoy the Gala with what everypony expects with it than rather them just see this as another way to make themselves look more high class.

Princess Celestia: There are still few ponies who don't entirely agree with what he said, but nonetheless they are not doing anything hostile and they just enjoy it how they like it.

Twilight Sparkle: You know now that you mention it, where is (Y/N)? He was invited here too, right?

Princess Celestia: Absolutely as the son of the first ruler of Equestria. Don't worry, I'm sure he'll be here soon enough.

A trumpet fanfare sounds from an earth pony herald stallion blowing the melody at his post just inside the castle entrance.

Announcer: Announcing the Hero of Equestria, Prince (Y/N) (L/N)!

Twilight eyes widen from this while Princess Celestia giggled from her reaction.

Princess Celestia: Or maybe right now in that matter.

(Y/N) comes in with a bright smile on his face as he was wearing a (C/C) tuxedo with a white undershirt and a (F/C) bowtie. He also had on a pair of (M/C) formal shoes and to finish it off, he was wearing a (F/C) top hat with a large circular pin on it with his Cutie Mark symbol on it. His mane was also neatly done with a different formal style on it. He sees Twilight up ahead and smirks as he adjusts his hat a little bit while giving her a charming smile. Twilight sees this with a blush on her face as she smirks back at him.

Twilight Sparkle: Rrrrrreow~

Princess Celestia hears this from Twilight as she smirks at her, but even she couldn't help but think that (Y/N) looks good in his outfit as well as just the tiniest bit of blush crawled on her cheeks, but it quickly went away. However, what the announcer says next was about to baffle Twilight.

Announcer: And announcing his guest, Trixie Lulamoon!

In she comes walking up right next to (Y/N) as Trixie was wearing a dress similar to how her magic attire, but instead it was a darker purple with yellow stars on the bottom of the dress while there were light blue stars near the top as the middle almost made the design overlap. A moon crescent was on the front of the dress and she had a gemstone earring with a purple feather pinned with it. Trixie raises an eyebrow at the stallion who just announced her name.

Trixie: That's THE Great and Powerful Trixie to you.

(Y/N): *sternly* Trixie. . . Ego check. . .

Trixie: Eh.

She says shrugging her shoulders not thinking that was that big of deal and (Y/N) just rolls his eyes with a smile. Twilight was with Celestia and she blinked a couple of times to make sure that what she was seeing was real as her face just showed clear shock that Trixie is here.

Twilight Sparkle: Trixie?!

Trixie: Hello, princess.

She says with a slight bow before walking up the steps with (Y/N) as Twilight just kept her shocked look on her face before it turns into a sheepish grin.

Twilight Sparkle: This is. . . unexpected.

Trixie: You know I was just a surprised when I found out that (Y/N) said that he was taking me out of all ponies here to the Grand Galloping Gala. I thought for sure that he would pick one of you since you two are. . . you know, but it looks like that you're not the only mare he thinks about.

Trixie said this with a prideful smile which made Twilight deadpan at her with a twitching eye while (Y/N) aims a dirty look at Trixie.

(Y/N): You don't need to brag and make it sound like that I was defiant to invite Twilight.

Trixie: Sure, but even so you picked me out of all ponies and I am honored.

Twilight Sparkle: That's saying a lot coming from you. . .

Trixie: Exactly.

Twilight rolls her eyes before giving the best smile that she could regardless of Trixie getting on her nerves.

Twilight Sparkle: I'm glad that you two were able to make it though.

(Y/N): Me too. And it appears that this Gala is going smoothly this time.

Princess Celestia: Your actions from the last time that you were here clearly reflects that you made a difference here, (Y/N). I wouldn't be surprised if many ponies found you to be a big deal here.

(Y/N): Neither would I, but even so I'm just here for the same reason they are. To just have talk, do activities, and have fun.

Princess Celestia: Wonderful! Speaking of wonderful, we love your outfit (Y/N). However, if I'm not mistaken you wore an outfit similar the last time that you were here.

Twilight Sparkle: He actually showed me it a couple of days ago and I said the same thing.

(Y/N) deadpans at Twilight being critical about his suit.

(Y/N): I have on a different color, don't I?

This makes Twilight, Princess Celestia, and even Trixie giggle a little bit at (Y/N)'s response.

(Y/N): I'll be in the ballroom with Trixie if you need anything, alright?

He says this as he holds his hoof out to Trixie who takes it with a smile and (Y/N) leaves with his date walking right beside him. Twilight couldn't help but keep her eye trained on both (Y/N) and Trixie walking together as she couldn't help but feel just a slight tinge of envy. Once they were out of sight though, Twilight turns her sights back out on the main entrance to keep greeting anypony that arrives in the Grand Galloping Gala.

Princess Celestia: I must say, it's been very nice having you take over some of the planning responsibilities for this year's Gala.

Twilight Sparkle: Anything I can do to make it easier on you.

Princess Celestia: Thank you, Twilight. And with (Y/N)'s arrival here, I am quite looking forward to just enjoying the Gala for once.

After she says that, another trumpet fanfare is played which draws both of their attention to the entrance as the Earth pony announcer begins to speak out once again.

Announcer: Announcing the spirit of chaos, Discord, and his guest, the, uh. . .

Said Spirit of Chaos leans down to whisper in his ear, exposing a bright orange jacket sleeve. The announcer's eyes register worry once he hears the news and Discord backs off.

Announcer: The Smooze!

Discord then comes striding in wearing an orange tuxedo jacket and top hat, off-white ruffled shirt, red bow tie, cummerbund, and hat band, and a walking stick gripped in his lion paw.

Behind him is a blobby silhouette, which slowly squelches into the light  as it was a translucent, lurid green, slimy creature with a red bow tie set below a mouth that is the only facial feature, and a light blue top hat with dark blue band. The Smooze is now on the scene, the mouth curving into a goofy smile.

Ponies all over the entrance hall voice terrified gasps, one mare fainting for good measure.

Discord: Good evening, everypony! What a glorious affair!

The herald who did not blow the fanfare gets his trumpet yanked out of his grip by a tendril of The Smooze's protoplasm, and it is promptly engulfed.

Discord: He does have a yen for shiny things, the rascal.

He says patting The Smooze's head. When he pulls his lion paw away, a ribbon of gunk goes along with it. After a moment's thought, he wipes it off on the shirt front of the announcing herald. Neither Twilight nor Celestia can believe their eyes as Twilight is first to recover her speech.

Twilight Sparkle: I'll take care of this.

She takes off down the stairs at high speed, bulldozing Discord back as he and the Smooze advance along the red carpet. The gelatinous mass lets go with a belch from his brassy repast as Twilight hovers at Discord's eye level.

Twilight Sparkle: *quietly* What are you doing here with. . . THAT?!

Discord: Now, now, now. The Smooze may be an "it", but it's an it with a heart of, well, blob.

Twilight is far from reassured, and the sight of The Smooze leaving a trail of slime behind himself as he oozes along does not help the general mood of revulsion one bit. He turns off to one side, having spotted the jewelry worn by a couple of mares who clear out as he approaches.

Twilight Sparkle: This night is extremely important to me, Discord.

She throws a smile and wave to Princess Celestia before turning back to Discord to address him through gritted teeth.

Twilight Sparkle: Keep IT under control!

Discord: Yes, yes, yes, of course. Tell me, have you seen Fluttershy or (Y/N) anywhere?

Twilight Sparkle: Uh, you just missed (Y/N). . . He's in the ballroom with Trixie and I think Fluttershy is with Tree Hugger.

Discord: Oooh. Then I suppose that I be on my way to see them and introduce them to my "friend."

Both hear a shriek as they turn to see The Smooze trying to suck on the jewelry of another mare nearby. Twilight glares and growls at Discord who just shrugs his shoulders with a casual smile.

Discord: Pardon him. He didn't have his lunch before coming here. Don't worry, I'll take care of that right now.

Twilight Sparkle: I mean it, Discord! Make that you both are on your best behavior!

Inside of the ballroom, the Cutie Mark Crusaders were here at the Grand Galloping Gala too as Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash decided to invite all three of them to the Gala. They walk through the fore yelling out with joy that they're at the Gala.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders: We're here! We're here! We made it to the Gala!

Behind them come Applejack and Rarity, dressed up and both were wearing expressions that suggest they would rather have their teeth pulled than revisit their earlier social disaster. However, they allow themselves a small knowing smile. Discord strides in, stick tucked under his lion-paw forelimb and a giant diamond held in his talons. The Smooze follows right behind as Discord stops and lets the stone fall over his shoulder, and the blob eagerly gobbles it down, glowing briefly and exhibiting just a bit of growth.

A group of tables were near the stage as Discord spots one where Fluttershy, (Y/N), Trixie, and Tree Hugger are talking and laughing at one. Spike stands off to one side, ready to dig into a jewel-studded cupcake. Discord is giddy at this sight as he begins to approach the four of them.

Tree Hugger: The aura coming off the waterfall was so alive! So, like, magic manifestation.

Fluttershy: Wow.

(Y/N): Sounds like a peaceful sight.

Trixie: I know that the magic part was an expression, but I can still imagine what it could possibly feel like.

Discord and The Smooze make their way over as Discord was walking backwards. He bumps into Fluttershy, having disposed of his walking stick.

Discord: Oh, Fluttershy. I didn't see you there.

Fluttershy: How did you even know to look for an aura on a waterfall?

Caught out at being ignored, he decides to try and fake an accidental bump towards (Y/N) instead.

Discord: Oh, how rude of me. Why it's so great to see that you're here, (Y/N).

However, this goes ignored as well.

(Y/N): I think that she was referring to how calm the waterfall felt when she was there, Flutters.

Being ignored twice he clears his throat once, twice, three times. Each repetition grows in length and volume until he achieves a hacking cough that finally gets Fluttershy's and (Y/N)'s attention.

(Y/N): Oh, hey Discord. Guess you decided to come after all.

Fluttershy: We thought you weren't coming!

Discord: No. I actually never said that. But funny how you remembered it that way.

He then turns his attention towards Tree Hugger and Trixie as the latter didn't really look too happy that Discord was here with them.

Discord: Anyway, good to see you. Tree Friend and Trickster, was it? Your names are slipping my mind right now. How strange.

These last two words are delivered with a malicious grin.

Trixie: That's "Trixie" to you! . . .Whatever your name was.

Tree Hugger: Nice to meet you. I'm Tree Hugger. Blessings.

Discord: The both of you have met me before actually!

He snorts out steam from his nose to clearly show that he was annoyed.

Tree Hugger: Cool! Like, in another life, maybe?

Discord: You've gotta be kidding. You two don't remember ME?

He pulls off his top hat and points to the antler and horn underneath it to drive the point home.

Tree Hugger: *laughs* I meet a lot of different creatures, each one of them perfect and unique.

Trixie: I for one remembered how you looked when we first met, but the more that we're having this conversation, the more that I want to forget.

(Y/N): Trixie, you don't need to be so mean. Discord's not a bad guy. He just. . . likes to do things his way.

Discord smiles from this as he leans over and wraps his arms around both Fluttershy and (Y/N).

Discord: Yes, well, as I was saying, it's just great to be here with my oldest, bestest friend.

Fluttershy and (Y/N) look at each other before smiling up at Discord.

Fluttershy: Are we really your oldest, bestest friends?

Discord stands up to full height.

Discord: You two? *laughs* Of course not! You think I don't have other friends? I'm centuries old! I was talking about The Smooze!

Now he zips a few feet away to where the green glob is hanging out.

Discord: Smooze Face, the Smoozinator – well, I mean that's what we called him back in college.

A flash allows him to teleport himself back to the four ponies' table, holding a mildly perturbed Smooze aloft.

Discord: Smooze! I would like you to meet Fluttershy, (Y/N), Trickery. . .

Trixie: Wha. . . uh. . . It's Trixie!! How hard is that?!

Discord: Yes, yes, yes, and, um, hmm. . . Tree. . . how'd you say it. . . Tree Embrace?

Tree Hugger: Oh, I like that! It's so in rhythm with my life force! *gasps* Maybe I'll change it!

The Smooze starts to extend a runnel toward her as Discord smacks it away, almost driving The Smooze into Fluttershy's face as she just giggles.

Fluttershy: *giggles* I can't believe I've never heard you speak of The Smooze before. Sounds like you two are so close.

(Y/N): And wait, you went to college?

Discord: But of course, how else would be able to master chaos magic like this?

He snaps his fingers and makes (Y/N)'s hat grow bird wings as it flew over towards Trixie and made a couple of squawking noises as Trixie tries to shoo it away.

Trixie: We didn't need an example! We can already clearly see that!

(Y/N): *sternly* Discord. . .

Discord snaps his fingers once more to play (Y/N)'s hat back where it belongs on the stallions head in its normal appearance.

(Y/N): And I'm also kind of skeptical you didn't talk about The Smooze before as well. You two are really that close?

Discord: Of course. It's all true. We are close.

A blink later and Discord has teleported across the ballroom to hoist the Smooze off the tiles.

Discord: VERY close.

Fluttershy: That's wonderful! The six of us should go out to dinner sometime!

The walking anatomical mishmash is so gobsmacked by this suggestion that he squeezes hard enough to pop the Smooze's "head" clean off. The two giant slime wads slither away from him and reform into one as now Discord rounds angrily on Fluttershy.

Discord: We should all go out to dinner sometime?! Have you no heart?

(Y/N): What's so wrong about an outing between friends?

Discord: Well for your information it's because. . .

Comes now a scream from elsewhere in the ballroom as an old stallion was being used as an equine shield by an equally elderly mare as The Smooze crawls their way.

Discord: Oh, oh! It looks like somepony wants to mingle. We'll be back in a bit.

He floats off as Fluttershy and (Y/N) look at each other confused before looking back at Discord.

Fluttershy: Oh, okay. Treezie and I would love to talk to you more later!

Discord makes a quick return at hearing that nickname she gave Tree Hugger.

Discord: Treezie? Really?

(Y/N): It's a nickname, Discord. Just like how I sometimes like to call my fair mare here, the Great and Powerful Trix.

Trixie blushes just a little bit from that nickname while playing with her mane bashfully which Discord notices with a ton of envy.

Discord: Sort of juvenile nicknames, don't you think?

Here come a crash of glass and another scream as he looks off in their general direction.

Discord: Smoozie! Wait up!

Fluttershy and Tree Hugger exchange warm smiles, while (Y/N) and Trixie traded puzzled looks as (Y/N) shrugged his shoulders not really minding what Discord was planning with The Smooze at the Gala. (Y/N) then coughs just a tad as he covers his mouth.

(Y/N): Excuse me ladies, but I'm feeling a bit parched.

Fluttershy: Well, Discord did knock all of the cider cups off the table with The Smooze.

(Y/N): Not to worry, I can go fetch us some more. I'll be right back.

(Y/N) then walks off as Trixie sees him temporarily leave their little group before she sighs wearily and she looks at Fluttershy with a slightly nervous look.

Trixie: *clears throat* Um, Fluttershy? Trixie would like to ask you a question. . . or rather ask for some advice.

Fluttershy: Advice? From me? Well, I'm flattered Trixie. How can I be of help?

Trixie: Well you must understand that The Great and Powerful Trixie is great at doing a lot of things when it comes to magic, telling ponies that I have experience with experiencing things, and even going to events with such kind ponies such as (Y/N).

Fluttershy: I don't think that last one is a skill. . .

Trixie: Take it as you want, but believe it or not Trixie. . . is not so great at doing one thing.

Fluttershy: Oh? What's that?

Trixie looks over to see that (Y/N) was still refilling some cider cups for them to drink and she knows that he won't be there for long, so she'll have to make this quick. She blushes before telling Fluttershy her little secret.

Trixie: Well, I understand for a fact that you and (Y/N) are indeed dating along with Princess Twilight and some of your other friends that you have here, but. . . um. . . I wanted to know. . . is there a chance that he may be willing to accept another ponies' feelings?

Fluttershy was confused at first before gasping as she thinks that she knows what Trixie is implying.

Fluttershy: Trixie. . . Are you. . . in love with (Y/N)?

Trixie: *blushes* D-Don't say it like that! . . .But yes. I have indeed fallen for (Y/N). It's just hard for me to not say to myself that I don't. It's not just the fact that he's somepony really good looking, but he's helped me more than anypony else ever has. He even told me that he was thinking of me when he said that he was going to invite somepony here to the Grand Galloping Gala and when I heard that too, it just made me fall for him even more.

Fluttershy was surprised to hear all of this as she continues to listen to what Trixie was saying about her true feelings for (Y/N).

Trixie: But alas, it appears that since he's got six girlfriends. . . The Great and Powerful Trixie has arrived a little bit too late for her chance to be with a guy like that. . . That's what I wanted to say. . .

Fluttershy continues to look at Trixie who looks away a little bit downtrodden that she thinks that because that (Y/N) dates the Mane 6, that she can't date him too. Fluttershy kind of felt bad for Trixie as she remembers the time where they all met at the Golden Oak Library with Twilight and they all discussed their feelings for (Y/N) too. Apparently Trixie was in this exact situation too as she doesn't know if (Y/N)'s herd could be expanded. Fluttershy thinks to herself and looks back towards (Y/N) who apparently had stopped to speak briefly with some more ponies at the Gala. She looks down before looking at Trixie with a smile.

Fluttershy: Why don't just tell him how you feel then?

Trixie looked up at Fluttershy surprised.

Trixie: Really?

Fluttershy: *nods* When I first fell for (Y/N), I was actually in the same situation where you are as I realized that my friends had the exact same feelings for him as well. When Twilight told us about the Herding Law though, it came to us that we could all date him at once as long as he reciprocates those feelings to us as well. And now, he loves me just as much as I love him.

Trixie: But when exactly were you able to confess to him?

Fluttershy's eyes widen from that as she blushes nervously while biting her lip as she got some really bad flashbacks in her head from a certain event.

Fluttershy: Um. . . Long story. Probably not the best time to mention it now.

Trixie raised an eyebrow from that, but she just lets it go as she doesn't really want to invade on that information.

Trixie: So what exactly should I do?

Fluttershy: *smiles* I don't think anypony said that there's a limit to who exactly (Y/N) could love. . . At least I hope there isn't.

She said a little bit nervous which also made Trixie a little nervous too.

Fluttershy: All you need to do is just tell him your true feelings. It wasn't easy for any of us, but knowing just how amiable (Y/N) is, I'm sure he feels the same way about you too, Trixie.

Trixie stares at Fluttershy astonished by what she said before she smiles back at her and nods as she thinks that she knows exactly what to do now when she gets the chance. The question she needs to answer though is when exactly will she catch that chance tonight?

Over at another section, Discord was pushing The Smooze over a set of closed doors at the periphery of the ballroom.

Discord: Now, listen, Smooze. I need to make this a party of one for a little while.

Discord then opens these doors as he shoves The Smooze through into the courtyard.

Discord: Just stay out here until I come for you.

Back he goes, closing the doors and completely missing the distraught set of the Smooze's mouth. Inside, Discord turns a key in one lock, then glances across the ballroom, surprise writing itself in three-inch letters across his face.

Applejack, (Y/N), Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, Trixie and Tree Hugger were seen giggling over a shared joke. Discord poofs into existence in the middle of the group and joins in the laughter, altogether missing the fact that the other six go dead silent at the same moment. It takes him several seconds to wind down.

(Y/N): Why. . . are YOU laughing?

Discord: Exactly!

Cringes and odd looks then come from Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo.

Rainbow Dash: Uhh. . . I think we're gonna go hit the dance floor.

She says as the four back away from the crazy draconequus. Discord then drapes a forelimb over Fluttershy's shoulders before pushing Tree Hugger aside.

Discord: Fluttershy, tell the Hugs here about the time that we went to the store and came back with two cakes instead of one, because that's how crazy we are when we're together.

He lets his eyes spin in their sockets on the word "crazy," then points expectantly at the Pegasus in a "take it away" gesture once he finishes.

Fluttershy: Um, we went to the store and bought two cakes.

Here endeth the narrative, if her pinched-in mouth is any indication.

(Y/N): Short, sweet, and to the point.

Discord: Oh. Well, you kind of left out all the fun and frivolity there. But I'm sure you got it, Tree Hugger.

Tree Hugger: I got that you really like cake.

Discord: We hung out with "each other." THAT was the point! I'm actually pretty lukewarm about cake.

He then teleports to coil himself around (Y/N) hoping he would have a better story than what Fluttershy told Tree Hugger.

Discord: (Y/N), why don't you tell your little magician friend, Trigger here about the time that we had a splash with each other? Oh ho! It was rather a fun day in the sun wouldn't you say?

(Y/N): . . .You just dumped a large bucket of ice on me.

Discord: W-Well, sure, but if you remembered the smaller details of what happened on that faithful day, I saved you.

(Y/N): . . .From having a casual walk on a sunny day?

Trixie: Trixie doesn't quite get how the expression "splash" works in that case if it was ice and not water.

Discord: He got wet, didn't he?! I was being helpful for goodness sake!

(Y/N): I guess. . . in a way.

(Y/N) aims a confused look towards Trixie who just rolls her eyes at Discord being really annoying towards them. For the third time this act, the peace is broken by a shrill cry that sounded like Rarity's as the double doors that Discord locked to shut the Smooze out of the ballroom, shake under a relentless pounding from outside.

Rarity: *muffled* LET ME IN!!

Panic grips both Twilight and Princess Celestia, both now in the ballroom, and the newer Princess gets her hooves moving. Twilight uses her magic to turn the key in the lock and removes it as the doors burst open to reveal Rarity spattered from end to end with the Smooze's green muck. Gasping for breath, she manages a few halting steps into the ballroom before collapsing in a sodden heap on the floor.

Rarity: That creature took my jewels!

The Smooze is then seen cheerfully sucking on the ornamental piece off a mare's head from behind. The stallion accompanying this mare reacts with unmixed horror and gallops off and she does not notice the theft until it has already occurred and left a blot of slime on her ear. As she races off, Twilight runs an eye over the scene and wheels to throw a gimlet-eyed glare into the ballroom.

Twilight Sparkle: Discord! I thought I told you to keep your "friend" under control!

Discord: Oh, please. I have better things to do than to watch that "thing" all night.

Finding himself on the wrong end of disappointed looks from her, Fluttershy, (Y/N), Trixie, and Tree Hugger, the last of these mixed with a healthy dose of halfway-out-of-it and he shifts into a weak chuckle and tries to get his groove back.

Discord: *nervous laugh* What I mean to say is, that thing is a dear, dear friend, and I'll make sure that the ooze, uh, that he can't help but secrete doesn't get on anypony else.

He then flashes over next to Rarity with a wheeled canister vacuum cleaner on the floor alongside. Flicking the power switch with his tail, he proceeds to suck up all the residue in an instant along with every stitch and accessory in the fussy unicorn's outfit. Another flick shuts off the vacuum and once Rarity realizes what has happened, she stands up onto her hind legs with a mortified grimace, covers herself with her forelegs, and begins to sidestep away as best she can.

(Y/N): Rarity, we don't wear clothes everyday. Stop acting like you're naked.

Rarity: Excuse me?! In a place like this, I AM NAKED!

She said that out loud a little too freely as everypony looks at her with mixed looks of confusion and puzzlement which makes Rarity blush and she covers her mouth realizing what she just yelled out as she then proceeds to bolt out of the ballroom before any more embarrassment rains on her. (Y/N) and Trixie look at each other before (Y/N) turns to Twilight who just shrugs her shoulders with the same amount of confusion that everypony else had before addressing the rest of the ponies in the Gala.

Twilight Sparkle: It's alright, everypony. Let's just get back to enjoying this magical evening!

Conversations resume as Discord has put a collar around The Smooze and is dragging him along on a leash.

Discord: You are making me look like a fool in front of (Y/N) and Fluttershy.

He reaches towards a closed door and opens it before pushing The Smooze inside.

Discord: I'll be back when the Gala is over.

He then slams the door shut with his tail. The Smooze then turns away from the door with some consternation as this only lasts for a moment until he smiles and licks his chops eagerly. The room that he was in was a small storage area filled with shelf on shelf of glittering bounty. Chests and bags of gold coins, crowns, loose gems, gold plates, and crystal goblets, enough to make any self-respecting pirate wet his pants out of sheer unbridled avarice.

Back in the ballroom, (Y/N) and Fluttershy decided to have one on one conversations with their guests as the former was currently talking with Trixie who didn't really seem to be in that much of the best of moods.

(Y/N): I'd say that besides what we had to encounter numerous times with you know who, I'd say that this date is going pretty good don't you think?

Trixie: That's kind of what I want to talk to you about. What is up with your "friend" Discord?

(Y/N): What do you mean?

Trixie: Well, for starters he seems to want to become a third wheel every time that we're alone together with other ponies around or where we are right now for that matter. It's awfully convenient that he hasn't bothered us yet, but I'm sure that creature is waiting to eavesdrop in some way. I don't get why some. . . what exactly is he?

(Y/N): A draconequus.

Trixie: . . .Draconequus was invited to a formal event like this where causing chaos is his number one specialty. How are you even able to make friends with some creature like that?!

(Y/N): Well, Trixie you have to understand that Discord. . . was kind of like you in some ways?

This piqued Trixie's interest as she raises an eyebrow from this.

Trixie: How so?

(Y/N): You know how you and I didn't hit it off the first time that we met? Well. . . Mine and Discord's encounter was a little bit worse.

Trixie's eyes widen from this.

Trixie: Really?

(Y/N): Yep. He's done some things that some ponies may still consider unforgivable, but he's trying his best to show that he's reformed even though it's hard to recognize. He changed all of Equestria and tricked me into being the opposite of who I really am. He also kind of tested Fluttershy and I a lot when we were trying to reform him as a task from Princess Celestia, and he teamed up with Lord Tirek only to find out that he was only using him like a tool even after swearing loyalty to Discord. In the end though, Discord chose friendship especially with Fluttershy and I.

Trixie puts a hoof on her chin and begins to rethink her opinion of when she first met Discord.

(Y/N): See? That's something that you two have in common. I was hoping that you two could indeed get along in some way while you were here, but the more that I've seen it and thought about your personalities. . . it's harder thank it looks for you two.

Trixie: Huh. I never really thought of it that way. I just thought that he just sticks around because he wants to create a commotion in some way.

(Y/N): No, it's more to it than that. He still has a lot to learn about what it's like having a friend like me and I hope that being here at the Grand Galloping Gala could teach him a thing or two about communication as well. So, the next time that you do see him, try to just go along with what he does and tolerate it, okay?

Trixie: Eh, he's still obnoxious, but I suppose that it's worth a shot.

What the two didn't notice however was that Discord had reappeared on top of a chandelier and its bowl shape is large enough for him to stand in, and he flicks his gaze towards (Y/N) and Trixie trying to eavesdrop on what they were talking about only to have heard what (Y/N) is about to say at the wrong time.

(Y/N): *smiles* Thanks, Trixie. I'm glad that I invited you here to the Gala.

Trixie blushes from that just a little bit before she goes into bragging mode again.

Trixie: Well, of course you were able to invite, THE Great and Powerful Trixie as your most magical date here. Wink~

She says she does indeed wink on that last word which causes both of them to let out a hearty laugh with each other. Up above them Discord rears up and his face twisted into an expression of the purest fury at hearing (Y/N)'s words from what he said to him earlier today applied to any other creature. Fire kindles in his eyes and the tips of his ears, and a burst of green flame washes over his entire form as he disappears.

Back down below, as soon as their laughter dies down Trixie looks around to see if anypony was indeed listening to their conversation, especially Discord as she remember what Fluttershy told her about what she should do about confessing her feelings for (Y/N) when she's ready. She believes that she is ready as she takes a deep breath before steeling her nerves and he begins to try and start her confession.

Trixie: H-Hey, um, (Y/N). . .? It is true that there is this herding law thing that allowed you to actually date multiple mares?

(Y/N): Oh? Did Fluttershy mention it to you? Yeah, it was Twilight's idea. Nopony really had a problem with it when I started dating all six of those girls as I suppose that they were really the only ones that reciprocated the same feelings that I had for them.

Trixie: Well. . . There's something that I would like to ask about that and. . .

She gulps hard as she is starting to get nervous about expressing her true feelings to (Y/N) which is something that is not even normal for somepony like Trixie.

(Y/N): Trixie? You okay? I don't normally see you this nervous.

Trixie: S-Sorry. Um, I wanted to ask. . . would you consider-

Suddenly. . . all the lights go out, accompanied by the clunk of a master switch being thrown. The sudden dimness throws the ponies into confused mutterings as (Y/N) and Trixie were just as confused.

Trixie: What in the. . .

(Y/N): This can't be good. . . The power was working fine all evening, so why now?!

Just then, a whine of speaker feedback cuts in which throws their attention towards the stage.

Discord: Check, check, check.

Discord was standing on the stage and spotlit against a red brick wall backdrop. A stool stands to one side, holding a glass of water, and he is speaking into a microphone on a stand.

Discord: Is this thing on? Good evening, fillies and germs! I just flew into Canterlot, and wow, are my interspecies parts tired!

Neither this joke, nor the drum sting played after it, gets even a flicker of response from the crowd.

(Y/N): (*sarcastically* Stand up comedy. . . Really?

Discord waits a beat, then pulls the brim of his top hat all the way to the ground and bursts out through its crown, kicking the remains aside. Now he wears a shiny red zip-up windbreaker in place of his tuxedo jacket and shirt.

Discord: I've only got these tiny mismatched wings, and even I can fly better than Twilight Sparkle! Am I right?

Another sting as he winks and gives a finger-gun gesture.

Discord: Pchoo!

(Y/N) in the audience holds in a laugh the best that he could to not get any attention on him especially from Twilight.

(Y/N): (Okay, even though that was low! That's a burn right there!)

Twilight, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Princess Celestia were at the back of the room. Of the five, only Pinkie and Princess Celestia give any hint of enjoying this stand-up comedy routine.

Twilight Sparkle: Hey!

Princess Celestia giggles behind a hoof and onstage, Discord chuckles weakly before deciding to shift gears.

Discord: Uh, well, perhaps you're into more observational humor.

He magics himself away, then immediately opens a tiny portal just big enough to shove his head through. The glass of water is gone from the stool now.

Discord: Did you ever notice how you always materialize out of thin air?

The rest of him emerges except for half of one forelimb, having switched the red jacket for a blue sportcoat, white shirt with undone collar, and loose red necktie. His voice comes through amplified again, as he has brought the mic along with him.

Discord: Why not thick air? What's the deal there?

A third sting and a third lack of audience response, except for a soft cough from one mare up front.

Discord: Tough crowd!

Twilight Sparkle: What is he doing?!

Rainbow Dash: I think they're. . . jokes?

Pinkie throws a huge grin at these two, then turns to her other side at her older sister Maud Pie who was wearing a plain, long-sleeved blue dress studded with bits of rocks and minerals. The stoic and monotone demeanor that she usually has still remains.

Pinkie Pie: Maud! Jokes!

Maud Pie: My favorite.

Discord: You might be a Ponyville pony when an ordinary night on the town ends in a lesson about friendship!

Back to the stage, a watermelon appears on the stool, and Discord leans over it. Now he has ditched the sportcoat, shirt, and tie for a red-white-striped sweater and dark blue-gray vest and cap, and he has also put away the microphone.

Discord: Knock knock!

Dead silence from the audience for a good four seconds, prompting him to frustration.

Discord: You're supposed to say "Who's there?"! This is the most basic of jokes!

Producing a large wooden mallet out of nowhere, he proceeds to pulverize the hapless fruit in one blow. Gobbets of pulp and seeds fly in all directions as Maud and several other guests take the hit, but Pinkie ducks behind her and is spared.

Maud Pie: You're the most basic of jokes.

That gets a laugh from the entire crowd as Pinkie falls happily against her.

Pinkie Pie: Good one, Maud!

(Y/N) and Trixie were laughing along with this too.

(Y/N): *laughs* I see what she did there!

Trixie: *laughs* Well, look at him. He's a literal living joke!

They both laugh out a little bit more from that. The shown-up stand-up joker watches the crowd with complete disbelief, one eye twitching ever so slightly, then shifts into an enraged scowl. At the closed door where Discord left The Smooze, light was shining strongly around its edges. One colt who has happened to catch sight of this phenomenon shivers, hooves frozen in place by naked fear.

Now the glow subsides and a torrent of lurid green goop spills into the ballroom, through the gap between the knob side of the door and its frame. The sheer force of the flow slowly pushes the door open as the colt's terror grows, and Twilight turns away from the stage for a good look.

Twilight Sparkle: What is THAT?!

Only now does Discord look up from his dejected funk, in time for the viscous tide to gush over the entire ballroom floor shocking everypony around as they were racing every which way through the rapidly rising swamp that covers the floor. The room lights that Discord shut off for his abysmal comedy routine have come back on, but the mess was quickly expanding everywhere. Twilight quickly looks around before she spots (Y/N) with Trixie as the magician mare was staring in shock at this new appearance as she tries and hide herself behind (Y/N) while the alicorn stallion himself glares around at all of the slime before Twilight calls out to him.

Twilight Sparkle: (Y/N)!

(Y/N): Already on it!

(Y/N) quickly lifts Trixie up with his magic before he flies up into the air and he looks around before placing her on a wall where Fluttershy and Tree Hugger were already stuck on.

(Y/N): Sorry, Trixie. You'll have to stand back for now so I can take care of this mess!

(Y/N) then quickly turns back towards the huge mess that The Smooze was causing as it expands over the patch of floor where Rainbow Dash is standing. Try as she might, she is unable to lift off, the gluey stuff yanking her back to the floor. (Y/N) takes his hat off and throws it over towards the side before putting magic energy into both of his hooves and he tries to send a huge flurry of punches towards the biggest pile of ooze that he could find, however all that he got in return from these was a couple of slimy hooves covering part of his suit.

Discord, now out of his sweater, leans down worriedly over the edge of the stage and grins upon seeing the Smooze's bow tie and top hat float past meaning that he knows where his face and everything is. A couple of magic blasts from Twilgiht punch into it, with no effect except to open holes that quickly seal themselves. She is also wearing a healthy dose of the glop on her dress.

Twilight Sparkle: None of my magic works on this ooze! Can you stop it?

She asks Celestia as the white sovereign focuses her power, but the blob stuck on the tip of her horn soaks it all up, inflates like a bubble, and bursts.

Princess Celestia: I'm afraid not!

(Y/N): Well. . . I hate to have to do things that's tiring right now, so I'm just going to have to destroy all of The Smooze now.

(Y/N) says this as he proceeds to project a small ball of magic in one of his hooves and he pitches it straight into the ooze of The Smooze. The magic energy that he threw inside lights up for a second before it causes a small explosion inside of The Smooze as the slime instead spreads everywhere around the ballroom even more as now (Y/N)'s entire face was messy with the slime.

Twilight Sparkle: Uh, just made it worse.

(Y/N): It's not solid, so there's no way we can do any physical or magic damage.

Discord then floats past overhead the three who were not happy with him.

Twilight Sparkle: Discord, how could you bring him here?!

Discord: Oh, he's not that bad!

Rarity: Oh, my shoes will be ruined forever!

Applejack: THAT'S what you're worried about? Really?

Elsewhere, Fluttershy, Trixie, and Tree Hugger are stuck spreadeagle to a window and Pinkie stands atop Maud, using an oar to propel her along as a raft.

Tree Hugger: This is kind of a bummer.

Trixie: *sarcastically* You think? Here I was hoping that this date that (Y/N) invited me to would go flawlessly, but I can clearly see that because of his crazy, annoying friend, he just decided NOT to make that possible at all!

A window-washing scaffold descends into view as Discord lounges on this.

Discord: It's such a shame, isn't it? And to think, it would never have happened had I come to the Gala as somepony else's plus-one.

Trixie: What are you talking about?

Discord: Not exactly your business since (Y/N) was your plus-one.

Trixie: *groans* Whatever. Not like I care. Stop YOUR friend already from ruining this entire place!

Tree Hugger: Seems like something might have harshed his flow, you know? Like, his senses are agitated.

Discord zips over to stare her down, inverting himself.

Discord: You don't know anything about rare creatures.

He floats over the ballroom and pats the slime.

Discord: I've known Smooze Face for ages. He's not agitated. He's partying down! Whoo!

Trixie: *rolls eyes* Not in a way where anypony else is enjoying it.

Tree Hugger: All he needs is some, like, calming auditory therapy.

A big surprise cane from Discord while Fluttershy smiles and Trixie looks with interest.

Trixie: Like meditation?

Tree Hugger: Exactly. I know I always feel really at peace when I'm being bathed in positive vibes. Maybe he'll calm down with some sonic bliss.

Discord faces her again, right side up this time.

Discord: Do you even know what you just said?

Paying him the proper amount of heed, that is to say, none at all, the nature lover begins to vocalize.

Tree Hugger: Ommmm. Ee-ee-ee-ee-ee! Ommmm. Ee-ee-ee-ee-ee!

Long, steady mid-range tones alternate with high-pitched ululations and Discord straightens up, at a total loss for words, and finds that the ocean of The Smooze has begun to oscillate gently in several spots. The mass slowly recedes as a beaming face emerges from his central portion, and Fluttershy, Trixie, and Tree Hugger slowly slide down the window to rest on the floor.

Tree Hugger: Let go, Smooze! Bliss out! Ommmm. Ee-ee-ee-ee-ee!

The auditory therapy continues, causing the slime to drain away from Applejack, Rarity, Apple Bloom and The Smooze to consolidate into a single towering pile at the center of the ballroom. (Y/N) notices all of the slime draining off of him as well as he was listening to Tree Hugger's vocalizations as well. He turns towards her to see that she, Fluttershy, and even Trixie were okay which made him let out a big smile.

Once Tree Hugger stops, The Smooze smiles and not a speck of wayward slime can be seen scattered around the room now.

Sweetie Belle: It worked!

Cheers came from all around the ballroom.

Rainbow Dash: Way to go, Tree Hugger!

Fluttershy: That was the most magical thing I've ever seen done with animals!

Trixie: Magical is kind of a stretch. Great, but not exactly powerful.

(Y/N) then flies down next to Trixie with his hat back on and gives her a brief, little hug which surprises her with a small blush.

(Y/N): I'm just glad that you're okay. I didn't think the problem could go away so fast, but thanks to you Tree Hugger, this can continue like usual.

Discord, peeking out from behind The Smooze, grinds his teeth hard enough to throw sparks.

Tree Hugger: Oh, thanks, everypony. It makes perfect karmic sense why magic doesn't work on him. He only responds to vibrations that peace out his energy fields.

Trixie: Guess that's just how "slime" flies.

Everypony lets out a laugh from that including (Y/N) even though that was rather corny of her.

(Y/N): *chuckles* Oh, Trixie. Bringing you here was the perfect decision that I made.

Discord: Stop it! Stop it!!

He jumps out from behind the Smooze and swoops in towards Tree Hugger and Trixie.

Discord: That's it! I'm done with you two, Trixie and Tree Hugger!

Both of them had different reactions as Trixie deadpans up at Discord and rolls her eyes while Tree Hugger still looked up at him with a blank look.

Trixie: That's a relief. I was honestly done with YOU since you walked in here.

Tree Hugger: Oh, man. You're really bumming me out. Can you just, like, lower your voice a skosh?

Discord: A skosh? A skosh?!

Extending his talons to full length, he drags them down through a patch of empty air, leaving brilliant gouges that meld into a single blinding gash. The edges pull apart to uncover a blue-glowing portal, and a gesture from the draconequus causes Tree Hugger and Trixie to slide across the floor toward him and go airborne making both Fluttershy and (Y/N) run up to where they were in worry. Trixie and Tree Hugger stop just short of the aperture in complete fear of what Discord was doing to them.

Tree Hugger: Whoa, dude!

Inside of the portal was an oval-shaped patch ringed by the blue maelstrom, showing a child's live-action drawing of an apple tree and a house. A red, sombrero-clad, mustachioed sock puppet lopes into view.

Trixie: W-W-What is that?! What are you doing?!

Discord: Relax. I'm not going to hurt you. I'm simply going to send you to another dimension. I can't have you two interfering in my relationship with Fluttershy or (Y/N) anymore!

Fluttershy: Discord!

Discord eyes widen as Fluttershy and (Y/N) fly up to him really peeved.

(Y/N): Put them down NOW!!

Discord: I will, just as soon as they are gone!

As he continues, he conjures up the table and tea set they used earlier as all of them end up seated on stools, and he is already holding his cup.

Discord: Then we can have a good laugh about this whole affair over our regular Tuesday tea.

Twilight Sparkle: Don't worry, you guys! We'll stop him!

Discord inverts his cup, letting a single drop dribble from the rim and swell into a mirrored disco ball. The cup is thrown away and the ball lifted on one digit and right on cue, here comes The Smooze, mouth dropping open in anticipation of a new treat. It is thrown to the floor, bouncing past the boggling quintet, and the squishy behemoth wastes no time in slithering after it and snagging the mares of the Mane 7 in his bulk. Horrified screams and a trail of goo are left in his wake.

Fluttershy and (Y/N) were horrified by this as Discord throws his arms over the two ponies' shoulders.

Discord: I'm doing them a favor, guys! It's a lovely dimension!

The table and tea set are now gone. He teleports to a point in midair, back in his original formal ensemble and holding a microphone, and a picture appears next to him, a sun-baked desert framed by flashing lights and a somberly dressed farmer couple with the stallion holding a pitchfork.

Discord: White sand beaches, attentive wait staff. . . I mean, okay, the humidity isn't great, but where isn't that the case these days?

He then teleports to wrap an arm around (Y/N) again who looked really agitated right now.

Discord: Am I right, (N/N)?

(Y/N): *growling* Discord. . . You have FIVE seconds to either take your arm off of me or let Tree Hugger and Trixie down from that wormhole. . .

Discord: *laughs* You can be adorable, (Y/N). I know that I have done some things that you possibly remember, but today I know now that you never get mad at me~

(Y/N): Five!!!

Suddenly, a (F/C) magic coated hoof decks Discord in the face and he felt the pain in that one as he was knocked back just a little bit in the air while letting out a small grunt of pain.

Discord: Huh!? H-He really is mad right now!


He says as he sends another punch towards Discord who rubs his cheek before looking at (Y/N) to see that his entire body was glowing (F/C) including his eyes as when somepony sees this, they know that (Y/N) is to not be messed with right now. Discord backs up fearfully from seeing (Y/N) like this while holding both hands up in defense.

(Y/N): If you want to keep daydreaming then maybe I'll just help you sleep!!!

Discord: Well, pardon me. What's with the testy attitude, (Y/N)?

(Y/N): You! You've been acting strange all night for no apparent reason!! And it let up to THIS!

Fluttershy: I agree with him! I don't understand why you're doing this! We were all getting along so well!

He whips over to the two with the formalwear, picture, and microphone gone.

Discord: As well as we could, considering you two already stomped all over our friendship by inviting THEM to the biggest night of the year as if I didn't matter at all!

Tree Hugger looked a little saddened and Trixie raised an eyebrow at being the ponies to blame.

(Y/N): THAT'S what this is all about?! Are you kidding me?! You actually thought that just because I invited Trixie to the Gala as my date and Fluttershy invited Tree Hugger that we both completely forgot about you the entire time that we were here?!

Discord: Yes, because that's what the two of you did!

Fluttershy: No, Discord! We invited friends to a party! We didn't abandon you!

(Y/N): It's not like we wouldn't have picked you if we didn't already have plans with other ponies! But know this. . . You're NOT our only friend in all of Equestria!!

Fluttershy: What if you had a friend that you could discuss chaos-based magic with? Would that mean we weren't friends anymore?!

Discord strokes his chin, thinking as his rancor melts into chastened uncertainty.

Discord: Uh. . . *stammers* No, I suppose not. It would just mean that I'd have different friends for different things. . . Oh, oh, dear, it looks like I've perhaps overreacted just a skosh.

He holds two digits on his lion paw a tiny distance apart to make his point, but (Y/N) and Fluttershy are far from mollified.

Fluttershy: More like a lot of skoshes!

(Y/N): Admit it, Discord! Each time that you saw us with our partners that we invited here to the Gala, you got jealous and tried your best to divert us from them just so you can force us to have more quality time with you and let The Smooze just do as he pleases in the Gala as well! You were by definition. . . A THIRD WHEEL!

Discord cringes in fear from this as he flinches back a little bit guilty for all of the actions that (Y/N) just described. Fluttershy then turns her attention towards Tree Hugger and Trixie who were still "hanging out" by the portal as Tree Hugger stares at the two while Trixie was looking back at the portal while shivering in fear.

Fluttershy: Tree Hugger, Trixie, could you two give us a minute?

Tree Hugger gives a tranquil smile and nod while Trixie gives a nervous smile as she waves sheepishly.

Trixie: T-Take your time. T-Trixie is in no way afraid that she is inches away from going into complete randomness inside of this vortex. . .

Back to the quarreling trio, Fluttershy had her hooves crossed while (Y/N) glared at Discord with his teeth clenched showing just how angry he is with him. Discord looked at the two as he puts a hand on each of their shoulders.

Discord: I'm just so new at this whole friendship thing. It's so much more complicated than it looks.

(Y/N): We can see that, but the next time that you actually want to know something more about it, talk to me, Fluttershy, or even Twilight on some advice on that! Not turn it into a disaster like this!

Fluttershy: Do you think maybe you owe someponies an apology?

Discord produces a flower, but Fluttershy just slaps it away.

Fluttershy: Not US!

Discord: Oh! Oh. *clears throat* Yes, right.

A talon snap dispels the portal he has left open and drops Tree to the floor, where she makes a perfect four-point landing on a conveniently placed cushion. This in turn winks out a moment later as she settles onto the tiles, and Fluttershy swoops down and gives her a hug. Trixie screams as she nearly hits the floor from a fair height, but (Y/N) was able to swoop in and catch her bridal style which Trixie notices as she blushes bashfully while rubbing the back of her head sheepishly. (Y/N) smiles at her before setting her down on all four hooves and Trixie immediately wraps (Y/N) into a hug which surprised him, but he returns it with a calm smile.

The Smooze, however, has paid no mind to this reconciliation and is slowly bearing down on Celestia and a knot of guests, with the Mane 5 still caught up in his glop. Discord reaches in with his talons and, in one swift yank, extracts all the treasures that had been in the storage room. The Smooze instantly shrinks back to his original size, having had the effects of that massive eating binge reversed, and the mares are left hanging in midair. All six plop to the floor, and Discord zaps the valuables back to where they came from. Not a trace of slime is left on any furnishings or guests.

After fixing the entire mess, Discord crosses over to the four that were caught in his entire web of catastrophes the whole night before addressing both Trixie and Tree Hugger.

Discord: Er, Trixie, Tree Hugger, I'm sorry that you two got caught in the middle of my. . . er, you know. . . wrath.

Trixie: Well. . . you did cause a bunch of strange things to happen. . . Most of which did worsen my opinion of you, but I also have never seen them before and you are admitting it your mistakes, so. . . Apology accepted.

Tree Hugger: Oh, it's all groovy.

They then find themselves caught up in a hug, which unsettles them a notch as they both push him back.

Tree Hugger: Um, I need like a few minutes to clear out my chakras before I can hug you from a place of authenticity.

Trixie: For me. . . probably like weeks.

Discord: *chuckles* Fair enough.

It didn't take that long, but the place is back in order, and guests pass here and there around the floor. The Crusaders are down here, as are Pinkie and Maud and the rest of the Mane 7 is onstage with The Smooze, and Discord leans against its edge. He has once again donned his tux and hat.

Discord: I owe you an apology, Smooze. I spent the whole evening thinking about my own feelings and never thinking about yours.

The blob plants a big gloppy kiss on his cheek.

Discord: Well, friends! I think I may actually grow to like this multiple-friend thing.

Maud Pie: I like it too.

Pinkie Pie: Hey, it's not a party until somepony spreads magic-resistant ooze uncontrollably over the ballroom! *squee*

Cranking off a big squeaky grin, she zips onto the stage and wraps her forelegs around as much of The Smooze as she can reach.

Pinkie Pie: Come on, Smoozinator! Let's dance!

He oozes after her, leaving a fresh trail, and the two get down to their own rhythms. Twilight and Princess Celestia were watching the entire ballroom as the former student looks up at her former mentor.

Twilight Sparkle: I'm sorry, Princess Celestia. I thought I could give you a break tonight, but it turns out I was in over my head.

Princess Celestia: You have nothing to apologize for. This has been the most fun Gala in years!

Twilight Sparkle: I know, it was a—What?! But there was ooze all over the place! And one of the guests threatened to send two ponies to another dimension!

Princess Celestia: I know! Can you imagine how dull it would have been if I hadn't invited Discord? Come on! Whoo! The night is still young!

She giggles softly as the Gala continues in force, with Pinkie and The Smooze shaking their groove things at the center of it all.

Meanwhile, outside in the courtyard of the Grand Galloping Gala. (Y/N) had lead Trixie outside as he wanted to talk to her for a little bit alone where nopony, not even a certain chaotic draconequus could hear them.

(Y/N): Sorry to drag you out here like this, but I thought that after what we both been through today that we should have more a private chat out here.

Trixie: No need. Trixie doesn't mind any of the decisions.

(Y/N): Very well. I just wanted to say first. . . sorry that our date didn't go. . . exactly how we both wanted it. I know you were probably looking forward to a more Great and Powerful night spending time with me without Discord having to ruin it all with his shenanigans. I guess being the Hero of Equestria, I suppose that I'm able to drag danger towards me wherever I go and. . . maybe I should've arranged something better.

Trixie stares at (Y/N) surprised from hearing that apology before she just smirks at him.

Trixie: Are you kidding? Sure the night was wild, and I didn't exactly encounter the best amount of events that I wanted around here, but in the end Trixie was able to experience many Great and Powerful things tonight and one of them was definitely spending some time with the Great and Powerful Hero of Equestria!

(Y/N)'s eyes widen from this as he expected Trixie to act a little more stuck up than that, but it looks like humility has grown inside of her just a little bit as (Y/N) stares at her surprised.

(Y/N): Really? Even with Discord around? I thought you didn't like him.

Trixie: Don't get me wrong, I do still think that he's awfully obnoxious and annoyingly persistent at causing randomness to happen, but. . . after seeing how you taught him a very good lesson. . . I think that you were right to say that I can relate to him after all. I mean, that kind of taught me a lot when you were talking with Discord too.

(Y/N): *smiles* So you think that becoming friends with Discord. . . you can give that a shot?

Trixie: "Friend" is a strong word with him. I'll go with. . . a great acquaintance for the moment.

(Y/N): Eh, that's fair. He's still got a lot to learn.

Trixie: And considering my attitude towards him. . . I guess I kind of do as well.

(Y/N) smiles from this before he walks up and wraps a hoof around Trixie.

(Y/N): These things just take time Trixie, but trust me when I say that you have great qualities to become friends with anypony. Maybe not everypony, but there are definitely some out there like myself who accept you for who you are. You can be a bit boastful, but that's just a habit that you have and I don't dislike it that much. In fact, I find it kind of cute that you like to address yourself as the Great and Powerful Trixie sometimes.

Trixie blushes from that while puffing her cheeks out towards (Y/N) teasing her about her little title that she calls herself which makes (Y/N) chuckle at her.

(Y/N): See? That reaction too. You can be absolutely adorable when you're angry, Trix.

Trixie: I-I am not!

She says as she turns her head away from (Y/N) to hide her embarrassment a little, but she does gain a small smile that (Y/N) didn't see as Trixie had a thought running in her mind.

Trixie: (He really thinks that I'm adorable?! Just where does he get the guts to come up with such words and say them out loud to somepony like that?)

(Y/N) just chuckles from Trixie's reaction and when she hears that, she turns to face him once more and she lets out a couple of giggles to go on with the laughter before it eventually dies down. Trixie then remembers something that she forgot when she was talking to (Y/N) back in the ballroom. She doubles checks this time that nopony, not even Discord was around to interrupt this as she gains a calm expression before speaking to (Y/N) once more in a normal tone.

Trixie: Um, (Y/N)? Remember earlier when I asked about your. . . herd?

(Y/N): Yeah, what were about to say to that?

Trixie: *sighs* It really does take somepony with enough courage and it does kind of kill my precious ego for what I'm about to say, so. . . all you really need to know is that this something personal for both you and me.

(Y/N): I'm all ears, Trixie. You can tell me anything and I'll be completely okay with whatever it is.

Trixie: Well. . . you asked for it, so. . . Here it goes. . .

She takes a deep breath before she finally decides to speak her true feelings to (Y/N).

Trixie: (Y/N), um, ever since the. . . you know Ursa Minor incident a long time ago and then the Alicorn Amulet thing where my mind got all nasty. . . It's kind of hard to not say that. . . that. . .

She was now sweating nervously which (Y/N) sees as he rests a hoof on her shoulder to calm her down.

(Y/N): Come on, Trixie. You can tell me. Remember what Tree Hugger did with that sonic bliss? Think of that in your mind and you can speak to me clearly.

Trixie does so as she remembers what Tree Hugger did to calm The Smooze down when he was overdosed with a ton of shiny materials in his ooze to grow. After a second, Trixie regains a confident look and continues to speak.

Trixie: (Y/N), I want to say that I've fallen for you!

(Y/N)'s eyes widen from this as Trixie proceeds with her confession.

Trixie: I know that I have never really been the nicest pony when I first arrived in Ponyville and I was pretty manipulative too, but after you saved me from the Ursa Minor and we were able to finally talk to one another, I actually did kind of want to see you again sometime, but it never really occurred to me when because ponies kept reminding me of some of the awful things that I did and it led up to me making things worse. But when you saved me a second time, you still saw me as somepony who I really has excellent potential in being the most Great and Powerful magician ever! That was also the time where I actually felt something for you as well, but I didn't want to say anything yet because I'll be honest. . . I was still a little bit nervous and anxious. But now here Trixie is, telling you just how she feels!

(Y/N): Trixie. . . Are you telling me that. . .

Trixie: (Y/N) (L/N), I, Trixie. . . love you without a doubt in my heart. I don't know exactly how it works, but. . . I would love to be one of your girlfriends!

(Y/N) stares at Trixie in shock from this confession as he was at a complete loss for words at all of this and his face grew a red blush on his cheeks. Trixie didn't hear a word from (Y/N) for a second and she looks down to the ground a little bit dejected as she thinks that his stunned silence is him not wanting to actually tell her that she was rejected.

Trixie: I. . . guess this can't work out. . . Can it?

More silence came from (Y/N) before he walks up to Trixie who looks up at him with concern on what he was doing. . . before (Y/N) suddenly leaned in and kissed Trixie on the lips which shocked her as she didn't think that would be his response right away. Trixie continues to stare at him before eventually her eyes slowly close and she kisses (Y/N) back as the two held the kiss with each other for a while before they eventually had to let go and part from each other. As they did, they both looked at each other with blushes crawling on their cheeks and Trixie looks up at (Y/N) with a slightly surprised look before the stallion smiles at Trixie before finally speaking.

(Y/N): Trixie, you and I didn't exactly have the best start with each other as we were almost about to compete and truly show off in front of a ton of ponies, but afterwards I was able to see more than just somepony who loves to flaunt their magician talent. I saw a mare who really just needed a friend to be with her and I truly cared about your well-being more than anypony else, so I was willing to become your friend when you needed it. I'll also be honest to say that I kind of had a little bit of a crush on you as well when we first met as I thought that you were kind of. . . no, very beautiful when you were wearing that magicians outfit of yours. I really love the style of that and I certainly love your taste in stage magic. You can be boastful and get on a ponies' nerves, but it's just who you are and I don't really care as I love who you are in general!

(Y/N) then takes one of her hooves in his and the two smile at each other.

(Y/N): Trixie Lulamoon. . . I would love for you to become one of my girlfriends and join my herd because I love you just as much as you love me! Do you accept my feelings?

Trixie lets out a big smile from this before it turns into a smirk.

Trixie: Are you kidding? The Great and Powerful Trixie would love to be your girlfriend, (Y/N) (L/N)!

She cheers as she jumps over to hug (Y/N) in a tight embrace which he gratefully returns to her and the two held the hug for a little while not wanting to let go of each other before they finally did and looked at each other in the eyes before pecking each other on the lips.

(Y/N): I know that my other girlfriends will be surprised when they realize that somepony else is joining the herd, but even so. . . I love you, Trixie.

Trixie: *chuckles* I love you. . . my new Great and Powerful boyfriend.

(Y/N) rolls his eyes with a playful smile from that little nickname that Trixie gave as he was obviously expecting that.

Trixie: Also, you may not really have to tell your other girlfriends because Fluttershy kind of already knows.

(Y/N): Really? How?

Trixie: I. . . kind of asked for a little bit of advice from her.

(Y/N): Ah, I see. Well, not like that matters now. We're together now and I'm glad that you're apart of the herd, Trixie.

Trixie: So do I!

The two of them were about to kiss once again. . . before someone's voice interrupted their little scene between each other.

Discord: Such a beautiful moment. . .!

They both looked up in the direction to see that Discord was sitting on top of the roof watching them from below as he pulls out a handkerchief and sneezes on it which only produces it to becomes a bunch of doves that fly out into the night sky.

Discord: Honestly, hearing you two talk with such sweet words to each other makes me want to watch you little moment again!

He says as he produces a scroll-down projector screen that showed (Y/N) and Trixie right when they confessed. (Y/N) and Trixie glared up at Discord.

(Y/N): Have you been watching us the entire time?!

Discord: *laughs* Of course not. Well, besides the part where you said that you wanted a little alone with Trixie, her acting a little embarrassment with that nickname that you gave her, the confessions, the hugs, the kisses. . . Oh, maybe I did see the entire thing. You know, I wonder how everypony else would react if this was shown in the public~

He says as he snaps his fingers to disappear himself along with the projector and both (Y/N) and Trixie jaw dropped from this as Discord was about to show their romance session to the entire Gala before they both grew annoyed looks.

(Y/N) & Trixie: DISCOOOOORD!!!

Chapter 5 End.

(A/N): Yep, there ya go. Trixie is now in the harem. This chapter was way long than I originally anticipated, but I hope that all of this was indeed worth it in the end as I'm always glad to entertain you all with what I do with my stories. Now that Trixie is done, we now just have three more candidates to go before it's officially completed. Two of which are still going to come in the future of Season 5, so stay tuned comrades and don't forget to vote, leave a comment, and follow.

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